Constellation Tower

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  • Levelanforderung: 240+
  • Startpunkt: (e_tower 74, 116)
  • Zeitlimit: 60 Minuten
  • Abklingzeit: 1 Tag


Constellation Tower ist die umfassende Überarbeitung von Endless Tower.
Erneut von Oscar geleitet, greift Constellation Tower mit seinem einzigartigen Zufallssystem und Zeitlimit in Sachen Schwierigkeitsgrad nach den Sternen.
Im Gegensatz zu Endless Tower, wo es bestimmte Monster und MVPs auf bestimmten Etagen gab, sind die Monster auf den Etagen von Constellation Tower alle zufällig ausgewählt.


In jedem fünften Stockwerk kannst du vier Stockwerke überspringen, indem du mit der obersten blauen Feuerschale am Anfang des aktuellen Stockwerks interagierst.
Die Nutzung eines Sprungs kostet 50x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) und erhöht sich mit jedem Sprung um 25.


Monster unterscheiden sich von ihrer ursprünglichen Endless Tower- oder Feldversion und haben nicht die ursprüngliche Beutetabelle.
Monster werden mit jeder Etage stärker, was sowohl ihre Gesundheit als auch ihren Schaden erhöht.
Jede fünfte Etage beherbergt zusätzlich ein zufälliges Bossmonster.
Bossmonster sind nicht vom Schwierigkeitsmodifikator des Etagenfortschritts betroffen und müssen nicht besiegt werden, um in die nächste Etage zu gelangen.

Normal Monsters
Jakk (20998)
Stone Shooter (20999)
Grizzly (21000)
Stalactic Golem (21001)
Chimera (21002)
Karakasa (21003)
Rideword (21004)
Parasite (21005)
Wraith (21006)
Sky Petite (21007)
Wind Ghost (21008)
Clock (21009)
Raydric Archer (21010)
Increase Soil (21011)
Penomena (21012)
Ground Petite (21013)
Alarm (21014)
Zombie Prisoner (21015)
Marionette (21016)
Permeter (21017)
Skeleton Prisoner (21018)
Owl Duke (21019)
Deviruchi (21020)
Bloody Butterfly (21021)
Stapo (21022)
Taoist Hermit (21023)
The Paper (21024)
Tengu (21025)
Alice (21026)
Anacondaq (21027)
Gargoyle (21028)
Carat (21029)
Sting (21030)
Gryphon (21031)
Gibbet (21032)
Nightmare Terror (21033)
Anolian (21034)
Bloody Murderer (21035)
Aliot (21036)
Venatu (21037)
Deathword (21038)
Plasma (21039)
Dimik (21040)
Mini Demon (21041)
Leib Olmai (21042)
Wanderer (21043)
Retribution (21044)
Flame Skull (21045)
Abysmal Knight (21046)
Banshee (21047)
5th Floor Bosses
Mastering (21325)
Vagabond Wolf (21326)
Vocal (21327)
Golden Thief Bug (21328)
Mistress (21329)
Maya (21330)
Phreeoni (21331)
Drake (21332)
Moonlight Flower (21333)
Bacsojin (21334)
Goblin Leader (21335)
Kobold Leader (21336)
Turtle General (21337)
Samurai Specter (21338)
Toad (21339)
Osiris (21340)
Pharaoh (21341)
Amon Ra (21342)
Dark Snake Lord (21343)
Arc Angeling (21344)
Deviling (21345)
Angeling (21346)
Ghostring (21347)
Ygnizem Seniar (21348)
Doppelganger (21349)
Atroce (21350)
Orc Hero (21351)
Orc Lord (21352)
Baphomet (21353)
Dark Lord (21354)
Falling Bishop (21355)
Ifrit (21356)
Randgris (21357)
Beelzebub (21358)
Beelzebub (21359)

Final Boss

Wenn Sie Etage 25 erreichen, können Sie gegen Naght Sieger kämpfen oder weiter aufsteigen.
Wenn Sie Etage 50 erreichen, können Sie gegen Betelgeuse kämpfen oder weiter bis zur 75. Etage aufsteigen, um gegen eine noch stärkere Version von Betelgeuse zu kämpfen.

