Cannon Meat's Arm Cannon & Triple Laser Guide

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The Main focus of this Guide will be about the different early to end-game Gear for Arm Cannon and Triple Laser.

(sadly i m not fond with the melee build hopefully someone writes a guide for it soon)

If you need guidance for lvling you can check out Spike's Guide as Meister and Biolo are very similar to play, exept you have mado gear support skills and don't have a homunculus.


2261.png Arm Cannon
Early Game

Early Game (Lvl 1-200)

  • For early game you'll simply start with the eden gear
400137.png Paradise Cap (400137)
-Empty- 450183.png Paradise Suit (450183)
590025.png Paradise Mace (590025) -Empty-
480103.png Paradise Manteau (480103) 470067.png Paradise Boots (470067)
490123.png Paradise Gloves (490123) 490122.png Paradise Ring (490122)

20307.png Costume Beginner Cap (20307) 24689.png Paradise Shadow Armor (24689)
24687.png Paradise Shadow Weapon (24687) 24688.png Paradise Shadow Shield (24688)
-Empty- 24690.png Paradise Shadow Shoes (24690)
24691.png Paradise Shadow Earring (24691) 24692.png Paradise Shadow Pendant (24692)

Lvl 100+ Shadow Gear

  • At this Point you can rent the advanced Paradise shadow gear in the Eden group for 20 25223.png Eden Coin (25223) , expires in 3 Days.
  • Eden Coins can be obtained from Lvl 100+ Eden Boards.

Grace Set Lvl 150+


  • Your Stats early game are not too important, but they will become relevant in mid-game!
Stat Value
STR 90+
AGI 1+
VIT 90
INT 120+
DEX 120+
Mid Game/Late Game

Mid/Late Game Lvl 200+

  • Now that you've reached lvl 200 a lot of Dungeons/Instances will become a lot easier due to an enormous increase in dmg.
  • And you can start farming for some better Gear.
  • Your 2 Main goals in mid to late game are to reach instand cast (dex*2 + Int = 530) and getting 65%-70% After Cast delay(ACD for short) to efficiently spam Arm Cannon.
  • You can also opt for a budget 6002.png Spark Blaster build. Tt will initially do a bit more dmg than Arm Cannon but can't be spammed and you can't use your elemental advantage of Cannon Balls.

Mid/Late Game Gear

Stats Meister

Stat Value
POW 100
CON 97
  • Shadow Gear options will be in End Game section, since your advanced paradise gear is still very strong.

Costume Enchants

End Game

End Game Lvl 245+

  • At this Point you have 2 Options. You can choose between a "Quality" and a "Full DPS" Build.
  • The Quality doesn't require additional buffs like 2041.png Clementia or 321.png Poem of Bragi at the cost of DPS.
Quality Build

Quality Build

  • Your Goal is to get (DEX*2 + INT = 530), an ACD of 65%-70% and 185-193 ASPD without any other Buffs, while doing enough DPS for most Content and efficient grinding/farming.
  • To achieve this you'll need very specific Gear and you need to play around with your Int value a bit. (You can check your cast time with @bs)


Stat Value Trait Stat Value
STR 90+ POW 100
AGI 1+ STA 0
VIT 90 WIS 0
INT 1-130 SPL 0
DEX 130 Con 97

Quality Gear

  • Cards
    • -


Shadow Gear

  • Since you already have built in def pierce you don t need any shadow gear for it.

  • Option 1(A lot cheaper to make)

  • Option 2(stronger against res monsters)

  • Master shadow Set +10 with Pow/Dex/meister soul Triplelaser

Costume Enchants

  • same as in Mid/Late Game exept you might want to use the 1000675.png Reload Stone (Dual) (1000675) if you urgently need the 5% ACD

  • The Full DPS build can do the Maximum DPS Possible but requires at least 2041.png Clementia and 321.png Poem of Bragi to funktion.
Full DPS Build

Full DPS Build

  • Your goal here is the same as the Quality build getting (DEX*2 + INT = 530) and 65%-70% ACD and min. 190 -193 ASPD.
  • The Key difference is that you get free 30% ACD from 321.png Poem of Bragi and 17 DEX and INT from 2041.png Clementia leaving you with much more freedom.
  • You can check your stats with @bs


Stat Value Trait Stat Value
STR 90+ POW 100
AGI 1+ STA 0
VIT 90 WIS 0
INT 1-130 SPL 0
DEX 130 Con 97

Full DPS Gear

  • Cards
    • -

Shadow Gear

  • Since you already have built in def pierce you don't need any shadow gear for it.

