Mango's guide to leveling and farming with SA

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Hello there! I've been playing Soul Ascetic for a while now, and I find it very fun and slighty overpowered as a farming character, so I'd like to share this guide with you all in the hopes of addressing some questions players have about when to farm what.

This won't be a comprehensive guide about the class, at least not for the time being, but let's hope you find the information in here useful and it helps you progress smoothly and without wasting too much time.

Leveling 1 to 210

I've decided to shorten the leveling section to a series of tips, since most people I talked to about this guide didn't like how long and wordy it was.


  • DO NOT skip the tutorial quest. Do it and get your free exp book. Don't use it yet, wait till you're level 39.

Taekwon and Soul Linker

  • At level 10, register at Eden Group (@go eden) and grab your free gear from the backroom (on the right side). Grab the physical set and the magical set, since leveling as taekwon is all about kicking anyway.
  • Go kick ants in ant hell till 39.
  • There's alternative ways to do the following bit, but I'll just explain what I always do. Feel free to use other leveling guides or do your own thing if you don't like this method. All you need to know is that you should get as much exp as you can while the book is active.
  • You should have Kihop, Mild Wind and Flying Kick at max. If you have extra points, dump them into Sprint and Leap. We're not gonna be using any other Taekwon skills.
  • Put 20 points in DEX and the rest in STR and use the warper to go to Dungeons > Glast Heim > Monastery. Make sure you use *level 7* Mild Wind to turn your kicks into Holy Element. Now is the time to use your exp book! Pop it and start killing Evil Druids and Wraiths with your Flying Kick. Once you get to lvl 70, go back to Eden, talk to the lvl 70 quest board and grab all quests. Go back to killing Evil Druids and Wraiths. This time you'll have a quest to kill 15 of each. Finish the quest once, and you should be around lvl 90. At this point change job to Soul Linker and go back to do the quest once again. When you finish it, you should be lvl 98/50 Soul Linker. Go do the quest 1 more time, but this time don't deliver it. Keep it for when you change to Soul Reaper for some easy job levels. Note: When you change to Soul Linker you won't be able to use Flying Kick anymore. Equip your staff and hit enemies with autoattacks. Evil Druids and Wraiths die in 2 or 3 hits.
  • Go to Malaya and do the Cautious Village Quest but DO NOT do step 9 (don't deliver it).

Soul Reaper

  • While in Malaya, take a minute to allocate your skills: max Kaahi, Kaizel, Kaite, Kaina and then whatever you want. The rest of the skills don't matter much. Once all 49 points are allocated, save and @go main to change your job to Soul Reaper. Now @go eden to deliver the stored quest at the lvl 70-99 board and then quickly @go malaya. Now do finish the Cautious Village quest by talking to the last NPC. This should bring you to level 116/28 (more if there's an active exp event). @go main and reset your stats (NPC next to Job Master) then go back to a town and allocate your stats to 110 INT, 100 DEX and 40 VIT. Open your skills and max Espa and Soul Collect. Activate Soul Collect and keep it active from now on, so it generates Soul Energy.
  • Get Advanced Paradise gear. You'll need the following items:
  1. Elastic Bands: Type @navi um_fild03 to be directed to the map with the most Wootan Shooters. In this map, teleport around killing the monkeys with slingshots until you collect 15 elastic bands.
  2. Blue Hair: @go light and then go up and up again. You'll be at a map filled with kobolds. Kill a few of the blue ones until you have 3 blue hair.
  3. Old Picks: Warper > Dungeons > Einbech Dungeon. Teleport around killing Pitmans until you get 15 Old Picks.
  • Go to the backroom of Eden Group and talk to Louis and then Labraham. Use the Take Special Offer option to exchange your items for the Advanced Paradise Magic set and the Advanced Paradise Soul Reaper Staff. Talk to the Eden Vending machine and buy a 23204.png Brilliant Protection Scroll (23204) for 3 coins.
  • Do Eden Board quests for Gefenia dungeon. Gefenia level 1 is directly accessible from the warper and it's one of the fastest methods to get a good amount of Eden Coins at this time. I recommend having @go eden bound to a hotkey combination through ALT+M to go back fast. Use Holy Element (lvl 7 Mild Wind). The Abysmal Knight Quest is in the 100-110 board, and the Incubus/Succubus one is in the 120-140. If you die, just go back and keep farming.
  • Notably, Gefenia is also a great spot to grab some early Zeny. For now, just run around with @al 100, looting everything. Just sell everything to NPC, except Eluniums, Oridecons, Eden Coins and cards.
  • From 150 to 200, Illusion of Vampire. From 180 to 200 it's going to be pretty boring and take a while, but it's easy and safe. Getting to Soul Ascetic should be your priority for the time being. Grab the quest from the Daily Hunts NPC, buy 2x Brilliant Protection Scroll, 2x Small Life Regen potion, 2x Small Mana Regen potion and 2x Almighty from the Eden Coin vending machine at Eden Group. Add one Battle Manual and that should be 44 coins. This is all going to last you for 1h. To kill effectively in Illusion of Vampire, your stats should be 120INT, 110DEX, 100VIT and I put the rest in STR to not get overweight that quickly. As you progress towards 190, max INT to 130, put 120 on DEX and then do whatever feels best for you with the rest. I tend to get LUK to 90 just because I hate getting Curse status and LUK also provides a small MATK bonus that can help you 2 shot instead of 3 shot. Use Mild Wind lv7 to apply Holy Element.

Soul Ascetic: Finally! The long grind paid off!

