Lady Lilith's Short Intro to Magic Guards

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Reasons to play Magic Guards:

  • Being magic means never worry about HIT things
  • Magic is fancy and beautiful !
  • Very helpful in party gameplay
  • Outfit is elegant, brilliant, gorgeous and irresistible !
  • Incredibly tanky and durable against all types of damage
  • Cosplaying Paladins! Yay!
  • Having mount is always nice (weigth and speed are always welcomed!)
  • Gryphons are just fluffy nuggets! <3
  • Easy and straight-forward gameplay
  • A whole bunch of flying damage numbers!.. Mindblowing!
  • Easy switching from defensive into offensive
  • The best exorcist in the neighborhood
  • You may farm harder maps than colleagues with the same level of equipment
  • Drinking coffee in Glast Heim

Things to consider when starting a Magic Guard:

  • You will struggle with Holy opponents (but they are still kill-able)
  • You may deal lesser damage than colleagues with the same level of equipment
  • You may need a lot of ACDR% equipment to achieve max potential (that's expensive!)

Status & Traits

Stat Build Example
Stats Traits
STR 1 ~ 80 POW 1
AGI 1 ~ 100 STA 35
VIT 100 ~ 120 WIS 1
INT 110 ~ 125 SPL 100
DEX 110 ~ 120 CON 100
LUK 60 ~ 100 CRT 1
Stats Progression
Stats Lv 99 Lv 150 Lv 200 Traits Lv 230 Lv 250 Lv 260
STR 1 30 65 POW 1 1 1
AGI 1 28 78 STA 1 1 35
VIT 60 90 100 WIS 1 1 1
INT 90 110 120 SPL 100 100 100
DEX 90 110 120 CON 1 97 100
LUK 1 60 100 CRT 1 1 1
Stats Explanation
STATS Priority Description
STR Low Increases max weight to carry more consuambles and loot!
AGI Medium Increases Attack Speed and defends from some statuses
VIT High Increases MaxHP and HP Recovery from consumables
INT Very High Improves SP Pool and magic attacks, makes cast faster
DEX High Makes cast faster, defends from some statuses
LUK Medium-High Luck gives almost all what you may want !
TRAITS Priority Description
POW Lowest No use for magic. Ingnore that
STA Medium Increases physical resistance. Stack it for tanking purposes
WIS Low Increases magical resistance. It's very important but traits are too rare to invest here
SPL Highest Main source of damage output. Max it at all cost!
CON High Keep it high to maximize damage output
CRT Low Increases incoming heals

Skill Build


There is nothing to change.


You may opt to have 258.png Spear Quicken or 369.png Gospel instead of 28.png Heal.

Royal Guard

You may opt to have 5014.png Full Throttle instead of 5013.png King's Grace.

Imperial Guard

You may ignore 5264.png Judgement Cross and have 5260.png Attack Stance, 5257.png Rebound Shield or higher 5258.png Shield Mastery level.


Offensive Spells

367.png Pressure
Main single-target DPS Holy-forced magic skill.

Note: Requires 100% VCTR, 93% ACDR and 193 ASPD for max spammability. Use Turbo for that.

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367.png Pressure
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Endure 5, Faith 5,
Shield Charge 2

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Property: Holy
Target: Enemy
Cast Time: 0.40s Fixed / 1.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summon a massive crucifix from
the sky to crush your enemies by hitting them
3 times with Holy property magic damage.
Base damage of this skill is multiplied by
(BaseLevel / 100).

[Lv 1]: MATK 650%
[Lv 2]: MATK 800%
[Lv 3]: MATK 950%
[Lv 4]: MATK 1100%
[Lv 5]: MATK 1250%

2321.png Genesis Ray
Main AoE burst-damage Holy magic skill.
Great at farming things when damage is enough to kill mobs with 1-2 casts.

Skill's cooldown may be lowered by equipment.

Cooldown ACDR required
2 sec 0 %
1.5 sec 25 %
1.0 sec 50 %
0.5 sec 75 %

Note: Under 2325.png Inspiration changes element to Neutral. Usually it means your damage would be lower but it can save you when fighting Holy-elemental monsters.

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2321.png Genesis Ray
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Grand Cross 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Property: Holy
Target: Self
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 2.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Use the power of god to inflict
Holy property magic damage to all enemies in
an 11x11 area around yourself.
When this skill deals damage to
Demon, or
Undead race enemies, it has a 50% chance
to inflict them with the
Blind status.
While the
Inspiration status is active, this
skill will deal Neutral magic damage instead.
Base damage is increased by 1% every 1
Base damage of this skill is multiplied by
(BaseLevel / 100).

[Lv 1]: MATK 350%
[Lv 2]: MATK 700%
[Lv 3]: MATK 1050%
[Lv 4]: MATK 1400%
[Lv 5]: MATK 1750%
[Lv 6]: MATK 2100%
[Lv 7]: MATK 2450%
[Lv 8]: MATK 2800%
[Lv 9]: MATK 3150%
[Lv 10]: MATK 3500%

5267.png Cross Rain
Main AoE DPS Holy-forced magic skill. Use it in harsh fights (like MvP) and when you lack damage. While Cross Rain is active, you can cast another offensive skills to increase your DPS or to maintain your buffs.

