
You have 2 ways :

  • Method 1: Just turn on auto feed and AFK or go farming, Homunculus isn't easy to die as before, so low level area shouldn't be a problem. But the uptime of Homun is only 30 minutes, so make sure to have it called back every 30 minutes.
  • Method 2: Using 100371.png Homunculus Supplement (100371) to increase Homunculus's intimacy directly by using it. Each pill gives 10 points of intimacy, so 90 pieces is need to make it Loyal instant from the start.
    • Your Homun become Loyal when Intimacy reaches 911 which can be checked by Alt+R and @hominfo
    • Note : your Homun Hunger bar won't decrease if it isn't summoned.

Here the table how many Intimacy gained by feeding at specific hunger level :

Hunger Intimacy
Leave your Homun starving (Hunger bar < 11%) -1 ( every 200 seconds )
1% ~ 10% +5
11% ~ 25% +10
26% ~ 75% +7.5
76% ~ 90% -0.05
91%~100% -0.5