Easy Final Bosses Hard Final Bosses
Naght Sieger (20996)
Thorny Skeleton (20997)
Betelgeuse (20994)
Dead Soul (20995)


Betelgeuse hat fünf Werte: Gesundheit, Angriff, Erholung, Verteidigung und Fallen. Diese Werte reichen von Versiegelt (0 Sterne) bis 5 Sterne.
Auf Ebene 50 liegt der maximale Schwierigkeitsgrad bei 3 Sternen.
Auf Ebene 75 liegt der maximale Schwierigkeitsgrad bei 5 Sternen, wobei zufällige Würfe von 3 auf 5 Sterne reichen.

Indem du vor dem Betreten des Bossraums mit dem Brunnen sprichst, kannst du den Schwierigkeitsgrad des Kampfes ändern:

Das Versiegeln eines Wertes sperrt ihn auf 0 Sterne und macht ihn unveränderbar.
Alle Werteänderungen werden auch auf die aktuelle Karte übertragen.

Stat Sealed ★★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★
Health 0% 15% 30% 45% 60% 75%
Attack 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Recovery 0% 30% 60% 90% 120% 150%
Defense 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250%
Traps 0% 85% 170% 235% 340% 425%

Schwierigkeitspunkte werden durch Addition der Statistikmodifikatoren berechnet.

Stat Stars Points
Health ★★ 30
Attack 20
Recovery ★★ 60
Defense ★★★ 150
Trap ★★ 170
Total 430


Jedes Monster hat die Chance, 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) fallen zu lassen.
Wenn du Nachtsieger besiegst, erhältst du 1x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 1x 1000396.png Naght Sieger Soul (1000396) .
Wenn du Betelgeuse besiegst, erhältst du je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad die folgenden Gegenstände:

Zusätzlich erscheinen besondere Schatztruhen, wobei in höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden mehr Truhen erscheinen. Diese Truhen können folgende Gegenstände enthalten:

Ab Schwierigkeitsgrad 400 besteht außerdem die Chance auf diese Kostüme:

Item Exchange

You can head back to the Misty Island to use the vending machines to exchange your rewards.

The vending machine will also break down 1 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) into 40 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) .
You can break down 1 Stat Meteorite Fragment into 4 Stat Meteorite Powders.
Also you can swap Fragments between each other at a rate of 3:1.

Basic Shop

Item Currency Amount
1000396.png Naght Sieger Soul (1000396) 3x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) 50x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)
450166.png Faint Star Robe [1] (450166) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
5x 1000396.png Naght Sieger Soul (1000396)
450167.png Faint Star Suit [1] (450167) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
5x 1000396.png Naght Sieger Soul (1000396)
450168.png Faint Star Armor [1] (450168) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
5x 1000396.png Naght Sieger Soul (1000396)
490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131) 100x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
10x 1000396.png Naght Sieger Soul (1000396)
1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442) 5x 1000398.png Power Meteorite Powder (1000398)
1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443) 5x 1000399.png Stamina Meteorite Powder (1000399)
1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444) 5x 1000400.png Agile Meteorite Powder (1000400)
1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445) 5x 1000401.png Lucky Meteorite Powder (1000401)
1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446) 5x 1000402.png Meteorite Powder of Spell (1000402)
1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447) 5x 1000403.png Meteorite Powder of Wisdom (1000403)

Advanced Shop

Item Currency Amount
450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
30x 1000398.png Power Meteorite Powder (1000398)
10x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 450168.png Faint Star Armor [1] (450168)
450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
30x 1000399.png Stamina Meteorite Powder (1000399)
10x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 450168.png Faint Star Armor [1] (450168)
450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
30x 1000400.png Agile Meteorite Powder (1000400)
10x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 450167.png Faint Star Suit [1] (450167)
450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
30x 1000401.png Lucky Meteorite Powder (1000401)
10x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 450167.png Faint Star Suit [1] (450167)
450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
30x 1000402.png Meteorite Powder of Spell (1000402)
10x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 450166.png Faint Star Robe [1] (450166)
450174.png Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] (450174) 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
30x 1000403.png Meteorite Powder of Wisdom (1000403)
10x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 450166.png Faint Star Robe [1] (450166)
490132.png Power Signet of Star [1] (490132) 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
50x 1000398.png Power Meteorite Powder (1000398)
20x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131)
490133.png Stamina Signet of Star [1] (490133) 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
50x 1000399.png Stamina Meteorite Powder (1000399)
20x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131)
490134.png Concentration Signet of Star [1] (490134) 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
50x 1000400.png Agile Meteorite Powder (1000400)
20x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131)
490135.png Creative Signet of Star [1] (490135) 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
50x 1000401.png Lucky Meteorite Powder (1000401)
20x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131)
490136.png Spell Signet of Star [1] (490136) 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
50x 1000402.png Meteorite Powder of Spell (1000402)
20x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131)
490137.png Wisdom Signet of Star [1] (490137) 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)
50x 1000403.png Meteorite Powder of Wisdom (1000403)
20x 1000397.png Betelgeuse Soul (1000397)
1x 490131.png Signet of Star [1] (490131)

