Wind Hawk
When do I change job?
- As Novice job level 10 you can change to Archer.
- As Archer job level 40-50 you can change to Hunter.
- As Hunter base level 99 and job level 50 you can do rebirth
- As rebirth Novice job level 10 you can change to Archer.
- As Archer with job level 40-50 you can change to 2nd class Sniper.
- As Sniper base level 99 and job level 70 you can change to 3rd class Ranger.
- As Ranger base level 200 an job level 70 you can change to 4th class Wind Hawk.
Skills | ||
![]() Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases DEX. [Lv 1]: DEX +1 [Lv 2]: DEX +2 [Lv 3]: DEX +3 [Lv 4]: DEX +4 [Lv 5]: DEX +5 [Lv 6]: DEX +6 [Lv 7]: DEX +7 [Lv 8]: DEX +8 [Lv 9]: DEX +9 [Lv 10]: DEX +10 |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Owl's Eye 3 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases Attack Range and HIT rate with Bow class weapons. [Lv 1]: Range +1, HIT rate +1% [Lv 2]: Range +2, HIT rate +2% [Lv 3]: Range +3, HIT rate +3% [Lv 4]: Range +4, HIT rate +4% [Lv 5]: Range +5, HIT rate +5% [Lv 6]: Range +6, HIT rate +6% [Lv 7]: Range +7, HIT rate +7% [Lv 8]: Range +8, HIT rate +8% [Lv 9]: Range +9, HIT rate +9% [Lv 10]: Range +10, HIT rate +10% |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Vulture's Eye 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Boosts AGI and DEX temporarily as well as detects nearby hidden characters in 3x3 AoE. [Lv 1]: DEX/AGI +3%, Duration: 60 seconds [Lv 2]: DEX/AGI +4%, Duration: 80 seconds [Lv 3]: DEX/AGI +5%, Duration: 100 seconds [Lv 4]: DEX/AGI +6%, Duration: 120 seconds [Lv 5]: DEX/AGI +7%, Duration: 140 seconds [Lv 6]: DEX/AGI +8%, Duration: 160 seconds [Lv 7]: DEX/AGI +9%, Duration: 180 seconds [Lv 8]: DEX/AGI +10%, Duration: 200 seconds [Lv 9]: DEX/AGI +11%, Duration: 220 seconds [Lv 10]: DEX/AGI +12%, Duration: 240 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Vulture's Eye 10 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.10s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Fires an arrow that will inflict double damage on target. The base range of this skill is 9 cells. [Lv 1]: 100% ATK x 2 [Lv 2]: 110% ATK x 2 [Lv 3]: 120% ATK x 2 [Lv 4]: 130% ATK x 2 [Lv 5]: 140% ATK x 2 [Lv 6]: 150% ATK x 2 [Lv 7]: 160% ATK x 2 [Lv 8]: 170% ATK x 2 [Lv 9]: 180% ATK x 2 [Lv 10]: 190% ATK x 2 |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Double Strafe 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Fires an arrow at targeted cell damaging all enemies on 3x3 AoE. Enemies that receive damage will be knocked 2 cells backward. The base range of this skill is 9 cells. [Lv 1]: 160% ATK [Lv 2]: 170% ATK [Lv 3]: 180% ATK [Lv 4]: 190% ATK [Lv 5]: 200% ATK [Lv 6]: 210% ATK [Lv 7]: 220% ATK [Lv 8]: 230% ATK [Lv 9]: 240% ATK [Lv 10]: 250% ATK | |
Quest Skills | ||
![]() Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 1.50s Fixed After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Range: 9 cells Description: Draws the bowstring to it's limit to fire a volley of arrows which inflicts 150% ATK physical damage and with enough force to push the target 5 cells back. |
![]() Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Active Type: Crafting Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Creates Arrows from specific items. The kind of Arrows produced, as well as the amount, is determined by the items used. This skill fails, if the current Weight is more than 70%. |
Skills | ||
![]() Max Level: 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will make an enemy slide in the direction that the caster was facing at the moment the trap was set. Consumes 1 Trap. [Lv 1]: 6 cell sliding range, 300 seconds [Lv 2]: 7 cell sliding range, 240 seconds [Lv 3]: 8 cell sliding range, 180 seconds [Lv 4]: 9 cell sliding range, 120 seconds [Lv 5]: 10 cell sliding range, 60 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: 0.30s Fixed / 0.50s Variable After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will explode once an enemy steps on it. Damage increases according to skill level, caster's Base Level, DEX and INT. A trap that has not been stepped on is released after the duration expires and returns the Trap. Consumes 1 Trap. [Lv 1]: Lasts 200 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 160 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 120 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 80 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 40 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Skid Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will bind an enemy to the ground for the skill's duration, which is affected by the AGI of the target. A trap that has not been stepped on is released after the duration expires and returns the Trap. Consumes 1 Trap. [Lv 