Soul Ascetic

When do I change job?

Star Emperor is part of the extended classes and has no rebirth.

As novice with job level 10 you change to Taekwon.

As Taekwon job level 50 you change to Soul Linker.

As Soul Linker base level 99 and job level you change to Soul Reaper.


411.png Sprint
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv7+)None
After Cast Delay: 0.3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables the caster to run
with incredible speed. At levels 7 and
above, this skill endows the caster with
the Spurt status, which will temporarily
increase STR for 150 seconds, if the
caster stops running and is barehanded.
Spurt status is canceled if the caster
equips a weapon. Each level of the Run
skill increases its caster's barehanded
Mastery ATK by +10.

[Lv 1]: 6 Sec cast time, 100 SP
[Lv 2]: 5 Sec cast time, 90 SP
[Lv 3]: 4 Sec cast time, 80 SP
[Lv 4]: 3 Sec cast time, 70 SP
[Lv 5]: 2 Sec cast time, 60 SP
[Lv 6]: 1 Sec cast time, 50 SP
[Lv 7]: 0 Sec cast time, 40 SP
[Lv 8]: 0 Sec cast time, 30 SP
[Lv 9]: 0 Sec cast time, 20 SP
[Lv 10]: 0 Sec cast time, 10 SP
412.png Tornado Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Tornado Kick 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 15% chance of
automatically entering Tornado Stance
when the caster successfully hits a

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
413.png Tornado Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in Tornado
to perform this skill which will
attack all enemies within a 5x5 cell
area around the caster.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 180% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 200% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 240% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 260% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 300% damage
414.png Heel Drop Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Heel Drop 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 15% chance of
automatically entering
Heel Drop Stance
when the caster successfully hits a
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
415.png Heel Drop
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in Heel Drop
to perform this skill which will
inflict damage and cause the
Stun effect
for 3 seconds on the targeted enemy.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 180% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 200% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 240% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 260% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 300% damage
416.png Roundhouse Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Roundhouse 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 15% chance of
automatically entering
Roundhouse Stance
when the caster successfully hits a target.
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
417.png Roundhouse Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in
Roundhouse Stance to perform this skill
which will damage it's target and push
back enemies around the target.
Enemies that are pushed do not receive
any damage.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 250% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 310% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 340% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 370% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 400% damage
418.png Counter Kick Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Counter Kick 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 20% chance of
automatically entering
Counter Kick
when the caster successfully hits
a target.
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
419.png Counter Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in Counter
Kick Stance
to perform this skill which
will always hit its target.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 250% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 310% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 340% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 370% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 400% damage0
420.png Tumbling
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Flying Kick 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 20% chance of
blocking long ranged physical attacks.
When caster is in
Spurt status (after
performing [Lv 7]
Sprint or higher),
Tumbling will also block other kinds of

[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
421.png Flying Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Attacks a distant enemy
with a kick that instantly close the gap
between the target and the player. When
Tumbling status, the caster's Base
affects the amount of inflicted
Flying Kick7777 will have increased
damage affected by
Base Level during
Sprint status. If Spurt and Sprint
statuses are both active,
Flying Kick
will inflict enhanced damage.
will also cancel most positive
statuses on the target, which include
Spirit statuses endowed by Soul Linkers,
One-Hand Quicken, Kaahi, Kaite and the
Berserk Potion effect. However, Stalkers
can protect themselves from this
positive status removal effect with
Preserve skill.
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 70 SP, 40% damage
[Lv 2]: 60 SP, 50% damage
[Lv 3]: 50 SP, 60% damage
[Lv 4]: 40 SP, 70% damage
[Lv 5]: 30 SP, 80% damage
[Lv 6]: 20 SP, 90% damage
[Lv 7]: 10 SP, 100% damage
422.png Peaceful Break
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: When two or more Taekwon
class characters sit next to each other,
HP will be restored for both characters.
HP restoration is affected by VIT
and enhanced by an additional 30
HP with
the /doridori command.

