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(Added Orc Helm and Necromancer's Hood)
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Latest revision as of 08:38, 26 January 2025

Item Costume
18609.png Dark Blinkers [1] (18609) A black Blinker. Since it is black in color, it seems that you may not see the light forever if you wear it for a long time.
Prevents Blind status.
Increases resistance against Stun status by 2%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
5329.png C. Dark Blinkers (brown) (5329) The mystical Blindfold for those warriors that can see all.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5104.png Dark Blinkers (5104) A blinder enchanted with dark magic.
Prevents Blind status.
Increases resistance against Stun status by 2%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
5329.png C. Dark Blinkers (brown) (5329) The mystical Blindfold for those warriors that can see all.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
19296.png Classical Feather Hat [1] (19296) A small hat with a very impressive leather material.
Chic coloring fills the mature.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK + 15
Refine Level +7:
Increases long range physical damage by 7%.
Refine Level +9:
ATK +5%
Refine Level +11:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
For each Refine Level above +10:
Decreases fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to +15).
When equipped with Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb[1]:
For each 2 Refine Level of Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb[1]:
Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 12%.
When equipped with Leather of Tendrilion[1]:
For each 2 Refine Level of Leather of Tendrilion[1]:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 7%.
When equipped with Ancient Cape[1]:
For each 2 Refine Level of Ancient Cape[1]:
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 15%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Newoz<INFO>m_crafting,77,87,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
5980.png C. Classical Feather Hat (5980) A gorgeous small fur hat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19135.png Spirit of Chung E (19135) A spirit of Chung E that float on your head.
Random chance to transform wearer into Chung E for 5 seconds when dealing physical or magical attack.
While transforming
Increases MATK and Critical attack damage by 30%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%.
Increases item drop rate by 1%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +2%
MaxSP +2%
Refine Level +9:
Increases HP and SP Recovery Rate by 40%.
Refine Level +12:
MaxHP +3%
MaxSP +3%
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Jewy<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
18743.png C. Spirit of Chung E (18743) The soul of the Chung E, its scary and horrible.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19136.png Spirit of Chung E [1] (19136) A spirit of Chung E that float on your head.
Random chance to transform wearer into Chung E for 5 seconds when dealing physical or magical attack.
While transforming
Increases MATK and Critical attack damage by 30%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%.
Increases item drop rate by 1%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +2%
MaxSP +2%
Refine Level +9:
Increases HP and SP Recovery Rate by 40%.
Refine Level +12:
MaxHP +3%
MaxSP +3%

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
18743.png C. Spirit of Chung E (18743) The soul of the Chung E, its scary and horrible.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2278.png Mr. Smile (2278) A simple mask with a smile carved into it.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19500.png C. Mr. Smile (19500) A simple mask with a smile carved into it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19094.png Mr. Smile [1] (19094) A simple mask with a smile carved into it.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19500.png C. Mr. Smile (19500) A simple mask with a smile carved into it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5053.png Sphinx Hat (5053) A traditional Egyptian head piece that symbolizes the Egyptian gods.
STR +2
Class Restrictions:
Swordman classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 300
Required Level: 65
19501.png C. Sphinx Hat (19501) Desc
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5166.png Sphinx Hat [1] (5166) A traditional Egyptian headgear that pays homage to the Egyptian gods.
STR +2
Class Restrictions:
Swordman classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 300
Required Level: 65
19501.png C. Sphinx Hat (19501) Desc
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2224.png Goggles (2224) A pair of Goggles especially created for pilots to Reduces impaired vision while riding at high speeds.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Archer, Merchant and Thief
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19502.png C. Goggles (19502) A pair of goggles designed for pilots in order to Reduces vision impairment when traveling at very high speeds.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2225.png Goggles [1] (2225) A pair of Goggles especially created for pilots to Reduces impaired vision while riding at high speeds.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Archer, Merchant and Thief
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19502.png C. Goggles (19502) A pair of goggles designed for pilots in order to Reduces vision impairment when traveling at very high speeds.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2264.png Munak Hat (2264) An exact replica of the turban worn by Munak, complete with a queue and talisman.
Decreases damage taken from Undead race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19503.png C. Munak Hat (19503) An exact replica of Munak's turban, complete with queue and talisman.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5167.png Munak Hat [1] (5167) An exact replica of Munak's turban, complete with queue and talisman.
