Costume Crafting

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Costume Nine Tail Fox Hair

Talk to Magnus (payon 191, 130) to exchange the following items for 1 31707.png Costume Nine Tail Wig (31707)

Costume Gothic Skull Ribbon

Talk to Kani (geffen 161, 81) to exchange the following items for 1x 31708.png Costume Gothic Skull Ribbon (31708) .

Costume Golden Violet

Talk to Daria (aldebaran 183, 159) to exchange the following items for 1x 31709.png Costume Golden Violet (31709) .


Eclage Costume Maker

Currently there are only 10 items that can be made into costumes at Eclage, and all of them are headgears.

Equipment Position
5171.png Valkyrie Helm [1] (5171) Upper
2256.png Majestic Goat (2256) Upper
5016.png Boy's Cap (5016) Upper
5447.png Frog Hat (5447) Upper
5038.png Deviruchi Hat (5038) Upper
5040.png Blush (5040) Mid
2286.png Elven Ears (2286) Mid
5096.png Assassin Mask (5096) Low
2269.png Romantic Flower (2269) Low
5176.png Hahoe Mask (5176) Mid, Low

Talk to Replication Expert Pait at (ecl_in01 66, 40).
You need the original non costume version of the equipment and the following items are required:

Item Source
50x 6081.png Splendide Coin (6081) Alfheim Perfume, Eclage Daily Quests, Two Tribes, etc.
1x 6395.png Angel Magic Powder (6395) Dropped by 2136.gif
Little Fatum (2136) .
4x 747.png Crystal Mirror (747)
Purchasable from Morroc Ruins Trader (moc_ruins 113, 126)
10x 721.png Emerald (721) File:Jewmor.png
Purchasable from Morroc Ruins Jeweler (moc_ruins 110, 105)
and Lighthalzen Jeweler (lighthalzen 96, 110)
10x 723.png Ruby (723)
10x 726.png Sapphire (726)
10x 728.png Topaz (728)
10x 729.png Zircon (729)

After you have all of the items, talk to Replication Expert Ralt, choose "Replication?" You can also choose the third option, "I know you got lots up your sleeve!" for less dialogue but with the same outcome.