Costume Enchants

  • same as in Mid/Late Gameexept you might want to use the 1000675.png Reload Stone (Dual) (1000675) if you urgently need the 5% ACD

6003.png Triple Laser

Triple Laser

  • I strongly recommend building towards an Arm Cannon Build first so you can farm the Items required for this build.
  • Because this build is not the best for farming large quantities and is more focused on mvp's/Instances.


  • For stats you ll need again Dex*2 + Int = 530.
  • You will also need ~185+ ASPD for sufficient spamming.
  • And you ll need ~140 crit to bypass crit shield.
  • Stats should look somewhat like this:
Stat Value Trait Stat Value
STR 90+ POW 100
AGI 1+ STA 0
VIT 90 WIS 0
INT 1-130 SPL 0
DEX 130 Con 35
LUK 1+ CRT 100


  • Since i consider this build Endgame I'll only post endgame options here.
  • For TL you don t need any ACD to spam it.

Shadow Gear

  • Option 1(A lot cheaper to make^^):

  • Option 2 (better against res monsters but a lot more expensive^^)

Costume Enchants

  • if you re missing out on crit you can also use the crit costumes

Useful Tips

  • You can cancel out the Animation of 7.png Magnum Break by casting 2270.png Infrared Scan before or after casting it (you will need more ACDR to do it more efficiently).
  • 2273.png Neutral Barrier can be made smaller if you stand next to a wall
  • 2268.png Shape Shift is very useful against strong fire/earth/wind/water attacks
  • 5296.png Rush Quake is your most important buff/debuff. Not only does it increase your ranged damage by a whopping 50% for 5 minutes long, but it also debuffs the target so it takes 50% more damage from both ranged and melee attacks, which is useful at MvP-ing and in party gameplay.
  • (similar to GX's 5001.png Dark Claw and it even adds up with dark claw)
  • 2274.png Stealth Field sometimes might be useful to cancel 2273.png Neutral Barrier
  • /bingbing /bangbang on a hotkey (use Alt+M keyboard combination to change them) can be used to quickly turn while spamming 2264.png Front Slide / 2265.png Back Slide to move really fast (with high enough ACDR it is the fastest way to move in the game)
  • 2263.png Hover can be used to ignore some ground effects like 92.png Quagmire
  • 112.png Weapon Perfection is reason why you will never worry about any size penalties, and it should be always active in battle
  • 5299.png Activation Defense Machine is reason why you may want to choose MRES and WIS over RES and STA
  • 5304.png ABR - Mother Net could be used to help to maintain your HP and SP pools
  • Do not underestimate 5300.png Two-Handed Axe Defending defense bonus
  • 2261.png Arm Cannon absolutely CAN NOT be spammed without instant cast, do not even try it. If you need higher DPS while leveling as Mechanic, try to use 2256.png Knuckle Boost instead


Q: Where to buy Cannon Balls and my MADO-gear stuff?

A: You can find all you will need at Merchant Dealer at Main Office (main_office 60, 63)

Q: I want alternate MADO outfit to not look so boxy! Do I need to buy 50010.png Alternate Outfit Coupon (50010)  ?

A: No. All you need is 100158.png Emergency Mado Gear (Reinforcement Suit) (100158) , it is usable item which could be bought from Merchant Dealer.

Q: My 5297.png Manufacture Machine do not work! Please help me!

A: First of all you need 1000352.png Machine Creation Guide (1000352) in your inventory.

Second, you will need all mentioned in guide items in sufficient numbers:

Q: Game is broken! My cardinal gf can't heal me! Agi Up do not affect me!

A: Riding MADO-gear is reason of this. Use 2262.png Acceleration skill to have second-after-genetic Movement speed in-game.

Q: Does 2261.png Arm Cannon ignore DEF and RES?

A: Yes and no. Arm Cannon treats them as Soft DEF which is negated from final damage. With millions in damage numbers you won't even notice it.