Translations:Alice Twisted Madness/20/en
The last maze
- Here you have to search for the portal, make sure that no one enter the portal before the half party + 1 member reached it.
- If the party has 7 members, 4 need to be at the warp portal and enter it, party leader can talk to NPC and recall the whole party to mvp fight.
- It doesn't matter if player is alive or dead
- Party leader can be changed
- The maze is really huge and it would be easier if you walk straight to all possible portal positions, here are the coordinates:
1. (2@alice_mad 154, 543) 8. (2@alice_mad 127, 81) 2. (2@alice_mad 55, 550) 9. (2@alice_mad 39, 115) 3. (2@alice_mad 61, 438) 10. (2@alice_mad 284, 14) 4. (2@alice_mad 13, 329) 11. (2@alice_mad 287, 198) 5. (2@alice_mad 11, 201) 12. (2@alice_mad 231, 209) 6. (2@alice_mad 11, 89) 13. (2@alice_mad 277, 579) 7. (2@alice_mad 100, 57) 14. (2@alice_mad 285, 333)