Translations:Increase item drop gears/3/en

All classes

These equipment can be equipped by any class. Note that Super Novice classes will need Soul Link buff to equip Garuda Hat.

Type Item How to Get Item Drop Effect
Upper Headgear 18508.png Garuda Hat [1] (18508) Equipment Crafting At +7, enemies have a chance to drop 522.png Mastela Fruit (522) . The drop chance is increased by 1% for each refine level past +7
Accessory 2976.png Red Lantern [1] (2976) Horror Toy Factory Enemies have a chance to drop 970.png Alcohol (970) , 971.png Detrimindexta (971) , or 972.png Karvodailnirol (972)
Card (Headgear) 4296.png Cramp Card (4296) Drops from Cramp Enemies have a chance to give a certain amount of Zeny when killed
Card (Headgear) 4206.png Myst Case Card (4206) Drops from Myst Case Enemies have a chance to drop 644.png Gift Box (644)
Card (Accessory) 4205.png Mimic Card (4205) Drops from Mimic Enemies have a chance to drop 12701.png Old Blue Box (12701)