The Complete Elemental Master Guide by Goldie: Difference between revisions

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| {{#skill:284}}
| {{#skill:284}}
|| || 10
|| At max level, this skill will give you +3 INT, +20% resistance against Dragon races which is perfect for tanking Betelguese and enables EMs to get full 100% Dragon resist with the right gears; and +10% Magical Damage/20% Physical Damage against Dragon races.
Always put 5 skill points to this one, regardless if you're gonna go in as tank EM or DPS EM during CT runs. It's always good to have some resistances in your build anyway.
| 5
|style="background:#cccccc"| Passive
|style="background:#cccccc"| Passive
| {{#skill:285}}
| {{#skill:285}}
|| || 5
|| Allot 5 skill points on this skill.
At max level, Volcano gives +20% Fire Damage which directly interacts with the elemental table and it only means if you're doing 100% Fire damage on a monster you'll do +120% instead.
Also gives +30 ATK/MAtk. You'll use this one most of the time when focusing on DPS.|| 5
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
| {{#skill:286}}
| {{#skill:286}}
|| || 5
|| Allot 5 skill points on this skill.
At max level, Deluge gives +20% Water Damage which directly interacts with the elemental table and it only means if you're doing 100% Water damage on a monster you'll do +120% instead.
Also gives +15% MaxHP which works perfectly well with HP-based builds of the Inquisitors and Dragon Knights. It also gives more HP% on your Elementals and High Elementals—we'll talk more about it in their own section.|| 5
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
| {{#skill:287}}
| {{#skill:287}}
|| || 5
|| Allot 5 skill points on this skill.
At max level, Violent Gale gives +20% Wind Damage which directly interacts with the elemental table and it only means if you're doing 100% Wind damage on a monster you'll do +120% instead.
Also gives +15 FLEE which may help in some FLEE-based builds.|| 5
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
| {{#skill:288}}
| {{#skill:288}}
|| || 5
|| Land Protector will form a 7x7~11x11 (scales with level)  protective area on the ground that will nullify all ground magical skills.
LP will get its own section as there's more to LP than just a protective area. For more info, check down below.
| 5
|style="background:#ccffff"| Defensive
|style="background:#ccffff"| Defensive
| {{#skill:289}}
| {{#skill:289}}
|| || 5
|| No reason to leave it Lvl. 1. Always get the maximum level of this skill.
Removes most buffs ''and'' debuffs from enemies and allies alike. Be careful when you're using this skill as it can also remove debuffs your party has applied on the enemies such as the Arch Mage's '''{{#skill:2213}}'''<nowiki/>'s Magic Intoxication or the Abyss Chaser's  '''{{#skill:214}}''', so it's always advisable to coordinate with them before using this skill. For a list of buffs and debuffs that Dispell removes, check down below.
| 5
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
| {{#skill:290}}
| {{#skill:290}}
|| || 0  
|| Skip this one. No place as a prerequisite skill either.
''But'' if you wanna have fun and play around with this skill's randomness, then go ahead and use it I guess. You have a chance to use it to tame monsters starting at Lvl. 6.
| 0  
|style="background:#ffffcc"| Active
|style="background:#ffffcc"| Active
| {{#skill:93}}
| {{#skill:93}}
|| || 1
|| Put 1 skill point to this one. There are times you're unsure of the monster's property or just its overall data, and with this skill you'll reveal all of it including its current HP.|| 1
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Supportive
| {{#skill:90}}
| {{#skill:90}}
|| || 5
|| Just enough points as a prerequisite skill for the Sorcerer's '''{{#skill:2446}}''' skill.|| 5
|style="background:#ffcccc"| Offensive
|style="background:#ffcccc"| Offensive