Note: Cross Rain hits much harder under 5262.png Holy Shield buff so be sure its always active.

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5267.png Cross Rain
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shield Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Property: Holy
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.50s Fixed
After Cast Delay: 0.15s
Cool Down: 2.40s
Recover: 6 AP
AP Cost:

AP Recovery: 6
Description: Bless an area with sacred energy
raining down swords upon any enemies
inside that area, inflicting Holy property magic
damage every 0.3 seconds for 2.4 seconds.
Base damage is increased while the
status is active.
Base damage is increased by 7% every 1
Base skill damage is increased by:
SpearSwordMasteryLv x 10 x CrossRainLv)%
If the
Holy Shield status is active, base skill
damage is increased by:
SpearSwordMasteryLv x 5 x CrossRainLv)%
Base damage of this skill is multiplied by
(BaseLevel / 100).

[Lv 1]: MATK 450%/hit, (Holy Shield 650%),
3x3 AoE

[Lv 2]: MATK 900%/hit, (Holy Shield 1300%),
3x3 AoE

[Lv 3]: MATK 1350%/hit, (Holy Shield 1950%),
3x3 AoE

[Lv 4]: MATK 1800%/hit, (Holy Shield 2600%),
5x5 AoE

[Lv 5]: MATK 2250%/hit, (Holy Shield 3250%),
5x5 AoE

[Lv 6]: MATK 2700%/hit, (Holy Shield 3900%),
5x5 AoE

[Lv 7]: MATK 3150%/hit, (Holy Shield 4550%),
7x7 AoE

[Lv 8]: MATK 3600%/hit, (Holy Shield 5200%),
7x7 AoE

[Lv 9]: MATK 4050%/hit, (Holy Shield 5850%),
7x7 AoE

[Lv 10]: MATK 4500%/hit, (Holy Shield 6500%),
9x9 AoE

5264.png Judgement Cross
Ultimate single-target burst-damage Holy-forced magic skill. Use it in boss fights only when you have enough AP.

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5264.png Judgement Cross
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Cross Rain 5, Holy Shield 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Property: Neutral
Target: Enemy
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 5.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost: 10

Description: Cast your judgement onto enemies
dealing neutral property magic damage to them.
This skill deals increased damage against
Plant and Insect race enemies.
Base damage is increased by 10% every 1
Base damage of this skill is multiplied by
(BaseLevel / 100).
Base damage of this skill is then multiplied by:
SpearSwordMasteryLv + ShieldMasteryLv)%
[Lv 1]: MATK 1950%, (Plant/Insect 2100%)
[Lv 2]: MATK 3900%, (Plant/Insect 4200%)
[Lv 3]: MATK 5850%, (Plant/Insect 6300%)
[Lv 4]: MATK 7800%, (Plant/Insect 8400%)
[Lv 5]: MATK 9750%, (Plant/Insect 10500%)
[Lv 6]: MATK 11700%, (Plant/Insect 12600%)
[Lv 7]: MATK 13650%, (Plant/Insect 14700%)
[Lv 8]: MATK 15600%, (Plant/Insect 16800%)
[Lv 9]: MATK 17550%, (Plant/Insect 18900%)
[Lv 10]: MATK 19500%, (Plant/Insect 21000%)

Buffs to have always active

249.png Auto Guard Lv 10
It provides good defense against melee and ranged attacks.
Sometimes you will want to disable it when you need moving through mobby maps because of 0.1sec stops each time it procs.

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249.png Auto Guard
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Activate the Auto Guard status,
enabling you to block any physical attacks
for 500 seconds.
Whenever this skill blocks an enemies attack,
you will be immobilized for a short time.
Casting this skill again will cancel the
Auto Guard status.
[Lv 1]: Block Chance: 5%, Immobilize 0.3s
[Lv 2]: Block Chance: 10%, Immobilize 0.3s
[Lv 3]: Block Chance: 14%, Immobilize 0.3s
[Lv 4]: Block Chance: 18%, Immobilize 0.3s
[Lv 5]: Block Chance: 21%, Immobilize 0.3s
[Lv 6]: Block Chance: 24%, Immobilize 0.2s
[Lv 7]: Block Chance: 26%, Immobilize 0.2s
[Lv 8]: Block Chance: 28%, Immobilize 0.2s
[Lv 9]: Block Chance: 29%, Immobilize 0.2s
[Lv 10]: Block Chance: 30%, Immobilize 0.1s

2313.png Vanguard Force Lv 5
It provides good boost to your MaxHP which is important.
It’s toggleable so make sure to activate it again when you died or run out of SP.

