Gefenia Farming With Illusion Doping

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Hello! I'm the same guy who made the guide about gefenia farming before hahaa..
well since some of good guys here give me suggestion about make an cheapest gear for that, so this is it. Big Thanks to few guys who shared information and some stuff to make this sets.
So, in this guide is about gefenia farming with illusion doping, its same like before, but the difference is how much this gear cost, how much effort to play this gear and how much you will get while farming with this gear. This gear would cost you only aroun 140-160m zeny, pretty cheap right? but the other problem, you will need to made an loyal homun dieter with atleast lvl230, and farm some of eden coin.
lets stop to talk about this shit, just check it. Please correct / suggest me if there is still something wrong / missing.

  • Note : This is the base gear for 1 hit at gefenia with illusion doping skill, of course if you have more budget, just upgrade them.

5003.png Illusion Doping
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Special Pharmacy 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a concentrated
alcohol mix to cause
Hallucination and
HIT with a high chance.
Consumes 1
[Lv 1]: 100% Damage, AoE: 9x9 cells
[Lv 2]: 100% Damage, AoE: 11x11 cells
[Lv 3]: 100% Damage, AoE: 13x13 cells
[Lv 4]: 100% Damage, AoE: 15x15 cells
[Lv 5]: 100% Damage, AoE: 29x29 cells


This Build gear really needed an Homunculus S Dieter Type and atleast lvl 230, becouse we really need the buff skill.

8042.png Pyroclastic
Max Level: 10
Description: Temporarily increases
Homunculus and master's ATK.
[Lv 1]: Duration: 330 seconds
[Lv 2]: Duration: 360 seconds
[Lv 3]: Duration: 390 seconds
[Lv 4]: Duration: 420 seconds
[Lv 5]: Duration: 450 seconds
[Lv 6]: Duration: 480 seconds
[Lv 7]: Duration: 510 seconds
[Lv 8]: Duration: 540 seconds
[Lv 9]: Duration: 570 seconds
[Lv 10]: Duration: 600 seconds
8045.png Tempering
Max Level: 10
Description: Increases the owner's P.ATK for a certain period of time.
[Lv 1]: P.ATK +6/ Duration: 45 seconds
[Lv 2]: P.ATK +7/ Duration: 60 seconds
[Lv 3]: P.ATK +8/ Duration: 75 seconds
[Lv 4]: P.ATK +9/ Duration: 90 seconds
[Lv 5]: P.ATK +10/ Duration: 105 seconds
[Lv 6]: P.ATK +11/ Duration: 120 seconds
[Lv 7]: P.ATK +12/ Duration: 135 seconds
[Lv 8]: P.ATK +13/ Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 9]: P.ATK +14/ Duration: 165 seconds
[Lv 10]: P.ATK +15/ Duration: 180 seconds

if you still confuse about homunculus, you can read it here :

Stats and Traits


  1. Str: Provides ATK and additional weight capacity. I go with 130
  2. Dex: Provides Range ATK, Hit, SoftMDEF, and ASPD. I go with 121
  3. Int: Provides SP, Casting time and SoftMDEF. I go with 120
  4. Vit: Provides HP, SoftDEF, and SoftMDEF. I go with 90
  5. Agi: Provides ASPD, FLEE, and SoftDEF. I go with 7


  1. POW (100): Provides Status ATK, and P.ATK.
  2. CON (100): Provides Hit, Flee, and P.ATK.
  3. WIS (0-35): Provides Magical Resistance.
  4. STA (0-35): Provides Physical Resistance.


Gear Slot Item Description Enchants Card
Upper Headgear 400110.png Crown of Beelzebub [1] (400110)

POW + 5, CON + 5, CRI - 15.
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK + 25, DEF + 15.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 25%.
Refine Level +9:
ATK + 40, ATK + 10%.
Refine Level +11:
P.ATK + 12.
Increases physical damage against all elemental enemies by 12%.
When equipped with Beelzebub Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 16%.
When equipped with Sealed Beelzebub Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 8%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
ATK + 5%.
POW + 5.
[Grade C]:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 12%.
[Grade B]:
P.ATK + 5.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.3 seconds.
[Grade A]:
P.ATK + 2.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases physical damage against all races (Except Players) by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Pirate Mayne<INFO>m_crafting,27,167,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 45
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 40
Required Level: 240

Refine +9 4296.png Cramp Card (4296)
Middle Headgear 410093.png Sealed Chain (410093)

A chain crafted to suppress evil energy.
CRI +8
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 8%.
When equipped with Bondage Necklace:
Increases Critical Damage by 7%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 150

Lower Headgear 420030.png Feather In Mouth (420030)

A feather with a sleek appearance.
If you bite it in your mouth, it can make a sound like a flute.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1

