Weapon ATK
Shows you the values listed individually.
Weapon ATK: 55 ( Base) + 50
Equip ATK
Shows you the values listed individually.
Equip ATK: 255
Status ATK
Shows you the values listed individually.
Status ATK: 100
Mastery ATK
Shows you the values listed individually.
Mastery ATK: 132
Drop Rate
Shows you your current drop chance and the MVP Card drop chance.
Drop Rate: +0% (MVP Card Rate: 0.04%)
Variable Cast Time Reduction
Shows you the variable Casting Reduction in percent.
Variable Cast Time Reduction: 72.02% (Stats: 205/530 = 62.19%, Bonus: 26%)
Movement Speed
Shows you how fast your movement speed per cell per second is
Movement Speed: 16.67 cells/second