[Lv 1]: HP +30
[Lv 2]: HP +60
[Lv 3]: HP +90
[Lv 4]: HP +120
[Lv 5]: HP +150
[Lv 6]: HP +180
[Lv 7]: HP +210
[Lv 8]: HP +240
[Lv 9]: HP +270
[Lv 10]: HP +300
423.png Happy Break
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: When two or more Taekwon
class characters sit next to each other,
SP will be restored for both characters.
SP restoration is affected by MaxSP
and enhanced by an additional 3
SP with
the /doridori command. Using the
/doridori command while in
Happy Break
status will make it last for 30 minutes.
During this status, the caster will have
a low chance of using the
Earth Spike
spell scroll, with a 10% chance at Skill
Level 1, and a 1% chance at Skill Level
10. Using the
Earth Spike scroll during
this status will consume 10 SP.

[Lv 1]: SP +3
[Lv 2]: SP +6
[Lv 3]: SP +9
[Lv 4]: SP +12
[Lv 5]: SP +15
[Lv 6]: SP +18
[Lv 7]: SP +21
[Lv 8]: SP +24
[Lv 9]: SP +27
[Lv 10]: SP +30
424.png Kihop
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases Attack Power.
Normal attacks and skills inflict additional
damage according to the skill's level.

[Lv 1]: ATK+20%
[Lv 2]: ATK+40%
[Lv 3]: ATK+60%
[Lv 4]: ATK+80%
[Lv 5]: ATK+100%
425.png Mild Wind
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Peaceful Break 5,
Happy Break 5, Kihop 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a wind that will
enchant the caster's attacks for 5
minutes with an elemental property based
on the level of the casted skill.

[Lv 1]: Earth (20 SP)
[Lv 2]: Wind (20 SP)
[Lv 3]: Water (20 SP)
[Lv 4]: Fire (20 SP)
[Lv 5]: Ghost (50 SP)
[Lv 6]: Shadow (50 SP)
[Lv 7]: Holy (50 SP)
426.png Leap
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv6+)None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Leaps to a targeted cell
within the skill's range. So long as the
targeted cell is accessable, the caster
can leap over walls and obstacles.
cannot be used in areas where
Fly Wings
are disabled, except for WoE maps.

Cast Time & Skill Range per Level
[Lv 1]: 5 sec, 2 cells
[Lv 2]: 4 sec, 4 cells
[Lv 3]: 3 sec, 6 cells
[Lv 4]: 2 sec, 8 cells
[Lv 5]: 1 sec, 10 cells

Soul Linker

445.png Alchemist Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Alchemist Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's greatest
Alchemist and
temporarily endow it's powers upon a
Alchemist, enhancing that
Alchemist's Potion Pitcher skill, which
is affected by
Base Level and enabling
the use of the
Berserk Pitcher and the
Twilight Pharmacy skills.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
447.png Monk Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Monk Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's toughest
Monk and temporarily
endow it's powers upon a targeted
enhancing that
Monk's Combo Finish skill
so that it inflicts splash damage on
enemies within a 5x5 cell area.
also enables Monks to use combo
skills with decreased
SP consumption and
to restores
SP during Explosion Spirits status.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
448.png Star Gladiator Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Star Gladiator Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's greatest
Star Gladiator and
temporarily endow its power upon a
Star Gladiator, enabling
the use of
Fusion of Sun Moon Star skill.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
449.png Sage Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Sage Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's greatest
Sage and temporarily
endow it's abilities upon a targeted
enhancing that
Sage's Auto Spell skill,
which enables it casting the highest
level of the
Bolt skills.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
450.png Crusader Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Crusader Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's bravest
Crusader and
temporarily endow it's abilities on a
Crusader. For the skill's
duration, the
Crusader's Shield
skill will deal double damage
and never miss it's target.

[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
451.png Super Novice Spirit
Requirement: Star Gladiator Spirit 1
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Super Novice Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's prodigious
Super Novice and
temporarily endow it's abilities on the
Super Novice. For the skill's
duration, the
Super Novice has a low chance
of summoning a
Guardian Angel, which will
erase their previous death record.
Super Novices at Base Level 90 and above
can equip any headgear and at
Base Level 96
and above, they can equip any Level 4
One-Handed Sword, Axe, Mace
and Staff.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
452.png Knight Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Crusader Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Knight Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most chivalrous
Knight and
endow it's abilities upon the
targeted by this skill. For the skill's
duration, the use of
One-Hand Quicken
will be enabled if the
Two Hand Quicken
skill is mastered.