Faint and Nebula Armors

Item Description
450166.png Faint Star Robe [1] (450166) A robe faintly infused with the magic of stars.
MATK +125
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 105
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
450167.png Faint Star Suit [1] (450167) A suit faintly infused with the magic of stars.
ATK +75, MATK +75
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10, MATK +10
Refine Level +9:
Increases Attach Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%).
Refine Level +11:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 135
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 150
Required Level: 240
450168.png Faint Star Armor [1] (450168) A armor faintly infused with the magic of stars.
ATK +125
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP +7%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 175
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 250
Required Level: 240
450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) A armor that received the energy of physics among the power of stars.
The physical ability will be increased.
POW +1
ATK +125
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
Refine Level +9:
ATK +5%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 20%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +2 and ATK +1%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1%.
[Grade C]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +3 and ATK +1%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1%.
[Grade B]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +2%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
P.ATK +1.
[Grade A]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +3%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 2%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
P.ATK +2.

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 175
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 250
Required Level: 240
450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) A armor that received the energy of stamina among the power of stars.
The physical defense and resilience will be increased.
STA +1
MaxHP +10%
For each 2 Refine Levels:
DEF +15
Refine Level +9:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
MaxHP +15%
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
DEF +5
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
RES +1
[Grade C]:
DEF +7
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 3%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
RES +2
[Grade B]:
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +1%
For each 4 Refine Levels:
RES +3
[Grade A]:
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +2%
For each 4 Refine Levels:
RES +4

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 175
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 250
Required Level: 240
450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) A suit that received the energy of agility among the power of stars.
Speed and ranged physical ability will be increased.
CON +1
ATK +125
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
Refine Level +9:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 20%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
ATK +2
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed (After Attack Delay -1%).
ATK +1%
[Grade C]:
ATK +3
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed (After Attack Delay -1%).
ATK +2%
[Grade B]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed (After Attack Delay -2%).
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
P.ATK +1
[Grade A]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed (After Attack Delay -2%).
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
P.ATK +2

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 135
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 150
Required Level: 240
450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) A suit that received the energy of luck among the power of stars.
Critical ability will be increased.
CRT +1
ATK +100
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
Refine Level +9:
CRI +5
Refine Level +11:
Increases Critical Damage by 20%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +1
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Critical Damage +2%
CRI +1
[Grade C]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +2
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Critical Damage +3%
CRI +2
[Grade B]:
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Critical Damage +5%
For each 4 Refine Levels:
C.Rate +1
P.ATK +1
[Grade A]:
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Critical Damage +7%
For each 4 Refine Levels:
C.Rate +1
P.ATK +2

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 135
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 150
Required Level: 240
450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) A robe that received the energy of spell among the power of stars.
Magic ability will be increased.
SPL +1
MATK +125
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
Refine Level +9:
MATK +5%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +1%
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 3%.
[Grade C]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +1%
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 3%.
[Grade B]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +2%
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
[Grade A]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +3%
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 105
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
450174.png Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] (450174) A robe that received the energy of wisdom among the power of stars.
Magic defense and recovery ability will be increased.
WIS +1
MATK +125
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MaxSP +2%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 1%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases SP Recovery Rate by 30%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
SP Recovery Rate +2%.
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
M.RES +1
[Grade C]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
SP Recovery Rate +3%.
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
M.RES +2
[Grade B]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MaxSP +1%
For each 3 Refine Levels:
For each 4 Refine Levels:
[Grade A]:
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MaxSP +2%
For each 3 Refine Levels:
For each 4 Refine Levels:

Type: Armor
Position: Armor
Defense: 105
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240

Stellar Seal Accessories

Item Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process
Grade Refine
490132.png Power Signet of Star [1] (490132) 4>3>2 No Grade 0 allowed 30x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

490133.png Stamina Signet of Star [1] (490133)
490134.png Concentration Signet of Star [1] (490134)
490135.png Creative Signet of Star [1] (490135)
490136.png Spell Signet of Star [1] (490136)
490137.png Wisdom Signet of Star [1] (490137)
Item Description
490132.png Power Signet of Star [1] (490132) A seal imbued with the power of strength from the stars.
ATK +7%, P.ATK +3.
When equipped with Nebula Armor of Power:
ATK +5%, P.ATK +2.