1]: Lasts 250 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 200 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 150 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 100 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 50 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Anklesnare 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will drain SP away from enemies. A trap that has not been stepped on is released after the duration expires and returns the Traps. Consumes 2 Traps. [Lv 1]: 20% MaxSP drain, lasts 200 sec [Lv 2]: 35% MaxSP drain, lasts 160 sec [Lv 3]: 50% MaxSP drain, lasts 120 sec [Lv 4]: 65% MaxSP drain, lasts 80 sec [Lv 5]: 80% MaxSP drain, lasts 40 sec |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Flasher 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range that will cause the enemy that steps on it, as well as enemies within the trap's range, to cause Sleep status. A trap that has not been stepped on is released after the duration expires and returns the Trap. Consumes 1 Trap. [Lv 1]: Sleep Rate: 50%, lasts 150 sec [Lv 2]: Sleep Rate: 60%, lasts 120 sec [Lv 3]: Sleep Rate: 70%, lasts 90 sec [Lv 4]: Sleep Rate: 80%, lasts 60 sec [Lv 5]: Sleep Rate: 90%, lasts 30 sec |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Skid Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will emit intense light, which may cause the target with the Blind status. A trap that has not been stepped on is released after the duration expires and returns the Traps. Consumes 2 Traps. [Lv 1]: Lasts 150 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 120 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 90 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 60 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 30 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Flasher 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will freeze an enemy once it has been triggered. A trap that has not been stepped on is released after the duration expires and returns the Traps. Consumes 2 Traps. [Lv 1]: Lasts 150 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 120 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 90 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 60 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 30 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Sandman 1, Land Mine 1, Freezing Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: 0.30s Fixed / 0.50s Variable After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range that will automatically explode after a specific time period determined by the level of the skill. Consumes 2 Traps. [Lv 1]: Lasts 25 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 20 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 15 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 10 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 5 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Blast Mine 1, Shockwave Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: 0.30s Fixed / 0.50s Variable After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap which will inflict splashed damage in an 5x5 area. Claymore Traps can be attacked to explode instantly. Consumes 2 Traps. [Lv 1]: Lasts 20 seconds [Lv 2]: Lasts 40 seconds [Lv 3]: Lasts 60 seconds [Lv 4]: Lasts 80 seconds [Lv 5]: Lasts 100 seconds |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Land Mine 1 Requirement: Double Strafe 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Removes a trap that has been set on the ground, as well as regain that Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Remove Trap 1, Shockwave Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Hidden) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Sets a trap with a 3x3 range which will last for 600 seconds and will display a prepared message for the person who triggers it. Consumes 1 Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 10 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases Mastery ATK against Brute and Insect race monsters. [Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +4 [Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +8 [Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +12 [Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +16 [Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +20 [Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +24 [Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +28 [Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +32 [Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +36 [Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +40 |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Beastbane 1 Skill Form: Passive Description: Enables renting of