Shadow Enchanting

Revision as of 14:51, 17 January 2022 by Stasi (talk | contribs) (→‎Physical)

On MuhRO there is a large selection of Shadow Gears, currently there are over 700 Shadow Gear parts available ingame.
A more detailed listing and sorting can be found here. Click me!


All Shadow Gears can be enchanted, but there are different enchant possibilities.You can see which enchant option is possible on your Shadow Gear on the Shadow Gear page, right next to your Shadow Gear part.
Enchant prices are:

  • Standard Enchants: 1 Fruit/500k
  • Class or Skill Enchants: 2 Fruit/1m
  • New Sets Enchants: 4 Fruit/2m (2 enchants)

You can reenchant as long as you have the Fruits or Zeny.
No chance of breaking.

Enchant Options

Standard Enchants

Standard enchants can be enchanted on every Shadow Gear except Class Shadow Gear.

Possible Enchants
Atk 1-15
Matk 1-15
Atk 1-3%
Matk 1-3%
MaxHP 100-500
MaxSP 20-100
MaxHP 1-2%
MaxSP 1-2%
Hit 5-15
Flee 5-15
Crit 1-5
Reduces variable casting time 1-3%
Increases critical damage 1-5%
Increases long ranged physical damage 1-5%
Increases heal effectiveness 3-5%
Increases incoming heal effectiveness 3-5%
Def 10-25
Mdef 1-3
Increase attack speed 1-5%

Class Enchants

Class enchants are just for Class Shadow Gear.


Possible Enchants
MaxHP 100-500
MaxSP 20-100
MaxHP 1-2%
MaxSP 1-2%
Atk 1-15
Atk 1-3%
Increases attack speed 1-5%
Hit 5-15
Flee 5-15
Reduces variable casting time 1-5%
Increases long ranged physical damage 1-5%
Increases critical damage 1-5%
Increases incoming heal effectiveness 3-5%
Increases physical damage to neutral property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to water property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to earth property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to fire property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to wind property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to poison property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to holy property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to shadow property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to ghost property enemies 1-5%
Increases physical damage to undead property enemies 1-5%
Ignores Def of normal enemies 1-7%
Ignores Def of boss monsters 1-7%


Possible Enchants

Skill Enchants



New Sets