Translations:Increase item drop gears/6/en

These equipment stacks cumulatively with items that add drop rate increase, such as 12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) and 12412.png HE Bubble Gum (12412) . For example, if you use a Bubble Gum (+100% drop rate increase) and a set of equipment that gives you +25% drop rate increase, you will end up with a +125% drop rate increase.

Gears Position Where to Get Drop Rate Chance Increase %
15186.png Kafra Uniform [1] (15186) Armor Dropped by Nightmare Golem (30230) Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19136.png Spirit of Chung E [1] (19136) Upper Headgear Equipment Crafting Increases item drop rate by 1% per 2 refine
19157.png Drooping Gunslinger [1] (19157) Upper Headgear Equipment Crafting Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19143.png Poring Balloon (19143) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19146.png Marin Balloon (19146) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19147.png Drops Balloon (19147) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19148.png Santa Poring Balloon (19148) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19149.png Poporing Balloon (19149) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19150.png Metaling Balloon (19150) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19151.png Deviling Balloon (19151) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19152.png Angeling Balloon (19152) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19153.png Ghostring Balloon (19153) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19154.png Arch Angeling Balloon (19154) Lower Headgear Poring Family Balloons Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19243.png Indigo Rear Ribbon (19243) Lower Headgear Dropped by Archangeling (1388) Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19095.png Happy Balloon (19095) Lower Headgear Slot Machine Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22101.png Angel Poring Boots [1] (22101) Shoes Poring Village Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19117.png Poring Sunglasses (19117) Middle Headgear Poring Village Increases item drop rate by 5%.
19118.png Poring Sunglasses+ [1] (19118) Middle Headgear Poring Village Increases item drop rate by 4%.
22048.png Sombre Shoes [1] (22048) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22049.png Sol Shoes [1] (22049) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22051.png Lamor Shoes [1] (22051) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22055.png Sharel Shoes [1] (22055) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22057.png Flow Shoes [1] (22057) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22061.png Lumiere Shoes [1] (22061) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22063.png Levain Shoes [1] (22063) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22065.png Poison Shoes [1] (22065) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.
22069.png Lian Shoes [1] (22069) Shoes Royal Hunting Increases item drop rate by 10%.