a Falcon from the Hunter Guild. |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Blitz Beat 5 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases the damage inflicted by Falcon. [Lv 1]: Damage +6 [Lv 2]: Damage +12 [Lv 3]: Damage +18 [Lv 4]: Damage +24 [Lv 5]: Damage +30 [Lv 6]: Damage +36 [Lv 7]: Damage +42 [Lv 8]: Damage +48 [Lv 9]: Damage +54 [Lv 10]: Damage +60 |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Falconry Mastery 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Special Physical Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.20s Fixed / 0.80s Variable After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Commands Falcon to attack a targeted and surrounding enemies in an 3x3 area. The Falcon's damage is increased by the owner's AGI and DEX. The skill level also increases the chance of automatic attacks from the Falcon when attacking an enemy with a Bow class weapon, which will be increased based on your LUK. The Falcon's Attack Range is 3 cells plus the level of Vulture's Eye skill. [Lv 1]: Hits: 1, SP Consumption: 10 [Lv 2]: Hits: 2, SP Consumption: 13 [Lv 3]: Hits: 3, SP Consumption: 16 [Lv 4]: Hits: 4, SP Consumption: 19 [Lv 5]: Hits: 5, SP Consumption: 22 |
![]() Max Level: 4 Requirement: Improve Concentration 1, Falconry Mastery 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Commands a Falcon to detect hidden characters from a distance. [Lv 1]: Range: 2 cells [Lv 2]: Range: 4 cells [Lv 3]: Range: 6 cells [Lv 4]: Range: 8 cells |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Remove Trap 1, Falconry Mastery Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Commands Falcon to remove a set Trap from a distance. [Lv 1]: Range: 2 cells [Lv 2]: Range: 4 cells [Lv 3]: Range: 6 cells [Lv 4]: Range: 8 cells |
![]() Requirement: Double Strafe 10, Spirit State Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.10s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Attack by using a modified form of Double Strafe that was developed to cause extra damage to Brute monsters. Caster's STR affects the amount of inflicted damage. |
Quest Skills | ||
![]() Requirement: Finish Quest Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Enable the caster to shoot a magic arrow without requiring actual Arrows. Inflicts 150% damage and pushes the enemy 3 cells backward after impact. |
Skills | ||
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Owl's Eye 10, Vulture's Eye 10, Improve Concentration 10, Falconry Mastery 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Adds +5 to all Stats, as well as increases HIT, Weapon damage and Critical rate. [Lv 1]: HIT +3%, Damage +2%, Critical +1 [Lv 2]: HIT +6%, Damage +4%, Critical +2 [Lv 3]: HIT +9%, Damage +6%, Critical +3 [Lv 4]: HIT +12%, Damage +8%, Critical +4 [Lv 5]: HIT +15%, Damage +10%, Critical +5 [Lv 6]: HIT +18%, Damage +12%, Critical +6 [Lv 7]: HIT +21%, Damage +14%, Critical +7 [Lv 8]: HIT +24%, Damage +16%, Critical +8 [Lv 9]: HIT +27%, Damage +18%, Critical +9 [Lv 10]: HIT +30%, Damage +20%, Critical +10 |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Vulture's Eye 5, Falconry Mastery 1, Blitz Beat 5, Steel Crow 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Special Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 0.50s Variable After Cast Delay: 3.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Commands Falcon to attack an enemy with an mighty strike. Damage increases according to skill level and caster's Base Level. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Double Strafe 5, Improve Concentration 10 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 0.50s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Range: 11 cells Description: Shoots an arrow with incredible might directly towards a targeted enemy, inflicting ranged physical damage to it and surrounding enemies within 5x5 cells. Has a high chance to inflict half of the total Critical Damage and 50% of the caster's Critical chance will be added. [Lv 1]: ATK 600% [Lv 2]: ATK 900% [Lv 3]: ATK 1200% [Lv 4]: ATK 1500% [Lv 5]: ATK 1800% |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Improve Concentration 9 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster and Party Members Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Increases Movement Speed and FLEE rate of yourself and party members. However, Movement Speed will not increased if a similar effect, such as Increase Agility, has already been cast. Skills which decrease Movement Speed, such as Quagmire, cancel the Movement Speed increase from Wind Walk. |
Skills | ||
