Soul Ascetic

Revision as of 18:32, 19 August 2021 by Stasi (talk | contribs) (→‎Taekwon)

When do I change job?

Star Emperor is part of the extended classes and has no rebirth.

As novice with job level 10 you change to Taekwon.

As Taekwon job level 50 you change to Soul Linker.

As Soul Linker base level 99 and job level you change to Soul Reaper.


411.png Sprint
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv7+)None
After Cast Delay: 0.3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables the caster to run
with incredible speed. At levels 7 and
above, this skill endows the caster with
the Spurt status, which will temporarily
increase STR for 150 seconds, if the
caster stops running and is barehanded.
Spurt status is canceled if the caster
equips a weapon. Each level of the Run
skill increases its caster's barehanded
Mastery ATK by +10.

[Lv 1]: 6 Sec cast time, 100 SP
[Lv 2]: 5 Sec cast time, 90 SP
[Lv 3]: 4 Sec cast time, 80 SP
[Lv 4]: 3 Sec cast time, 70 SP
[Lv 5]: 2 Sec cast time, 60 SP
[Lv 6]: 1 Sec cast time, 50 SP
[Lv 7]: 0 Sec cast time, 40 SP
[Lv 8]: 0 Sec cast time, 30 SP
[Lv 9]: 0 Sec cast time, 20 SP
[Lv 10]: 0 Sec cast time, 10 SP
412.png Tornado Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Tornado Kick 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 15% chance of
automatically entering Tornado Stance
when the caster successfully hits a

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
413.png Tornado Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in Tornado
to perform this skill which will
attack all enemies within a 5x5 cell
area around the caster.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 180% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 200% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 240% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 260% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 300% damage
414.png Heel Drop Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Heel Drop 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 15% chance of
automatically entering
Heel Drop Stance
when the caster successfully hits a
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
415.png Heel Drop
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in Heel Drop
to perform this skill which will
inflict damage and cause the
Stun effect
for 3 seconds on the targeted enemy.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 180% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 200% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 240% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 260% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 300% damage
416.png Roundhouse Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Roundhouse 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 15% chance of
automatically entering
Roundhouse Stance
when the caster successfully hits a target.
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
417.png Roundhouse Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in
Roundhouse Stance to perform this skill
which will damage it's target and push
back enemies around the target.
Enemies that are pushed do not receive
any damage.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 250% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 310% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 340% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 370% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 400% damage
418.png Counter Kick Stance
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Counter Kick 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Stance Skill
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 20% chance of
automatically entering
Counter Kick
when the caster successfully hits
a target.
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
419.png Counter Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Caster must be in Counter
Kick Stance
to perform this skill which
will always hit its target.

Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 14 SP, 220% damage
[Lv 2]: 12 SP, 250% damage
[Lv 3]: 10 SP, 280% damage
[Lv 4]: 8 SP, 310% damage
[Lv 5]: 6 SP, 340% damage
[Lv 6]: 4 SP, 370% damage
[Lv 7]: 2 SP, 400% damage0
420.png Tumbling
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Flying Kick 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables a 20% chance of
blocking long ranged physical attacks.
When caster is in
Spurt status (after
performing [Lv 7]
Sprint or higher),
Tumbling will also block other kinds of

[Lv 1]: 0 Sec Cast Time, 1 SP
421.png Flying Kick
Max Level: 7
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Attacks a distant enemy
with a kick that instantly close the gap
between the target and the player. When
Tumbling status, the caster's Base
affects the amount of inflicted
Flying Kick7777 will have increased
damage affected by
Base Level during
Sprint status. If Spurt and Sprint
statuses are both active,
Flying Kick
will inflict enhanced damage.
will also cancel most positive
statuses on the target, which include
Spirit statuses endowed by Soul Linkers,
One-Hand Quicken, Kaahi, Kaite and the
Berserk Potion effect. However, Stalkers
can protect themselves from this
positive status removal effect with
Preserve skill.
Soul Linkers cannot perform this skill.
[Lv 1]: 70 SP, 40% damage
[Lv 2]: 60 SP, 50% damage
[Lv 3]: 50 SP, 60% damage
[Lv 4]: 40 SP, 70% damage
[Lv 5]: 30 SP, 80% damage
[Lv 6]: 20 SP, 90% damage
[Lv 7]: 10 SP, 100% damage
422.png Peaceful Break
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: When two or more Taekwon
class characters sit next to each other,
HP will be restored for both characters.
HP restoration is affected by VIT
and enhanced by an additional 30
HP with
the /doridori command.

[Lv 1]: HP +30
[Lv 2]: HP +60
[Lv 3]: HP +90
[Lv 4]: HP +120
[Lv 5]: HP +150
[Lv 6]: HP +180
[Lv 7]: HP +210
[Lv 8]: HP +240
[Lv 9]: HP +270
[Lv 10]: HP +300
423.png Happy Break
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: When two or more Taekwon
class characters sit next to each other,
SP will be restored for both characters.
SP restoration is affected by MaxSP
and enhanced by an additional 3
SP with
the /doridori command. Using the
/doridori command while in
Happy Break
status will make it last for 30 minutes.
During this status, the caster will have
a low chance of using the
Earth Spike
spell scroll, with a 10% chance at Skill
Level 1, and a 1% chance at Skill Level
10. Using the
Earth Spike scroll during
this status will consume 10 SP.

[Lv 1]: SP +3
[Lv 2]: SP +6
[Lv 3]: SP +9
[Lv 4]: SP +12
[Lv 5]: SP +15
[Lv 6]: SP +18
[Lv 7]: SP +21
[Lv 8]: SP +24
[Lv 9]: SP +27
[Lv 10]: SP +30
424.png Kihop
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases Attack Power.
Normal attacks and skills inflict additional
damage according to the skill's level.

[Lv 1]: ATK+20%
[Lv 2]: ATK+40%
[Lv 3]: ATK+60%
[Lv 4]: ATK+80%
[Lv 5]: ATK+100%
425.png Mild Wind
Max Level: 7
Requirement: Peaceful Break 5,
Happy Break 5, Kihop 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a wind that will
enchant the caster's attacks for 5
minutes with an elemental property based
on the level of the casted skill.

[Lv 1]: Earth (20 SP)
[Lv 2]: Wind (20 SP)
[Lv 3]: Water (20 SP)
[Lv 4]: Fire (20 SP)
[Lv 5]: Ghost (50 SP)
[Lv 6]: Shadow (50 SP)
[Lv 7]: Holy (50 SP)
426.png Leap
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv6+)None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Leaps to a targeted cell
within the skill's range. So long as the
targeted cell is accessable, the caster
can leap over walls and obstacles.
cannot be used in areas where
Fly Wings
are disabled, except for WoE maps.

Cast Time & Skill Range per Level
[Lv 1]: 5 sec, 2 cells
[Lv 2]: 4 sec, 4 cells
[Lv 3]: 3 sec, 6 cells
[Lv 4]: 2 sec, 8 cells
[Lv 5]: 1 sec, 10 cells

Soul Linker

Soul Reaper