Basis Job: |
Job Typ: |
1. Klasse
max. Job Level: |
Jobwechsel in: |
Job Bonus
+7 |
+2 |
+4 |
+0 |
+3 |
Schwertkämpfer sind willensstarke Kämpfer die mit Schwert und Schild führen wollen. Obwohl hartnäckig wie die Wellen des Meeres, sind Schwertkämpfer in der Lage ihre starken Angriffsfähigkeiten zu nutzen, um die Gezeiten des Schlachtfeldes zu beeinflussen. Aufgewachsen in Prontera und der nahe gelegenen Stadt Izlude, haben sie gelernt das die beste Verteidigung ein guter Angriff ist.
Schwertkämpfer neigen dazu hohe ATK von Schwertern zu haben und ihre Fähigkeiten erhöhen den Schaden dieser Waffen. Sie können schwere Rüstungen und Schilde tragen um ihren DEF und ihren hohen HP-Pool durch Fähigkeiten und HP-Bonus zu verstärken, die beim Tanken von Mobs erheblich helfen.
Main Office (Hauptbüro) in Prontera beim NPC Jobmaster.
Magnum Break Mobber
Dieser Build erfordert, dass du herumläufst, Mobs von Monstern sammelst und sie dann alle mit Magnum Break tötest. Möglicherweise musst du Provoke verwenden, um Monster zu dir zu locken. Verwende Ausrüstung, die Deinen DEF-, HP- und SP-Pool erhöht. Nutze HP- und SP-Tränke für die Überlebensfähigkeit. Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Akolythen für Heilungen kann dazu beitragen die Verwendung von HP Tränken deutlich zu reduzieren.
Verteilung der Statuspunkte
Die Zuweisung der Statuspunkte ist abhängig von den Monstern die du töten willst, deiner Überlebensfähigkeit, deinen Fähigkeiten das Spiel zu spielen und dem geplanten Charakteraufbau. Wenn Du feststellst das du Monster verlierst, füge mehr DEX hinzu, um deine Trefferquote (HIT) zu erhöhen.
So könnte die Statuspunkteverteilung mit Baselevel 40 aussehen:
- STR.: 40
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 30
- INT: 16
- DEX: 20
- LUK: 1
Dieser Build konzentriert sich darauf, Monster nacheinander mit 1-2 Treffern von Bash zu töten. Ideale Monster zum Töten für diesen Build sind passive Monster wie Willow oder Bigfoot.
Verteilung der Statuspunkte
Die Zuweisung der Statuspunkte ist abhängig von den Monstern die du töten willst, deiner Überlebensfähigkeit, deinen Fähigkeiten das Spiel zu spielen und dem geplanten Charakteraufbau.
So könnte die Statuspunkteverteilung mit Baselevel 40 aussehen:
- STR.: 54
- AGI: 1
- VIT: 1
- INT: 16
- DEX: 20
- LUK: 1
Sword Mastery Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increase your Mastery ATK while equipped with a One-Handed Sword, or Dagger class weapon. [Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +4 [Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +8 [Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +12 [Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +16 [Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +20 [Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +24 [Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +28 [Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +32 [Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +36 [Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +40
Increase HP Recovery Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Passive Description: Restore HP every 10 seconds while you are idle. [Lv 1]: Restores 5 + 0.2% of MaxHP [Lv 2]: Restores 10 + 0.4% of MaxHP [Lv 3]: Restores 15 + 0.6% of MaxHP [Lv 4]: Restores 20 + 0.8% of MaxHP [Lv 5]: Restores 25 + 1.0% of MaxHP [Lv 6]: Restores 30 + 1.2% of MaxHP [Lv 7]: Restores 35 + 1.4% of MaxHP [Lv 8]: Restores 40 + 1.6% of MaxHP [Lv 9]: Restores 45 + 1.8% of MaxHP [Lv 10]: Restores 50 + 2.0% of MaxHP
Two-Handed Sword Mastery Max Level: 10 Requirement: Sword Mastery 1 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increase your Mastery ATK while equipped with a Two-Handed Sword class weapon. [Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +4 [Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +8 [Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +12 [Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +16 [Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +20 [Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +24 [Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +28 [Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +32 [Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +36 [Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +40