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
490133.png Stamina Signet of Star [1] (490133) A seal imbued with the power of stamina from the stars.
MaxHP +7%, RES +3.
When equipped with Nebula Armor of Stamina:
MaxHP +5%, RES +3.

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
490134.png Concentration Signet of Star [1] (490134) A seal imbued with the power of agility from the stars.
Increases Attack Speed by 7%.
CRI +3
When equipped with Nebula Suit of Agility:
ASPD +1, CRI +7.

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
490135.png Creative Signet of Star [1] (490135) A seal imbued with the power of luck from the stars.
Increases Critical Damage by 7%.
P.ATK +2
When equipped with Nebula Suit of Creative:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 5%.
P.ATK +2

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
490136.png Spell Signet of Star [1] (490136) A seal imbued with the power of spell from the stars.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.
When equipped with Nebula Robe of Spell:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240
490137.png Wisdom Signet of Star [1] (490137) A seal imbued with the power of wisdom from the stars.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%.
When equipped with Nebula Robe of Wisdom:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Right Accessory
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 240

Nebula Armor Enchantment

Target Items Slot Order Minimum Requirements Line Options Reset Process Enchanting
Grade Refine Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) 4>3>2 No Grade 9 allowed 10x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

5x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)

1,000,000 z

5x 1000398.png Power Meteorite Powder (1000398)


5x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) 4>3>2 No Grade 9 allowed 10x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

5x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)

1,000,000 z

5x 1000399.png Stamina Meteorite Powder (1000399)


5x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) 4>3>2 No Grade 9 allowed 10x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

5x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)

1,000,000 z

5x 1000400.png Agile Meteorite Powder (1000400)


5x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) 4>3>2 No Grade 9 allowed 10x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

5x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)

1,000,000 z

5x 1000401.png Lucky Meteorite Powder (1000401)


5x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) 4>3>2 No Grade 9 allowed 10x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

5x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)

1,000,000 z

5x 1000402.png Meteorite Powder of Spell (1000402)


5x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


450174.png Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] (450174) 4>3>2 No Grade 9 allowed 10x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Chance: 100.00%

5x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)

1,000,000 z

5x 1000403.png Meteorite Powder of Wisdom (1000403)


5x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372)


Other languages:

Normale Verzauberungen und ihre Chancen

Slot 2

Enchant 450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) 450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) 450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) 450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) 450174.png Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] (450174)
310674.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.1 (310674)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base POW:
ATK +5
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

42.00% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70%
310675.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.2 (310675)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base POW:
ATK +7
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +2
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +2
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

7.20% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
310676.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.3 (310676)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base POW:
ATK +15
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +1
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +2
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +2
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base POW:
P.ATK +3
Increaseses Melee Physical Damage by additional 3%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.90% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%
310677.png Star Cluster of Stamina Lv.1 (310677)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

7.70% 42.00% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70%
310678.png Star Cluster of Stamina Lv.2 (310678)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +2%, RES +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +2%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +2%, RES +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.00% 7.20% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
310679.png Star Cluster of Stamina Lv.3 (310679)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +3%, RES +4
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +1%, RES +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +2%, RES +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +2%, RES +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base STA:
MaxHP +3%, RES +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.90% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%
310680.png Star Cluster of Concentration Lv.1 (310680)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
ATK +5
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

7.70% 7.70% 42.00% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70%
310681.png Star Cluster of Concentration Lv.2 (310681)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
ATK +7
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%.
P.ATK +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.00% 2.00% 7.20% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
310682.png Star Cluster of Concentration Lv.3 (310682)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
ATK +15
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%.
P.ATK +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 2%.
P.ATK +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base CON:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%.
P.ATK +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.90% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%
310683.png Star Cluster of Creative Lv.1 (310683)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by 1%.
ATK +5
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

