Roselinde's Guide To Elemental Mastery

From MuhRO
Revision as of 19:29, 25 January 2024 by Makubob (talk | contribs)
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Under Construction

This Guide is currently under construction. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.


Hey! I'm Roselinde and honestly I'm a fairly new EM (and also fairly new to RO in general). This guide is based on the information I gathered throughout my time playing and learning EM and I have since received the question on how to build EM a few times, so I figured I might as well write it down here.


Sage / Professor =

  • 373.png Indulge: Indulge
  • 288.png Land Protector: Land Protector
  • 277.png Spell Breaker: Spell Breaker


  • 2451.png Striking: Striking
  • 2456.png Elemental Control: Elemental Control
  • 2459.png Summon Ventus: Summon Ventus

Elemental Master

  • 5366.png Spell Enchanting: Spell Enchanting
  • 5369.png Diamond Storm: Diamond Storm
  • 5370.png Lightning Land: Lightning Land
  • 5371.png Venom Swamp: Venom Swamp
  • 5372.png Conflagration: Conflagration
  • 5373.png Terra Drive: Terra Drive
