Todo el sistema de estadísticas ha sido renovado. Con el aumento del nivel máximo, el límite de las estadísticas también se elevó hasta 130. El incremento en los puntos de estadísticas disponibles permite la creación de clases híbridas verdaderas. A continuación, se muestra una breve descripción de cada estadística con comparaciones a las mecánicas pre-Renewal, si aplicable.
STR: | AGI: |
VIT: | INT: |
DEX: | LUK: |
Aside from Stats, several Substats were also drastically changed. Most of these define the main difference between Pre-Renewal and Renewal Mechanics.
DEF/MDEF | Cast Time |
SoftDEF/MDEF | Critical |
- From level 200 on, when leveling up, status points for existing STR/AGI/VIT/INT/DEX/LUK are not given.
- New trait status points are given to distribute among 6 new trait statuses.
- Activity Point (AP) is a new resource mechanic exclusive to 4th job skills.
- Attribute status points do not increase the amount of additional points gradually as the level rises.
- 4th job classes also gain bonus to these traits with increasing JobLVL.
- In addition, unlike the existing status, each new characteristic status has a fixed point investment cost of 1 point.
Power (POW) | Stamina (STA) |
Trait that increases status physical attack and Power Attack (P.ATK)
Trait that increases physical resistance (RES)
Wisdom (WIS) | Spell (SPL) |
Trait that increases magic resistance (MRES)
Trait that increases status magic attack and Spell Magic Attack (S.MATK)
Concentration (CON) | Creative (CRT) |
Trait that increases accuracy (HIT), evasion (FLEE), Power Attack (P.ATK) and Spell Magic Attack (S.MATK)
Trait that increases Heal Plus (H.PLUS) and Critical Rate (C.RATE)
Power Atk (P.ATK) | Spell Matk (S.MATK) |
Final status physical attack and final equipment attack increases by %. | Final status magic attack and final equipment magic attack increases by %. |
Resist (Res) | Magic Resist (Mres) |
Before calculating physical defense, it reduces normal physical damage taken by %. Note: Resist Penetration effects are limited to 50%. |
Before calculating the magic defense, it reduces the normal magic damage received by %. Note: Magic Resist Penetration effects are limited to 50%. |
Heal Plus (H.Plus) | Critical Damage Rate (C.Rate) |
Increases the final heal recovery by %.
This increase is applied after normal heal recovery increasing effects. |
Increases the critical damage base percent by %.