Translations:20 The Immortal/2/en

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  1. NPC Horr (icecastle 27, 126) will talk to you about the research to find the entrance tot he snake's lair. He couldn't find the entrance so he's searching for new adventurer's to find the entrance. The other adventurers are waiting for you in the ice castle.
  2. At (icas_in 261, 197), talk to Leon. They all will join you, since there are enough others to protect the castle. You go together to the Ancient Ice Gorge.
  3. Ancient Ice Gorge is at (jor_back5 353, 73) talk to Lehar, he will warp you to a save place.
  4. Inside the save place talk to Lehar again. He will warp you again into another save place.
  5. Talk again to Lehar. He tells you it should be safer now. After some small talk the team recognize that there are sings of Iwin's there. The team decide to search for more signs.
  6. At (jor_back5 355, 352) Miriam is waiting for you and warp you again into a save place, afterwards they send you back to Ice with the information to visit the castle.
  7. Go back to (icecastle 258, 192) where the team already waiting for you. Vellugunde tell's the team, that he has to investigate into the new results. you get rewarded with 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  8. Walk north and talk with Horr, he wanted to tell you, that he found the corpse of Rgan with footprints and traces of feathers that belongs to Iwin. He ask you to go around the ice castle with him and secretly investigate if there are any missing people.
  9. (icecastle 109, 38) talk to Horr.
  10. Your next location is a shiny spot which is a supicious sing in the back alleys at (icecastle 209, 237)
  11. Go to Charr (icecastle 67, 222)
  12. Go back to Horr at (icas_in 259, 219), choose the first option
  13. Talk to Vellugunde who found out that the magic thing from jorback is a mana absorber. The team guessing that Bagot created this magic item. You'll get rewarded with 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  14. Leave the castle and infront of the entrance Lehar is waiting for you. Create a one-man party and talk to him.
  15. Payon Exploration:
  16. Talk to Lehar, he tell's you to go little furhter to 3 o'clock from you.
  17. You will find 2 Iwins, talk to them and they will warp you to a hidden room. Talk to Lehar again.
  18. You will hear Bagot and Lasgand talking. Talk to Bagot. After Bagot disappears talk to Lehar, a White Cat will join the conversation and warp you to the next area.
  19. Talk to Lehar.
  20. Follow the navi and talk to Lehar again. He will warp you again. Talk again and repeat till Bagot and Lasgand appears. You will be warped back to ice.
  21. Head back to (icas_in 259, 194) and talk to Miriam.
  22. The rest of the team will appear, talk to Lazy, he's happy that you are back and safe. It seems Rgans found a way to transform into Iwin's. They tell you to find Duck Ryo mania. Reward 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  23. Duck Ryo Mania is at (icas_in 100, 55) just continue clicking the options till you get the password.
  24. You have now access to the Daily Quest "Today's Watchword".
  25. For continue the main quest you have to follow the "Era of cold War and Espionage". Talk to the warper > dungeons > Snake's Nest. Follow the navigation (jor_nest 37, 266)
  26. Talk to Lazy several times, after that talk to Horr, you need to be transformed to an Rgan. So you need a 101162.png Rgan Transformation Scroll (101162) .
  27. You will be warped to jor_root1, there you have to talk to NPC Rgan Shaman. She gives you a kill quest, you have to hunt:
    * 5x Great Rgan Shaman (level 1)
    * 5x Jormungand Church Shama (level 2)
  28. After Killing them, there is a hidden portal on the level 2 map top right (jor_root2 234, 248).
  29. Inside talk to Lazy, he asks you if you could find the entrance. The others seems still searching for the entrance too. Reward 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  30. After that, talk to Miriam.
  31. Horr also appears, talk to him. Go back to the map and enter jor sanctuary on the top of the map.
  32. At (jor_sanct 155, 85) an Rgan is waiting for you, talk to him twice. You get the quest to collect 3x 1001154.png Snake Strawberry (1001154) . (change script/quest)
  33. Go one map back and find the Callout places (pluses on the mini map), by clicking them you have a chance to get a 1001154.png Snake Strawberry (1001154)
  34. Go back to the Rgan (jor_sanct 155, 85). CHANGE RASBERRY
  35. Talk to the next Rgan at (jor_sanct 178, 125). You get a 1001218.png Power Recovery Device (1001218) .
  36. Talk to the Rgan on the left of the map. Reward 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  37. You have to talk to all NPCs on the Map:
    File 1 Eriligand
  38. At the second dialogue you have to choose always the second option.
  39. You have to choose
    * second option
    * second option
    * first opton
  40. You have to hunt 30x 1001246.png Copo's Feathers (1001246) and bring them to him.
  42. Take the second option at the last 2 dialogues.
    * choose second option and then spam enter. He wants 20x 1001244.png Large Gray Feather (1001244) .
