
Revision as of 17:53, 19 August 2021 by Stasi (talk | contribs)


522.png Throwing Mastery
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases Throw Shuriken
Mastery ATK.

[Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +3
[Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +6
[Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +9
[Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +12
[Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +15
[Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +18
[Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +21
[Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +24
[Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +27
[Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +30
523.png Throw Shuriken
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Throws a Shuriken at a
target from a distance of up to 9 cells
away from the caster.
Consumes 1
[Lv 1]: ATK 105%
[Lv 2]: ATK 110%
[Lv 3]: ATK 115%
[Lv 4]: ATK 120%
[Lv 5]: ATK 125%
[Lv 6]: ATK 130%
[Lv 7]: ATK 135%
[Lv 8]: ATK 140%
[Lv 9]: ATK 145%
[Lv 10]: ATK 150%
524.png Throw Kunai
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.2s
Description: Throws a Kunai that will
strike it's target 3 times in one attack.
Each cast consumes 1
Kunai, and the
attack's element is affected by the type
Kunai thrown.
Consumes 1
[Lv 1]: ATK 100%
[Lv 2]: ATK 200%
[Lv 3]: ATK 300%
[Lv 4]: ATK 400%
[Lv 5]: ATK 500%
525.png Throw Huuma Shuriken
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 5,
Throw Kunai 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.5s Fixed / 1s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Throws Huuma Shuriken that
will damage it's target and any nearby
enemies. Raising this skill's level
increases it's number of strikes.

[Lv 1]: ATK 200%, Range: 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: ATK 450%, Range: 3x3 cells
[Lv 3]: ATK 700%, Range: 3x3 cells
[Lv 4]: ATK 950%, Range: 5x5 cells
[Lv 5]: ATK 1200%, Range: 5x5 cells
526.png Throw Zeny
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 10,
Throw Huuma Shuriken 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Special Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Throws coins at a target to
inflict an amount of
Defense piercing
damage equal to the amount of
spent in the attack. This skill has 5 sec
After Cast Delay, and it's damage is
reduced against
Boss monsters and in
PvP area.

[Lv 1]: 500~1,000 zeny
[Lv 2]: 1,000~2,000 zeny
[Lv 3]: 1,500~3,000 zeny
[Lv 4]: 2,000~4,000 zeny
[Lv 5]: 2,500~5,000 zeny
[Lv 6]: 3,000~6,000 zeny
[Lv 7]: 3,500~7,000 zeny
[Lv 8]: 4,000~8,000 zeny
[Lv 9]: 4,500~9,000 zeny
[Lv 10]: 5,000~10,000 zeny
527.png Flip Tatami
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 3s
Cool Down: None
Description: Flips tatami to cause the
4x4 area around the caster to ignore
long range physical damage for 3 seconds.
Each cast is followed by 3 seconds
Cast Delay
and has the chance to damage
and push enemies 3 cells backward if they
are within the skill's attack range.

[Lv 1]: 1 Cell, ATK 110%
[Lv 2]: 2 Cells, ATK 120%
[Lv 3]: 2 Cells, ATK 130%
[Lv 4]: 3 Cells, ATK 140%
[Lv 5]: 3 Cells, ATK 150%
528.png Haze Slasher
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Leap 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.5s
Description: Strikes an enemy and then
immediately enter the
Hiding status, can
be followed by the
Shadow Leap or
Shadow Slash skill.
[Lv 1]: ATK 120%
[Lv 2]: ATK 140%
[Lv 3]: ATK 160%
[Lv 4]: ATK 180%
[Lv 5]: ATK 200%
[Lv 6]: ATK 220%
[Lv 7]: ATK 240%
[Lv 8]: ATK 260%
[Lv 9]: ATK 280%
[Lv 10]: ATK 300%
529.png Shadow Leap
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Flip Tatami 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Shadow Leap can only be
performed when the caster is in
status, which can be enabled by the
Haze Slasher skill. This skill instantly
moves the caster to a targeted cell,
ignoring obstacles in the caster's way.