  • Now you're ready to farm at the speed of light... are you? Well... turns out you'll need to do a bit more leveling first. Without Job Levels, we can't use our shiny new skills! My recommendation here is to go Exo build first. Talisman requires a bunch of points and is not that strong with no gear. So, how to get there?
  • At this point, you can easily do something like Illusion of Teddy Bear! It will be a welcome change of pace, and you only need to do it once with Espa/Eswhoo, so let's get in there. Grab the quest if you haven't, and by the time you finish and turn in, you'll have enough Job Levels to max Soul Gathering and Exorcism of Malicious Soul.
  • The playstyle with this build is simple. First use Soul Gathering to max your Soul Energy and then use Exo to explode it in a big AoE that does very good damage.
  • At this point, dump all your trait points into SPL and you'll see that you're easily doing more than 1 million damage, while still wearing Paradise gear. That's it for the levelling, folks!

The journey to becoming a farming machine


This is the stuff I recommend farming after you become a Soul Ascetic, while building up your gear towards the midgame in the first 10 to 20 hours of gameplay.

Get a Grace Set

You can get it by doing 17.1 Illusion, but my recommendation is to just use 2m to buy a 17.1 skip ticket from Temporal Tina and skip the whole thing, if you don't have fun doing long quests. If you skip it, you'll have to farm 80 25669.png Unknown Parts (25669) and 60 25723.png Cor Core (25723) in Dungeons > Rudus, going to the 2nd floor. The fastest way is to port around the map killing the pink Sanare enemies. Takes around 15 minutes without bubblegum. Once you have the materials, talk to Sentinel (sp_cor 119, 132) and buy the 4 gear pieces (doesn't really matter which robe you pick) and the 3 tickets to make the armors +9.

A comfy amount of Eden Coins

You'll need these to sustain your continued use of bubblegum and other Eden consumables. They're very easy to get, and bubblegum should be used to farm almost anything. Once you're around level 210, you can easily do the Thanatos Tower quest to access floor 9. Just finish the quest, go back to the warper and now you should have direct access to floors 7 and 9. Grab all the quests from the 120 board in Eden, port to floor 9 and speak to the NPC by the entrance to be transported to old floor 9 (new floor 9 will hurt too much for you). Farm your way up the floors killing stuff until you finish all 5 quests. I wouldn't stay in floors where there's Thanatos Dolor, as it will cast agi down on you. Do this for half an hour and you'll have a lot of Eden coins and a lot of Zeny. Note: Don't throw the keys away, as they can be used with future characters to speed up the obtention of the Black Key.

Get some easy zeny when you feel like it

An easy thing to farm at this point is 985.png Elunium (985) . You can get tons of it in Istana Cave or by converting 6223.png Carnium (6223) that you get from Illusion of Vampire, by talking to Vurewell at @go 50. Converting carries a fee, so it will eat a bit of your profit margin.

Get yourself a 550069.png Glacier Wand (550069)

Enchant it with 311343.png Glacier Flower Spell (MATK) (311343) , 311353.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical-Element) (311353) , 311351.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical-Size) (311351) and 311349.png Glacier Flower Spell (Magical-Race) (311349) . You won't be able to farm this yourself yet, but use the #trade channel to purchase one from players. Without upgrades, it's really cheap to make (should be around 3-4m). At +9 it will cost around 10m to 15m. This weapon will last you until the late midgame, so it's a great investment. Farm zeny in Gefenia or Thanatos while getting Eden Coins if you're short.

Complete some easy upgrades

Note: Due to recent changes in drop rate in illusion dungeons, these upgrades are not THAT easy anymore, but I still consider them valid and worth getting. It just takes longer now.

If you've been following what I said up until now, you should be missing a few gear pieces. To farm these, I recommend spending Eden Coins on 12264.png [Bound] Bubble Gum (12264) . As you've seen, it's not hard to get them and they'll save you a lot of time.

  1. At this point, it will be easy to farm Illusion of Twins as long as you use a 23204.png Brilliant Protection Scroll (23204) . Go farm those ants, your target is 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) . You'll probably want to farm here for a while. The idea is obtaining a few 100699.png Twins Refinement Box (100699) along the way, so you can make your new shiny shield +10 with them (tip: make it +4 with regular upgrading before you can use the box). You'll also want to keep all the 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) for later.
  2. You'll want to do the same with a 19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) . Farm Illusion of Labyrinth until you get it, and then a few 100423.png Labyrinth Refinement Box (100423) , so you can make it +10.
  3. Your middle and lower headgear don't provide THAT much in terms of damage. You probably want to run Poring Village and Wave Mode instances, looking for 19117.png Poring Sunglasses (19117) and 23135.png Poring Capsule (23135) respectively. That 10% drop rate will come in handy later. For Poring Village, you can just create a bunch of characters and run it repeteadly. Don't worry too much if 19117.png Poring Sunglasses (19117) doesn't drop the first day, as it is a low chance. Just keep running it. Wave Mode is also a good source of Fashion Points (by recycling the costume stones the chests drop), and you'll need those later, so don't mind dedicating 1 whole hour to running it.
  4. Finish your illusion items. Your 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) and 19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) become much more powerful once you make them +11 and add double 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) to them. The cheapest way to make lv1 armors such as these into +11 is to firs make them +10 and then use 6225.png HD Carnium (6225) and normal refining to make them +11. You have a small risk of them breaking, but this will not destroy the item. IF they do break, you can repair them for a 5 million zeny fee. Now the cheapest way to obtain 6225.png HD Carnium (6225) is to acquire 4500 Muh points and buy the box of 10 from the Muh Shop, since the box will also give you back 1 6635.png Blacksmith's Blessing (6635) , which is pretty valuable. To get the points, either donate to the server or buy 50003.png Muh Voucher (50003) or 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) from players. You can also get 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) from hourly events and GM sponsored events, although this will take a while. You can turn 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) into points using the Rich Cow NPC at Main Office.

