Maru's Chivalry: A war guide for Knights

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So you are interested in bringing your mount to WoE, aren’t you? You've come to the right place! I'll guide you through this journey of becoming the strongest knight you can be.

I'm Maru and I've been playing RO for around 18 years now. During all these years, Knight has always been my favorite (to be honest, my only) job and I don't feel like myself if I'm not

mounted (kappapride). And, since I'm mostly a PvP player since my childhood, I wanted to make a complete guide with all the things that I've learned along the years to help those who

are just starting on PvP as a Knight, either as a Rune Knight for WoE SE or as a Lord Knight for WoE TE.

Keep in mind that this guide is NOT absolute truth and doesn't intend to be, it is my vision and experience as a WoE player. You can (and should) adapt and change things based on

your needs, experiences and own tests. WoE is not as simple as black and white, there are many variants that will change from guild to guild, player to player and meta to meta.

War of Emperium: Second Edition!

WoE SE is my favorite WoE edition and the one I played the most in my life. I played as a DB RK mostly and I'll share some tips, ideas and builds that I've gathered over the years.

Dragon Breath

Dragon Breath is, by far, my favorite build. It is a simple still effective build with a fun playstyle, not very punitive for those who are beginning and still have an amazing learning curve. Due to it being simple, you can focus on what is happening on GvG, focus on learning more about the jobs and what they should do or even shotcall for your guild if you feel like doing so. Since you are a frontliner, you want to get as high as possible resists with enough after cast delay reduction to spam your main skill. Damage is not your priority and you should always focus on your main goal: keeping your enemy frontline away from your stack, acting like a wall between them.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
  • Easy to play and very newbie friendly;
  • Offensive tanker, dealing decent damage even if your main goal is to take damage;
  • Great toolset, being naturally immune to freeze/stone due to high mdef from runes;
  • Higher weight capacity and higher speed.
  • Easily disabled;
  • Predictable damage element, being forced Neutral/Shadow, Ghost/Holy or Water/Fire;
  • High usage of badges due to consumables (Runes and Potions);
  • Needs to get hit'd to really shine on.


STR Increases weight capacity and reduces

duration of some disables;

80+ It is your main source of protection against Shadow Chasers and those

annoying Masquerades.

AGI Increases ASPD and reduces chances of

some disables;

70+ Good for ASPD but also helps with Masquerades.
VIT Increases your HP and potion efficiency; 110+ Your main stat. Increases your damage and your tankyness.
INT Increases your SP and reduces cast time; 110+ Reduces cast time and slightly increase your damage.
DEX Greatly reduces cast time; 120 Used mainly for 22008.png Temporal DEX Boots [1] (22008) .
LUK Reduces chances and duration of some


1+ Good for Curse immunity and helps with Masquerades.


Swordsman's Skills Notes
4.png Increase HP Recovery Increase potion efficiency by 10% per skill level.


7.png Magnum Break Can be used to break Ankle Snare traps.
8.png Endure Slightly increase MDEF.
Lord Knight's Skills
355.png Aura Blade Increases a bit of DB damage.
357.png Concentration Decreases your DEF. Very useful against 13017.png Ice Pick [1] (13017) users.
Rune Knight's Skills
2010.png Rune Mastery Enable Rune usage. BE SURE TO HAVE IT MAXED.
2007.png Dragon Training Increases DB damage. Increases ASPD as leveled. Increase weight capacity.


2008.png Dragon Breath Your main skill, spam it.
5004.png Dragon Breath Water Your main skill, spam it.
2009.png Dragon Howling 80% chance of inflicting fear and immobilizing enemies. Use it whenever

enemies try to pass through you and get to your stack.

2003.png Death Bound Amplifies the damage you take and reflect back to attacker (70% on him

and 30% on you). Very useful to deal with 2006.png Ignition Break and other melee physical skills.

OBS: try to use it on the lowest level but that is still enough to kill your enemy.


12729.png Asir Runestone (12729) Greatly increases ASPD. Changes 5004.png Dragon Breath Water element from Water to Ghost.
12733.png Hagalas Runestone (12733) Greatly increases DEF/MDEF.
12728.png Isia Runestone (12728) Increase potion efficiency by 50%. It is cumulative with 4.png Increase HP Recovery.
22540.png Lux Anima Runestone (22540) 30% bonus to Ranged Damage, HP and SP, which is huge damage boost.

Changes 5004.png Dragon Breath Water element from Water to Neutral. Changes 2008.png Dragon Breath element from Fire to Shadow.

12725.png Nosiege Runestone (12725) Remove and become immune to the following debuffs:
Stun, Sleep, Curse, Stone Curse, Poison, Blind, Silence, Bleeding, Confusion, Frozen, Deep Sleep, Burning, Freezing,
Guillotine Cross Poisons, Marsh of Abyss, and Mandragora Howling. For 60 seconds.


12727.png Verkana Runestone (12727) Randomly summon 2~4 shields. Each shield can protect you from 1 attack.

It lasts for 15 minutes if doesnt break and has 60s cooldown.

Try to always keep it up, this way you can protect yourself from initial burst from GvG

and still have it for emergency (panic button).
