Translations:Buwaya Cave/1/en


  • Baselevel 130+
  • 1 day cooldown

Instance Guide

  1. Speak to the Guard to reserve the instance.
  2. Walk towards the portal and choose Enter.
  3. Once inside, all you have to do is kill the original Buwaya.
    • You will be kidnapped from time to time and will be put inside Buwaya's Chest.
    • Talk to the woman and she will tell you how to get out. Talk to the man and he will give you a 1 minute buff to increase damage towards Buwaya and reduce damage you take from it.
    • You must kill Buwaya's Weakness in order to get out. Each of them are plant protocol monsters. A warp portal will spawn after you kill them.
  4. After you successfully exterminate Buwaya, go out of the instance using the portal from where you spawned.