[Lv 1]: Leap 6 cells
[Lv 2]: Leap 7 cells
[Lv 3]: Leap 8 cells
[Lv 4]: Leap 9 cells
[Lv 5]: Leap 10 cells
530.png Shadow Slash
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Haze Slasher 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Shadow Slash can only be
performed during
Hiding status, which
can be enabled by the
Haze Slasher skill.
Strikes a target with an attack whose range
is equal to the caster's
Shadow Leap range.
Casting this skill will cancel
Hiding status.
[Lv 1]: ATK 200%, Critical +30%
[Lv 2]: ATK 350%, Critical +35%
[Lv 3]: ATK 500%, Critical +40%
[Lv 4]: ATK 650%, Critical +45%
[Lv 5]: ATK 800%, Critical +50%
531.png Cicada Skin Shed
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shadow Leap 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Enables Cicada Skin Shed
status, which enables the caster to automatically
dodge a set number of attacks. Each special
dodge is followed by a backward movement of
7 cells. When the number of attacks reaches
the skill's limit,
Cicada Skin Shed
status is canceled.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 20 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 2]: Lasts 30 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 3]: Lasts 40 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 4]: Lasts 50 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 5]: Lasts 60 seconds, 3 Dodges
532.png Mirror Image
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Slash 3,
Ninja Aura 1, Cicada Skid Shed 4

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv7+)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Mirror Image can only be
cast during
Ninja Aura status and
consumes 1
Shadow Orb. Creates a mirror
image that will enable the caster to dodge a set
number of long and short range physical attacks.
This skill cannot be used to block or evade
magic based attacks.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 60 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 2]: Lasts 80 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 3]: Lasts 100 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 4]: Lasts 120 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 5]: Lasts 140 seconds, 3 Dodges
[Lv 6]: Lasts 160 seconds, 3 Dodges
[Lv 7]: Lasts 180 seconds, 4 Dodges
[Lv 8]: Lasts 200 seconds, 4 Dodges
[Lv 9]: Lasts 220 seconds, 5 Dodges
[Lv 10]: Lasts 240 seconds, 5 Dodges
533.png Ninja Mastery
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases SP regen by
training in the
Ninja Arts. The amount
SP restored by this skill is affected
by the character's
[Lv 1]: (3+0.2% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 2]: (6+0.4% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 3]: (9+0.6% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 4]: (12+0.8% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 5]: (15+1.0% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 6]: (18+1.2% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 7]: (21+1.4% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 8]: (24+1.6% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 9]: (27+1.8% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 10]: (30+2.0% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
534.png Flaming Petals
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.4s Fixed / 5.6s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Inflicts 90% MATK Fire elemental
magic damage per Hit at a target by shooting
flaming petals. This skill's level affects the
number of hits.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits
[Lv 3]: 3 Hits
[Lv 4]: 4 Hits
[Lv 5]: 5 Hits
[Lv 6]: 6 Hits
[Lv 7]: 7 Hits
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits
[Lv 10]: 10 Hits
535.png Blaze Shield
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Flaming Petals 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: (Lv10)0.3s Fixed / 1.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 1s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a blazing storm in
a 5x5 cell area around the caster that
will inflict multiple hits of
Fire elemental
magic damage to enemies within it's range.
Blaze Shield lasts for 20 seconds,
but is automatically canceled after inflicting
it's maximum number of hits.
Consumes 1
Flame Stone.
[Lv 1]: 5 Hits
[Lv 2]: 5 Hits
[Lv 3]: 6 Hits
[Lv 4]: 6 Hits
[Lv 5]: 7 Hits
[Lv 6]: 7 Hits
[Lv 7]: 8 Hits
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits
[Lv 10]: 9 Hits
536.png Exploding Dragon
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10,
Blaze Shield 7

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.8s Fixed / 2s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: 0.3s
Description: Summons a flaming dragon
that will inflict 3 hits of
Fire elemental
damage on all enemies in a 5x5 cell area around
the targeted enemy by this skill.
Consumes 1
Flame Stone.
[Lv 1]: 300% Matk
[Lv 2]: 450% Matk
[Lv 3]: 600% Matk
[Lv 4]: 750% Matk
[Lv 5]: 900% Matk
537.png Freezing Spear
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.4s Fixed / 5.6s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons spears of ice that
will hit a targeted enemy with 70%
MATK Water
elemental magical damage per Hit.