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2313.png Vanguard Force
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Bolster your defenses and gather
Rage Counters by chance when receiving
physical attacks.
Skill level affects the maximum amount of
you can have, as well as the MaxHP
DEF increasing bonuses.
Rage Counters can be consumed by the
Burst Attack skill.
Casting this skill again will the effects.
This skill continuously drains SP, if you run out
of SP the skill will be cancelled.

[Lv 1]: Counter Chance: 20%, Max Counter: 7,
MaxHP +3%, DEF +2%, SP Drain: 20 per 10s

[Lv 2]: Counter Chance: 32%, Max Counter: 9,
MaxHP +6%, DEF +4%, SP Drain: 16 per 10s

[Lv 3]: Counter Chance: 44%, Max Counter: 11,
MaxHP +9%, DEF +6%, SP Drain: 12 per 10s

[Lv 4]: Counter Chance: 56%, Max Counter: 13,
MaxHP +12%, DEF +8%, SP Drain: 8 per 10s

[Lv 5]: Counter Chance: 68%, Max Counter: 15,
MaxHP +15%, DEF +10%, SP Drain: 4 per 10s

5262.png Holy Shield Lv 5
It provides nice damage boost to your skills.
It’s easy to maintain because of Golden Shields around you.

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5262.png Holy Shield
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shield Mastery 5, Cross Rain 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.50s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 40.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Bless your shield with holy magic
reducing damage taken from
Shadow and
Undead property attacks, and increasing
your Holy Property magic damage.
While the
Holy Shield status is active, it will
increase the base damage of
Cross Rain.
[Lv 1]: Damage Reduction: 7%,
Holy Elemental Magic Damage +7%,
Duration: 60 seconds.

[Lv 2]: Damage Reduction: 9%,
Holy Elemental Magic Damage +9%,
Duration: 90 seconds.

[Lv 3]: Damage Reduction: 11%,
Holy Elemental Magic Damage +11%,
Duration: 120 seconds.

[Lv 4]: Damage Reduction: 13%,
Holy Elemental Magic Damage +13%,
Duration: 150 seconds.

[Lv 5]: Damage Reduction: 15%,
Holy Elemental Magic Damage +15%,
Duration: 180 seconds.

2318.png Prestige Lv 5
Duration is short so it would be better to use skill by cooldown (each 30 seconds). That skill increase your DEF heavily and gives a chance to dodge magic.
Having high INT & LUK would make you immune to most magic. Be aware you still can be dispelled.

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2318.png Prestige
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Trample 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 2.00s Fixed / 1.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 60.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Increase your DEF and chance to
completely dodge magic attacks.
The chance to dodge magic attacks is based
on this formula:
INT + LUK) x SkillLv / 20 * BaseLv / 200
+ SkillLv
DEF bonus is based on this formula:
(SkillLv x 15) + (10 x
Which is then multipled by (
BaseLv / 100).
[Lv 1]: Duration: 30 seconds
[Lv 2]: Duration: 45 seconds
[Lv 3]: Duration: 60 seconds
[Lv 4]: Duration: 75 seconds
[Lv 5]: Duration: 90 seconds

5255.png Guard Stance
It increases DEF while decreases ATK. Since magic Guards do not need any ATK you may want to have it always active. Also it allows to use 5256.png Guardian Shield.

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5255.png Guard Stance
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shield Mastery 3
Skill Form: Active (Toggle)
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Increase your DEF at the cost
of reducing your
Weapon ATK.
[Lv 1]: DEF +100, Weapon ATK -50
[Lv 2]: DEF +150, Weapon ATK -100
[Lv 3]: DEF +200, Weapon ATK -150
[Lv 4]: DEF +250, Weapon ATK -200
[Lv 5]: DEF +300, Weapon ATK -250

5256.png Guardian Shield
Creates a shield that absorbs incoming physical attacks. That skill is very strong and recovers a lot of AP. Using shield correctly with Prestige can make your Guard almost immortal. MaxHP and STA will increase durability of shield.

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5256.png Guardian Shield
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Guard Stance 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.30s
Cool Down: 25.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost: 35

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Using the protective energy of your
shield, grant a massive physical damage
shield to yourself and party members in a
21x21 AoE around you for 40 seconds.
Guardian Shield can only be used in
Guard Stance.
The durability of a shield is determined by
30% of the caster's MaxHP, plus base level and STA.

[Lv 1]: Shield Durability percentage: 25%
[Lv 2]: Shield Durability Percentage: 50%
[Lv 3]: Shield Durability Percentage: 75%
[Lv 4]: Shield Durability Percentage: 100%
[Lv 5]: Shield Durability Percentage: 125%

Situative Skills

252.png Reflect Shield Lv 5~10
Main purpose is to trigger effects from equipment if you have them, because reflected damage is rather low.

