Liliana's Mechanic Workshop

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Short intro. Why this guide exists.

Why choose Merchant?
Why choose Meister?

Life as Mechanic & Merchant

How to make money? How merchant helps?
Cart management
Max Weight and inventory management
Stacking gym passes with passives.
How to vend?
Mado guide
How to use mado? How to choose sprite? What features mado has?
How to pick ammo
Small element guide

Merchant Leveling

For leveling tips & tricks you can also study Spike's and Cannon Meat's and Beginners guides.


There are not much gear options here. Grab your Paradise physical set and Paradise weapon here: (moc_para01 110, 79).
They do not differ much in ATK but have different size penalties and attack speed, but I would recommend to choose mace. Also do not forget about Paradise Shadow set which has nice bonuses.

Paradise Weapon Comparison
Size Modificators
Item ATK ASPD Small Medium Large
510035.png Paradise Dagger (510035) 100~160 ~158 100% 75% 50%
500032.png Paradise Sword (500032) 100~160 ~158 75% 100% 75%
590025.png Paradise Mace (590025) 100~160 ~159 75% 100% 100%
520010.png Paradise Axe (520010) 100~160 ~161 50% 75% 100%
400137.png Paradise Cap (400137)
-Empty- 450183.png Paradise Suit (450183)
590025.png Paradise Mace (590025) -Empty-
480103.png Paradise Manteau (480103) 470067.png Paradise Boots (470067)
490123.png Paradise Gloves (490123) 490122.png Paradise Ring (490122)
-Empty- 24689.png Paradise Shadow Armor (24689)
24687.png Paradise Shadow Weapon (24687) 24688.png Paradise Shadow Shield (24688)
-Empty- 24690.png Paradise Shadow Shoes (24690)
24691.png Paradise Shadow Earring (24691) 24692.png Paradise Shadow Pendant (24692)
Core Skills
To study full skills list and descriptions please follow this link.
153.png Cart Revolution

Your main damage skill.
It does 150~250% ATK in 3x3 AoE within melee range.
Damage depends on current weight of cart: heavier cart means more damage.
You can easily fill your cart with meat which could be bought from Butcher to increase your damage.
Note this skill always pushes targets to the left, so if you corner your opponents near the wall you can do a lot of damage pretty fast.

42.png Mammonite

This is best single target damage per second skill among first jobs, but every cast of this skill will spend your zeny.
Use it to do burst damage.
I do not recommend to use it every time if you are not rich enough because this skill can spend 5000 zeny within one second of fight.

155.png Crazy Uproar

It is nice buff that increases your damage. There are not any reasons to ignore it.
Also please note this skill has somewhat longer cooldown, so if you die too frequently you will have to wait to recast it.


Merchants do not have good flee rate or attack speed, but they hit hard and you can use this with your auto-attack build.

Mobbing with 153.png Cart Revolution

Mobbing is tactic when you take aggro of several opponents so they groups against you; then you kill them with Area of Effects attacks.
This tactic should be used carefully because it can be dangerous for you and your partymates (or even unlucky strangers).


If you are going to level up with 153.png Cart Revolution you will have to increase your vitality to be more tanky and durable to stand against several opponents at the same time.
VIT also will increase HP restoration from items like 502.png Orange Potion (502) .

Level 50
Stat Auto-attack 153.png Cart Revolution
STR 40 43
AGI 55 30
VIT 1 40
INT 1 1
DEX 20 20
LUK 1 1

Blacksmith Leveling

Blacksmiths do not gain any offensive skills, but they have more buffs options to increase their damage output. They are basically advanced Merchants.

Again there are not much solid options besides Paradise equipment.

Now we should choose between 520011.png Paradise Blacksmith Axe (520011) and 620011.png Paradise Blacksmith Two-Handed Axe (620011) .
One-handed axe is great for 153.png Cart Revolution damage, also it has higher ASPD than two-handed.
Two-handed axe has higher basic damage and higher critical potential which makes it great for auto-attacking enemies.

Core Skills
To study full skills list and descriptions please follow this link.
112.png Weapon Perfection

This is very powerfull buff which nullifies weapon penalty.
You need to make a habbit to use it all the time despite the fact that the duration is quite short.
This becomes especially relevant because axes have poor size modifiers and they are becoming our main weapons.

113.png Power Thrust

Nice addition to our damage.
Make sure Power Thrust is always ON.

111.png Adrenaline Rush

This skill increases ASPD for characters wielding maces and axes, which are our main weapons.
Again there are no reason to not sustain it all the time.

Buff your partymates

111.png Adrenaline Rush, 112.png Weapon Perfection and 113.png Power Thrust are affecting all your partmates.
Do not forget to help them and share your buffs!

Understanding 114.png Maximize Power

All damage has some interval [min; max] in which it could be rolled with each attack.
This skill makes all your attack to be max rolled.
Actually this could be quite a big advantage in terms of damage per second which can be used in competitive situations like MvP hunting.
Also it helps a lot when you need to compare damage of your skills or builds.
Note this skill is toggleable and consumes SP over time, so if you have SP problems you do not want it to be active all the time.