  43. After bringing him, you talk to Dorily Logand, next to him, he gives you the Daily Quest "Example of Silent Answer".
    spam enter
  44. Walk to the left side and talk to Tower. (jor_sanct 92, 139)
  45. Get a daily? I dont know. "Numkasaigargand's Work"
  46. You have to complete the quest "I came all the way here" use the command alt+u to open the quest log. there you can choose the quest and use the navis. You need to be transformed!
  47. Warehouse is at (jor_safty2 314, 250)
  48. Mountain of Junk (jor_safty2 302, 355)
    File Mountain
  49. Dumb / garbage (jor_safty2 201, 361)
  50. After finishing that, it becomes a daily quest "I've come this far".
  51. go back to the jor sanctuary and talk to Sarekgand (jor_sanct 153, 171).
  52. Talk to Supervisor at (jor_sanct 26, 280).
  53. You have to hunt:
    * 2x Jormungand Guardian-P
    * 1x Jormungand Guardian-Y
  54. Enter the portal on the top. Kill them, and walk back. Reward 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217)
  55. Enter the maze again and follow the navi: (jor_maze 15, 39).
  56. Talk to Miriam and leave the map.
  57. Search for the next location at (jor_maze 19, 146).
  58. Talk to Lehar and leave again the map and search for the Shaky Wall (142 63, ).
  59. Talk to Rgan Bishop and kill the monsters.
  60. Talk to Rgan Shaman and kill them.
  61. Talk again to Rgan Bishop and kill everything.
  62. Talk to Lehar and continue walking and killing on your way.
  63. Talk to Salekgandh and kill the Heart hunters. talk to him again.
  64. Talk to Lehar and follow the cat into the portal.
  65. Outside Lehar is waiting and reward you again with 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  66. Walk back to the ice castle and talk to Lehar (icas_in 227, 260).
  67. Leave the castle and find Dive Iwin at (icecastle 140, 197). You have to kill 5x Ice Gangu and hunt 3x 1000832.png Frozen Worm Shell (1000832) . NAMING Reward 15x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  68. After that you have to hunt 5x Shining Seaweed and collect 3x 1000831.png Shining Seaweed Stem (1000831) . NAMING If you bring him the items, he will warp twice you after talking to him.
  69. Follow the path till you reach Leon at (jor_twice 238, 323).
  70. Find Leon again at (jor_twice 159, 239) and talk to him.
  71. After Leon disappears talk to Lehar to open the instance Nest of Twigs.
  72. Inside the castle talk to Lehar and follow him, kill the monsters, talk to him again to continue and repeat till you reach the white cat.
  73. Talk to Lehar, he warps you out and reward you with 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  74. Inside the save place talk to Aurelie, she will warp you back to the field with the order to hunt 5x Jormungand Church Shama.
  75. If you hunt them, visit Aurelie at (jor_twice 157, 237). Reward 20x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  76. Leave the map on the bottom left side (jor_twice 43, 55)
  77. Talk to Lehar at the entrance.
  78. You get 3 Quests called
    * Gathering Rumors Among Yormungands 1 (jor_maze 45, 241) Talk to Hoton Lokengand.
    * Gathering Rumors Among Yormungands 2 (jor_maze 154, 235) Talk to Naaryugand.
    * Gathering Rumors Among Yormungands 3 (jor_maze 277, 184) Talk to Hanaungand.
  79. After talking to all those NPCs Miriam is waiting for you at (jor_maze 148, 28), she rewards you with 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  80. You have to go through the whole maze to find Miriam again at (jor_maze 198, 44) and tp's you to a save area.
  81. Talk to Miriam inside the save place till the white cat will appears and you get warped out.
  82. Talk outside to the white cat and Lazy will appear, talk to him too.
  83. Head back to the ice castle and talk to Leon at (icas_in 110, 222).
  84. For the next step you need to use the warper> dungeons > Snake Nest and go to the top left where the door is.
  85. Walk a lil bit up to the Marker, it will warp you to Lehar, Talk to him, you have to investigate into 3 more Marks. Note: If you click on one mark, there will spawn one more behind, click on it too!
    Marker file
    marker on map
  86. After you clicked on all Marks, you have to go back to the jor sanctuary to talk to another mark (jor_sanct 140, 80). Reward 10x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .
  87. Talk to Bishop at the top of the map.
  88. talk to the white cat and follow the part (jor_twig 175, 118) to the next white cat. talk to her too, and Lehar, Miriam, Bagot and Voglinde will appear.
  89. Continue walking (jor_twig 134, 155) and talk again to the white cat. talk then to leon and Aurelie to open the instance.
  90. Inside the instance talk to Aurelie and Lasgand to fight him.
  91. After the fight talk to Aurelie and you get 1x 1001254.png Corrupted Heart Fragment of Ymir (1001254) . Talk to Aurelie to leave the instance.
  92. Outside talk again to Aurelie and you will be warped to icecastle. Move to (icas_in2 248, 112) and talk to Voglinde. Reward 30x 1001217.png Divine Cat Whiskers (1001217) .