Translations:Bangungot Hospital/5/en

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  1. Talk to the Nurse Las at (malaya 55, 72). Choose Yes, About the hospital, Reason for stalling me.
  2. Give 2 930.png Rotten Bandage (930) to her.
  3. Talk to her again.
  4. Click on the Hospital Door behind Nurse Las.
  5. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72).
  6. Talk to Village Woman (malaya 64, 78) and choose Ask about the hospital.
  7. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72).
  8. Talk to Village Man (malaya 62, 37) and choose Ask about the hospital.
  9. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72).
  10. Go to Dr. Boon (malaya 210, 200). Choose No.
  11. Return to Nurse Las.
  12. Click on the Hospital Door.
  13. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72). Choose Ask about Mom.
  14. Talk to Bushes (malaya 54, 66) and choose Ask about the Old Lady.
  15. Click on Suspicious Wooden Stick that spawns around the building. Keep clicking until you get one, two or three 6497.png Lesser Agimat (6497) . Check Nurse Las if she continues its script.
  16. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72). Choose Go.
  17. Talk to the Bent Old Lady (malaya 114, 183). Choose Ask about the hospital.
  18. Talk to her again.
  19. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72).
  20. You will be teleported inside. Talk to the Nurse (ma_dun01 35, 108), choose Go outside, then come inside again.
  21. Click on the Suspicious Wooden Stick (ma_dun01 152, 23).
  22. Talk to the Nurse (ma_dun01 148, 10).
  23. Return to the Nurse (ma_dun01 35, 108) and choose Go outside.
  24. Return to the Bent Old Lady (malaya 114, 183).
  25. Talk to the Bent Shaman (malaya 274, 367).
  26. Return to Nurse Las (malaya 55, 72). Go inside the hospital.
  27. Click on the Suspicious Wooden Stick (ma_dun01 152, 23). You'll be teleported out.
  28. Talk to the Nurse (malaya 55, 72). You gain 5 6499.png Ancient Grudge (6499) , 10 6497.png Lesser Agimat (6497) , 1 617.png Old Purple Box (617) . Base EXP, Job EXP.