Player Commands

Game Commands

This is a list of commands players can use in-game for their convenience. Some commands can be enabled at NPCs Settings in our main offcie for automatic activation each time you log in.

General Information

Command Description
@rates Display the server's EXP/Job/Drop rates
@cooldown Displays the user's Instance cooldown timers
@time Displays the current server time
@uptime Displays how long the server has been active for
@rates Display the server's EXP/Job/Drop rates
@time Displays the current server time
@uptime Displays how long the server has been active for
@showdelay Displays Cast Delay or Cooldown for skills, requires Skill Failure Display option to be on
@ltp Marks your last point after porting on the mini-map.

Database Commands

Command Example Description
@iteminfo @ii @ii 573 Displays information about an item (Name, ID and sell price)
@whobuy @wb @wb 573 Displays Buying Stores containing that item
@whosell @ws @ws 573 Displays Vending stores containing that item
@whichnpcsell @wn @wn 573 Displays NPC shop locations for an item
@whodrops @wd @wd 573 Displays which mobs drop an item at which rate
@mobinfo @mi @mi 573 Displays a mob's stats and item drop rates
@whereis @wi @wi 573 Displays where a mob spawns (regular spawn only)

General Commands

Command Example Description
@go @go 0 Teleports you to the specified town (Use alone for town list)
@return @load - Teleports you back to your save location
@refresh - Reloads displayed positions (Removes Position Lag errors)
@noks - Prevents players from damaging mobs who hit you or were hit by you
@noask - Prevents party invitations
@battlestats @bs - Displays in-depth character stats
@navi @navi prontera 55 55 Enables navigation to lead you to set coordinates on the set map
@navi2 @navi2 prontera 55 55 Enables navigation to lead you to set coordinates on the set map and opens the navigation window.
@shop @shop ID/Type Opens a player shop directly. You will find this command on the homepage market pages.
@showexp - Displays gained EXP per kill
@shopjump @sj 55 55 Teleports you to the shop located in those coordinates
@showzeny - Displays gained zeny.
@killcounter mobid killcounterlist @kc 1973 1 You can count 5 different mobs at the same time. So you type @kc >mobid< >1 (first position of 5)<
@killcounter reset @kc reset 1 Reset of killcounterlist 1, if you type just "@kc reset" it will reset all 5 killcounterlists!
@killcounter status @kc status Shows the currently kill status of your whole list.
@hidepet - Pets will no longer be shown.
@ping - Displays your ingame ping.
@activity - Shows your currently amount of Fashion Points.

Loot-related Commands

Command Example Description
@autoloot @al @al 5 Automatically loots drop rate below the rate selected
@nodrop - Ignore floor item
@aloottype @aloottype 4 + Specifies an item type to always autoloot. - Blacklists an item type from autolooting

Types: 0 = Healing, 2 = Usable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Eggs, 8 = Pet Accessories, 10 = Ammo

@alootid @alootid +573 Adds item to your autolootid list. You can chain multiple commands at once with pipe symbol "|". E.g.: @alootid reset|+573|+574
@alootid -573 Removes item from your alootid list.
@alootid reset - Will clear your autolootitem list.

@Restock +/-<ItemID> <Ammount> <Type>: Adds or Removes the item from your Restock list

@Restock List: Lists the items currently registered

@Restock Reset: Erases your current restock list

Restock allows you to automatically draw a set of registered items from your storage.

This command must be used with the storage open.

Party Commands

Command Example Description
@party - Creates a party
@partyleader @partyleader Member1 Transfers party leadership (Party Leader Only)
@invite @invite Icecold Invites a character to your party (Party Leader Only)
@leaveparty - Leaves a party
@showpartybuffs @spb - Shows active Buffs on Party Members in Party Window (Bless, Agi, Aspersio, FCP, Linker Soul, Devotion)

Guild Commands

Command Example Description
@guild @guild MuhRO Creates a guild (Requires 1 Emperium)
@guildinvite @guildinvite Icecold Invites a character to a guild
@changegm @changegm Icecold Transfers guild ownership
@breakguild - Disbands a guild (Guild leader only, all members must be expelled beforehand)


Command Example Description
@duel @duel Icecold Invites a character to a duel
@accept - Accepts a duel invitation
@reject - Rejects a duel invitation
@leave - Leaves duel status