Armor 450217.png Phreeoni Wing Suit [1] (450217)

CON + 3, ATK + 100.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK + 15.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
P.ATK + 1.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Perfect Hit + 15
Refine Level +11:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 15%.
When equipped with Phreeoni Card:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Physical Damage against Boss class by 8%.
When equipped with Infinite Phreeoni Card:
P.ATK +10, C.RATE +5

For each 3 Refine Levels of equipped Armor:
Increases Critical Damage by 4%.
When equipped with Phreeoni pet:
Atk + 7%, ASPD + 2
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]
Atk + 40
Atk + 5%
[Grade C]
CON + 5
[Grade B]
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 15%
[Grade A]
P.Atk + 7
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Aster John<INFO>m_crafting,80,164,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 150
Required Level: 200

Refine +8 and Grade D is enough 4392.png Observation Card (4392)
Weapon 500049.png Glacier Sword (500049)

A sword crafted from ice harvested from the glaciers of Isgard.
You can enchant it with Ice Flower Magic Stones for special abilities.
MATK +210
Type: Sword
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman and Merchant classes
Type: 1hSword
Position: Right Hand
Physical Attack: 220
Magic Attack: 210
Weapon Level: 5
Weight: 160
Required Level: 210

Refine +9
311348.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Race) (311348)
311350.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Size) (311350)
311352.png Glacier Flower Spell (Physical-Element) (311352)
311342.png Glacier Flower Spell (ATK) (311342)
Shield 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018)
or any illusion shield ( for cheap and only lookin for enchant )

A shield with a thin layer of silver and iron mixed from an normal guard.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%.
(Up to Refine Level 12)

Type: Armor
Position: Left Hand
Defense: 60
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 120

Refine +11
2 x 4995.png Rune of Strength Lv2 (4995) or
2 x 29004.png Rune of Dexterity Lv2 (29004)
4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609)
Garment 480174.png Pirate Captain's Coat [1] (480174)

CRI + 3, C.Rate + 5.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK + 15.
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
ATK + 5%, P.Atk + 7
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
DEF + 150.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
When equipped with Drake Card:
Cri + 15, C.Rate + 10
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]
Cri +3
CRT + 3
[Grade C]
Increases Critical Damage by 15%.
[Grade B]
POW + 3
CON + 3
[Grade A]
P.Atk + 7
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Pirate Mayne<INFO>m_crafting,27,167,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 60
Required Level: 200

Refine +9 300270.png Empathize Card (300270)
Footgear any boots atleast he have slot
or use drop rate boots instead
27256.png Blut Hase Card (27256) or 27257.png Kuro Akuma Card (27257)
Accessory (Right) 2976.png Red Lantern [1] (2976)

Lantern with red light.
MaxSP -300
Enables the use of Level 1 Sight.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Alcohol, Detrimindexta or Karvodailnirol.
Enchantable: Yes

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100

300447.png Aferde Card (300447) or 300449.png Timbers Card (300449)
Accessory (Left) Any slotted acc will do 300447.png Aferde Card (300447) or 300449.png Timbers Card (300449)

Costume Stones

Costume Stones
Item Description
1000669.png Genetic Stone (Top) (1000669) A stone that awakens the potential of Genetic.
Gives the following effects when compounded on slot of a Costume Top Headgear.
For each Level of Cart Cannon:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
When equipped with Genetic Stone (Garment):
Increases damage of Acid Demonstration by 15%.
When equipped with Genetic Stone II (Garment):
Increases damage of Spore Explosion by 15%.
<NAVI>[Aver De Dosh]<INFO>mal_in01,23,113,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Etc
Position: Unknown
Weight: 10
25491.png Stalker Stone (Mid) (25491) A stone that awakens the potential of Stalkers.
Gives the following effects when compounded on a slot of a Costume Mid Headgear.
For each Level of Vulture's Eye:
HIT+ 2
<NAVI>[Aver De Dosh]<INFO>mal_in01,23,113,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Etc
Position: Unknown
Weight: 10
1000865.png Shadow Chaser Stone (Low) (1000865) A stone that awakens the potential of Shadow Chasers.
Gives the following effects when compounded on slot of a Costume Low Headgear.
For each Level of Reprodruce:
Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
When equipped with Shadow Chaser Stone (Garment):
Increases physical damage against all elemental enemies by 15%.
When equipped with Shadow Chaser Stone II (Garment):
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 15%.
<NAVI>Aver De Dosh<INFO>mal_in01,23,113,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Etc
Position: Unknown
Weight: 10
25493.png Shadow Chaser Stone (Garment) (25493) A stone that awakens the potential of Shadow Chasers.
Gives the following effects when compounded on a slot of a Costume Garment.
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 15%.
When equipped with Stalker Stone (Top):
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by additional 15%.
When equipped with Stalker Stone:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
When equipped with Stalker Stone (Low):
Decreases SP Consumption of Triangle Shot by 10%.
<NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Etc
Position: Unknown
Weight: 10
1001055.png Power Stone (Dual) (1001055) A stone that increases Power.
Gives the following effects when compounded on a slot of an Costume Garment.
POW +5
<NAVI>[Lace La Zard]<INFO>mal_in01,20,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Etc
Position: Unknown
Weight: 10