Decreases damage taken from Undead race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19503.png C. Munak Hat (19503) An exact replica of Munak's turban, complete with queue and talisman.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2201.png Sunglasses (2201) Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light.
Increases resistance against Blind status by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19504.png C. Sunglasses (19504) Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2202.png Sunglasses [1] (2202) Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light.
Increases resistance against Blind status by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19504.png C. Sunglasses (19504) Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2298.png Green Feeler (2298) Large insect antennae that humans can wear.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19524.png C. Green Feeler (19524) Grasshopper's Green feelers.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2271.png Jack be Dandy (2271) A pair of glasses that are worn on the head for a more charming appearance, instead of vision related purposes.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19525.png C. Jack be Dandy (19525) A pair of glasses that are worn on the head for a more charming appearance, instead of vision related purposes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2228.png Helm (2228) This steel helmet, made in the style worn by roman soldiers, offers great protection, covering most of the head.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 13
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 60
19526.png C. Helm (19526) Helm made from metal.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2229.png Helm [1] (2229) This steel helmet, made in the style worn by roman soldiers, offers great protection, covering most of the head.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 13
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 60
19526.png C. Helm (19526) Helm made from metal.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2258.png Spiky Band (2258) A fashionable headband with two dangerous spikes.
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman, Acolyte, Merchant, Thief, Taekwon Boy/Girl and Star Gladiator
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 12
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 50
19527.png C. Spiky Band (19527) A headband with two dangerously fashionable spikes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5161.png Spiky Band [1] (5161) A headband with two dangerously fashionable spikes that somehow make it much stronger than more durable looking helms.
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman, Acolyte, Merchant and Thief classes, Taekwon Boy/Girl and Star Gladiator
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 12
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 50
19527.png C. Spiky Band (19527) A headband with two dangerously fashionable spikes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2266.png Iron Cain (2266) Specialized face armor that protects the jaw and teeth in battle.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 50
19528.png C. Iron Cane (silver) (19528) Specialized face armor that protects the jaw and teeth in battle.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
2254.png Angel Wings (2254) A headband adorned with what appears to be the wings of an angel.
It contains holiness that blesses the wearer's soul and offers protection from dark forces.
AGI +1, LUK +1
Decreases damage taken from Demon race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19529.png C. Angel Wings (19529) A headband adorned with what appears to be the wings of an angel.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5029.png Spore Hat (5029) A headgear made in the form of a Spore's head.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 90
Required Level: 20
19533.png C. Spore Hat (19533) Hat for those who want to be like the Spore monster. Feel like a mushroom!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5660.png Gryphon Hat [1] (5660) A hat that resemble monster Gryphon.
AGI +2
Refine Level +7:
AGI +2
Refine Level +9:
Increases Physical Damage against Demon and Undead race by 10%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
19537.png C. Gryphon Hat (19537) A hat from Gryphon symbolic of bravery.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5206.png Romantic White Flower (5206) A cute and romantic white flower that is fashionable and functional at the same time.
Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19541.png C. Romantic White Flower (19541) A cute and romantic white flower that is fashionable and functional at the same time.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
18528.png Drooping Neko Crew [1] (18528) Lori Ruri mulin pets 'Crew'. The somewhat being acute and says that there is a tendency which all of a sudden surprises to also being trivial.
INT +2
Ignores magical defense of target by 5%.
For each Refine Level:
Ignores magical defense of target by 1%.
Refine Level +7:
MATK +2%
Ignores magical defense of target by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
MATK +5%
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Mony<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19544.png C. Drooping Neko Crew (19544) Lori Ruri's pet 'Crew'. It's very cute but has a tendency to be easily surprised.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5016.png Boy's Cap (5016) A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19545.png C. Boy's Cap (19545) Lousy black hat for school kids.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5349.png Boy's Cap [1] (5349) A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19545.png C. Boy's Cap (19545) Lousy black hat for school kids.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5171.png Valkyrie Helm [1] (5171) An ornate, winged helmet worn by the warrior maidens that serve Odin.
