Translations:Endless Cellar / Endless Tower/10/de

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Floors 76-101
Floor Number Monster Spawn
Floor 80 Fallen Bishop Hibram
Floor 85 Ifrit
Floor 90 Valkyrie Randgris
Floor 95 Beelzebub
Floor 99 7 beliebige Monster (können doppelt sein):
2 Kathryne Keyron
2 Seyren Windsor
2 Margaretha Sorin
2 Eremes Guile
2 Howard Alt-Eisen
2 Cecil Damon
5 Incarnation of Morroc (Angel)
5 Incarnation of Morroc (Human)
5 Incarnation of Morroc (Golem)
5 Incarnation of Morroc (Ghost)
5 Valkyrie
10 Skeggiold (Brown)
10 Skeggiold (Blue)
15 Seyren Windsor
10 Bloody Knight
10 Abysmal Knight
10 Wanderer
15 Sword Guardian
10 Bow Guardian
15 Kathryne Keyron
10 Elder
10 Laurell Weinder
10 Wind Ghost
10 Cecil Damon
10 Bow Guardian
30 Kavach Icarus
10 Baroness of Retribution
10 Lady Solace
10 False Angel
Floor 100 1 Entweihen Knothen
Unknown Area Naght Sieger