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Aimed Bolt 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.30s Fixed / 2.00s Variable After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: 3.20s Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Inflicts ranged physical damage by pouring a rain of arrows like a storm at a target and surrounding enemies within 9x9 cells around the target. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and if Fear Breeze is active, it will inflict more damage. Consumes 5 Arrows. [Lv 1]: ATK 380%, 450% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 2]: ATK 560%, 700% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 3]: ATK 740%, 950% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 4]: ATK 920%, 1200% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 5]: ATK 1100%, 1450% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 6]: ATK 1280%, 1700% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 7]: ATK 1460%, 1950% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 8]: ATK 1640%, 2200% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 9]: ATK 1820%, 2450% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 10]: ATK 2000%, 2700% (with Fear Breeze), AoE: 9x9 cells |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Camouflage 1, Arrow Storm 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: 2.00s Fixed After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: During the skill duration, normal ranged attack has a chance of hitting a target multiple times. Extra attacks will consume arrows. [Lv 1]: Number of Attacks +1, proc chance 12%, Duration 60 sec. [Lv 2]: Number of Attacks +1, proc chance 12%, Duration 90 sec. [Lv 3]: Number of Attacks +1~+2, proc chance 21%, Duration 120 sec. [Lv 4]: Number of Attacks +1~+3, proc chance 27%, Duration 150 sec. [Lv 5]: Number of Attacks +1~+4, proc chance 30%, Duration 180 sec. |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Ranger Basic Skill Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases Mastery ATK against Brute, Plant and Fish monsters and decrease damage from those monsters. [Lv 1]: Mastery ATK and resistance +5 [Lv 2]: Mastery ATK and resistance +10 [Lv 3]: Mastery ATK and resistance +15 [Lv 4]: Mastery ATK and resistance +20 [Lv 5]: Mastery ATK and resistance +25 [Lv 6]: Mastery ATK and resistance +30 [Lv 7]: Mastery ATK and resistance +35 [Lv 8]: Mastery ATK and resistance +40 [Lv 9]: Mastery ATK and resistance +45 [Lv 10]: Mastery ATK and resistance +50 |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Ankle Snare 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 4.00s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 1.00s Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Shoots an arrow intensively at the target, inflicting large ranged physical damage with 5 hits. The damage further increases based on the caster's Base Level and if Fear Breeze is active, it will inflict more damage. Consumes 3 Arrows. [Lv 1]: ATK 520%, 835% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 2]: ATK 540%, 870% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 3]: ATK 560%, 905% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 4]: ATK 580%, 940% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 5]: ATK 600%, 975% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 6]: ATK 620%, 1010% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 7]: ATK 640%, 1045% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 8]: ATK 660%, 1080% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 9]: ATK 680%, 1115% (with Fear Breeze) [Lv 10]: ATK 700%, 1150% (with Fear Breeze) |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Cluster Bomb 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Immediately activates traps on the ground. Skills range is 7x7 cells around the targeted area. It can also activate Hunter's traps. This skill will not detonate traps of another player. Can activate the following traps: Blast Mine, Claymore Trap, Sandman, Talkie Box, Firing Trap, Cluster Bomb and Ice Binding Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Shockwave Trap 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Immobilizes a target and drains certain amount of SP per second from the target. Electric Shocker cannot be removed with Remove Trap. Requires 1 Special Alloy Trap. Maximum 3 traps are allowed to be set. [Lv 1]: Drains 5% SP/sec, Duration 20 sec. [Lv 2]: Drains 10% SP/sec, Duration 22 sec. [Lv 3]: Drains 15% SP/sec, Duration 24 sec. [Lv 4]: Drains 20% SP/sec, Duration 26 sec. [Lv 5]: Drains 25% SP/sec, Duration 28 sec. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Trap Research 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Maximum 3 traps are allowed to be set at once and damage range is 3 cells wide and 5 cells deep. Can be combined with Detonator skill. Cluster Bomb cannot be removed with Remove Trap. Requires 1 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: 300% Damage+Additional Trap Damage, Duration 15 sec. [Lv 2]: 400% damage+Additional Trap Damage, Duration 15 sec. [Lv 3]: 500% damage+Additional Trap Damage, Duration 15 sec. [Lv 4]: 600% damage+Additional Trap Damage, Duration 15 sec. [Lv 5]: 700% damage+Additional Trap Damage, Duration 15 sec. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Ranger Basic Skill Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Summons a Warg with a Wolf Flute. Re-using the skill returns the Warg to the wild. |
