Color Palettes

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These color palettes helps players create cohesive, visually appealing combinations with their costumes that cater to different styles, moods, and trends!

We have two categories for color palettes and these are:

  • Hair Color
  • Cloth Color

We have over 1300 different cloth color palettes, and 297 different hair color palettes for you to choose from!

Dr. Style

Characters may change their cloth and hair color palettes by visiting the Dr. Style NPC at either Neustadt or at Main Office (2nd floor)

We currently have 2 Dr. Style NPC's existing in the server that can satisfy your customization needs and here are their locations.

1. Dr. Style (Neustadt) (neustadt 186, 116)

2. Dr. Style (Main Office) (main_office 85, 272)

Expanded Alternate Outfits

Dr. Style also offers expanded alternate outfits.

  • Players can choose the outfit of any job(excluding Doram and classes without alternate outfits)
  • Weapons, companions, and mounts that are not compatible with the outfit will be hidden.
  • In WoE and BG expanded outfits will be hidden.
  • Expanded alternate outfits are hidden by default and can be enabled using the @expandstyle command or at the Settings NPC.

Cloth Color Palettes

Here's a list of cloth color palettes for each class.

(Tips: Open the image on another tab and zoom/magnify it)

1st 2nd Transcendent 3rd Alternate 3rd (j) 4th Alternate 3rd (old)
Acolyte Priest High Priest Arch Bishop Alternate Arch Bishop Cardinal Alternate Cardinal
Monk Champion Sura Alternate Sura Inquisitor
Archer Hunter Sniper Ranger Alternate Ranger Windhawk
Dancer/Bard Gypsy/Clown Wanderer/Maestro Alternate Wanderer/Maestro Trouvere/Troubadour
Thief Assassin Assassin Cross Guillotine Cross Alternate Guillotine Cross Shadow Cross
Rogue Stalker Shadow Chaser Alternate Shadow Chaser Abyss Chaser
Merchant Blacksmith Whitesmith Mechanic Alternate Mechanic Meister
Alchemist Creator Geneticist Alternate Geneticist Biolo
Magician Wizard High Wizard Warlock Alternate Warlock Arch Mage Alternate Arch Mage
Sage Professor Sorcerer Alternate Sorcerer Elemental Master
Swordsman Knight Lord Knight Rune Knight Alternate Rune Knight Dragon Knight Alternate Dragon Knight
Crusader Paladin Royal Guard Alternate Royal Guard Imperial Guard
Expanded Classes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Novice Super Novice Hyper Novice
Summoner Spirit Handler
Taekwon Soul Linker Soul Reaper Soul Ascetic
Star Gladiator Star Emperor Sky Emperor
Ninja Oboro/Kagerou Shinkiro/Shiranui
Gunslinger Rebellion Night Watch

Hair Color Palettes

Here's a list of available hair colors.

Hair colors

Hair Styles

Here's a list of available hair styles for female and male characters.