Once you made both pieces +11, you'll want to head over to (prontera 92, 114) to enchant them. Do random enchant twice, and if you didn't get any 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) , reset the item completely. Once you get one 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) , you'll want to use the option to only reset the bad enchant, which costs more 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) . This can cost thousands of 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) to get both items finished, so you might want to settle for just 1 29001.png Rune of Intellect Lv2 (29001) per item for now, and come back to it later.

Level up some more

Right now, one of the easiest ways to increase your performance is to get some more levels. I recommend to farm some more Illusion of Underwater 2, simply because you still need a lot of the stuff they drop there, such as 25271.png Illusion Stone (25271) . You'll also want as many 100425.png Underwater Refinement Box (100425) as you can get, alongside any of the illusion armor pieces they drop here. Why? Because later on you'll need at least 2 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) and this is how you get them. You can read all about how to make certificates further down in this document. Farming here to sell 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) to other players is also a good source of income, since they're usually in demand.

You can farm here all the way to level 250 if you want. It slows down a lot after 240, but you'll get there while farming important resources. Don't forget to deliver the daily quest everytime you finish it. At this point, you should have maxed your SPL trait and started working on your CON trait. This will give you enough damage to do what you need to do next.


From here on out, the real grind starts! Have fun getting stronger bit by bit, I'll do what I can to guide you along what I think is the easiest path to power. Feel free to check other guides such as Choi's Soul Ascetic Guide for gear progression and general gameplay, but I'll take a more direct approach where I just tell you what I think is faster to get there.

Getting rid of that nasty FCT

You might have noticed by now that you take a while to cast! We need to fix this. To do that, let's follow these steps in any order you feel like:

  • Do all of episode 18 Direction of Prayer. If it's your first character, buying a skip ticket won't work (read the item description), so get questing. Once you finish the episode, you should have over 1000 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) . Unfortunately, you need a lot more. We'll be using 470088.png Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088) , and you'll need around 2000 fragments to finish all enchants. After doing the whole questline, the best source of 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) is farming Oz Dungeon 2, which you should be able to do just fine by now. Remember to upgrade your passive skills for some extra SPL and S. MATK, and don't neglect using your 5420.png Talisman of Magician and 5423.png I Love China (5423) buffs for some extra damage. Don't forget your 12264.png [Bound] Bubble Gum (12264) . At this point, you should be getting around 400-600 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) per 30 minutes. You'll also want to collect 25728.png Shadowdecon Ore (25728) , 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) , 25730.png Zelunium Ore (25730) and 25731.png Zelunium (25731) from this dungeon. You can use the autoloot setup below.

@alootid reset|+25728|+25730|+25731|+25729|+1000405

@al 1

Your priority will be to get the 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) enchant for your 470088.png Gray Wolf Shoes [1] (470088) . Once you have a total of 1850 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and 20m zeny (ouch) you can enchant the shoes. Apply safe enchant and choose 310594.png Wolf Orb (Health) Lv.3 (310594) for the 4th slot and then safe enchant again to get 310602.png Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Lv.3 (310602) on the 3rd slot. The 2nd slot enchant is not worth the effort. Make the shoes +7 with a cheap certificate.

  • Get a 490052.png Sinful Sapphire Ring [1] (490052) and 490053.png Sinful Sapphire Necklace [1] (490053) set. This will bring your FCT down by another 0.3s. It's a bit annoying to farm in new Thanatos 12 at this point, so you might want to just buy them. If you do decide to farm there, you'll need to use 12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) (buy from players or with Muh Points in the shop). Thanatos 12 is a great farming spot, but it's pretty crowded usually. Feel free to try, but I wouldn't dwell on it.
  • Get a 25170.png Minor Casting Stone (Garment) (25170) . Just buy it from other players and use your Fashion Points to buy yourself a garment costume that you like from Main Office second floor. While there in the second floor of Main, you can talk to Lace La Zard at (main_office 68, 278) to enchant your garment with the stone.

The next level

At this point, you might have noticed that if you try to do any dungeon past lv200, there's a big spike in difficulty. We'll slowly work towards being able to do this content now that you're set up.

First of all, now that you have solved FCT and have very little VCT, it's time to switch to 5429.png Talisman of Black Tortoise build. It will be weaker damage wise for now, but it's it will make up for it by now having to to use 5421.png Soul Gathering every time you cast. You'll want to max 5429.png Talisman of Black Tortoise, 5431.png Circle of Directions and Elementals, 5416.png Talisman Mastery, 5417.png Soul Mastery, 5423.png Talisman of Five Elements, 5420.png Talisman of Magician and 5418.png Talisman of Protection in that order of priority. If you have extra points, level 5422.png Totem of Tutelary too. Don't forget to buy extra 1000563.png Soul Talisman (1000563) . You were using them only for buffs until now, but from here onwards you'll spend a lot more of these.

Test your new skills in the dummies at the basement of Main Office. The combo to activate the Blessing of Four Directions buff is 5426.png Talisman of Blue Dragon > 5427.png Talisman of White Tiger > 5428.png Talisman of Red Phoenix > 5429.png Talisman of Black Tortoise > 5431.png Circle of Directions and Elementals.