![]() Max Level: 3 Requirement: Warg Mastery 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Allows a Ranger to mount their summoned Warg. Skill level increases Movement Speed. While mounted on a Warg, you can't use any bow attacks or skills that are not Warg exclusive other than trap skills. Can use the following traps while on a Warg: Cobalt Trap, Magenta Trap, Verdure Trap, Maze Trap, Electric Shocker. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Warg Rider 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Usable only when mounted on your Warg. Makes your Warg scamper in a straight direction, re-using the skill will stop it. You will automatically stop when hitting a wall or an enemy. If the Ranger has already learned Warg Strike, it gives damage to the crashed enemy. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Tooth of Warg 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Makes your Warg run into a target and inflict damage. Damage increases as skill level gets higher. [Lv 1]: 200% Damage [Lv 2]: 400% Damage [Lv 3]: 600% Damage [Lv 4]: 800% Damage [Lv 5]: 1000% Damage |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Warg Strike 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Makes your Warg leap at a target, dealing damage and temporarily causing Immobilizes status. The duration increases based on the Tooth of Warg skill level and the success chance depends on the target's AGI. Can't be used while mounted on a Warg. [Lv 1]: 600% Damage, Duration: 1 second + Tooth of Warg skill level [Lv 2]: 800% Damage, Duration: 2 seconds + Tooth of Warg skill level [Lv 3]: 1000% Damage, Duration: 3 seconds + Tooth of Warg skill level [Lv 4]: 1200% Damage, Duration: 4 seconds + Tooth of Warg skill level [Lv 5]: 1500% Damage, Duration: 5 seconds + Tooth of Warg skill level |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Warg Mastery 1 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases the Mastery ATK for Warg skills. Increases Mastery ATK as skill level gets higher. [Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +30 [Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +60 [Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +90 [Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +120 [Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +150 [Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +180 [Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +210 [Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +240 [Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +270 [Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +300 |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Tooth of Warg 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 3.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Uses the Warg's senses to reveal hidden traps and enemies. Has a chance to attack enemies with Warg Bite. [Lv 1]: 7x7 AoE, 150% Damage, Warg Bite Chance 8% [Lv 2]: 9x9 AoE, 200% Damage, Warg Bite Chance 16% [Lv 3]: 11x11 AoE, 250% Damage, Warg Bite Chance 24% [Lv 4]: 13x13 AoE, 300% Damage, Warg Bite Chance 32% [Lv 5]: 15x15 AoE, 350% Damage, Warg Bite Chance 40% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Ranger Main 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Hides yourself behind walls or any obstacles so other monsters can't notice you (except Boss, Demon, Insect monsters). You appear translucent while Camouflaged. Increases Critical rate and Mastery ATK, but decrease DEF while casting the skill. The effect wears off after leaving Camouflage or attacking a single time. [Lv 1]: 6 SP per sec, Movement Disabled [Lv 2]: 5 SP per sec, Movement Disabled [Lv 3]: 4 SP per sec, 50% Movement [Lv 4]: 3 SP per sec, 75% Movement [Lv 5]: 2 SP per sec, 100% Movement |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Claymore Trap 1, Remove Trap 1 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases trap damage and trap set range of Hunters and Rangers, also increases INT and MaxSP. [Lv 1]: Damage +40, INT +1, MaxSP +220, Range +1 [Lv 2]: Damage +80, INT +2, MaxSP +240, Range +1 [Lv 3]: Damage +120, INT +3, MaxSP +260, Range +2 [Lv 4]: Damage +160, INT +4, MaxSP +280, Range +2 [Lv 5]: Damage +200, INT +5, MaxSP +300, Range +3 [Lv 6]: Damage +240, INT +6, MaxSP +320, Range +3 [Lv 7]: Damage +280, INT +7, MaxSP +340, Range +4 [Lv 8]: Damage +320, INT +8, MaxSP +360, Range +4 [Lv 9]: Damage +360, INT +9, MaxSP +380, Range +5 [Lv 10]: Damage +400, INT +10, MaxSP +400, Range +5 |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Trap Research 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Monsters that step on this trap has its element changed to Fire elemental. Does not affect Boss type monsters or players. Consumes 1 Scarlet Point and 1 Special Alloy Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Trap Research 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Monsters that step on this trap has it's element changed to Water elemental. Does not affect Boss type monsters or players. Consumes 1 Indigo Point and 1 Special Alloy Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Trap Research 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Monsters that step on this trap has its element changed to Earth elemental. Does not affect Boss type monsters or players. Consumes 1 Lime Green Point and 1 Special Alloy Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Trap Research 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 2.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Monsters that step on this trap has its element changed to Wind elemental. Does not affect Boss type monsters or players. Consumes 1 Yellow Wish Point and 1 Special Alloy Trap. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Detonator 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: When this trap activated, it deals damage in a 5x5 area and causes Burning status. Skill Level increases success rate of inflicting Burning status. Consumes 1 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: Success Chance 60% [Lv 2]: Success Chance 70% [Lv 3]: Success Chance 80% [Lv 4]: Success Chance 90% [Lv 5]: Success Chance 100% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Detonator 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap (Visible) Target: Ground Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: When this trap activates, it deals damage in a 3x3 area and inflicts Freezing status. Skill Level increases success rate of inflicting Freezing status. Consumes 1 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: Success Chance 60% [Lv 2]: Success Chance 70% [Lv 3]: Success Chance 80% [Lv 4]: Success Chance 90% [Lv 5]: Success Chance 100% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Fear Breeze 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 300.00s Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Use the power of Ulle, the god of hunting and archery, to increase the damgae of ranged physical attacks explosively for 150 seconds. [Lv 1]: Ranged Physical Damage +150% [Lv 2]: Ranged Physical Damage +200% [Lv 3]: Ranged Physical Damage +250% [Lv 4]: Ranged Physical Damage +300% [Lv 5]: Ranged Physical Damage +350% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Self Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 1800.00s Recover: AP AP Cost: Dispellable: No Description: Push your body to its limits, allowing you maximize your power for a short time. During this time you will gain these bonuses: [1]: All stats +20%, [2]: Increased Movement Speed, [3]: Restore 100% MaxHP when cast, [4]: MaxHP/SP will drain every second. After the duration is over, you will be incredibly exhausted, and inflicted with Rebound status. [ Rebound Status ]: [1]: Duration: 10 seconds, [2]: Reduced Movement Speed, [3]: HP Natural Recovery -100%, [4]: SP Natural Recovery -100%. [Lv 1]: 6% MaxHP/SP drain per second for 10s [Lv 2]: 4% MaxHP/SP drain per second for 15s [Lv 3]: 3% MaxHP/SP drain per second for 20s [Lv 4]: 2% MaxHP/SP drain per second for 25s [Lv 5]: 1% MaxHP/SP drain per second for 30s |
Wind Hawk
Skills | ||
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Trap Research 3 Skill Form: Passive Description: Increases the effects of Wind Hawk traps. Increases the effectiveness of Deep Blind Trap, Swift Trap, Solid Trap and Flame Trap. [Lv 1]: Duration +1 seconds, Damage +20% [Lv 2]: Duration +2 seconds, Damage +40% [Lv 3]: Duration +3 seconds, Damage +60%, AP Recovery +1 [Lv 4]: Duration +4 seconds, Damage +80%, AP Recovery +1 [Lv 5]: Duration +5 seconds, Damage +100%, AP Recovery +1 |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Nature Friendly 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Debuff Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 0.15s Cool Down: 30.00s Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Marks the target with a Wind Sign for the skill duration. Has a chance to recover AP when inflicting ranged physical damage on marked