When equipped with Valkyrie Armor, Valkyrie Manteau and Valkyrie Shoes:
All Basic Stats +1
Class Restrictions:
All Transcendent classes except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
19546.png C. Valkyrie Helm (19546) A Helm of 'Battle Princess' who serves Odin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5038.png Deviruchi Hat (5038) A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster.
STR +1
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 64
19547.png C. Deviruchi Hat (black) (19547) Copied hat of Baby Deviruchi.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
2256.png Majestic Goat (2256) A helmet, made to look like mighty goat horns, that can increase the strength of its wearer.
STR +1
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Merchant, Taekwon Boy/Girl and Star Gladiator
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
19549.png C. Magestic Goat (brown) (19549) A helmet that has been fashioned to give its wearer the appearance of having mighty goat horns. It's a helm that evokes power!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5160.png Majestic Goat [1] (5160) A helmet that has been fashioned to give its wearer the appearance of having mighty goat horns. It's a helm that evokes power!
STR +1
Class Restrictions:
Swordman and Merchant Classes;
Taekwon Boy/Girl and Star Gladiator
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
19549.png C. Magestic Goat (brown) (19549) A helmet that has been fashioned to give its wearer the appearance of having mighty goat horns. It's a helm that evokes power!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
2286.png Elven Ears (2286) A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look.
For some, it is an incredible turn-on.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 70
19551.png C. Elven Ears (19551) Modeled after the long ears of a fairy, when worn you can hear fairys playing in the blue forest.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2269.png Romantic Flower (2269) A delicate flower that is placed in the mouth for romantic seduction.
Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19552.png C. Romantic Flower (19552) A little flower leaf. The whole world seems pretty and happy.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5096.png Assassin Mask (5096) An exclusive mask for assassins. Covers most of the face.
Class Restrictions:
Assassin and Priest
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 70
19553.png C. Assassin Mask (19553) A dark mask for assassins.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5176.png Hahoe Mask (5176) A traditional oriental mask that is always perpetualy smiling.
When equipped by Taekwon:
LUK +1
Perfect Dodge +2

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 30
19554.png C. Hahoe Mask (19554) A smily face mask eastern style, sculpted carefully. Makes you feel like home.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18563.png Heart Wings Hairband [1] (18563) A girlish hairband with wings and lace.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Increases SP Consumption by 10%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
Increases SP Consumption by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Jewy<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 50
19573.png C. Heart Wings Hairband (19573) Decorated with tiny hearts and lace wings, headband Young girl wind.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18673.png Drooping Pope [1] (18673) A hat with motif of Arunafeltz Pope. Its has a lot of enthusiastic believers from around the world.
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
For each Refine Level:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 1%.
Refine Level +9:
MATK +7%
Refine Level +12:
MATK +12%
When equipped with Blush:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19576.png C. Drooping Pope Hat (19576) Peak of popularity!. Drooping pope hat of Arunafeltz modeled after the helmet made by pope!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5075.png Cowboy Hat (5075) A cowboy hat. It makes men look manlier and is cute when worn by women.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19582.png C. Cowboy Hat (19582) The fancy Cowboy hat of the western Cowboy.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2263.png Zorro Mask (2263) A mask patterned after the one worn by a fencer of legendary repute who always kept his identity as a wealthy don secret.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19583.png C. Zorro Mask (19583) The mysterious mask of the roguish hero.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5305.png Pirate Dagger (5305) A small silver knife that is held between your teeth to allow free use of your hands.
ATK +5
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19584.png C. Dagger In Mouth (19584) Never bring only a knife to a gun fight, but having a spare knife is always handy.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5170.png Feather Beret (5170) A fancy, feathered cap made of smooth, sky blue material.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 60
19585.png C. Feather Beret (blue) (19585) A premium-grade hat that offers a great fit.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
18734.png TE Woe Magic Eyes (18734) Rental Item
*Effects in WoE TE area
MATK +10
Increases Magical Damage against player by 20%.
Increases resistance against Frozen Status by 25%.
Class Restrictions:
Novice, Magician, Acolyte and Soul Linker
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 40
19597.png C. Magic Eyes (19597) A hat that looks like the eyes of a dark Magician, which are rumored to blink sometimes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5498.png Wandering Wolf King Helmet [1] (5498) Made out of a Wolf King's fur and feels like you're surrounded by a dignified force when worn but basically worn for its looks
AGI +5
FLEE +10
Ignores physical defense of Demi-Human and Brute race by 10%.
