Beginners Guide

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How to play MuhRo

You have created an account, logged in and created a character, what now?

No problem, as soon as you log in with a new character you are automatically on a field and an NPC is waiting for you. Follow the instructions of the NPC and he will give you an introduction how playing on MuhRo works. You can simply skip this introduction for your other characters. Once you have successfully completed the introduction, you will land directly at the main office, where you can now select a class.

Furthermore, you will receive a fancy starter headgear and a few other items that will make your start easier. You now know how the game works in general. You can find out how to level up and get equipment is explained below.

  1. Register with Eden Group by talking to Secretary Lime Evenor /navi moc_para01 27/35
  2. Learn about Paradise Weapons and Armors by talking to Instructor Ur /navi moc_para01 23/35
  3. Learn about Paradise Shadow Equipment by talking to Instructor Boya /navi moc_para01 25/35

Eden Boards

  • In Eden there are various board quests for each level. These board quests give you experience upon successful completion.
  • In order to accept the board quests, you must join the Eden Group.

Eden Gear

  • All Paradise equipment are character bound and have 0 slots.
  • Eden Coins (storageable) are obtained through Eden Group Leveling Quests through Eden Boards.
  • Every job has two Advanced Weapons for their two main builds.
Required Level : 10
Name Effect
500032.png Paradise Sword (500032)
  • ATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20 additional increases.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25 additional increases.
  • Class: Swordsman, Merchant, Thief
520010.png Paradise Axe (520010)
  • ATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20 additional increases.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25 additional increases.
  • Class: Merchant
590025.png Paradise Mace (590025)
  • ATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20 additional increases.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25 additional increases.
  • Class: Acolyte, Merchant, Novice
510035.png Paradise Dagger (510035)
  • MATK + 100
  • ATK + 15, MATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher.
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20, MATK + 20 additional increase.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25, MATK + 25 additional increase.
  • Class: Novice, Swordsman, Archer, Thief, Wizard, Merchant, Ninja, Soul Linker
700036.png Paradise Bow (700036)
  • ATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20 additional increases.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25 additional increases.
  • Class: Archer
550032.png Paradise Staff (550032)
  • MATK + 100
  • If the base level is 20 or higher, MATK + 15.
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, MATK + 20 additional increases.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, MATK + 25 additional increases.
  • Class: Wizard, Novice, Soul Linker
800004.png Paradise Revolver (800004)
  • ATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20 additional increases.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25 additional increases.
  • Class: Gunslinger
550033.png Paradise Foxtail (550033)
  • MATK + 100
  • ATK + 15, MATK + 15 if the base level is 20 or higher.
  • If the base level is 30 or higher, ATK + 20, MATK + 20 additional increase.
  • If the base level is 45 or higher, ATK + 25, MATK + 25 additional increase.
  • Class: Summoner (Doram)
Required Level : 45
Name Effect
630014 Paradise Knight Lance
  • ATK + 3%. If the base level is 60 or higher, pierce damage increases by 20%.
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increase Brandish Spear damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase Brandish Spear damage by additional 15%.
  • Class: Knight
600020 Paradise Knight Two-Handed Sword
  • CRI + 10.
  • If the base level is 60 or higher, attack speed increases (delay after attack is reduced by 10%).
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increase bowling bash damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase bowling bash damage by additional 15%
  • Class: Knight
500033 Paradise Crusader Sword
  • MATK + 160
  • MATK + 3%.
  • If the base level is above 60, variable casting decreases by 10%.
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increases Grand Cross damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increases Grand Cross damage by additional 15%.
  • Class: Crusader
530017 Paradise Crusader Spear
  • ATK + 3%.
  • If the base level is 60 or higher, attack speed increases (delay after attack is reduced by 10%).
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increases Holy Cross damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase Holy Cross damage by additional 15%.
  • Class: Crusader
520011 Paradise Blacksmith Axe
  • ATK + 3%.
  • If the base level is 60 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increases Kart Revolution damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase Kart Revolution damage by additional 15%.
  • Class: Blacksmith
620011 Paradise Blacksmith Two-Handed Axe
  • CRI + 10.
  • If the base level is 60 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, critical damage increases by 5%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase critical damage by additional 10%.
  • Class: Blacksmith
590026 Paradise Alchemist Mace
  • ATK + 3%.
  • If the base level is above 60, variable casting decreases by 10%.
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increases Acid Terror damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, Acid Terror damage is increased by an additional 15%.
  • Class: Alchemist
500034 Paradise Alchemist Sword
  • ATK + 3%.
  • If the base level is 60 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, increases Kart Revolution damage by 10%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase Kart Revolution damage by additional 15%.
  • Class: Alchemist
610024 Paradise Assassin Chakram
  • CRI + 5.
  • If the base level is 60 or higher, attack speed increases (delay after attack is reduced by 10%).
  • If the base level is 75 or higher, critical damage increases by 5%.
  • If the base level is 90 or higher, increase critical damage by additional 10%.
  • Class: Assassin

Required Level : 10
Name Effect
Required Level : 10
Name Effect
Required Level : 10
Name Effect