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252.png Reflect Shield
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shield Boomerang 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Banishing
Description: Use your shield to reflect melee
physical damage back to whoever attacks you
for 300 seconds.
Removing your shield will cancel this effect.
[Lv 1]: Reflected Damage: 13%
[Lv 2]: Reflected Damage: 16%
[Lv 3]: Reflected Damage: 19%
[Lv 4]: Reflected Damage: 22%
[Lv 5]: Reflected Damage: 25%
[Lv 6]: Reflected Damage: 28%
[Lv 7]: Reflected Damage: 31%
[Lv 8]: Reflected Damage: 34%
[Lv 9]: Reflected Damage: 37%
[Lv 10]: Reflected Damage: 40%

257.png Defender Lv 5
It is very good to lower incoming ranged damage.
Be aware it lowers movement speed.

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257.png Defender
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shield Boomerang 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.80s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Raise your shield to protect
yourself from ranged damage at the cost
of reducing your
ASPD and Movement Speed.
Casting this skill again will cancel the effect.
[Lv 1]: Ranged Damage -20%, ASPD: 80%
[Lv 2]: Ranged Damage -35%, ASPD: 85%
[Lv 3]: Ranged Damage -50%, ASPD: 90%
[Lv 4]: Ranged Damage -65%, ASPD: 95%
[Lv 5]: Ranged Damage -80%, ASPD: 100%

1002.png Shrink
When auto guard is active it has a chance to give Stun status to enemies.

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1002.png Shrink
Requirement: Finish Quest
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Adds a chance whenever the
Auto Guard status blocks an attack, to knock
back the attacker 2 cells.
Knockback chance is (5 x AutoGuardLv)%
Shrink can only be used while the Auto Guard
status is active.
Shrink again will cancel the status.

5260.png Attack Stance
It gives nice boost to damage while decreases DEF. Problem is when you get 200 DEF you wont feel it, but you will defenitely feel it when you lose 200 DEF.
Get and use it if you do not need to tank things and max damage is your priority.

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5260.png Attack Stance
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Spear & Sword Mastery 3
Skill Form: Active (Toggle)
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Enter the attack stance, increasing
P.Atk, and S.Matk at the cost of DEF.
[Lv 1]: DEF -40, P.Atk +3, S.Matk+3
[Lv 2]: DEF -80, P.Atk +6, S.Matk+6
[Lv 3]: DEF -120, P.Atk +9, S.Matk+9
[Lv 4]: DEF -160, P.Atk +12, S.Matk+12
[Lv 5]: DEF -200, P.Atk +15, S.Matk+15

2315.png Shield Spell
Very strong utility spell. Effect depends on level used.

  • Level 1: Regenerates HP% over time. It wont heal you fast tho.
  • Level 2: Regenerates SP% over time. It can be very helpful to negate 2325.png Inspiration penalty or SP consumption of offensive skills.
  • Level 3: Gives nice +150 ATK & MATK boost
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2315.png Shield Spell
Max Level: 3
Requirement: Shield Press 3, Earth Drive 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 2.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Use the magical power of your
shield in order to grant various bonuses for
90 seconds.
You can only have one effect at a time.
[Lv 1]: Recovers 3% of MaxHP every 3 seconds
[Lv 2]: Recovers 3% of MaxSP every 5 seconds
[Lv 3]: Weapon ATK +150, MATK +150

2325.png Inspiration
Very strong buff that feels almost like ultimate state of Guard. It prevents a lot of statuses, gives a lot of Stats, MaxHP%, ATK, MATK but consumes HP% and SP% over time.
Use it to boost damage, to prevent statuses, to change 2321.png Genesis Ray element from Holy to Neutral, to gain more VCTR from stats (its quite possible you will have 100% VCTR from stats under Inspiration), to gain higher chance to dodge magic from 2318.png Prestige.
Always use it when fighting bosses.
Use it always if you have a lot of consumables or if you have no problems with SP somehow.
Also note that huge boost to MaxHP% will increase durability of 5256.png Guardian Shield.

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2325.png Inspiration
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shield Spell 3,
Genesis Ray 4, Piety 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Accept the holy spirit into your body
granting you the
Inspiration status, greatly
increasing your
HIT, Basic Stats, Weapon ATK,
MATK, and MaxHP.
When you cast
Inspiration, it will remove various
negative status effects from yourself, and the
Inspiration status will continue to prevent them
for the skills duration.
Every 5 seconds this skill drains some
MaxSP, if your HP or SP reach 0, this skills
effects are cancelled.
You are protected from the following effects:
Poison, Blind, Stun, Silence, Confusion,
Stone Curse, Sleep, Bleeding, Curse, Burning,
Frozen, Freezing, Fear, Toxin, Paralyze,
Venom Bleed, Magic Mushroom, Death Hurt,
Pyrexia, Oblivion, Leech End, Deep Sleep,
and every Masquerade effect.
[Lv 1]: HIT +12, All Stats +6, MaxHP +4%,
Weapon ATK +40, MATK +40, Duration: 60s,
Consumes 3% HP/4% SP every 5 seconds

[Lv 2]: HIT +24, All Stats +12, MaxHP +8%,
Weapon ATK +80, MATK +80, Duration: 90s,
Consumes 2.5% HP/3.5% SP every 5 seconds

[Lv 3]: HIT +36, All Stats +18, MaxHP +12%,
Weapon ATK +120, MATK +120, Duration: 120s,
Consumes 2% HP/3% SP every 5 seconds

[Lv 4]: HIT +48, All Stats +24, MaxHP +16%,
Weapon ATK +160, MATK +160, Duration: 150s,
Consumes 1.5% HP/2.5% SP every 5 seconds

[Lv 5]: HIT +60, All Stats +30, MaxHP +20%,
Weapon ATK +200, MATK +200, Duration: 180s,
Consumes 1% HP/2% SP every 5 seconds

8.png Endure
Use it to run from big mobtrains that stops you.