Refine Level +7:
Random chance to inflict Bleeding status to enemies on 5x5 cells when dealing physical damage.
Refine Level +9:
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Howling of Lion when dealing physical damage.
When equipped with Angry Mouth:
CRI +10
Refine Level +7:
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Confused Oliver<INFO>m_crafting,24,91,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 60
19598.png C. Wandering Wolf King Helmet (blue) (19598) Can feel a high dignity of the Northern Wolf Tribe.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5658.png Imp Hat [1] (5658) A hat that mimic Imp, the mascot of Thor Volcano Dungeon.
Random chance to enchant equipped weapon with Fire elemental for 60 sec when dealing physical damage.
Random chance to increase Magical Damage with Fire element by 10% for 60 sec when dealing magical damage.
Refine Level +7:
Increases the chance of increasing Magical Damage with Fire element.
Refine Level +9:
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Pulse Strike when receiving physical damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trapped Demoness<INFO>m_crafting,99,134,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
19599.png C. Imp Hat (19599) A hat which resemble Imp of Thor Volcano.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5283.png Chick Hat (5283) A hat adorned with a cute chick that brings feelings of joy to those that see it hopping.
LUK +2
MaxHP +50
MaxSP +50
Enables Level 2 Double Attack.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human and Brute race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Alice Ishar<INFO>m_crafting,81,171,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 10
19608.png C. Chick Hat (19608) A hat adorned with a cute chick that brings feelings of joy to those that see it hopping.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19129.png Chick Hat [1] (19129) A hat adorned with a cute chick that brings feelings of joy to those that see it hopping.
LUK +2
MaxHP +50
MaxSP +50
Enables Level 2 Double Attack.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human and Brute race by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 10
19608.png C. Chick Hat (19608) A hat adorned with a cute chick that brings feelings of joy to those that see it hopping.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5112.png Super Novice Hat (5112) A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume... absolutely perfect.
All Basic Stats +1
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 40
19614.png C. Super Novice Hat (19614) A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume... absolutely perfectly.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5119.png Super Novice Hat [1] (5119) A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume... absolutely perfect.
All Basic Stats +1
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 40
19614.png C. Super Novice Hat (19614) A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume... absolutely perfectly.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5118.png Puppy Headband (5118) A cute headband that looks just like a pair of adorable puppy ears.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19617.png C. Puppy Headband (19617) A cute headband that looks just like a pair of adorable puppy ears.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5069.png Kitsune Mask (5069) A mask rumored to have been worn by certain assassins in order to hide themselves.
AGI +1
LUK +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19618.png C. Kitsune Mask (19618) A mask rumored to have been worn by certain assassins in order to hide themselves.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5019.png Corsair (5019) A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates.
VIT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 11
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19619.png C. Old Corsair (blue) (19619) A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5163.png Corsair [1] (5163) A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest pirates.
VIT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19619.png C. Old Corsair (blue) (19619) A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5068.png Evil Wing Ears (5068) An ear accessory made with Evil Wing.
STR +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 70
19621.png C. Evil Wing Ears (19621) An ear accessory made with Evil Wing.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18559.png Fafnir Skin (18559) A leather of Fafnir that made into winged ears that will Curse its wearer.
CRI +3
Disables HP Recovery Rate.
When equipped with Fafnir Mask:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Maya<INFO>m_crafting,49,132,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 50
19621.png C. Evil Wing Ears (19621) An ear accessory made with Evil Wing.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5048.png Cresent Hairpin (5048) A hairpin in the shape of a crescent.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19622.png C. Crescent Hairpin (19622) A hairpin in the shape of a crescent.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2214.png Bunny Band (2214) A hairband that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbol of extremely good luck.
LUK +2

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19625.png C. Bunny Band (white) (19625) A hairband that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbol of extremely good luck.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5001.png Headset (5001) A strange device that was invented by an old craftsman, but has just recently been completed by his grandson.
Increases resistance against Curse status by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19628.png C. Headset (19628) A strange device that was invented by an old craftsman, but has just recently been completed by his grandson.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2234.png Tiara (2234) A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it.