  • You'll want to get back to Oz Dungeon 2 to farm enough fragments for 450178.png Gray Wolf Robe [1] (450178) . You'll need around 3800 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and another 20m zeny to finish it. Use the random method to enchant slot 4 of the armor, since there's barely any benefit to this slot and we don't want to use the safe method for it. After that's done, use the safe method to enchant 310510.png Wolf Orb (Mage) Lv.3 (310510) on the 3rd slot and safe method again to enchant 310532.png Wolf Orb (Shadow Spell) (310532) on the 2nd slot. You'll need to make the armor at least +11... remember those 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) ? It's time to use one of them. Use 6225.png HD Carnium (6225) to get the +11. You can also go +12 here, as that will allow you to use 300376.png Two Eyes Dollocaris (300376) . It will cost quite a bit more, though. Be it +11 or +12, it will be quite a good damage spike.
  • Put a 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) in your shield. It should be cheap, just buy it. You can't use the combo yet because your weapon doesn't have a slot, but we'll get there eventually.
  • All your gear slots should have something decent in them by now, so to get stronger we'll switch focus to the costume tab. Soul Ascetic has the advantage of having good Shadow Gear for cheap to start with, since you can get 24655.png Es Shadow Weapon (24655) , 24415.png Soul Reaper Shadow Shoes (24415) and 24315.png Taekwon Shadow Shield (24315) to ignore MDEF of Normal class enemies (eveything that's not a Boss). You'll need the following:
  1. A total of 10 7451.png Fire Dragon Scale (7451) (buy from Hwarang at (paramk 116, 96)).
  2. 10 25731.png Zelunium (25731) and 45 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) .
  3. 240 50033.png Shadow (50033) . You can get these by opening 50034.png Shadow Crate (50034) . These can be obtained from killing field and dungeon MVPs, but the most common way is to buy them from Rayja at (main_office 88, 178) for the price of 5 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) . Since opening one crate gives on average 3 50033.png Shadow (50033) , you'll need to open around 80 crates, so you'll need around 400 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) . You'll have some from your Oz Dungeon farming. If you don't have enough, just buy them. It's easier to farm the zeny in Gefenia or Old Thanatos than to farm the 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) at this point.
  4. Get the 24655.png Es Shadow Weapon (24655) from Dala and the other two pieces from Clark (both are near Rayja).
  5. You'll need to equip all 3 pieces and make sure your 423.png Happy Break is leveled to max. You're now ignoring 30% of Normal mob MDEF and 40% of MDEF of all races. These stack additively, so in effect it's 70% of all Normal mobs. To get the remaining 30%, you need a few upgrades. These pieces of gear can be upgraded at any refiner (for instance Leona at @go 50) with Elunium or Oridecon. Upgrade everything to the safe limit and then procuse at least 3 6241.png HD Elunium (6241) (you can check if anyone is selling with the @ws 6241 command, or you can get from the shop if you have points). Try to make the shield +7 with them. If any of the upgrade attempts fail, the shield will lose an upgrade level instead of breaking. If this happens, you'll sadly have to purchase more 6241.png HD Elunium (6241) . Once the shield is +7 and the other pieces are +4, you'll be ignoring practically all MDEF from Normal monsters.
  • Acquire 2000 Muh Points in any of the ways discussed before and buy yourself a 23323.png Infinite Fly Wing Box (30 Days) (23323) from the rental section of the Muh Shop. This won't make you more powerful, but it's a huge QoL upgrade, not having to buy and carry fly wings anymore. When the 30 day one runs out the first time, you should be able to afford a yearly one, which is much more efficient cost wise.
  • Buy 1001050.png Soul Reaper Stone (Top) (1001050) and 1001051.png Soul Reaper Stone (Mid) (1001051) . Trying to get them yourself with Fashion Points will be hard, so just buy them in #trade or with @ws. Use your Fashion Points to buy yourself some upper and medium costume that you like from the 2nd floor of Main Office so you can use the stones.

From this point onwards, you're strong enough to do Episode 19 easily, so alternate doing that with farming some money in Old Thanatos tower if you need Eden Coins, or in new Thanatos F12 if just want zeny. You're strong enough for F12 of new Thanatos now, although remember to use 12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) or you'll be slowed down all the time. You might also want to use 23177.png [Bound] Kafra Card (23177) to farm there, since you'll get overweight pretty quickly and you don't want to be going back every few minutes.

The other very useful thing to do with your time at this point is checking out Solfernia's guide to multi-client farming. Not everyone is into using several clients at the same time, but if you don't mind doing it I really recommend it. You'll farm Eden Coins many times faster, to the point where you'll have way more than you need. You'll also get a ton of 50001.png Forgotten Heirloom (50001) , which will give you 50000.png Muh Coin (50000) and also low chance for 6635.png Blacksmith's Blessing (6635) .

The other place I find profitable at this point is Oz Dungeon 2. Now that you don't need more 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) , you can sell them for decent profit, and keep the 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) and 25731.png Zelunium (25731) for yourself. You can use the #trade channel to sell the fragments, or set up a separate account with an @autotrade merchant.

Illusion Underwater 2 should be a piece of cake at this point and still net you decent profit by selling certificates and raw loot to NPC. Remember to always sell with a merchant for that extra margin from Overcharge.