targets. The mark is still visible even when the target uses Hiding, Cloaking or Cloaking Exceed. [Lv 1]: Duration: 20 seconds, Chance for AP Recovery: 14% [Lv 2]: Duration: 30 seconds, Chance for AP Recovery: 20% [Lv 3]: Duration: 40 seconds, Chance for AP Recovery: 26% [Lv 4]: Duration: 50 seconds, Chance for AP Recovery: 32% [Lv 5]: Duration: 60 seconds, Chance for AP Recovery: 40% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Skill Form: Passive Description: Enhances Wind Hawk's wildlife training. Your Hawk becomes more proficient from training. [Lv 1]: Auto Hawk Rush Chance +20% [Lv 2]: Auto Hawk Rush Chance +40% [Lv 3]: Auto Hawk Rush Chance +60% [Lv 4]: Auto Hawk Rush Chance +80% [Lv 5]: Auto Hawk Rush Chance +100% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Hawk Mastery 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: None Cool Down: 0.15s Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Orders your Hawk to inflict ranged physical damage twice to the target. It can inflict half of the total Critical Damage based on the caster's Critical chance. Also grants the ability to autocast Hawk Rush on ranged physical attacks with a 1% chance per 3 CON. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Nature Friendly Level, Base Level and CON. Requires a Bow. [Lv 1]: ATK 500% [Lv 2]: ATK 1000% [Lv 3]: ATK 1500% [Lv 4]: ATK 2000% [Lv 5]: ATK 2500% |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Steel Crow 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: None After Cast Delay: 1.00s Cool Down: None Recover: AP AP Cost: Description: Trains a Hawk to follow your orders. The Hawk can be trained along with a Warg. The chance to trigger Warg Strike is reduced to 1/3 when Hawk and Warg are summoned together. Requires Hawk Flute. [Lv 1]: Summons Hawk |
![]() Max Level: 1 Requirement: Gale Storm 5, Wind Sign 5 Skill Form: Active(AP) Type: Supportive Target: Caster Cast Time: 1.75s Fixed After Cast Delay: 0.15s Cool Down: 60.00s Recover: AP AP Cost: 125 Dispellable: No Description: Endows the caster's body with the rage of wind. The caster gains Level 5 Unlimit effect, increases the damage of Crescive Bolt by 20%, enables Gale Storm to inflict Critical Damage and increases damage of Crescive Bolt and Gale Storm against Brute and Fish race monsters by 50%. [Lv 1]: Calamity Gale Duration 180s. |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Hawk Rush 5 Skill Form: Active(AP) Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.20s Fixed / 0.80s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 0.15s Recover: AP AP Cost: 12 Description: Orders your Hawk to inflict ranged physical damage to the target, which also can inflict half of the total Critical Damage at the caster's Critical chance. Damage is increased by 50% against Brute and Fish race monsters. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Nature Friendly Level, Base Level and CON. Requires a Bow. [Lv 1]: ATK 600% [Lv 2]: ATK 1200% [Lv 3]: ATK 1800% [Lv 4]: ATK 2400% [Lv 5]: ATK 3000% |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Crescive Bolt 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 3.50s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 0.70s Recover: AP AP Cost: AP Recovery: 10 when 3 or more targets are hit Description: Fires 5 shots of ranged physical damage at the target and surrounding enemies. Recovers AP when 3 or more targets are hit. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and CON. Consumes 5 Arrows. [Lv 1]: ATK 1350%/ AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 2]: ATK 2700%/ AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 3]: ATK 4050%/ AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 4]: ATK 5400%/ AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 5]: ATK 6750%/ AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 6]: ATK 8100%/ AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 7]: ATK 9450%/ AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 8]: ATK 10800%/ AoE: 7x7 cells [Lv 9]: ATK 12150%/ AoE: 9x9 cells [Lv10]: ATK 13500%, AoE: 9x9 cells |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Advanced Trap 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap Target: Ground Cast Time: 1.00s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 2.50s Recover: 1/1/2/2/3 AP AP Cost: AP Recovery: 1/1/2/2/3 Description: Places a trap which inflicts Shadow elemental melee physical damage over time during the trap duration. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and CON. Consumes 2 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: ATK 850%, Trap Duration: 3.0 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 2]: ATK 1700%, Trap Duration: 3.5 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 3]: ATK 2550%, Trap Duration: 4.0 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 4]: ATK 3400%, Trap Duration: 4.5 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 5]: ATK 4250%, Trap Duration: 5.0 seconds AoE: 7x7 cells |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Advanced Trap 3 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap Target: Ground Cast Time: 1.00s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 2.50s Recover: 1/1/2/2/3 AP AP Cost: AP Recovery: 1/1/2/2/3 Description: Places a trap which inflicts Earth elemental melee physical damage over time during the trap duration. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and CON. Consumes 2 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: ATK 850%, Trap Duration: 3.0 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 2]: ATK 1700%, Trap Duration: 3.5 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 3]: ATK 2550%, Trap Duration: 4.0 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 4]: ATK 3400%, Trap Duration: 4.5 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 5]: ATK 4250%, Trap Duration: 5.0 seconds AoE: 7x7 cells |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Deep Blind Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap Target: Ground Cast Time: 1.00s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 2.50s Recover: 1/1/2/2/3 AP AP Cost: AP Recovery: 1/1/2/2/3 Description: Places a trap which inflicts Wind elemental melee physical damage over time during the trap duration. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and CON. Consumes 2 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: ATK 850%, Trap Duration: 3.0 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 2]: ATK 1700%, Trap Duration: 3.5 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 3]: ATK 2550%, Trap Duration: 4.0 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 4]: ATK 3400%, Trap Duration: 4.5 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 5]: ATK 4250%, Trap Duration: 5.0 seconds AoE: 7x7 cells |
![]() Max Level: 10 Requirement: Aimed Bolt 5 Skill Form: Active Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 0.80s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.70s Cool Down: 0.35s Recover: 1 AP AP Cost: AP Recovery: 1 Description: Fires 1 shot of ranged physical damage to the target. Increases damage and SP consumption of the next cast of this skill for each time while standing still (stacks up to 3 times). The stack resets if the caster moves or changes position with a skill or after 10 seconds after last time it was casted. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and CON, can inflict half of the total Critical Damage based on the caster's Critical chance. Consumes 1 Arrow. [Lv 1]: ATK 1800% [Lv 2]: ATK 3100% [Lv 3]: ATK 4400% [Lv 4]: ATK 5700% [Lv 5]: ATK 7000% [Lv 6]: ATK 8300% [Lv 7]: ATK 9600% [Lv 8]: ATK 10900% [Lv 9]: ATK 12200% [Lv10]: ATK 13500% |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Solid Trap 1 Skill Form: Active Type: Trap Target: Ground Cast Time: 1.00s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.50s Cool Down: 2.50s Recover: 1/1/2/2/3 AP AP Cost: AP Recovery: 1/1/2/2/3 Description: Places a trap which inflicts Fire elemental melee physical damage over time during the trap duration. Damage additionally increases according to the caster's Base Level and CON. Consumes 2 Special Alloy Trap. [Lv 1]: ATK 850%, Trap Duration: 3.0 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 2]: ATK 1700%, Trap Duration: 3.5 seconds AoE: 3x3 cells [Lv 3]: ATK 2550%, Trap Duration: 4.0 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 4]: ATK 3400%, Trap Duration: 4.5 seconds AoE: 5x5 cells [Lv 5]: ATK 4250%, Trap Duration: 5.0 seconds AoE: 7x7 cells |
![]() Max Level: 5 Requirement: Nature Friendly 3, Hawk Rush 3 Skill Form: Active (AP) Type: Physical Ranged Target: 1 Character Cast Time: 0.75s Variable After Cast Delay: 0.25s Cool Down: 20.00s Recover: AP AP Cost: 5 Dispellable: No Description: Uses a hawk to attack the target with ranged physical damage three times. Increases caster's FLEE and Movement Speed briefly with a gust from the hawk. Damage increases based on Steel Crow, Nature Friendly, Base Level, and CON. This skill can deal Critical Hits. Critical Chance for this skill is based on your Critical Rate. Usable in Warg Rider state. [Lv 1]: 4600% ATK per hit Flee +100, Movement Speed +25%, Duration: 6 seconds [Lv 2]: 7400% ATK per hit Flee +150, Movement Speed +25%, Duration: 9 seconds [Lv 3]: 10200% ATK per hit Flee +200, Movement Speed +50%, Duration: 12 seconds [Lv 4]: 13000% ATK per hit Flee +250, Movement Speed +50%, Duration: 15 seconds [Lv 5]: 15800% ATK per hit Flee +300, Movement Speed +75%, Duration: 18 seconds |