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8.png Endure
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Provoke 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Prepare yourself to receive attacks
from enemies, allowing you to ignore the
staggering effect from normal attacks.
Also increases your
MDEF for the duration.
Endure status will be cancelled after receiving
7 normal attacks.
You can not ignore the stagger effect in WoE.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 10 seconds, MDEF +1
[Lv 2]: Lasts 13 seconds, MDEF +2
[Lv 3]: Lasts 16 seconds, MDEF +3
[Lv 4]: Lasts 19 seconds, MDEF +4
[Lv 5]: Lasts 22 seconds, MDEF +5
[Lv 6]: Lasts 25 seconds, MDEF +6
[Lv 7]: Lasts 28 seconds, MDEF +7
[Lv 8]: Lasts 31 seconds, MDEF +8
[Lv 9]: Lasts 34 seconds, MDEF +9
[Lv 10]: Lasts 37 seconds, MDEF +10

Utility & Support Skills

28.png Heal
Simply recovers HP of the target.

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28.png Heal
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Recovery
Property: Holy
Target: Ally
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Restore the HP of target friendly
character. Strength of the healing is increased
based on your
Base Level, INT, Healing Power,
Weapon MATK, and Status MATK.

The amount of HP restored is based
on this formula:
[ SkillLv x ((BaseLv + INT) / 5) x 3 ]
This value is then multiplied by:
[ 1 + (Healing Power / 100) ]
Finally, your Weapon MATK, and Status MATK
are then added to this value.

35.png Cure
Use to remove Silent, Chaos, Blind statuses from target.
Note: you cant remove Silent from yourself using that.

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35.png Cure
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Heal 2
Requirement: Faith 5
Requirement: Heal 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ally
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Cure target friendly character from
Silence, Blind, Confusion, and Bitescar
status effects. (Bitescar is caused by the
Silvervine Root Twist skill).

255.png Devotion
Use to defend partymates from damage.

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255.png Devotion
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Grand Cross 4, Reflect Shield 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Party Member (Excluding Crusader)
Cast Time: 1.50s Fixed / 1.50s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Protect target party member by
linking yourself to them. You will receive all of
the damage of anyone you are linked to, and
they will receive 0 damage.
Anyone you have linked will gain the effects of
Autoguard, Defender, Reflect Shield, and
Endure statuses.
Devotion can only be cast on party members
within 30
Base Levels of you.
Devotion links will be broken if the target is
too far away from you, or if they die.
This skill can not be used on
Crusader classes.
[Lv 1]: Duration 30s, Max Links: 1, Range: 7
[Lv 2]: Duration 45s, Max Links: 2, Range: 8
[Lv 3]: Duration 60s, Max Links: 3, Range: 9
[Lv 4]: Duration 75s, Max Links: 4, Range: 10
[Lv 5]: Duration 90s, Max Links: 5, Range: 11

5257.png Rebound Shield
Use to not die so fast from incoming damage of 255.png Devotion.

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5257.png Rebound Shield
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Guard Stance 4
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 15.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing
Description: Prepare yourself for heavy combat
reducing the damage taken through
by a massive amount for 60 seconds.
Rebound Shield can only be used in
Guard Stance.
[Lv 1]: Damage Reduction: 10%
[Lv 2]: Damage Reduction: 20%
[Lv 3]: Damage Reduction: 30%
[Lv 4]: Damage Reduction: 40%
[Lv 5]: Damage Reduction: 50%

5013.png King's Grace
Creates a safe area which recovers HP% but prevents from moving and using skills. Use to heal when farming or like an emergency button. Be very careful with that skill when playing in party: you can save entire party or lead it all to death.

Click here to view more info

5013.png King's Grace
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Reflect Damage 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster and Party Members
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: (Lv5)60s
Description: Bestows royal blessing to
the caster and allies around the caster
to recover
HP and protect against
status effects. Remove the following
status effects:
Poison, Blind, Frozen,
Stone Curse, Stun, Sleep, Bleeding,
Curse, Chaos, Hallucination, Silence,
Burning, Crystalization, Freezing,
Sleep, Fear
and Mandragora Howling.
[Lv 1]: Recover 4% of HP every 5 seconds
[Lv 2]: Recover 5% of HP every 5 seconds
[Lv 3]: Recover 6% of HP every 5 seconds
[Lv 4]: Recover 7% of HP every 5 seconds
[Lv 5]: Recover 8% of HP every 5 seconds

How to press my buttons?