INT +2
Class Restrictions:
Female Only
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 45
19629.png C. Tiara (19629) A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5164.png Tiara [1] (5164) A jeweled coronet that is said to grant its wearer the wisdom of a queen that had once worn it.
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 45
19629.png C. Tiara (19629) A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2235.png Crown (2235) A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer.
INT +2
Class Restrictions:
Male Only,
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 45
19630.png C. Crown (19630) A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5165.png Crown [1] (5165) A jeweled crown that is said to grant the wisdom of a sagacious, ancient king that had once worn it.
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 45
19630.png C. Crown (19630) A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2220.png Hat (2220) A simple, pink hat.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19632.png C. Hat (19632) An ordinary pink hat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2221.png Hat [1] (2221) A simple, pink hat.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19632.png C. Hat (19632) An ordinary pink hat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2215.png Flower Band (2215) A fragrant hairband crafted from only the daintiest of flowers.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19633.png C. Flower Band (19633) Braids woven with a subtle floral fragrance.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2218.png Flu Mask (2218) A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to others.
Increases resistance against Silence status by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19634.png C. Flu Mask (19634) A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to others.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2259.png Mini Propeller (2259) A headgear topped with a fashionably experimental propeller.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19635.png C. Mini Propeller (19635) A headgear topped with a fashionably experimental propeller.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2262.png Clown Nose (2262) A fashion accessory used in clown or town drunk disguises.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19636.png C. Clown Nose (19636) A fashion accessory used in clown or town drunk disguises.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2277.png Nurse Cap (2277) A cap worn by nurses both great and small.
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19637.png C. Nurse Cap (19637) A cap worn by nurses both great and small.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19209.png Illusion Nurse Cap [1] (19209) A cap worn by nurses both great and small.
INT +1
For each 2 Refine Levels:
INT +1
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 3%.
When equipped with Illusion Puente Robe:
Increases movement speed.
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 10%.
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
19637.png C. Nurse Cap (19637) A cap worn by nurses both great and small.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2280.png Sakkat (2280) A rustic hat knit from rough reeds and bamboos that shields against the rain and the glare of the sun.
Ssaurabi, the ancient Korean warrior, was known to wear one of these.
AGI +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19639.png C. Sakkat (19639) A rustic hat knit from rough reeds and bamboos that shields against the rain and the glare of the sun.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5360.png Wickebine's Black Cat Ears (5360) Wickebine's black cat ears.
FLEE +10
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
Random chance to pierce magical defense of target for 5 sec when dealing magical damage.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Mony<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 45
19643.png C. Wickebine Ears (19643) A cute costume made based on wickebine's cat ears.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19179.png Rabbit Magic Hat [1] (19179) A hat of renown magician. By wearing this, will makes wearer able to do some magic tricks.
DEX +1, AGI +1
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 4%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Scammy<INFO>m_crafting,62,150,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
19652.png C. Rabbit Magic Hat (19652) A hat worn by a well-known magician. Rabbit is peeping out and we don't know what is going to pop out next.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5045.png Magician Hat (5045) A hat worn by magicians. Rabbits are usually pulled out of this hat. Pretty stout, it won't be destroyed easily.
DEX +1
AGI +1
MaxSP +50
Class Restrictions:
Magician, Acolyte and Soul Linker
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 50
19662.png C. Magician Hat (19662) A hat worn by magicians. Rabbits are usually pulled out of this hat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5675.png Poring Letter (5675) A love letter that has a poring seal.
Increases Physical Damage against Plant race by 5%.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Unripe Apple.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 10
19672.png C. Poring Letter (19672) Description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
18848.png Lush Rose [1] (18848) Nobody knows when this beautiful rose was picked and decorated, but it has still managed to keep its freshness all this time.
MATK +20
For each Refine Level:
MATK + 1
Recovers 100 HP each time an enemy is killed with a magic attack.
Drains 50 HP from the user every 5 seconds.
Enchantable: Yes

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19687.png C. Lush Rose (19687) Nobody knows when this beautiful rose was picked and decorated, but it has still managed to keep its freshness all this time.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5364.png Evil Snake Lord Hat [1] (5364) A perfectly balanced hat worn by the Evil Snake Lord.
