Fuka's Serious Guide for FS Cardinal

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Revision as of 14:04, 31 July 2024 by Fuqueiji (talk | contribs)
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About the guide

I am making this because there is no other guides and people ask if there is a Full Support (FS) guide every 2 days.

How deep is it?


I will explain some basics because I am not that knowledgeable either.


What you need to know

Stat How much you need Explanation
Attack Speed (ASPD) 193 Reduces animation time to help with spamming skills and recovering AP

using 5280.png Dilectio Heal

Variable Cast Time (VCT)
After Cast Delay (ACD)


Stat Points Priority Note
STR 1 None Don't level this stat as it doesn't increase damage.
AGI 100-120 Primary Should aim to get 193 attack speed.
VIT 100 total Secondary 100 total to be immune to stun.
INT 100 total Secondary 100 total to be immune to silence + insta cast
DEX 130 Primary Damage baby.
LUK 100-125 Primary If you are using 300261.png Galensis Card (300261) get 125 if you are not using it just get enough to crit all the time. Right now the highest you will need in endgame content is 195 crit chance however with future updates this number will increase to around 220.