Fighting MvP or hard maps buff strategy example

First of all make sure your toggleable skills are always active:

  • 2313.png Vanguard Force
  • 5255.png Guard Stance
Priority Buff
Highest 2325.png Inspiration
2318.png Prestige
5256.png Guardian Shield
249.png Auto Guard
257.png Defender
5262.png Holy Shield
2315.png Shield Spell
252.png Reflect Shield
Lowest 1002.png Shrink
Offensive skills rotation examples

Max Single Target DPS

. . . --> 5267.png Cross Rain --> 4x 5264.png Judgement Cross --> . . .
. . . --> 5267.png Cross Rain --> 2~17x 367.png Pressure --> . . .
Number of casts heavily depends on current ACDR%, ASPD and VCTR%


Skills Conditions
. . . --> 5267.png Cross Rain --> 1x 2321.png Genesis Ray --> . . . 2 sec CD of GR, 0% ACDR
1.5 sec CD of GR, 25% ACDR
. . . --> 5267.png Cross Rain --> 2x 2321.png Genesis Ray --> . . . 1 sec CD of GR, 50% ACDR
. . . --> 5267.png Cross Rain --> 4x 2321.png Genesis Ray --> . . . 0.5 sec CD of GR, 75% ACDR

What to wear?

Early Game Equipment
Item Type Enchants Notes
500036.png Paradise Royal Guard Sword (500036) Weapon - It's very strong sword for beginners
28922.png Illusion Sacred Mission [1] (28922) Shield Any Or use any Shield you can find!
400140.png Advanced Paradise Hat (400140) Top Headgear -
+9 450089.png Grace Genesis Armor [1] (450089) Armor 4409.png Agav Card (4409) Grace Genesis set is very good
+9 480019.png Grace Magic Manteau [1] (480019) Garment 300122.png Yellow Pitaya Card (300122)
+9 470021.png Grace Magic Boots [1] (470021) Shoes 4658.png Nightmare Verit Card (4658)
490020.png Grace Magic Ring [1] (490020) Accessory (Right) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
490128.png Advanced Paradise Magic Ring (490128) Accessory (Left) - It makes our's skill casting non-interruptable
24699.png Royal Guard Advanced Paradise Shadow Weapon (24699) Shadow Weapon - + all advanced paradise shadow gears

