Alice Twisted Madness

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Revision as of 14:49, 15 October 2023 by Cannon Meat (talk | contribs)
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Alice Twisted Madness

  • Level Required: 175
  • Party Count: 1+
  • Time Limit 20 min
  • Location: (dali 66, 98)
  • Cooldown: 1 Day


Help the confused Alice to regain her memories in a twisted labyrinth.

  • There are 2 modes normal/hard
  • your primary goal is to find your way through the maze and confront an evil villain.
  • Resistances are Limited to 50%

Hard Mode

Be wary this is not an instance that can be done solo! It is recommended to go with at least 4+ party members!

  • Upon talking with alice different monsters will spawn than in normal mode.
  • the purple worms are magical immune the green ones physical immune.
  • Make sure to listen to what Alice tells you it might give you important info.

Boss Fight

  • If someone dies the Boss will get completly immune to all attacks until everyone is alive again.
  • The Cheshire Cats spawn indefinetly make sure to not let them overwhelm you.
  • If you disconnect and the party started the fight you can still join up if the boss is alive.


Monster Race/Element/Size Drops Mode Immunity
[1] (´30245)
Fish/Water 2/Medium 1001076.png Small Sewing Kit (1001076) Normal Mode -
[2] (´30248)
Plant/Earth 3/Medium 1001083.png Maple Leaf (1001083) Normal Mode -
[3] (´30246)
Plant/Earth 3/Medium 1001079.png Monstrous Tentacles (1001079) Hard Mode Physical Immune
[4] (´30247)
Insect/Poison 1/Small 1001079.png Monstrous Tentacles (1001079) Hard Mode Magical Immune
[5] (´30249)
Brute/Wind 1/Small - Hard Mode -
[6] (´30239)
Demi-Human/Dark 2/Medium 1001074.png Heavy Chain (1001074) ,
22829.png Sealed Card Album (22829)
Hard Mode ?
[7] (´30250)
Dragon/Dark 2/Large 1001082.png Monster's Stone (1001082) ,
22829.png Sealed Card Album (22829)
Hard Mode ?