Deep Blue Sunglasses Enchantment

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Possible Enchants

Deep blue sunglasses can be enchanted with 100823.png Lens Craft Stone (100823) . You can buy this Stone at Muzaszir.
Two options will be given randomly as following table:

1st enchant 2nd enchant
MaxHP 50~200

MaxSP 10~100
MaxHP 1~7%
MaxSP 1~7%
Flee 5~20
Hit 5~10
increases heal effectiveness 1~5%
increases incoming heal effectiveness 1~5%
Atk 1~3%
Atk 1~10
Matk 1~3%
Matk 1~10
reduces variable casting time 1~5%

If you get unwanted options. You can re-enchant it as much as you want as long as you have enough zeny or Nyangvine Fruit to buy 100823.png Lens Craft Stone (100823) .