for combo

Mid Game Equipment
Item Type Enchants Notes
+11 500030.png Illusion Excalibur [2] (500030) Weapon 2x 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384)
MDEF% pierce
Strong sword for 2321.png Genesis Ray that allows to go BRRRRR
+11 28922.png Illusion Sacred Mission [1] (28922) Shield 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385)
2x 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001)
Current Best-in-slot Shield for Magic Guard build
+11 32350.png Farthezan [2] (32350) Weapon 2x 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384)
29601.png Randel's Memory (29601)
Strongest sword for 367.png Pressure . Use it in combo with 400079.png Trial Diadem [1] (400079)
+11 400079.png Trial Diadem [1] (400079) Top Headgear 27309.png Mutant Heart Hunter Sanare Card (27309) Use it only with 32350.png Farthezan [2] (32350)
+11 19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) Top Headgear 27309.png Mutant Heart Hunter Sanare Card (27309)
2x 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001)
That's just decent headgear for any magic build
400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002) Mid Headgear 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174)
3~6 ACDR%
Comboes with 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125) for huge ACDR% boost (better option)
19154.png Arch Angeling Balloon (19154) Low Headgear MATK+5% Nice exp and drop bonus (better option)
410091.png Cor Core Booster (410091) Mid Headgear - Comboes with 420003.png CD in Mouth (420003) for nice damage bonus. (Low budget option)
420003.png CD in Mouth (420003) Low Headgear - Be sure not to use Reflect Shield because Soul Strike trigger leads to high ACD. (Low budget option)
+11 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) Armor 27101.png Sweet Nightmare Card (27101) OR 300254.png Amitera Card (300254)
310507.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.2 (310507)
310515.png Wolf Orb (After Cast Delay) (310515)
310521.png Wolf Orb (Genesis Pressure) (310521) OR 310532.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (310532)
Use WO (GP) only if you are planning to use 367.png Pressure or if you want to max your damage with 2321.png Genesis Ray. If you want share your gear or make it morelike-tradable go for WO(SS).
+11 450128.png Automatic Armor Type B [1] (450128) Armor 27101.png Sweet Nightmare Card (27101) OR 300254.png Amitera Card (300254)
2x 310132.png Automatic Orb (Genesis Pressure) (310132)
OR 2x 310143.png Automatic Orb (Shadow Spell) (310143)
310110.png Automatic Modification Orb (After Cast Delay) (310110)
Pretty much the same as Wolf Armor but a little bit weaker in GP configuration.
+11 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125) Garment 300122.png Yellow Pitaya Card (300122) One of the strongest options for garments
+11 470023.png Automatic Leg Type B [1] (470023) Shoes 4658.png Nightmare Verit Card (4658)
310111.png Automatic Modification Orb (Fixed Casting) (310111)
310118.png Automatic Modification Orb (Robust) (310118)
310122.png Automatic Orb (Spell Buster) (310122)
Strong and versatile boots. Reduces FCT by 0.8 sec
+13 470074.png Boots of Unknown Magic Power [1] (470074) (Grade C) Shoes 4658.png Nightmare Verit Card (4658)
Those boots provides HUGE +225 INT bonus for big damage boost and instant cast, but they lack FCTR.
490052.png Sinful Sapphire Ring [1] (490052) Accessory (Right) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
310206.png Horror Lv5 (310206)
310246.png Dragon Scale Lv5 (310246)
Sinful accesses are best for maximizing damage output
490053.png Sinful Sapphire Necklace [1] (490053) Accessory (Left) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
310206.png Horror Lv5 (310206)
310246.png Dragon Scale Lv5 (310246)
Reduces FCT by 0.3 sec
490108.png Gray Wolf Earring [1] (490108) Accessory (Right) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
310645.png Wolf Orb (Magic Healing) (310645)
310642.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv.4 (310642)
Utility accessory for HP and SP regen
490109.png Gray Wolf Necklace [1] (490109) Accessory (Left) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
310646.png Wolf Orb (Magic Soul) (310646)
310642.png Wolf Orb (SP Recovery) Lv.4 (310642)
Utility accessory for HP and SP regen
310887.png Royal Guard Stone (Top) (310887) Costume Top - Reduces FCT by 0.5 sec
310186.png Paladin Stone II (Mid) (310186) Costume Mid - Increases 367.png Pressure damage by 20%
310889.png Royal Guard Stone (Low) (310889) Costume Low - Has very strong and rare all size magic modificator
310184.png Royal Guard Stone II (Garment) (310184) Costume Garment 311014.png Reload Stone (Dual) (311014) Comboes with all costumes stones. Reload Stone is expensive and rare and you can go without it
+9 24581.png Genesis Shadow Weapon (24581) Shadow Weapon - We need it for MDEF% pierce combo
+9 24302.png Royal Guard Shadow Shield (24302) Shadow Shield - We need it for MDEF% pierce combo
+9 24582.png Genesis Shadow Pendant (24582) Shadow Pendant - Has lowest priority
+9 24583.png Genesis Shadow Earring (24583) Shadow Earring - Most important: reduces 2321.png Genesis Ray CD by 0.5 sec
End Game Equipment
Most powerful equipment
Item Type Enchants Notes
+12 ~ +15 500027.png Vivatus Fides Guardian Sword [2] (500027) (Grade A) Weapon 2x 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384)
Strongest sword for 5267.png Cross Rain
+12 400200.png Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) [1] (400200) Top Headgear 4403.png [MVP] Kiel Card (4403)
29073.png Magic Essence Lv3 (29073)
4950.png AfterSkillDelay Lv3 (4950)
Currently BiS headgear
420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022) Low Headgear 310989.png MATK Lv.2 (310989)
310985.png S.MATK Lv.2 (310985)
It has pretty nice enchant options
+12 ~ +15 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) (Grade A) Armor 300014.png [MVP] Ingrid Card (300014)
310688.png Star Cluster of Spell Lv.3 (310688)
2x 310721.png Star of Vital Lv.5 (310721)
OR 2x 310711.png Star of Spell Lv.5 (310711)
That's a joke !
+11 470110.png Varmundt Death Rune Boots [1] (470110) (Grade A) Shoes 4658.png Nightmare Verit Card (4658)
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
BiS boots currently.
+10 24768.png Mega Blitz Shadow Weapon (24768) Shadow Weapon SPL+5 We need it for ACDR%
+10 24746.png Separate Reload Shadow Shield (24746) Shadow Shield SPL+5 We need it for ACDR%
+10 24667.png Full Tempest Shadow Armor (24667) Shadow Armor SPL+5 We need it for MDEF% pierce combo
+10 24666.png Full Tempest Shadow Shoes (24666) Shadow Shoes SPL+5 We need it for MDEF% pierce combo
Alternate equipment to consider
Item Type Enchants Notes
+11 ~ +15 500019.png Poenitentia Gladius [2] (500019) (Grade B/A) Weapon 2x 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384) Good sword for 5267.png Cross Rain damage.
+9 ~ +15 460013.png Poenitentia Aegis [1] (460013) (Any Grade) Shield 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) Use it mainly for tanking purpose
+11 ~ +15 500038.png Light Blade-LT [2] (500038) (Grade B/A) Weapon 2x 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384) Use only in combo with 490155.png Heroic Token (Imperial Guard) [1] (490155) . Also that sword is most versatile.
+13 ~ +15 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094) (Grade A) Shoes 4658.png Nightmare Verit Card (4658)
310911.png Knowledge of Wise Man (310911)
4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812)
Very versatile boots, also best for defensive purposes.
490155.png Heroic Token (Imperial Guard) [1] (490155) Accessory 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125) Use with 500038.png Light Blade-LT [2] (500038)
490163.png Hero's Badge [1] (490163) Accessory (Left) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
310917.png Intelligence (310917)
4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812)
When properly enchanted has good combo bonuses with 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094)
490136.png Spell Signet of Star [1] (490136) Accessory (Right) 27125.png Headless Mule Card (27125)
2x 310711.png Star of Spell Lv.5 (310711)
OR 2x 310721.png Star of Vital Lv.5 (310721)
Has good combo bonuses with 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173)
+11 450202.png Varmundt Death Rune Robe [1] (450202) (Grade A) Armor 300254.png Amitera Card (300254)
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Good option for pure damage.
+11 480147.png Varmundt Death Rune Manteau [1] (480147) (Grade A) Garment 300122.png Yellow Pitaya Card (300122)
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Good option for pure damage.
+11 450201.png Varmundt Glade Rune Armor [1] (450201) (Grade A) Armor 300254.png Amitera Card (300254)
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Use it instead of Death Rune Equipment if you need more ACDR% or tank capabilities.
+11 480145.png Varmundt Glade Rune Manteau [1] (480145) (Grade A) Garment 300122.png Yellow Pitaya Card (300122)
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Use it instead of Death Rune Equipment if you need more ACDR% or tank capabilities.
Future Equipment
Item Type Enchants Notes
+11 530034.png Dim Glacier Spear [1] (530034) (Grade A) Weapon 311458.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical Grade) Lv5 (311458)
311278.png Glacier Flower Spell (Cross Rain) (311278)
311201.png Glacier Flower Spell (Ray of Genesis) (311201)
It's all-around good weapon for everything
+11 500074.png Muqaddas Sasyiir [2] (500074) (Grade A) Weapon 312006.png Bishop's Blessing (Global Cool Time) (312006)
312010.png Warped Spell (Magic) (312010)
It's future BiS weapon for 2321.png Genesis Ray
+11 500072.png Devil Guardian Sword [2] (500072) (Grade A) Weapon 311393.png Expert Magician Lv. 5 (311393)
311404.png Caster Lv. 5 (311404)
It's future BiS weapon for 5267.png Cross Rain
+12 400375.png Crown of Good and Evil (Imperial Guard) [1] (400375) (Grade A) Weapon 312021.png Evil Spell (312021)
29073.png Magic Essence Lv3 (29073)
It's future headgear that comboes with 500072.png Devil Guardian Sword [2] (500072) and new BiS for 5267.png Cross Rain and overall as well
+11 450245.png Death Rune Armor [1] (450245) (Grade A) Armor ???
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Boosted Death Rune Robe.
+11 480233.png Death Rune Manteau [1] (480233) (Grade A) Garment ???
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Boosted Death Rune Manteau.
+11 470176.png Death Rune Boots [1] (470176) (Grade A) Shoes ???
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
future BiS boots.
+11 450243.png Glade Rune Armor [1] (450243) (Grade A) Armor ???
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Boosted Glade Rune Armor.
+11 480231.png Glade Rune Manteau [1] (480231) (Grade A) Garment ???
310925.png Spell of Varmundt Lv3 (310925)
Boosted Glade Rune Meanteau.

