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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)[[Category:Instances]]
* Basislevel 170+ <br>
* Startpunkt {{#navi:yuno|216|345}}<br>
* Belohnung:
** 1 zufällige Waffe
** 9x {{#item:25786}}
** 15x {{#item:25787}}
** 1x {{#item:102571}}
Hinweis: <br>
Das Monster in der Instanz lässt {{#item:25786|Somatology Research Documents}} und {{#item:25787|Somatology Experimental Fragments}} fallen. <br>
MVP-Drops {{#item:19439|Vicious Mind Aura}}, {{#item:22171|Ancient Hero Boots}}, {{#item:23992|Bio Weapon Box}}, {{#item:23994|Bio Reactor Box}}, {{#item:100753}} <br> {{#item:100821}} {{#item:23806|Ancient Hero's Weapon Box}}, {{#item:23993|Bio Docu Box}}, {{#item:100706|Ancient Hero's Will}}.
 h English (en)[[Category:Instances]]
* Base Level 170+ <br>
* Starting Point {{#navi:yuno|216|345}}<br>
* Reward:
** 1 random weapon
** 9x {{#item:25786}}
** 15x {{#item:25787}}
** 1x {{#item:102571}}
Note: <br>
The monster inside the instance dropping {{#item:25786|Somatology Research Documents}} and {{#item:25787|Somatology Experimental Fragments}}. <br>
MVP drops {{#item:19439|Vicious Mind Aura}}, {{#item:22171|Ancient Hero Boots}}, {{#item:23992|Bio Weapon Box}}, {{#item:23994|Bio Reactor Box}}, {{#item:100753}} <br> {{#item:100821}} {{#item:23806|Ancient Hero's Weapon Box}}, {{#item:23993|Bio Docu Box}}, {{#item:100706|Ancient Hero's Will}}.