
  • In Renewal, the Attack Power(ATK) is divided into two, StatusATK and WeaponATK. In essence, they both contribute to the final damage (StatusATK being multiplied by two).
  • However, when amplified by racial/size/elemental bonuses (such as Hydra Card or Skeleton Worker Card), only the WeaponATK is amplified.
  • This makes it so that people no longer rely on 4-slotted starter weapons (such as a Quad-Racial Composite Bow), and instead will strive to get higher level weapons with higher ATKs and Refine rates to deal better damage.
  • As with ATK, Magical Attack Power(MATK) is also divided into two, StatusMATK and WeaponMATK.
  • With the introduction of this update, many weapons now possess a flat MATK number (e.g. 280 MATK from Staff of Destruction; 105 MATK from Bazerald).
  • In MATK's case, WeaponMATK makes up the greater percentage of the final damage, due to the variance factor which relates to weapon level.
DEF/MDEF Cast Time
  • The Defense(DEF) and Magical Defense(MDEF) system was revamped in the Renewal Update.
  • HardDEF/MDEF is no longer limited into a 1-100 point system, with 100 being full immunity. Instead, the effect of HardDEF/MDEF is now reduced exponentially as the number goes up (i.e. the higher the number, the less effect every single point adds); and in DEF's case, the number often goes way beyond 100.
  • For example, 200 HardDEF gives about 25% damage reduction, and 400 HardDEF gives about 40% damage reduction.
  • As for MDEF, 20 HardMDEF gives about 15% damage reduction, and 40 HardMDEF gives about 25% damage reduction.
  • With this change, many armor have had their DEF number raised significantly (e.g. 85 DEF from Meteo Plate Armor; 16 DEF from Naght Sieger's Flame Manteau; 120 DEF from Sacred Mission) to match the new DEF calculation system.