7.60% 7.60% 7.60% 42.00% 7.60% 7.60%
310684.png Star Cluster of Creative Lv.2 (310684)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by 2%.
ATK +7
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +2
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 2%.
P.ATK +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 7.20% 2.00% 2.00%
310685.png Star Cluster of Creative Lv.3 (310685)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.
ATK +15
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 1%.
P.ATK +1
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 2%.
P.ATK +3
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base CRT:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 3%.
P.ATK +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.90% 0.30% 0.30%
310686.png Star Cluster of Spell Lv.1 (310686)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 42.00% 7.70%
310687.png Star Cluster of Spell Lv.2 (310687)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 2%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 7.20% 2.00%
310688.png Star Cluster of Spell Lv.3 (310688)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base SPL:
MATK +15
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 3%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base SPL:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 3%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.90% 0.30%
310689.png Star Cluster of Wisdom Lv.1 (310689)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

7.70% 7.70% 7.70% 7.60% 7.70% 42.00%
310690.png Star Cluster of Wisdom Lv.2 (310690)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 3%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 1%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +2%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 7.20%
310691.png Star Cluster of Wisdom Lv.3 (310691)

A stellar essence that strengthens the wearer.
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +2%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is D:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is C:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +1%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 2%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is B:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +2%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by additional 3%.
If enchanted Armor's Grade is A:
For each 15 base WIS:
MaxSP +2%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.90%

Slot 3

Enchant 450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) 450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) 450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) 450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) 450174.png Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] (450174)
310727.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.1 (310727)

ATK +10
Refine Level +9:
ATK +10
Refine Level +11:
ATK +15
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00%
310728.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.2 (310728)

ATK +15
Refine Level +9:
ATK +15
Refine Level +11:
ATK +30
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40%
310729.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.3 (310729)

ATK +20
Refine Level +9:
ATK +20
Refine Level +11:
ATK +40
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%
310730.png Nebula of Expert Archer Lv.1 (310730)

Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 3%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 4%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00%
310731.png Nebula of Expert Archer Lv.2 (310731)

Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 7%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40%
310732.png Nebula of Expert Archer Lv.3 (310732)

Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 7%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by additional 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%
310733.png Nebula of Sharp Lv.1 (310733)

Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 7%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00%
310734.png Nebula of Sharp Lv.2 (310734)

Increases Critical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 7%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 12%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40%
310735.png Nebula of Sharp Lv.3 (310735)

Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Critical Damage by additional 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%
310736.png Nebula of Spell Lv.1 (310736)

MATK +10
Refine Level +9:
MATK +10
Refine Level +11:
MATK +15
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00%
310737.png Nebula of Spell Lv.2 (310737)

MATK +15
Refine Level +9:
MATK +15
Refine Level +11:
MATK +30
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40%
310738.png Nebula of Spell Lv.3 (310738)

MATK +20
Refine Level +9:
MATK +20
Refine Level +11:
MATK +40
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%
310739.png Nebula of Healing Lv.1 (310739)

Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%.
MaxSP +3%
Refine Level +9:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 3%.
MaxSP +2%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%.
MaxSP +3%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00%
310740.png Nebula of Healing Lv.2 (310740)

Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 7%.
MaxSP +5%
Refine Level +9:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%.
MaxSP +3%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 7%.
MaxSP +5%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40%
310741.png Nebula of Healing Lv.3 (310741)

Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.
MaxSP +5%
Refine Level +9:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 7%.
MaxSP +4%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 10%.
MaxSP +7%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%
310742.png Nebula of Health Lv.1 (310742)

MaxHP +3%, DEF +25.
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP +3%, DEF +15.
Refine Level +11:
MaxHP +5%, DEF +25.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00%
310743.png Nebula of Health Lv.2 (310743)

MaxHP +5%, DEF +30.
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP +4%, DEF +20.
Refine Level +11:
MaxHP +6%, DEF +30.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40%
310744.png Nebula of Health Lv.3 (310744)

MaxHP +7%, DEF +45.
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP +5%, DEF +30.
Refine Level +11:
MaxHP +8%, DEF +45.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30%

Slot 4

Enchant 450169.png Nebula Armor of Power [1] (450169) 450170.png Nebula Armor of Stamina [1] (450170) 450171.png Nebula Suit of Concentration [1] (450171) 450172.png Nebula Suit of Creative [1] (450172) 450173.png Nebula Robe of Spell [1] (450173) 450174.png Nebula Robe of Wisdom [1] (450174)
4702.png STR+3 (4702)

STR +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
4703.png STR+4 (4703)

STR +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
4704.png STR+5 (4704)