You should also do a daily instance rotation at this point. Theres several easy and super quick instances that you should farm every day. Some of them give useful stuff such as 607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607) , some of them give a chance to kill some free MVPs in the hopes of getting an MVP card, and most of them give 50009.png Instance Coin (50009) . To get 50009.png Instance Coin (50009) , you must first take the quests from the board in the Main Office. While you're there, check out what Doil has to offer in his shop in exchange for 50009.png Instance Coin (50009) . The quick instances include Buwaya Cave, Hey Sweety, Central Laboratory (need episode 15 ticket to unlock it), Bioresearch Laboratory, Poring Village and Magic Geffen Tournament (not strong enough for Night Arena at this point). It should take less than 15 minutes to run all of those.

What you want to do now is experiment what's the best farming spot for you, or alternate between them. The objective here is to accumulate around 200m and aim for a +12A 550132.png Dimensions Soul Rod [2] (550132) . This will be your endgame weapon, and it's pretty cheap to get. You can either opt for buying it off someone for around 200-250m zeny, but I'll explain how to make it yourself, which is usually cheaper. You can't farm most of what's required for the weapon at this point, so just focus on farming zeny, 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) and 25731.png Zelunium (25731) if you're going to attempt this.

Grading and refining your Dimensions weapon
  1. Get the base weapon 550132.png Dimensions Soul Rod [2] (550132) . This is obtained by opening 41245.png Dimension Weapon Box (41245) , which you can't farm yourself for now, but it's normally available in the market if you check with @ws 41245. Buying the boxes will be cheaper than buying the base weapon directly, since every weapon that you get when opening a box can be sold back to NPC for around half the cost of the box.
  2. Get it to +9. To do this, combine 1000322.png Etel Dust (1000322) with 984.png Oridecon (984) at Vurewell (@go 50) to get 1000332.png Etherdeocon (1000332) . You'll need, on average, 125 1000332.png Etherdeocon (1000332) to get a +9. The weapon won't break when you fail, but it will lose 3 upgrades levels. Just keep trying until you get it.
  3. Once it's +9, you can do your first item grading from no grade to D! To do this, buy 15 1000323.png Etel Stone (1000323) from Garm @go 50, combine them with 5 720.png Aquamarine (720) to get 5 1000325.png Etel Aquamarine (1000325) and use the Enhance Grade option from Garm to attempt grading, choosing the safe option that consumes all 5 1000325.png Etel Aquamarine (1000325) . Be warned that the option that consumes just 1 1000325.png Etel Aquamarine (1000325) can and will destroy your item, so stay away from it.
  4. At this point, if you won the 20% chance, then your weapon will be grade D but lose all the refine levels. If you didn't win the 1 in 5, then you got to keep trying. I'm sure you see where these 200m are going, if you get a bit unlucky.
  5. To attempt grading from D to C, you'll need your weapon to be +10. To do this, my recommendation here is to make it +9 with 1000332.png Etherdeocon (1000332) just like before and then use 102668.png Dimensions Weapon Refinement Device (102668) to make it +10. Buy the 1001552.png Abyss Magic Jewel (1001552) and 1001553.png Time Dimension Magic Jewel (1001553) from the market with @ws, buy the 1000323.png Etel Stone (1000323) from Garm. You should have some 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729) and 25731.png Zelunium (25731) from your farming adventures, but if you're short just buy some.
  6. Repeat step 3, but this time with 1000326.png Etel Topaz (1000326) , which is significantly more expensive. Good luck!
  7. From C to B, your weapon will need to be +11. Get it to +9 same as before, and this time use 2 boxes to make it +11.
  8. Repeat step 3, but this time with the even more expensive 1000327.png Etel Amethyst (1000327) . You'll want some more of that luck. This time you'll need to go to +11 again, DO NOT go +12.
  9. All the luck in the world to you, my friend. Each attempt with 1000328.png Etel Amber (1000328) costs nearly 30m zeny, and this is what determines whether it would have been cheaper to buy it off someone else or not.
  10. Once you one shot that 40% to grade A (cough), go +9 again as usual and then use boxes to refine the weapon to +12. Yes, it goes to +12 with boxes. If you read carefully you'll notice it says the box can be used up to +11. If you use it on a +11 weapon, it becomes +12.

Farm yourself a 300455.png Copo Card (300455) and buy a 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384) to complete your weapon, equip it, and then feel good cause you just doubled your damage. You can also get a 300458.png Icewind Card (300458) for your shoes. The transition to endgame is one big step closer.



It's a bit hard to pinpoint exactly where the endgame begins. Some people consider they're only in the endgame when they're farming the hardest content there is, some people would say they're in the endgame when they start making pieces of gear that they're not going to replace and I'm sure there's other definitions. I'll just consider everything after this point a part of the endgame for the purpose of sectioning the guide.

What next?

There's several things you can do at this point that will boost your damage significantly. Let's go about them in order of what I consider the best in terms of what you get compared to how much you spend on getting it.