Bash Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Melee Property: Based on Weapon Target: Enemy Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Description: Hit an enemy with a crushing force. This skill has an increased HIT rate. If the Fatal Blow skill is learned, Bash will have a chance to Stun the target at Level 6 and higher. [Lv 1]: ATK 130%, HIT +5% [Lv 2]: ATK 160%, HIT +10% [Lv 3]: ATK 190%, HIT +15% [Lv 4]: ATK 220%, HIT +20% [Lv 5]: ATK 250%, HIT +25% [Lv 6]: ATK 280%, HIT +30% [Lv 7]: ATK 310%, HIT +35% [Lv 8]: ATK 340%, HIT +40% [Lv 9]: ATK 370%, HIT +45% [Lv 10]: ATK 400%, HIT +50%
Provoke Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Active Type: Debuff Target: Enemy Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing Description: Enrage target enemy, reducing their DEF, while also increasing their Attack Power. Can't be cast on Undead race or Boss enemies. [Lv 1]: Attack Power +5%, Defense -10% [Lv 2]: Attack Power +8%, Defense -15% [Lv 3]: Attack Power +11%, Defense -20% [Lv 4]: Attack Power +14%, Defense -25% [Lv 5]: Attack Power +17%, Defense -30% [Lv 6]: Attack Power +20%, Defense -35% [Lv 7]: Attack Power +23%, Defense -40% [Lv 8]: Attack Power +26%, Defense -45% [Lv 9]: Attack Power +29%, Defense -50% [Lv 10]: Attack Power +32%, Defense -55%
Magnum Break Max Level: 10 Requirement: Bash 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Melee Property: Fire Target: Self Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.5s Cool Down: 2s Description: Create an explosion around you dealing Fire property damage to enemies in the 5x5 area around yourself, and knock them backwards 2 cells. Enemies in the outer 5x5 cells around you will take less damage. For 10 seconds after casting Magnum Break your physical attacks will deal an additional 20% Fire property damage. [Lv 1]: ATK 120% / 110% (Outer Area) [Lv 2]: ATK 140% / 120% (Outer Area) [Lv 3]: ATK 160% / 130% (Outer Area) [Lv 4]: ATK 180% / 140% (Outer Area) [Lv 5]: ATK 200% / 150% (Outer Area) [Lv 6]: ATK 220% / 160% (Outer Area) [Lv 7]: ATK 240% / 170% (Outer Area) [Lv 8]: ATK 260% / 180% (Outer Area) [Lv 9]: ATK 280% / 190% (Outer Area) [Lv 10]: ATK 300% / 200% (Outer Area)
Endure Max Level: 10 Requirement: Provoke 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Self Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: 10s Dispellable: Dispell, Clearance, Banishing Description: Prepare yourself to receive attacks from enemies, allowing you to ignore the staggering effect from normal attacks. Also increases your MDEF for the duration. Endure status will be cancelled after receiving 7 normal attacks. You can not ignore the stagger effect in WoE. [Lv 1]: Lasts 10 seconds, MDEF +1 [Lv 2]: Lasts 13 seconds, MDEF +2 [Lv 3]: Lasts 16 seconds, MDEF +3 [Lv 4]: Lasts 19 seconds, MDEF +4 [Lv 5]: Lasts 22 seconds, MDEF +5 [Lv 6]: Lasts 25 seconds, MDEF +6 [Lv 7]: Lasts 28 seconds, MDEF +7 [Lv 8]: Lasts 31 seconds, MDEF +8 [Lv 9]: Lasts 34 seconds, MDEF +9 [Lv 10]: Lasts 37 seconds, MDEF +10
Moving HP Recovery Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Passive Description: Enables natural HP regen while you are moving. This regen is only 25% effective as the regen when you are idle. The Increase HP Recovery skill does not affect Moving HP Recovery.
Fatal Blow Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Passive Description: Enables the Bash skill a chance to inflict the Stun status on enemies. Stun chance increases based on Bash skill level and your Base Level. Stun chances according to Bash skill level: [Lv 1]: 0% chance [Lv 2]: 0% chance [Lv 3]: 0% chance [Lv 4]: 0% chance [Lv 5]: 0% chance [Lv 6]: 0.1% chance per Base Level [Lv 7]: 0.2% chance per Base Level [Lv 8]: 0.3% chance per Base Level [Lv 9]: 0.4% chance per Base Level [Lv 10]: 0.5% chance per Base Level
Auto Berserk Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Active (Toggle) Type: Supportive Target: Self Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Dispellable: No Description: When your MaxHP drops below 25%, you are empowered by rage, and will gain level 10 Provoke status, increasing your Attack Power and lowering your DEF. Provoke status will disappear when your MaxHP goes above 25%.