STR +5
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
4712.png INT+3 (4712)

INT +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
4713.png INT+4 (4713)

INT +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
4714.png INT+5 (4714)

INT +5
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
4721.png DEX+2 (4721)

DEX +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
4722.png DEX+3 (4722)

DEX +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
4723.png DEX+4 (4723)

DEX +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
4732.png AGI+3 (4732)

AGI +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
4733.png AGI+4 (4733)

AGI +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
4734.png AGI+5 (4734)

AGI +5
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
4742.png VIT+3 (4742)

VIT +3
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00%
4743.png VIT+4 (4743)

VIT +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
4744.png VIT+5 (4744)

VIT +5
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%

Du kannst Verzauberungsplatz 4 neu würfeln, was 500x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) kostet.
Du kannst deine Verzauberung auch verbessern:
Zum Beispiel Platz 4 bei der Nebelrüstung der Macht.
Wenn du beispielsweise 4702.png STR+3 (4702) erhältst, kannst du es sicher für 25x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) und 250.000 Z auf 4703.png STR+4 (4703) verbessern.
Derselbe Fortschritt gilt, wenn du 4703.png STR+4 (4703) erhältst und es für 75x 1000372.png Meteorite Powder (1000372) und 750.000 Z auf 4704.png STR+5 (4704) verbessern möchtest.
Zum Beispiel Platz 3 bei der Nebelrüstung der Macht.
Beispiel: Du erhältst 310727.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.1 (310727) und kannst es für 25x 1000398.png Power Meteorite Powder (1000398) und 500.000 Z gefahrlos auf 310728.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.2 (310728) aufwerten.
Derselbe Fortschritt gilt, wenn du 310728.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.2 (310728) erhältst und es für 75x 1000398.png Power Meteorite Powder (1000398) und 1.500.000 Z auf 310729.png Nebula of Fighting Lv.3 (310729) aufwerten möchtest.
Beispiel: Slot 2 bei Nebula Armor of Power.
Beispiel: Du erhältst 310674.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.1 (310674) und kannst es für 25x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442) und 5.000.000 Z gefahrlos auf 310675.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.2 (310675) aufwerten.
Derselbe Fortschritt, wenn Sie 310675.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.2 (310675) erhalten und es für 75x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442) und 15.000.000 Z auf 310676.png Star Cluster of Power Lv.3 (310676) upgraden möchten.

Other languages:

Stellar Seal Accessories Verzauberungen

Random Enchant Slot 3 and 4

Sternenzubehör-Verzauberungen können aufgewertet werden.
Zum Beispiel Verzauberungen auf Slot 4:
Wenn du 310702.png Star of Sharp Lv.1 (310702) erhältst, kannst du es für 25 x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 1.500.000 Z auf 310703.png Star of Sharp Lv.2 (310703) aufwerten.
Wenn du 310703.png Star of Sharp Lv.2 (310703) erhältst, kannst du es für 75 x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 4.500.000 Z auf 310704.png Star of Sharp Lv.3 (310704) aufwerten.
Wenn du 310704.png Star of Sharp Lv.3 (310704) erhältst, kannst du es für 150 x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 9.000.000 Z auf 310705.png Star of Sharp Lv.4 (310705) aufwerten.
Wenn du 310705.png Star of Sharp Lv.4 (310705) erhältst, kannst du es für 250x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 15.000.000 Z auf 310706.png Star of Sharp Lv.5 (310706) aufwerten.

Beispiel: Verzauberungen auf Slot 3:
Wenn du 310702.png Star of Sharp Lv.1 (310702) erhältst, kannst du es für 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 2.500.000 Z auf 310703.png Star of Sharp Lv.2 (310703) aufwerten.
Wenn du 310703.png Star of Sharp Lv.2 (310703) erhältst, kannst du es für 150x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 7.500.000 Z auf 310704.png Star of Sharp Lv.3 (310704) aufwerten.
Wenn du 310704.png Star of Sharp Lv.3 (310704) erhältst, kannst du es für 300 x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 15.000.000 Z auf 310705.png Star of Sharp Lv.4 (310705) upgraden.
Wenn du 310705.png Star of Sharp Lv.4 (310705) erhältst, kannst du es für 500 x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 25.000.000 Z auf 310706.png Star of Sharp Lv.5 (310706) upgraden.