[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
453.png Wizard Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Sage Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Wizard Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most powerful
Wizard and endow
it's abilities upon the
Wizard targeted
by this skill. For the skill's duration,
the targeted
Wizard can use certain
skills without consuming
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
454.png Priest Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Monk Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Priest Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most pious
Priest and endow
it's abilities upon the
Priest targeted
by this skill. For the skill's duration,
the targeted
Priest's Holy Light skill
will have it's
MATK and SP consumption
multiplied by five.

[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
455.png Bard and Dancer Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Bard & Dancer Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most artistic performer and
endow it's abilities upon the
Bard or
Dancer targeted by this skill. For the
skill's duration,
Bard and Dancer have
Movement Speed, receive the
same effect as party members when
Song or Dance skills and
are able to combo skills with
Humming, Assassin Cross of Sunset,
Please Don't Forget Me, Poem of Bragi,
Fortune's Kiss, Apple of Idun

Service For You.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
456.png Rogue Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Assassin Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Rogue Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's sneakiest
Rogue and endow it's
abilities upon the
Rogue targeted by
this skill, enhancing
Chase Walk
Movement Speed and STR increase. For
this skill's duration, this
Rogue will
be unaffected by
Dispell skills and
will receive more
HP and SP from Potions
created by a
Top 10 Rank Alchemist.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
457.png Assassin Spirit
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Assassin Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most mysterious
Assassin and
endow it's abilities upon a targeted
Assassin. For the skill's duration,
Sonic Blow will have a 100% increase
in damage and decreased
After Cast Delay.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
458.png Blacksmith Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Alchemist Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Blacksmith Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most proficient
and endow itss abilities upon a targeted
Blacksmith. For the skill's duration,
the use of
Full Adrenaline Rush is
enabled if the
Blacksmith has mastered
Adrenaline Rush skill. Full
Adrenaline Rush
can be used on all
weapons, except
Bow class weapons,
and cannot be used with skills with
similar effects such as
Two-Hand Quicken,
Adrenaline Rush, One Hand Quicken,
Comfort or Demon of Sun Moon and Star,
Spear Quicken or Assassin Cross of Sunset.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
460.png Hunter Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Bard and Dancer Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Blacksmith Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summon the spirit of
history's most popular
Hunter and endow
it's abilities on a targeted
Hunter, temporarily
enhancing that
Hunter's Beast Bane
skill according to the
Hunter's STR.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
461.png Soul Linker Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Star Gladiator Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Soul Linker Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons the spirit of
history's most skilled
Soul Linker and
endow its abilities on a targeted
, temporarily allowing the use of
Ka- category skills on any character.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds
462.png Kaizel
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Priest Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv6+)None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
[Ka-] Skills: Can only be used on family
members and other Soul Linkers

Description: Instantly revives a fallen
character that will be in
Kyrie Eleison
status for 3 seconds upon revival. This
revival lasts for 30 minutes and is
canceled by resurrecting the target.
This skill is disabled during WoE.

[Lv 1]: 120 SP, Casting Time: 4.5 seconds,
Recovers 10% MaxHP

[Lv 2]: 110 SP, Casting Time: 4 seconds,
Recovers 20% MaxHP

[Lv 3]: 100 SP, Casting Time: 3.5 seconds,
Recovers 30% MaxHP

[Lv 4]: 90 SP, Casting Time: 3 seconds,
Recovers 40% MaxHP

[Lv 5]: 80 SP, Casting Time: 2.5 seconds,
Recovers 50% MaxHP

[Lv 6]: 70 SP, Casting Time: 2.5 seconds,
Recovers 60% MaxHP

[Lv 7]: 60 SP, Casting Time: 2.5 seconds,
Recovers 70% MaxHP
463.png Kaahi
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Priest Spirit 1,
Monk Spirit 1, Crusader Spirit 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
[Ka-] Skills: Can only be used on
family members and other Soul Linkers