110.png Hammerfall is AoE Stun

This could be great contribution to mobbing tactics at lower levels when you can apply stunes easily.
This skill has high chance to stun enemies and has Area of Effect, so you can use it while mobbing to live longer happy life.
Also it looks cool.

1013.png Greed helps a lot

This skill is OP when you play without autoloot (for any reason, like your server do not have that option).
You save an insane amount of time on lifting dropped items.
Please note this skill is disabled in cities and it doesn't affect protected loot.

May be my readers will have questions why so little DEX is used.

Auto-attack build uses LUK for CRIT which also gives HIT.
107.png Weaponry Research gives 20 more HIT. 111.png Adrenaline Rush also gives 20 more HIT.
480103.png Paradise Manteau (480103) gives 2~20 more HIT. 24689.png Paradise Shadow Armor (24689) gives 5 more HIT.
This way you can have even 1 DEX and still hit enemies with ease.
Also feel free to experiment with stat build or to make it under your needs and circumstances.

Level 99
Stat Auto-attack 153.png Cart Revolution
STR 64 96
AGI 99 60
VIT 1 60
INT 1 18
DEX 20 35
LUK 65 1

Whitesmith (aka Mastersmith) Leveling

I guess there is no need to explain why all characters besides babies should be rebirthed.
With rebirth you gain more skills, more stat points, more MaxHP% and MaxSP%.
Also only rebirthed characters could reach 4th jobs where all the fun begins.

Whitesmiths are pretty much the same as Blacksmiths but with some nice additions which would be explained further.

At this stage we finally are getting some options in terms of equipment thought you still can use just Paradise items.
Item Type Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Notes
+0 ~ +9 1387.png Giant Axe [1] (1387) Weapon
(2H Axe)
27361.png Polluted Wander Man Card (27361) - 4807.png ASPD+1 (4807) 4823.png Fighting Spirit Lv8 (4823) Malangdo Enchantments are optional. This axe is great for overall using and also has nice bonus to 485.png Cart Termination damage.
+0 ~ +9 1377.png Hurricane Fury [1] (1377) Weapon
(2H Axe)
27361.png Polluted Wander Man Card (27361) - 4807.png ASPD+1 (4807) 4823.png Fighting Spirit Lv8 (4823) Malangdo Enchantments are optional. This axe has nice ASPD bonus, high ATK rate and some defensive bonuses. Also this axe could be shared with Biochemists. Note sometimes it has autocast which can push enemies away from you (it could be bless or curse).
+0 2449.png Variant Shoes (2449) Shoes - - - - Never refine these shoes. They are used mostly for MaxHP% bonuses which are nice for mobbing purposes.
+0 ~ +4 2421.png Valkyrie Shoes [1] (2421) Shoes 4467.png Heavy Metaling Card (4467)
300092.png Senior Papila (300092)
- - - Those boots are choosed for their slot, thought any boots with slot for card will actually do. Cards here are increasing 153.png Cart Revolution damage by a hefty amount.
Core Skills
To study full skills list and descriptions please follow this link.
485.png Cart Termination

Also known as High Speed Cart Ram, this skill provides high single target DPS which is quite good even at 3rs jobs.
Basically this is more powerful version of 42.png Mammonite which requires Cart equipped and 387.png Cart Boost buff to be active. Do not forget it, it is important!
Also note cart weight affects skill damage, just like it was with 153.png Cart Revolution.
This skill can stun targets.

387.png Cart Boost

This skill provides some movement speed bonus comparable to unmounted AGI UP effect.
Note duration is quite short, also you can not cast this skill without cart, obviously.

486.png Maximum Power Thrust

This is 113.png Power Thrust, but has better effect and longer duration. Each cast spends zeny, but considering it's effect and duration price is quite affordable.
Note also that this skill will pay off with an active game.
This skill can not be active together with 113.png Power Thrust, it has higher priority and will always replace 113.png Power Thrust.
113.png Power Thrust itself still could be applied to your party, so do not forget it.

384.png Meltdown (Shattering Strike)

Made for PvP purposes, this buff also affects PvE targets, having a chance to lower targets' defense and attack.
It could be used to fight tough targets like MvP.

477.png Weapon Refine

This is signature Whitesmith's skill. You can refine weapons with usual (not cash shop) ores (such as 984.png Oridecon (984) ) more effectively than any NPC could.
This is very great when making 6993.png Safe to +10 Weapon Certificate (6993) on an industrial scale.
Note this skill effect depends on your job level, and you need job level 70 for best results.
Mechanics and Meisters always have maximum effect of this skill.

Mechanic Leveling

Melee branch

Ranged branch


Builds comparison

Spark Blaster

Mighty Smash

Advanced Arm Cannon

Triple Laser

ABR and Machines Explained