Normale Verzauberungen, z. B. 4808.png Fighting Spirit Lv4 (4808) , können nur einmal um 25x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 1.500.000 Z auf Slot 3 oder um 50x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373) und 2.500.000 Z auf Slot 4 aufgewertet werden.

Slot 3 Slot 4
10x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)

500.000 Z

100% Erfolgsrate

Grade D: none

Grade C: none

Grade B: none

5x 1000373.png Meteorite Fragment (1000373)


100% Erfolgsrate

Grade D: none

Grade C: none

Grade B: none

Mögliche Verzauberungen at Slot 3 and 4
4808.png Fighting Spirit Lv4 (4808) (1,75%)

ATK +15
HIT +5
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4809.png Fighting Spirit Lv3 (4809) (10,05%)

ATK +12
HIT +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4812.png Spell Lv4 (4812) (1,75%)

MATK +15
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4813.png Spell Lv3 (4813) (10,00%)

MATK +12
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 8%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4816.png Sharp Lv3 (4816) (10,05%)

CRI +12
HIT +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4834.png Expert Archer Lv3 (4834)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 6%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4835.png Expert Archer Lv4 (4835)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 8%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

4843.png Sharp Lv4 (4843)


CRI +14
HIT +5
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310692.png Star of Mettle Lv.1 (310692)


ATK +3%
HIT +10
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310697.png Star of Master Archer Lv1 (310697)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
ATK + 2%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310702.png Star of Sharp Lv.1 (310702)


CRI +2
Increases Critical Damage by 2%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310707.png Star of Spell Lv.1 (310707)


Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310712.png Star of Speed Lv.1 (310712)


Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310717.png Star of Vital Lv.1 (310717)


MaxHP +2%
RES +1, MRES +1.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310722.png Star of Spirit Lv.1 (310722)


Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%.
MaxSP +3%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 10%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310693.png Star of Mettle Lv.2 (310693)


ATK +5%
HIT +15
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310698.png Star of Master Archer Lv2 (310698)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
ATK + 4%
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310703.png Star of Sharp Lv.2 (310703)


CRI +3
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310708.png Star of Spell Lv.2 (310708)


Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310713.png Star of Speed Lv.2 (310713)


FLEE +10
Increases Attack Speed by 7%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310718.png Star of Vital Lv.2 (310718)


MaxHP +3%.
RES +2, MRES +2.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310723.png Star of Spirit Lv.2 (310723)


Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 7%.
MaxSP +5%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310694.png Star of Mettle Lv.3 (310694)


ATK +7%
HIT +20
P.ATK +1
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310699.png Star of Master Archer Lv3 (310699)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
ATK + 5%
P.ATK +1
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310704.png Star of Sharp Lv.3 (310704)


CRI +5
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
P.ATK +1
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310709.png Star of Spell Lv.3 (310709)


MATK +11
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310714.png Star of Speed Lv.3 (310714)


FLEE +15
Increases Attack Speed by 7%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310719.png Star of Vital Lv.3 (310719)


MaxHP +5%
RES +4, MRES +4.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310724.png Star of Spirit Lv.3 (310724)


Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.
MaxSP +5%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310695.png Star of Mettle Lv.4 (310695)


ATK +10%
HIT +25
P.ATK +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310700.png Star of Master Archer Lv4 (310700)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
ATK + 6%
P.ATK + 2.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310705.png Star of Sharp Lv.4 (310705)


CRI +6
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
P.ATK +2
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310710.png Star of Spell Lv.4 (310710)


MATK +17
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310715.png Star of Speed Lv.4 (310715)


FLEE +20
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310720.png Star of Vital Lv.4 (310720)


MaxHP +7%
RES +6, MRES +6.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310725.png Star of Spirit Lv.4 (310725)


Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.
MaxSP +7%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310696.png Star of Mettle Lv.5 (310696)


ATK +15%
HIT +30
P.ATK +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310701.png Star of Master Archer Lv5 (310701)


Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
ATK + 7%
P.ATK +4
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310706.png Star of Sharp Lv.5 (310706)


CRI +8
Increases Critical Damage by 15%.
P.ATK +2, C.Rate +1.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310711.png Star of Spell Lv.5 (310711)


MATK +25
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310716.png Star of Speed Lv.5 (310716)


FLEE +30
Increases Attack Speed by 15%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310721.png Star of Vital Lv.5 (310721)


MaxHP +10%
RES +10, MRES +10.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

310726.png Star of Spirit Lv.5 (310726)


Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 15%.
MaxSP +10%
Increases Natural SP Recovery Rate by 20%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown

Perfect Enchant Slot 2

Enchant Description Materials
313024.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv1 (313024) Star essence that strengthens the wearer.
Increases physical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 5%.
Every 20 base POW, P.ATK +1.
Every 20 base CON, ATK + 5.
When equipped with Token of Life:
increases physical damage against normal and boss type enemies by 3%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown
15x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
10x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
15x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
20x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
5,000,000 Zeny
313029.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv1 (313029) Star essence that strengthens the wearer.
Increases physical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 5%.
Every 20 base POW, P.ATK +1.
Every 20 base CRT, ATK + 5.
When equipped with Token of Life:
increases physical damage against normal and boss type enemies by 3%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown
10x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
15x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
15x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
20x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
5,000,000 Zeny
313034.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv1 (313034) Star essence that strengthens the wearer.
Increases magical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 5%.
Every 20 base SPL, S.MATK +1.
Every 20 base CON, MATK + 5.
When equipped with Token of Life:
increases magical damage against normal and boss type enemies by 3%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown
15x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
10x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
15x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
20x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
5,000,000 Zeny
313039.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv1 (313039) Star essence that strengthens the wearer.
RES + 10, MRES + 10.
Every 20 base STA, DEF + 10.
Every 20 base WIS, MDEF + 5.
When equipped with Token of Life:
MHP + 1%, MSP + 1%.
Type: Enchant
Position: Unknown
15x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
15x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
10x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
20x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
5,000,000 Zeny

Random Upgrade Enchant Slot 2

Note: Verzauberungen werden beim Fehlschlag NICHT runtergestuft

Star Cluster of Strength

Enchant Materials Zeny Chance
313024.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv1 (313024) 313025.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv2 (313025) 5x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
4x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
5x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
4x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
500.000 80%
313025.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv2 (313025) 313026.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv3 (313026) 10x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
8x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
10x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
8x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
1.000.000 65%
313026.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv3 (313026) 313027.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv4 (313027) 20x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
16x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
20x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
16x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
2.000.000 45%
313027.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv4 (313027) 313028.png Star Cluster of Strength Lv5 (313028) 35x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
28x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
35x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
28x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
3.500.000 25%

Star Cluster of Luck

Enchant Materials Zeny Chance
313029.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv1 (313029) 313030.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv2 (313030) 4x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
5x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
5x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
4x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
500.000 80%
313030.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv2 (313030) 313031.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv3 (313031) 8x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
10x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
10x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
8x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
1.000.000 65%
313031.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv3 (313031) 313032.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv4 (313032) 16x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
20x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
20x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
16x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
2.000.000 45%
313032.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv4 (313032) 313033.png Star Cluster of Luck Lv5 (313033) 28x 1000442.png Power Meteorite Fragment (1000442)
35x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
35x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
28x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
3.500.000 25%

Star Cluster of Intelligence

Enchant Materials Zeny Chance
313034.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv1 (313034) 313035.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv2 (313035) 5x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
4x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
5x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
4x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
500.000 80%
313035.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv2 (313035) 313036.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv3 (313036) 10x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
8x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
10x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
8x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
1.000.000 65%
313036.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv3 (313036) 313037.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv4 (313037) 20x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
16x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
20x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
16x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
2.000.000 45%
313037.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv4 (313037) 313038.png Star Cluster of Intelligence Lv5 (313038) 35x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
28x 1000444.png Agile Meteorite Fragment (1000444)
35x 1000446.png Meteorite Fragment of Spell (1000446)
28x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
3.500.000 25%

Star Cluster of Resistance

Enchant Materials Zeny Chance
313039.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv1 (313039) 313040.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv2 (313040) 5x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
5x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
4x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
4x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
500.000 80%
313040.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv2 (313040) 313041.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv3 (313041) 10x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
10x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
8x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
8x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
1.000.000 65%
313041.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv3 (313041) 313042.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv4 (313042) 20x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
20x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
16x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
16x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
2.000.000 45%
313042.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv4 (313042) 313043.png Star Cluster of Resistance Lv5 (313043) 35x 1000443.png Stamina Meteorite Fragment (1000443)
35x 1000445.png Lucky Meteorite Fragment (1000445)
28x 1000447.png Meteorite Fragment of Wisdom (1000447)
28x 1001599.png Unknown Meteorite Fragment (1001599)
3.500.000 25%