Description: Consumes a certain amount
SP to recover HP everytime an enemy
attacks with normal physical damage.
SP Consumption per attack: 5~35
Recovered HP per attack: 200~1,400
464.png Kaupe
Max Level: 3
Requirement: Assassin Spirit 1,
Rogue Spirit 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.1s Fixed / 0.4s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
[Ka-] Skills: Can only be used on
family members and other Soul Linkers

Description: Kaupe status enables the
chance of dodging a physical attack from
an enemy and lasts until the 10 minute
duration elapses or until character
successfully dodges an attack.

[Lv 1]: 20 SP, Dodge +33%
[Lv 2]: 30 SP, Dodge +66%
[Lv 3]: 40 SP, Dodge +100%
465.png Kaite
Requirement: Wizard Spirit 1,
Sage Spirit 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.6s Fixed / 2.4s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
[Ka-] Skills: Can only be used on
family members and other Soul Linkers

Description: Reflects most magic spells
back at the original caster. Reflected
Healing spells will not heal the
original caster. The magic spells of
high level monsters cannot be reflected,
although this skill has a 100% chance
of reflecting spells from other players
regardless of level.

[Lv 1]: 1 Reflection, Casting Time: 6 seconds,
Duration: 1 minute

[Lv 2]: 1 Reflection, Casting Time: 5.5 seconds,
Duration: 2 minutes

[Lv 3]: 1 Reflection, Casting Time: 5 seconds,
Duration: 3 minutes

[Lv 4]: 1 Reflection, Casting Time: 4.5 seconds,
Duration: 4 minutes

[Lv 5]: 2 Reflections, Casting Time: 4 seconds,
Duration: 5 minutes

[Lv 6]: 2 Reflections, Casting Time: 3.5 seconds,
Duration: 6 minutes

[Lv 7]: 2 Reflections, Casting Time: 3 seconds,
Duration: 10 minutes
466.png Kaina
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Happy Break 1
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases MaxSP and
enhance the efficiency of the
skill. At Base Level 70, this
skill decreases the
SP consumption of the
Estin, Estun and Esma skills by 3%
equal to the skill level of
Base Level 80, the SP consumption
is decreased by 5% and at
Base Level 90,
it is decreased by 7%.