  1. Complete your card set, at least for neutral element and consider earth element too, since it will be relevant later. If you don't have them yet, farm or buy your accessory cards (300218.png Ashhopper Card (300218) , 300470.png Icebear Card (300470) , 300211.png Ash Toad Card (300211) and 300469.png Melibe Iceslug Card (300469) ). If you didn't bother with +12 armor and +12 garment, by now you should be using 300273.png Smile Card (300273) with 4394.png Solace Card (4394) , or 300123.png Purple Pitaya Card (300123) and 300308.png Meyer Lugenburg Card (300308) .
  2. Start farming for your 400544.png Time Dimensions Rune Crown (Soul Ascetic) [1] (400544) . The decision as usual is wheter you farm money to buy it, or make it yourself. My recommendation here is to make it yourself (actually you'll need a friend to make it, since it will be a while until you get enough reputation to craft one) and get it to +11C. At this point, you can sit on it and farm enough resources to upgrade to +11B and eventually +11A and +12A at your own pace. If you find someone who will sell a +12A to you though, it's a valid choice.
  3. Having the +11C crown reduces your FCT by another 0.5. This will allow you to change your costume stones. At this point you can get the endgame SA set (1001789.png Soul Ascetic Stone (Garment) (1001789) , 1001050.png Soul Reaper Stone (Top) (1001050) , 1001051.png Soul Reaper Stone (Mid) (1001051) and 25845.png Soul Linker Stone (Low) (25845) . Make sure you levelled the skills required by these stones.
  4. Get your +12A 470204.png Moan of Corruption [1] (470204) . Since 101307.png Varmundt Refine Hammer (101307) exists, the only RNG is grading. Therefore, I recommend making these yourself. You can get the hammer from MC Hammer in @go paramk. You'll need 56 6635.png Blacksmith's Blessing (6635) to get to +12A, so keep in mind it's a pricey item. Totally worth it, though.
  5. Get your endgame shadow gear. Replace your SA shadow gear with 24665.png Full Tempest Shadow Earring (24665) + 24668.png Full Tempest Shadow Pendant (24668) , then get 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883) , 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884) , 24753.png Magical Spell Shadow Weapon (24753) and 24754.png Magical Spell Shadow Shield (24754) . Buy at least 4 101264.png Advanced Shadow Spellbook (Magic) (101264) from Reyja in the Main Office basement and try your luck at enchanting the 4 pieces that can be enchanted by using it. 24883.png Full Spell Shadow Armor (24883) and 24884.png Full Spell Shadow Shoes (24884) are very expensive to enchant and it's not worth getting into it just yet. If you're curious, these pieces can be enchanted by the Enchanter at @go 50.
  6. If you haven't yet, finish getting your crown to +12A. It will double your damage since you're suddenly autocasting a whole spell for free.

Farming chart

Here is a list of farming spots that I have used in the past or use currently when trying to make zeny. I tried to include useful information as well as autoloot setups for the places that need it. If you have trouble with any of these, or you're not meeting the amount of zeny I propose at some spot, feel free to hit me up so we can discuss what's wrong.

Farming location Expected zeny per bubblegum Required damage Recommended gear to farm comfortably Observations
Gefenia 10-20 million 30k Eden gear will do Gefenia can be a very good farming spot, but SA is not the right class for it. That being said, you'll make good use of this dungeon at the start. Great for Eden Coins early game.
Autoloot setup

@alootid reset|+13313|+526|+2613|+2610|+522|+1039|+984|+12370|+1939|+985|+1009|+12373|+603|+970|+644

@nolootid reset|+15014|+1974

@aloottype +6

Istana Cave
10-20 million
Eden gear will do
Income totally depending on selling Elunium to other players. If you have 20% increased drop chance you can skip using Bubblegum, since bbg drop rate is capped at 90% and you'll reach that much with just gear.
Illusion Underwater
10-20 million
Grace set + Glacial weapon
Most of your zeny will come from making +10 certificates and raw zeny from killing mobs. Deliver the quest everytime up until 15 times a day, to get extra illusion stones. Illusion dungeons have been nerfed kind of heavily and they're only worth farming if you're starting out and want to make a piece of illusion gear +11, sadly.
Autoloot Setup

@alootid reset|+450144|+2650|+100425|+5127|+490069|+2651|+25899|+25896|+100426|+25271

@al 1

Old Thanatos 7-12
20-30 million
Eden gear will do
Great for early zeny, great for early Eden Coins. One of my favourite spots to farm the first day or two of playtime. Use guyak to farm here and try to minimize the time you spend in town. You can use kafra cards from the eden vending machine and @storeall to speed up the farming a lot.
Autoloot Setup:

@alootid reset|+731|+728|+12040|+722|+723|+1158|+1909|+1910|+718|+732|+616|+2506|+644|+603|+970|+522

@al 1

Oz Dungeon 2
20-40 million

+9 550069.png Glacier Wand (550069)

+12 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125)

Main source of zeny is Amethyst Fragments, so the income is not instantaneous, as you'll have to sell them to players in #trade or via merchant shop. Good spot to start building up some Shadowdecon and Zelunium, although not great for it. Possible to skip guyak if you just teleport + Leap. The more fragments you get per bbg, the more income, but you'll start at around 400 only, so there's a big range. Money made also depends on fragment price, but it should always oscillate close to 40k.
Autoloot Setup

@alootid reset|+25728|+25730|+25731|+25729|+1000405|+522|+970|+603|+644

@al 1

Snake's Nest
25-45 million

+9 550069.png Glacier Wand (550069)

midgame gear

Here you can get Etel Dust, Dim Glacier Weapon Box and Flower Petals, mostly. You can either sell the weapon boxes directly to NPC, or recycle the weapons to get Dim Glacier materials to sell to other players. Materials net you more zeny, but selling directly to NPC is faster.
New Thanatos 12
30-45 million

+9 550069.png Glacier Wand (550069)

+12 480125.png Convertible Magical Wing [1] (480125)