The yin yang symbol and magic orbs harness the balance necessary to wear this hat.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop WoE Supply Box.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 150
19690.png C. Dark Snake Lord Hat J (19690) A hat of Dark Snake Lord. You can be an emperor with this.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5109.png Red Bonnet (5109) A bonnet favored by women of nobility.
Wearing it supposedly causes inexplicable cravings for tea, but that might just be an aristocratic thing.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
19701.png C. Red Bonnet (19701) A bonnet favored by women of nobility. Wearing it supposedly causes inexplicable cravings for tea, but that might just be an aristocratic thing.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
18850.png Polar Bear Cap (18850) Christmas hat that Raccoon Hooray team 'borrowed' from Santa.
It is very helpful for the Raccoons to keep warm since they're currently homeless.
AGI +1
DEX +1
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Buche De Noel.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kaa<INFO>m_crafting,100,153,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Class Restrictions: None
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19707.png C. Polar Bear Cap (19707) Christmas hat that Raccoon Hooray team 'borrowed' from Santa.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18521.png Lucky Clover (18521) A rare four leaf clover. The leaves symbolize Hope, Sincerity, Love and Luck.
LUK +1
MaxSP +20
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 50
19713.png C. Lucky Clover (19713) A fresh lucky clover. It brings you with a good luck.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2249.png Coronet (2249) A small decorative crown, fashioned out of pure gold, worn by members of nobility.
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19719.png C. Coronet (19719) description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2247.png Romantic Gent (2247) An ivory hat worn by classy men during classy occasions.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
19720.png C. Romantic Gent (19720) description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5401.png Black Frame Glasses (5401) Dark-colored plastic frame Locs.
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Weird Lady<INFO>m_crafting,19,116,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 70
19722.png C. Glasses (black) (19722) A black bold glasses. This is it- item for this season!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5548.png Scarlet Rose (5548) A crimson colored rose. Be sure to check for thorns before putting this in your mouth.
MaxSP +30
MATK +1%
Increases physical damage against all classes by 1%
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19726.png C. Scarlet Rose (19726) A bloody red rose in your lips. You should remove its thorns.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2255.png Evil Wings (2255) A headgear that look like the wings of a Demon.
Demonic power increase the wearer's strength and offers protection from sacred powers.
STR +1
Decreases damage taken from Angel race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19731.png C. Evil Wings (19731) Headgear made according to the wings on the demon's back.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5090.png Goblin Leader Mask (5090) A mask worn by the Goblin leader. It looks so ferocious, it's ridiculous.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19732.png C. Goblin Leader Mask (19732) A mask worn by the Goblin leader. It looks so ferocious, it's ridiculous.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5030.png Panda Hat (5030) A cute and cuddly headgear made in the form of a Panda's head.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 40
19733.png C. Panda Hat (19733) A cute and cuddly headgear made in the form of a Panda's head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2296.png Binoculars (2296) A special optical tool that enables one to observe objects from a great distance.
DEX +1
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 50
19734.png C. Binoculars (19734) Fancy glasses helps you see long distances. Made with compressed glass.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19088.png Binoculars [1] (19088) Fancy glasses helps you see long distances. Made with compressed glass.
DEX +1
Class Restrictions:
Archer classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 50
19734.png C. Binoculars (19734) Fancy glasses helps you see long distances. Made with compressed glass.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5014.png Fin Helm (5014) Helment accessories that look just like fins.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 65
19735.png C. Fin Helm (19735) A fish fin looking helm that protects Swordmen. This doesn't help you breathe under water.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5005.png Gas Mask (5005) A special mask that filters out poisons from the air.
Increases resistance against Poison by 30%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19736.png C. Gas Mask (19736) A special mask that filters out poisons from the air.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5108.png Renown Detective's Cap [1] (5108) This type of cap is known to have been worn by a world famous detective.
It feels like a Pipe would perfectly complement this cap for some reason.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 35
19738.png C. Detective Hat (19738) This type of cap is known to have been worn by a world famous detective. It feels like a Pipe would perfectly complement this cap for some reason.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5654.png Holy Marching Hat [1] (5654) A marching hat with holy angel wings affixed to the sides made famous by a righteous Rune Midgardian band.