[Lv 1]: 3 Hits
[Lv 2]: 4 Hits
[Lv 3]: 5 Hits
[Lv 4]: 6 Hits
[Lv 5]: 7 Hits
[Lv 6]: 8 Hits
[Lv 7]: 9 Hits
[Lv 8]: 10 Hits
[Lv 9]: 11 Hits
[Lv 10]: 12 Hits
538.png Watery Evasion
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Freezing Spear 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Around the caster
Cast Time: 0.6s Fixed / 2.4s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2s
Cool Down: None
Description: Creates a water pool that
will affect enemies within range by
decreasing their
AGI and reducing
Movement Speed by half. All Ninja's,
including the caster, are immune to these
penalties. The area targeted by
Watery Evasion
will increase the damage of the
Freezing Spear
skill and enables the use of
Water Ball and
Aqua Benedicta for other players.
Consumes 1
Ice Stone.
[Lv 1]: 3x3 cells, lasts 15 seconds
[Lv 2]: 3x3 cells, lasts 20 sec., AGI -3
[Lv 3]: 3x3 cells, lasts 25 sec., AGI -3
[Lv 4]: 5x5 cells, lasts 30 sec., AGI -3
[Lv 5]: 5x5 cells, lasts 35 sec., AGI -5
[Lv 6]: 5x5 cells, lasts 40 sec., AGI -5
[Lv 7]: 7x7 cells, lasts 45 sec., AGI -5
[Lv 8]: 7x7 cells, lasts 50 sec., AGI -8
[Lv 9]: 7x7 cells, lasts 55 sec., AGI -8
[Lv 10]: 9x9 cells, lasts 60 sec., AGI -8
539.png Snow Flake Draft
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10,
Watery Evasion 7

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv5)0.8s Fixed / 2.5s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.5s
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons a meteor of ice
that will damage enemies with
Water elemental
magic damage in a 7x7 cell area around the
caster and can inflict
Freezing status.
Consumes 1
Ice Stone.
[Lv 1]: 300% MATK, 20% Freezing Chance
[Lv 2]: 450% MATK, 30% Freezing Chance
[Lv 3]: 600% MATK, 40% Freezing Chance
[Lv 4]: 750% MATK, 50% Freezing Chance
[Lv 5]: 900% MATK, 60% Freezing Chance
540.png Wind Blade
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: (Lv10)1.1s Fixed / 4.4s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Shoots a shearing blade of
air that will inflict 150%
MATK Wind elemental
magic damage per Hit to a targeted enemy.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits
[Lv 3]: 2 Hits
[Lv 4]: 3 Hits
[Lv 5]: 3 Hits
[Lv 6]: 4 Hits
[Lv 7]: 4 Hits
[Lv 8]: 5 Hits
[Lv 9]: 5 Hits
[Lv 10]: 6 Hits
541.png Lightning Jolt
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Wind Blade 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: 0.3s Fixed / 1.7s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Summons lightning bolts
around the caster inflicting
elemental magic damage to enemies within
the skill's range.
Consumes 1
Wind Stone.
[Lv 1]: 200% MATK, 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: 300% MATK, 3x3 cells
[Lv 3]: 400% MATK, 5x5 cells
[Lv 4]: 500% MATK, 5x5 cells
[Lv 5]: 600% MATK, 7x7 cells
542.png First Wind
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10,
Lightning Jolt 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.3s Fixed / 1.2s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Shoots a blade of sharp
wind that will slash all enemies between
the caster and the skill's target with
elemental magic damage.
Consumes 1
Wind Stone.
[Lv 1]: 200% MATK, 5 cells
[Lv 2]: 300% MATK, 6 cells
[Lv 3]: 400% MATK, 7 cells
[Lv 4]: 500% MATK, 8 cells
[Lv 5]: 600% MATK, 9 cells
543.png Ninja Aura
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: (Lv5)0.2s Fixed / 0.8s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Focuses spritual energy to
Ninja Aura status, which endows
the caster with
INT and STR bonuses.
Ninja Aura status enables the use of the
Mirror Image and Killing Strike skills,
although using those skills will cancel the
Ninja Aura status.
[Lv 1]: STR and INT +1, lasts 30 seconds
[Lv 2]: STR and INT +2, lasts 45 seconds
[Lv 3]: STR and INT +3, lasts 60 seconds
[Lv 4]: STR and INT +4, lasts 75 seconds
[Lv 5]: STR and INT +5, lasts 90 seconds
544.png Killing Strike
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 7,
Shadow Slash 5, Ninja Aura 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Special Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Description: Sacrifices the caster's
HP to inflict devastating
damage to the targeted enemy. The
amount of remaining
HP affects the
damage inflicted and each cast of this
skill will always reduce the caster's
HP to 1.