Attendance Reward

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With our Attendance reward, you simply need to log in once a day and collect your reward. If you don't log in one day, nothing happens, the counter just keeps running.
You can only collect the reward with your main account, but you can change the account at any time in the main office at the NPC "Settings" (main_office 109, 59).

12610.png Mysterious Egg (12610) 12871.png Mysterious Egg II (12871)
616.png Old Card Album (616) 61171.png C. Kite (61171)
12246.png Mystical Card Album (12246) 61392.png C. Blazing Crown (61392)
12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) 61503.png C. Cat Witch Hat (purple) (61503)
14536.png Abrasive (14536) 61504.png C. Cat Witch Hat (blue) (61504)
17608.png Infinite Giant Fly Wing Box (30min) (17608) 61505.png C. Cat Witch Hat (red) (61505)
25793.png Inventory Expansion Voucher (25793) 61506.png C. Chocolate Bow Tie (brown) (61506)
6909.png Nyangvine Fruit (6909) 61507.png C. Chocolate Bow Tie (pink) (61507)
12883.png Almighty (12883) 61508.png C. Chocolate Bow Tie (white) (61508)
50035.png The One Potion (50035) 61564.png C. Black Cat on Shoulder (61564)
50001.png Forgotten Heirloom (50001) 61740.png C. Dark Faceworm Mask (61740)
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034) 61149.png C. Fruity Cap (61149)
22999.png Transformation Scroll Pack (22999) 62449.png C. Zero Helm (black) (62449)
22757.png Collection Of Scrolls Magical Transformation (22757) 62450.png C. Zero Helm (purple) (62450)
22758.png Collection Of Scrolls Shooting Transformation (22758) 62451.png C. Zero Helm (white) (62451)
22759.png Collection Of Scrolls Attack Speed Transformation (22759) 90278.png C. Atroce's Coat (90278)