Shadow Gear

Shadow Gear
Slot Shadow Gear Description
Body 24694.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Armor (24694) A suit of armor worn on top of normal armor for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
MaxHP +100
HIT +15

Type: Shadowgear
Position: Shadow Armor
Required Level: 100
Weapon 24701.png Genetic Advanced Paradise Shadow Weapon (24701) A pair of gloves that can draw the wearer's potential ability.
ATK +10
MATK +10
When equipped with Advanced Paradise Shadow Armor, Advanced Paradise Shadow Shield, Advanced Paradise Shadow Shoes, Advanced Paradise Shadow Earring, Advanced Paradise Shadow Pendant:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Decreases Cart Tornado skill cooldown by 1 second.
Increases damage of Cart Tornado and Cart Cannon by 15%.
Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 15%.
Ignores physical defense of all race, except Players, by 50%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Shadowgear
Position: Shadow Weapon
Required Level: 100
Shield 24693.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Shield (24693) A small shield worn on the arm for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
MaxHP +100
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.

Type: Shadowgear
Position: Shadow Shield
Required Level: 100
Boots 24695.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Shoes (24695) A pair of shoes worn on top of normal shoes for additional defense. Needs a complete set to have bonus effect.
MaxHP +100
Increases Attack Speed by 7%.

Type: Shadowgear
Position: Shadow Shoes
Required Level: 100
Acc1 24696.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Earring (24696) A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities.
MaxHP +100
MATK +15

Type: Shadowgear
Position: Shadow Right Accessory
Required Level: 100
Acc2 24697.png Advanced Paradise Shadow Pendant (24697) A sacred earring which is believed to protect its wearer. It also draws the wearer's potential abilities.
MaxHP +100
ATK +15

Type: Shadowgear
Position: Shadow Left Accessory
Required Level: 100
  • Note : You can buy this shadow gear with 230 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223) or just rent it for 20 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223) for a week.


For the other buff, you will need to get some of eden coin.

Other Buff
Item Description Price
22758.png Collection Of Scrolls Shooting Transformation (22758) A bundle scroll contains 1 Transformation Scroll (Kobold Archer) and 1 Transformation Scroll (Gazeti).

Type: Usable
Position: Unknown
Weight: 20
3 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223)
14766.png Limited Power Booster (14766) A booster that increases your power significantly.
Increases ATK and MATK by 30, ATK and MATK by 1%,
HIT and FLEE by 30, ASPD by 1,
Decreases SP Consumption by 5%,
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 30%
(Only the highest effect of increase/decrease percentage effect is applied to Fixed Casting Time.)
Effect Duration: 30 minutes
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the NPCs below to create a True Limited Power Booster.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Usable
Position: Unknown
Weight: 1
3 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223)
23475.png Infinity Drink (23475) An Infinity Drink which you can feel infinite energy from.
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5% for 30 minutes.
Increases critical, long range physical and Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
Casting cannot be interupted.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Take it to the following NPCs to make a True Infinity Drink.
<NAVI>[Nya Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nya Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Usable
Position: Unknown
Weight: 1
3 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223)
12883.png Almighty (12883) Created from all ultimate ingredients.
All Basic Stats +10, ATK +30, MATK +30 for 30 minutes.
The effect will not disappear even if the character dies.
Follow the NPC below to make True Almighty.
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nyan Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Usable
Position: Unknown
Weight: 1
3 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223)
12264.png [Bound] Bubble Gum (12264) This item cannot be traded with other accounts.
Chewy and sweet bubble gum. If you are chewing this gum, you will feel like you have to give up everything you have.
Bring [Bound] Battle Manual with this, the following NPCs to make [Bound] Battle Manual & Bubble Gum.
<NAVI>[Nya Time]<INFO>malangdo,208,163,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
<NAVI>[Nya Time]<INFO>moc_para01,26,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Supportive
Effect: Item drop rate +100%
Rental duration: 30 minutes

Type: Usable
Position: Unknown
Weight: 1
30 x 25223.png Eden Coin (25223)

you can see about how to farm it here!

Thanks for reading!

If you have any suggestion feel free to dm me on discord: rein_lucknut