[Lv 1]: Happy Break Bonus +40%, MaxSP +30
[Lv 2]: Happy Break Bonus +50%, MaxSP +60
[Lv 3]: Happy Break Bonus +60%, MaxSP +90
[Lv 4]: Happy Break Bonus +70%, MaxSP +120
[Lv 5]: Happy Break Bonus +80%, MaxSP +150
[Lv 6]: Happy Break Bonus +90%, MaxSP +180
[Lv 7]: Happy Break Bonus +100%, MaxSP +210
467.png Estin
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Wizard Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.02s Fixed / 0.08s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
[Es-] Skills: Can only be used on monsters.
Description: Pushes back a targeted
monster 2 cells away. Only
Small sized
monsters are damaged by this skill,
which takes the elemental property of
Mild Wind skill if it is cast.
At skill level 7,
Estin will have a 3
second delay that will allow the casting
of the
Esma skill.
[Lv 1]: 18 SP, 10% Damage
[Lv 2]: 20 SP, 20% Damage
[Lv 3]: 22 SP, 30% Damage
[Lv 4]: 24 SP, 40% Damage
[Lv 5]: 26 SP, 50% Damage
[Lv 6]: 28 SP, 60% Damage
[Lv 7]: 30 SP, 70% Damage
468.png Estun
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Wizard Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.02s Fixed / 0.08s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
[Es-] Skills: Can only be used on monsters.
Description: Pushes back a targeted
monster 2 cells away. Only
Medium sized
monsters are damaged by this skill,
which takes the elemental property of
Mild Wind skill if it is cast. At
skill level 7,
Estun will have a 3
second delay that will allow the casting
of the
Esma skill.
[Lv 1]: 18 SP, 5% Damage
[Lv 2]: 20 SP, 10% Damage
[Lv 3]: 22 SP, 15% Damage
[Lv 4]: 24 SP, 20% Damage
[Lv 5]: 26 SP, 25% Damage
[Lv 6]: 28 SP, 30% Damage
[Lv 7]: 30 SP, 35% Damage
469.png Esma
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Estin 7, Estun 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.4s Fixed / 1.6s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
[Es-] Skills: Can only be used on monsters.
Description: This skill can be activated
only when the
Esma casting requirement
is fulfilled. Each hit inflicts magical
damage, which is calculated at
Base Level)% MATK and has the
same element as the active
Mild Wind skill.
[Lv 1]: 8 SP, 1 Hit
[Lv 2]: 16 SP, 2 Hits
[Lv 3]: 24 SP, 3 Hits
[Lv 4]: 32 SP, 4 Hits
[Lv 5]: 40 SP, 5 Hits
[Lv 6]: 48 SP, 6 Hits
[Lv 7]: 56 SP, 7 Hits
[Lv 8]: 64 SP, 8 Hits
[Lv 9]: 72 SP, 9 Hits
[Lv 10]: 80 SP, 10 Hits
470.png Eswoo
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Priest Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
[Es-] Skills: Can only be used on monsters.
Description: Temporarily shrinks a
monster to reduce it's
Movement Speed.
Boss monsters will only be shrunk for
1/5th of the normal skill duration. If
this skill is cast on a monster that is
already shrunken, the caster will be
inflicted by the
Stun status and the
targeted monster will recover from
Shrunken status more quickly.
[Lv 1]: 75 SP, Duration: 1 seconds
[Lv 2]: 65 SP, Duration: 2 seconds
[Lv 3]: 55 SP, Duration: 3 seconds
[Lv 4]: 45 SP, Duration: 4 seconds
[Lv 5]: 35 SP, Duration: 5 seconds
[Lv 6]: 25 SP, Duration: 6 seconds
[Lv 7]: 15 SP, Duration: 7 seconds
471.png Eske
Max Level: 3
Requirement: Knight Spirit 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv3)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
[Es-] Skills: Can only be used on monsters.
Description: Increases a targeted
Attack Power, multiplying it
by 4, but reduce it's
Defense by half.
This skill is followed by a 3 second delay in
which the
Esma skill can be cast.
[Lv 1]: 45 SP, Casting Time: 3 seconds,
Duration: 10 seconds

[Lv 2]: 30 SP, Casting Time: 2 seconds,
Duration: 20 seconds

[Lv 3]: 15 SP, Casting Time: 1 seconds,
Duration: 30 seconds
472.png Eska
Max Level: 3
Requirement: Monk Spirit 1
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv3)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
[Es-] Skills: Can only be used on monsters.
Description: Forces a monster into a
status similar to
Monk's Steel Body,
in which
Movement and Attack Speed is
decreased, but
Defense and Magic Defense
will be temporarily enhanced.

[Lv 1]: 100 SP, Casting Time: 3 seconds,
Duration: 10 seconds

[Lv 2]: 80 SP, Casting Time: 2 seconds,
Duration: 20 seconds

[Lv 3]: 60 SP, Casting Time: 1 second,
Duration: 30 seconds
494.png Rebirth Spirit
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Super Novice Spirit 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1st Transcendent Classes
Cast Time: 1s Fixed / 0s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Calls upon the spirits of
the most powerful
1st Transcendent Class
warriors ever so that they can lend their powers
to their successors. This skill will increase
Stat of 1st Transcendent characters
based on their
Base Level, but
Stat bonus will not exceed +50.
[Lv 1]: 460 SP, Duration: 150 seconds
[Lv 2]: 360 SP, Duration: 200 seconds
[Lv 3]: 260 SP, Duration: 250 seconds
[Lv 4]: 160 SP, Duration: 300 seconds
[Lv 5]: 60 SP, Duration: 350 seconds

Soul Reaper