Boring Math aka Advanced Magic

Secondary Stats

Cast time = Variable Cast Time + Fixed Cast Time
Variable Cast Time = VCT (can be reduced by DEX, INT, equipment, skills...)
Fixed Cast Time= FCT (can be reduced by equipment and skills...)
Thus, VCTR and FCTR means the corresponding Reduction of different types of cast time.

After the completion of the cast time, skill is used and Cast Delay begins.

Cast Delay = max {Animation Delay ; After Cast Delay}
Animation Delay (some skills are attack speed-based and can be reduced by ASPD, AGI, equipment, skills...)
After cast delay aka global cool time = ACD (can be reduced by equipment and skills...)
Thus, ACDR means the corresponding Reduction of after cast delay.

To maximize DPS you need to minimize your Cast time to use skills faster and Cast Delay to use skills more often.

Weapon Comparison
Weapon/Skill Potential
Potential 367.png Pressure 2321.png Genesis Ray 5267.png Cross Rain Total
32350.png Farthezan [2] (32350) 4: Medium-High 2: Low-Medium 2: Low-Medium 8
500030.png Illusion Excalibur [2] (500030) 3: Medium 5: High 3: Medium 11
500038.png Light Blade-LT [2] (500038) 5: High 3: Medium 4: Medium-High 12
500019.png Poenitentia Gladius [2] (500019) 2: Low-Medium 3: Medium 4: Medium-High 9
500027.png Vivatus Fides Guardian Sword [2] (500027) 3: Medium 4: Medium-High 5: High 12


Special thanks to Muh, Icecold, Kino, Yvonne and all community!