Blue and Red Mental Pendant

Mental Pendant

To get a Red or Blue Mental Pendant, you need a 490099.png Thanatos' Necklace (490099) . You can trade the 490099.png Thanatos' Necklace (490099) at Muzaszir.
The 490099.png Thanatos' Necklace (490099) is a monsterdrop at Thanatos Tower.
There is a 4% chance of transforming Thanatos's Necklace into Red Force Pendant and 1% chance of transforming Thanatos's Necklace into Blue Mental Pendant.

Item Description
490100.png Red Force Pendant [1] (490100) ItemID: 490100
A pendant customized with Thanatos' necklace. It has the power to restore HP.
ATK +5%
MATK +5%
When equipped with Drooping Thanatos's Dolor:
For each 4 Refine Levels of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 2%.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +7 or higher:
Physical attacks have a 5% chance to absorb 5% of the inflicted damage as HP.
Magical attacks have a 4% chance to recover 300 HP per second for 4 times.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +9 or higher:
ATK +5%
MATK +5%

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +11 or higher:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.5 seconds.
Random options can be given with the 'Dark Stone' item.
Type: Accessory
Position: Right
Defense: 0
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
490101.png Blue Mental Pendant [1] (490101) ItemID: 490101
A pendant customized with Thanatos' necklace. It has the power to restore SP.
ATK +5%
MATK +5%
When equipped with Drooping Thanatos's Dolor:
For each 4 Refine Levels of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 2%.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +7 or higher:
Physical attacks have a 1% chance to absorb 3% of the inflicted damage as SP.
Magical attacks have a 4% chance to recover 70 SP per second for 4 times.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +9 or higher:
ATK +5%
MATK +5%

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +11 or higher:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.5 seconds.
Random options can be given with the 'Dark Stone' item.
Type: Accessory
Position: Right
Defense: 0
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1

Both pendants can be enchanted by using 100580.png Dark Stone (100580) as enchant material. Dark Stone can be bought at NPC Muzaszir with 1m zeny or 2 Nyangvine Fruits.
2 options will be given randomly as following table.
If you get unwanted options. You can re-enchant it as much as you want as long as you have enough zeny or Nyangvine Fruit to buy 100580.png Dark Stone (100580) .

1st enchant list 2nd enchant list

reduces delay after attack 3-5%
reduces variable casting time 5-8%
increases critical damage 5-8%
reduces damage taken from fire property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from water property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from earth property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from wind property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from non-neutral property 1-3%
reduces SP consupmtion of skills 3-5%
MaxHP 1-3%
MaxSP 1-3%
Atk 1-3%
Matk 1-3%

reduces delay after attack 3-5%
reduces variable casting time 5-8%
increases critical damage 5-8%
reduces damage taken from fire property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from water property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from earth property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from wind property 3-5%
reduces damage taken from non-neutral property 1-3%
reduces SP consupmtion of skills 3-5%
MaxHP 1-3%
MaxSP 1-3%
Atk 1-3%
Matk 1-3%