Penghaw's Newbie Guide To Mid Game

Revision as of 08:38, 18 July 2023 by Penghaw (talk | contribs)


Last Updated: 2023-07-18
This is a general guide aimed towards those who are new to Ragnarok or Renewal Ragnarok.
Also will guide you towards features provided by MuhRO which improves your QoL (quality of life).

Leveling Guide

Lv 1-20

Simply follow the tutorial, once you get teleported to Prontera you should be at level 20.
Go to main office and change your job to the desired class. Check out Available Classes.
Then go to eden and join the Eden Quest Board and collect your Paradise Gears.
Paired with the Beginner Hat, you should be able to take out most monsters your level by now.
If you are a rebirth class or skipped the tutorial, go to anthell and beat some ant eggs until 20.

Lv 20 - 45

Use the warper and go to Dungeons > Sunkenship.
Defeat Pirate Skeletons there until you hit Lv 40.

Lv 45 - 70

Get advanced eden weapon
Go to eden, take all quests for Sunkenship

Lv 70 - 99

NOTE: If you are playing one of the main classes, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you do the rebirth otherwise you won't be able to go to 4th Jobs.

Lv 99 - 130

Optional: Lv 100 get eden weapon and armor
Illusion Moonlight

Lv 130 - 160

Optional: get grace gear
Illusion Vampire

Lv 160 - 175

Illusion Twins (tough, might need carry)

Lv 175 - 180

Magma F3 (tough, might need carry)

Lv 180 - 200

Einbech F3 (tough, might need carry)
Congratulations, you have now hit 4th Job! Now go hunt abit more and gain so you can use their skills and enjoy Ragnarok Renewal.

Lv 200 - 240

Einbech F3, Illusion Underwater F2

Lv 240+

Research what gears you want to aim for, ask around in discord or in-game for advice, and proceed to level while doing so.
Most importantly: good luck and have fun!

Recommended Autoloot List

Before going further into the game, I highly recommend configuring your login settings.
Go to the main office, and find the Settings NPC on top right corner.

Auto Loot IDs

Change Login Settings > Auto Loot IDs > Change
Insert the line below:
What this does is that whenever you login the next time, you will ALWAYS loot the following items

Name Description
25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) 20 of these can be traded into 1 25731.png Zelunium (25731)
25731.png Zelunium (25731) Used for crafting shadow gears and some end-game gears.
Also 100 of these can be traded into 1 6635.png Blacksmith's Blessing (6635)
25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) 20 of these can be traded into 1 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)
25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) Used for crafting shadow gears and purchasing shadow gear refine hammer.
984.png Oridecon (984) Primary ingredient for upgrading weapons.
985.png Elunium (985) Primary ingredient for upgrading armors.
1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) Primary ingredient for upgrading Lv 5 weapons and Lv 2 armors.
50001.png Forgotten Heirloom (50001) Loot box that contains useful stuff, and sometimes also 6635.png Blacksmith's Blessing (6635) and 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) .
50034.png Shadow Crate (50034) Contains a random amount between 1-5 50033.png Shadow (50033) which are the primary materials for crafting Shadow Gear.
616.png Old Card Album (616) Loot box that gives out a random non-MVP card.
12246.png Mystical Card Album (12246) Same as above but generally gives more valuable cards.
720.png Aquamarine (720) Primary ingredient for grading gears from No Grade to Grade D.
719.png Amethyst (719) Primary ingredient for grading gears from Grade C to grade B.
617.png Old Purple Box (617) Loot box that sometimes gives out useful stuff such as taming items and rare headgears.
644.png Gift Box (644) Loot box that sometimes gives out useful stuff such as taming items and rare headgears.

Auto Loot Type

Change Login Settings > Auto Loot Type > Change
Insert the line below:
This ensures that you will ALWAYS pick up card drops from monsters.

Useful Consumables

List of consumables that will improve your QoL by a significant margin depending on importance level.
Most of these are sold by NPC, while some are sold by other players as well.
Some items sold in Muh Shop (Donation Shop) are also sold by other players.
To find the NPC, type @wn item_name or @wn item_id (e.g. @wn fly wing or @wn 601).
To see if there's anyone selling the item, type @ws item_name or @wn item_id.

Name Description Importance Source
601.png Fly Wing (601) Teleports you to a random spot in the current map.
Very useful when traversing dungeons.
High Buy from NPC
23204.png Brilliant Protection Scroll (23204) Gives massive boost to your DEF and MDEF for 30 minutes.
Helps tackling harder dungeons or instances.
High Buy from NPC using Eden Coin
100006.png True Brilliant Protection Scroll (100006) Same as above but lasts 60 minutes instead of 30. High Buy from NPC in Para Market
50035.png The One Potion (50035) Brilliant Defense Scroll but also grants ATK/MATK, HP/SP regeneration, etc.
Costs way more.
It may seem like an overkill.
Low Buy from NPC using Eden Coin
Buy from NPC using Muh Coin
1100003.png Concentrated Red Syrup Potion (1100003) ONLY USABLE AT LV 120+.
Heals you for way more than any potions sold by NPC.
Outclassed by Concentrated Golden Syrup Potion.
High Buy from other players
Brew using Genetic
1100004.png Concentrated Blue Syrup Potion (1100004) ONLY USABLE AT LV 120+.
The only SP potion you'll be using later on.
Heals for MUCH MUCH MORE than blue potions.
Also weights a lot less.
High Buy from other players
Brew using Genetic
1100005.png Concentrated Golden Syrup Potion (1100005) ONLY USABLE AT LV 180+.
The best HP potion available in-game.
High Buy from other players
Brew using Genetic
12622.png Halter Lead (12622) NOT CONSUMED ON USE
Increases movement speed for the same amount as Increase Agi.
Stacks with Increase Agi.
Low Buy from Muh Shop
7776.png Gym Pass (7776) Increase maximum weight limit up to 2000, similar to Merchant's Increase Weight Limit skill. Medium Buy from Muh Shop
50042.png Haggler Pass (50042) Increase value of items sold to NPC up to 24%, similar to Merchant's Overcharge skill.
Useful if you are lazy to move all items to your Merchant before selling them.
Low Buy from Muh Shop
12211.png Kafra Card (12211) Opens menu which allows you to access any of your storages for one time.
Useful for emptying your weight when farming without returning to town.
Medium Buy from NPC using Eden Coin
Buy from Muh Shop
12210.png Bubble Gum (12210) Doubles drop rate for 30 mins. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use when farming as it will refund itself. High Buy from NPC using Eden Coin
Buy from Muh Shop
12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) Increase movement speed to the max for 30 minutes. Also provides immunity to Decrease Agi. Especially useful when farming in places where teleport is not allowed (e.g. Thanatos Tower) High Buy from Muh Shop
607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607) Heals for 100% of your max HP/SP, has 5s cooldown. Do note that it has a significant weight. Medium Buy from other players
Drops from several monsters.
608.png Yggdrasil Seed (608) Heals for 50% of your max HP/SP, has 5s cooldown. Do note that it has a significant weight. Low Buy from other players
Drops from several monsters.
610.png Yggdrasil Leaf (610) Useful in party play, allows you to resurrect a dead ally. Medium Buy from NPC
7621.png Token of Siegfried (7621) Not exactly a consumable but I believe this belongs here.
Allows you to respawn with full HP/SP at the place of your death.
Useful when tackling tough instances so you don't need to re-enter.
High Buy from NPC using Eden Coin
Buy from Muh Shop

Notable Mid Game Gears & Cards

Physical Melee Classes


Physical Ranged Classes


Crit Classes


Magic Classes