Translations:Miyu's Magical Adventures Mage Guide/394/en
1 Teddy Bear Card (4340)
|An egg in which an Abandoned Teddy Bear cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MaxSP +50
When intimacy is Neutral:
MaxSP +100
When intimacy is Cordial:
MaxSP +150
Random chance to restore 30 SP per second for 5 sec by when dealing magical damage.
When intimacy is Loyal:
MaxSP +150
Random chance to restore 40 SP per second for 5 sec by when dealing magical damage.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Am Mut (1301)
|Evolved Dokebi
3 Old Broom (637)
3 Violet Dyestuffs (981)
300 Dokebi Horn (1021)
3 Gold (969)
|An egg in which an Am Mut cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
MATK +1%
When intimacy is Neutral:
MATK +2%
When intimacy is Cordial:
MATK +3%
When intimacy is Loyal:
MATK +4%
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Alicel (1735)
|Evolved Teddy Bear
100 Honey (518)
50 Bloody Page (7449)
500 Rusty Screw (7317)
1 Teddy Bear Card (4340)
|An egg in which a Alicel pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Awkward:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
When intimacy is Neutral:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
When intimacy is Cordial:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 3%.
When intimacy is Loyal:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 5%.
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Baby Desert Wolf (1107)
| Well-Dried Bone (628)
|An egg in which a Baby Desert Wolf cute pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
When intimacy is Cordial:
INT +1
MaxSP +50
When intimacy is Loyal:
INT +2
MaxSP +75
Diet: Pet Food
Type: Petegg
Position: Unknown
Bacsojin (21334)
|Evolved Wicked Nymph
50 Level 5 Heal (12002)