Lost Child Quest
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- Baselevel: 60+
- Quest Corequisite: Steps 1 through 5 of the Rachel Sanctuary Quest
- Reward:
Old Purple Box (617)
- Talk to Vincent (ra_in01 384, 246) on the second floor of the mansion in Rachel (rachel 100, 240) and agree to help.
- Go outside, and ask Logan (rachel 114, 232) about Phoebe; he directs you to Mr. Manson inside the house.
- Go back inside, and talk to Mr. Manson (ra_in01 372, 200). He explains what he thinks happened, and sends you to talk to Jenny.
- Exit the house again, and talk to Jenny (rachel 48, 236). Jenny gives more information and suggests checking the market.
- Talk to the Idle Merchant (rachel 138, 73), who tells you he hasn't seen anyone and offers a rather disgusting "mock vegetable!"
- Talk to the other Idle Merchant (rachel 120, 47), who tells you someone sent a message for you to come to the Ice Cave.
- Head to the Ice Cave (1 map right, 3 maps up from Rachel ) and talk to the Suspicious Man (ra_fild01 245, 325).
- He attempts to kill you (You lose half your HP), but fails. You both then realize Vincent set you up, and you go back to talk to him.
- Talk to Vincent, and he explains about his situation, and that Jenny is Phoebe's mother, but he can't marry her since there's an inherent class difference in the city.
- You offer to find his son and the jewel that was stolen.
- Talk to the Kid (rachel 263, 31) the lower-right corner of the map, not the Kid right next to the pond) and you find out he's Phoebe and took the jewel himself.
- You can't get him to come home, but you get the jewel.
- Take the jewel back to Vincent, and he's very thankful and asks you to tell Jenny about Phobe.
- Talk to Jenny and she's happy to hear you found him, and is okay with you knowing about their secret.
- Go back and talk to Vincent again, who rewards you with an
Old Purple Box (617) ,
- And gives you a letter of recommendation to take to High Priest Zhed, the high priest at the temple.
- Go into the temple, and find High Priest Zhed (ra_temin 277, 159) on the east side of the first floor, and give him your letter. You explain the situation, and he gives you some Base Experience.