INT +1
MATK +2%
Refine Level +7:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
MATK +5%
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Karian<INFO>m_crafting,41,846,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19745.png C. Holy Marching Hat (19745) A marching hat with sacred force.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
436001.png Thanatos's Despero Mask (436001) The mask worn by Thanatos' despair. It seems to be popular with it's charming design.
ATK +3%
Increases Physical Damage against Players by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
19747.png C. Tha Despero Mask (19747) A mask worn by the despair of Thanatos. It seems very popular of its cute design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
436004.png Thanatos's Despero Mask [1] (436004) The mask worn by Thanatos' despair. It seems to be popular with its charming design.
ATK +3%
Increases Physical Damage against Players by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
19747.png C. Tha Despero Mask (19747) A mask worn by the despair of Thanatos. It seems very popular of its cute design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5207.png Angel Blessing (5207) A dazzling beautiful golden ring which is blessed by an angel. It is given to a great believer.
LUK +1
Decreases damage taken from Holy elemental attacks by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19749.png C. Gold Spirit Chain (19749) A splendid soul ring with angel's blessing given to sincere believers.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5205.png Emperor's Laurel Crown (5205) An honorable Laurel Wreath that was given to a winner by an emperor of some country in ancient days.
All Basic Stats +1
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Maya<INFO>m_crafting,49,132,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
19774.png C. Emperor Wreath (19774) A laurel wreath used for the coronation of the emperor. It symbolizes glory and victory.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5058.png Drooping Cat (5058) A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF +15
Increases resistance against Curse status by 30%.
Available at: Crafting NPC <NAVI>Educated Traveler<INFO>morocc,273,79,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19782.png C. Drooping Cat (19782) A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2241.png Grampa Beard (2241) A white colored moustache, symbol of experience and well aged sophistication.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19783.png C. Grampa Beard (19783) A white colored moustache, symbol of experience and well aged sophistication.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5127.png Morrigane's Helm (5127) A helm that was once owned by Morrigan, the goddess of war.
LUK +2
ATK +3
When equipped with Morrigane's Manteau, Morrigane's Pendant and Morrigane's Belt:
STR +2
LUK +9
ATK +18
CRI +13
Perfect Dodge +13
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 61
19784.png C. Morrigane's Helm (19784) A helm that was once owned by Morrigan, the goddess of war.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400053.png Illusion Morrigane's Helm [1] (400053) A helm that was once owned by Morrigan, the goddess of war.
STR +5
CRI +5
Refine Level +7:
ATK +50
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%.
When equipped with Illusion Morrigane's Manteau, Illusion Morrigane's Pendant and Illusion Morrigane's Belt:
STR +5
ATK +10%
CRI +5
MaxHP +10%, MaxSP +10%,
Increases Physical Damage against Small size by 20%.
Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
Perfect Dodge +10, ATK +50.
Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Increases Critical Damage by 20%.
Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by 20%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 130
19784.png C. Morrigane's Helm (19784) A helm that was once owned by Morrigan, the goddess of war.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5107.png Crunch Toast (5107) A noble headgear created in the proud image of crunchy toast.
Wearing it makes you feel just like a part of a balanced breakfast.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
19785.png C. Crunch Toast (19785) A noble headgear created in the proud image of a crunchy toast. Wearing it makes you feel just like a part of a balanced breakfast.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5081.png Crown of Mistress (5081) A crown which is made after the one worn by Mistress.
INT +2
MaxSP +100
Indestructible in battle
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 75
19786.png C. Crown of Mistress (19786) A crown which is made after the one worn by Mistress.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18620.png Heart Eyepatch (18620) An eyepatch for those who would not like to look lovelier than a pirate.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 20
19788.png C. Heart Eyepatch (19788) An eyepatch for those who would not like to look lovelier than a pirate.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2245.png Sweet Gent (2245) A dark colored and very stylish hat that was popularized by smooth crooners.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
19789.png C. Sweet Gents (19789) A dark colored and very stylish hat that was popularized by smooth crooners.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2206.png Wedding Veil (2206) A transparent veil worn by brides on the day of their wedding.
Class Restrictions:
Female Only;
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19790.png C. Veil (19790) A transparent veil worn by brides on the day of their wedding.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5086.png Alarm Mask (5086) A mask which resembles the face of an Alarm monster.