Great spot if there's not many people, but unfortunately it tends to get toxic in here as it's a very small map. Mostly raw zeny, with some Shadowdecon and Zelunium drops. Guyak mandatory because of enemies casting Agi Down. Don't go to town and walk back every time you have to sell, or half of your time is wasted. Use kafra cards + @storeall or a Tool Dealer Bell from the Muh Shop.
Autoloot Setup

@alootid reset|+731|+728|+7435|+12040|+723|+7015|+732|+616|+7442|+7436|+7437|+7438|+7439|+1000243|+1000244|+1000245|+1000255|+1000256|+1000258|+1000259|+1000260|+1000261|+1000262|+1000263

@al 1

Clock Tower Basement
30-50 million
This is one of the first great spots to farm Shadowdecon and Zelunium. Equipment dropped here also sells for decent amounts to NPC.
Autoloot Setup

@alootid reset|+25728|+25729|+25730|+25731|+1000322

@al 1

Niffleheim Dungeon 2
30-60 million
Dimensions combo + Ignore MDEF shadow gear + midgame armor
Main source of income here will be Bloody Brances, followed by the selling of equipment the monsters here drop, and then some extra from Etel Dust, Shadowdecons and Zeluniums.
Autoloot Setup

@alootid reset|+12103|+25728|+25729|+25730|+25731|+1000322

@al 1

Biosphere A
40-60 million
Endgame gear
Monsters here have 90% damage reduction, so you won't be able to farm comfortably until you have very good gear. Main income is essences, followed by equipment sold to tool dealer, raw zeny from killing mobs and Shadowdecon and Zelunium. Each Biosphere has a daily quest that you can do 15 times for extra loot, and I only recommend farming here if you're doing these.
Mjolnir Underground Cave
30-90 million
Dimensions combo + Ignore MDEF shadow gear + midgame armor + pasana card
One of the best spots to farm. Main source of income here is Bloody Branches. All enemies that are not Timbers should be only killed as collateral damage. All you should care about killing is those little blue guys. Set up a killcount with "@kc timbers 1" before starting, and when you're done check how many Timbers you killed with "@kc status". You should be aiming for approximately 1500 Timbers per 30min. As you replace pieces of gear for increased loot gear, you'll get more out of this dungeon. Additionally you'll get around 200 Shadowdecon and Zelunium and very good zeny per monster killed.
Autoloot Setup

@alootid reset|+25730|+25728|+25729|+25731|+1000322|+12103|+1000430|+1001135|+1001077|+1001081|+1001085|+1001088

@al 1

Biosphere Temple
35-90 million
Endgame gear
One of the best spots. Main source of income here is the high amount of Zelunium and Shadowdecon, followed by very high amounts of zeny per mob killed. As SA, you can average 600 Shadowdecon and 550 Zelunium per 30min once you have decent gear, and even more with great gear, although you'll probably start at around 300 of each. Numbers here are for 15% drop (poring sunglasses + happy balloon), as trying to wear more increased drop rate gear will mean you lose too much damage to one shot.

You can't use shadow element because of the plasma guy. Recommended earth element with earth elemental cards to do more damage on the gryphons, since they're the tankiest enemies here. Useful to have either a Normal enchant Temple Magic Ring or a Thana set with as high angel % damage as you can get.

Autoloot Setup
@al 100

@alootid reset

@nolootid reset|+949|+914|+1000419|+1000420|+1000421|+7291|+715|+716|+1000426|+1000427|+1000428|+1000423|+1000425|+1035|+7448|+6086|+7119|+7063|+996|+25920

Garden of Time Zones
Endgame gear
Currently great spot, as the Wrath of Polluted ???? materials are very sought after. Zone 1 also drops materials for Grading, which is a bonus. Zone 2 has better Wrath of Polluted ???? drops. Zones should only be farmed while the respective contamination event is going on.
Autoloot setup
@al 0

@alootid reset|+1001414|+1000328|+1000327|+1000325|+1000323|+1000326|+1001432|+1001433|+1001434|+1001435|+1001436

Things I wish I knew from the start

When I started playing on MuhRO, I was amazed at how good the wiki is! All of the things I will explain in this section are already in the wiki, but I'll explain them in the way I would have liked to have them explained to me when I started.

How to make Safe to +X certificates

Certificates are a great comodity to farm at the early and mid stages of the game, and you always need a few of them now and then to upgrade something. I'll only explain the illusion dungeon method of how to get them. If you want to know other methods, check out [to make weapon and armor tickets] or Madame Celery's Guide to MuhRO.

I'll explain this method with an example. Let's say I want to make a 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) . The steps I'd follow are:

  1. Go farm your favourite Illusion Dungeon. If I need nothing else, I'll definitely choose Illusion Underwater 2 for this purpose, because of the mob density and potential spawn of Abysmal Witch.
  2. Collect as many refinement cubes as you want. On average, you'll need 12 cubes for 1 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) . In the case of Illusion Underwater, the cube in question is 100425.png Underwater Refinement Box (100425) .
  3. Also collect at least 3 pieces of Illusion Armor from the same Illusion dungeon you're farming. In this case, let's say I get 1 450146.png Illusion Chain Mail [1] (450146) and 2 450144.png Illusion Saint Robe [1] (450144) .
  4. Once I have everything I need from the dungeon, I'll @go 50 and upgrade the armors or weapons I'll be working with to +4 first, because the box requires them to be +4 before randomly upgrading them (always read item descriptions!).
  5. Now I'll upgrade my 450146.png Illusion Chain Mail [1] (450146) and 450144.png Illusion Saint Robe [1] (450144) by using the 100425.png Underwater Refinement Box (100425) . Let's say I end up with a +10 and 2 +7. That's great! What I'm looking for is exactly +10 items, since that's what is needed to make 6232.png Safe to +9 Armor Certificate (6232) . But weren't we looking for 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) ? Yes, we'll get there in the next step.
  6. Let's pretend I had 10 cubes and I managed to roll 3 +10 pieces of Illusion gear. This would be fairly lucky, but not that uncommon. Now I'd head over to (paramk 55, 96) and talk to Red Hugo. Selecting the Exchange Hammer option, he'll show me a bunch of Refine Hammer options. In this case, I'll be buying 3 50006.png +10 Lv1 Armor Refine Ticket Exchange Hammer (50006) . The reason is, I have 3 +10 Lv1 Armors that I want to break, so I need to use 50006.png +10 Lv1 Armor Refine Ticket Exchange Hammer (50006) .
  7. Once I've used the hammers, I'll have 3 6232.png Safe to +9 Armor Certificate (6232) . I can talk to Red Hugo again, this time picking the Refine Tickets option. Here, I'll exchange 3 6232.png Safe to +9 Armor Certificate (6232) for 1 6994.png Safe to +10 Armor Certificate (6994) .

That's the gist of it. Now notice that you can also make 6232.png Safe to +9 Armor Certificate (6232) by combining only 2 6233.png Safe to +8 Armor Certificate (6233) , so you might want to keep +9 pieces of gear when you get them from the cubes. The drawback to this is that each hammer costs 1m zeny, so using 6 hammers instead of 3 eats your profits a bit. From here, figure out for yourself if it's worth keeping +9 pieces or rolling them again to try and hit +10.


MuhRO has a lot of useful commands you should start taking advantage of from day 1! Check out Player Commands.

  • You can use @storeall to quickly store everything you farmed and continue farming, to sell the stuff later and not waste precious bubblegum time.
  • You can make a @restock list to quickly fish out consumables and equipment from your storage.
  • You can find out whether an item is sold at NPC by using the @wn command.
  • You can use a combination of @mi, @whereis and @navi to find pretty much any monster.

There's a lot more stuff to learn there, give it a thorough look!

Favourites tab in the inventory

You can put any item in this tab, and it will not be stored when you use @storeall. Very useful when you don't want to store your consumables. Also, if you look at the bottom of your inventory window while in this tab, you will see that you can lock items in this tab from being sellable to NPC. This facilitates selling quickly, since you don't have to worry about selling something you're not supposed to sell.


Turbo makes it so that you can hold down a hotkey to spam the skill associated to that hotkey without the need to click. It also simulates very quick clicks, which will make it easier to sell stuff to NPC or equip items from your inventory. You can find the Turbo Setup in the launcher, to the left side. Default binding ingame to turn Turbo on is ALT + P. Configure it to your liking and make use of it, it's a great tool.

How to make advanced Shadow Gear

This can also be confusing the first time, so I'll do my best to provide an alternative explanation. I'm fond of doing things with examples, as you might have noticed, so let's get into it again. Let's pretend I want to make a 24661.png Full Penetration Shadow Earring (24661) :

  1. Go to (main_office 90, 170) and check where the base set for your advanced set is. In the case of Full Penetration, the base set is called Penetration, so it's available at Gina.
  2. Right click the Thump Box for your gear and check what it requires. In this case it's 100572.png Full Penetration Shadow Thump Box (100572) and the description tells you that you need 10 items with refine of at least +7, and then lists a bunch of items. If you see, the items listed in the Thump Box are the same items that you can find in the same shop where the Thump Box is.
  3. Buy the 100572.png Full Penetration Shadow Thump Box (100572) for 30m zeny plus as many items as it tells you. If you haven't noticed, this is quite an expensive endeavor. Note: you can buy repeated items from the same category if you want, the box accepts duplicates.
  4. Upgrade all the items to +7. There's several ways to do this. You can just use 23926.png Shadow 9 Refine Hammer (23926) to make it directly +9 with no RNG involved. You can find 23926.png Shadow 9 Refine Hammer (23926) at Rayja. You can buy 23436.png Hollgrehenn's Shadow Refine Hammer (23436) at Rayja's Enchant with zeny option and try your luck. You can also upgrade your items normally with 985.png Elunium (985) until +4 and then use 6241.png HD Elunium (6241) until +7. From these 3 options, I usually do the 23926.png Shadow 9 Refine Hammer (23926) because I feel like there's already plenty of RNG in other places of the game. This and using 6241.png HD Elunium (6241) is usually close to the same price, especially with how expensive HD ores have become at the time of writing this, but feel free to check for yourself. 23436.png Hollgrehenn's Shadow Refine Hammer (23436) tends to be the worst option, but you can also get very lucky.
  5. Once all items are +7 and in your inventory, use the 100572.png Full Penetration Shadow Thump Box (100572) and double click the items until it's full and it allows you to click the Accept button.
  6. Ta-da! You have yourself a shiny piece of random Advanced Shadow Gear of the type the box was for. In this case, it could be any of the Full Penetration items.
  7. If you didn't get the item you wanted, you can roll it for relatively cheaply using 1000854.png Shadow Exchange Ticket (1000854) (also found at Rayja's Special Shop). Talk to Rayja and use the Switch Shadow Gear option to do this.


Since this is still a WIP, if you have questions feel free to reach out to me ingame via PM at Daoist Mango or in discord @mango9001.