Increases resistance against Blind status by 50%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19791.png C. Alarm Mask (19791) A mask which resembles the face of an Alarm monster.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19090.png Alarm Mask [1] (19090) A mask which resembles the face of an Alarm monster.
Increases resistance against Blind status by 25%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19791.png C. Alarm Mask (19791) A mask which resembles the face of an Alarm monster.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5087.png Poker Face (5087) A mask with a blank expression on it.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19792.png C. Poker Face (19792) A mask with a blank expression on it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5088.png Surprised Mask (5088) A mask with a surprised expression on it.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19793.png C. Surprised Mask (19793) A mask with a surprised expression on it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5089.png Annoyed Mask (5089) A mask with an annoyed expression on it.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19794.png C. Annoyed Mask (19794) A mask with an annoyed expression on it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5007.png Grand Circlet (5007) An exquisitely made circlet, typically worn by rulers or gentry.
STR +1
INT +1
LUK +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 55
19795.png C. Grand Circlet (19795) An exquisitely made circlet, typically worn by rulers or gentry.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5017.png Bone Helm (5017) An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone.
Increases damage taken from Shadow elemental attacks by 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman and Merchant
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 70
19796.png C. Bone Helm (19796) An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5162.png Bone Helm [1] (5162) An incredibly heavy helmet, constructed of solid bone, that makes it nearly impenetrable.
Increases damage taken from Shadow elemental attacks by 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman and Merchant
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 70
19796.png C. Bone Helm (19796) An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18733.png TE Woe Bone Helm (18733) Rental Item
*Effects in WoE TE area
ATK +10
Increases Physical Damage against player by 20%.
Increases resistance against Frozen Status by 25%.
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman and Merchant
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 40
19796.png C. Bone Helm (19796) An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2285.png Apple of Archer (2285) A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top of a friend's head, from a long distance.
DEX +3
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 30
19797.png C. Apple of Archer (19797) A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top of a friend's head, from a long distance.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19210.png Illusion Apple of Archer [1] (19210) A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top of a friend's head, from a long distance.
DEX +3
For each 2 Refine Levels:
DEX +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 99
19797.png C. Apple of Archer (19797) A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top of a friend's head, from a long distance.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5113.png Angry Snarl (5113) A headgear that finally allows its wearer into express inner rage or slight disgust.
Breathe new life into your Bunny and Kitty Band by looking like an angry kitty. Or bunny.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
19798.png C. Angry Snarl (19798) A headgear that finally allows its wearer into express inner rage or slight disgust.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2246.png Golden Gear (2246) A helmet forged from pure gold which blocks attacks effectively, but is also unaffordable.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 90
Required Level: 40
19799.png C. Golden Gear (19799) A helmet forged from pure gold which blocks attacks effectively, but is also unaffordable.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5159.png Golden Gear [1] (5159) A gaudy helmet forged from pure gold that effectively provides more defense for a really, really high price.
Indestructible in battle
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 90
Required Level: 40
19799.png C. Golden Gear (19799) A helmet forged from pure gold which blocks attacks effectively, but is also unaffordable.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5421.png Ears Of Ifrit (5421) A headgear which imitates ears of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire.
STR +1
INT +1
Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by 3%.
Increases damage of Bash and Magnum Break by 4%.
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 3%.
Increases damage taken from Water elemental attacks by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trapped Demoness<INFO>m_crafting,99,134,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 50
19810.png C. Ears of Ifrit (19810) This headgear is the figuration of soul of fire Lfrit's Ear. It looks hot but when you equip, it's not at all.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19128.png Ears Of Ifrit [1] (19128) A headgear which imitates ears of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire.
STR +1
INT +1
Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by 3%.
Increases damage of Bash and Magnum Break by 4%.
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 3%.
Increases damage taken from Water elemental attacks by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 30
19810.png C. Ears of Ifrit (19810) This headgear is the figuration of soul of fire Lfrit's Ear. It looks hot but when you equip, it's not at all.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19268.png Gigant Snake Breath (19268) A model depicting the fire that the giant snake is emitting
Just wearing it makes me feel like a giant snake.
Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by 1%.
When equipped with Giant Faceworm Snake Skin/Giant Faceworm Snake Skin[1]:
For each 20 base STR:
ATK +5
For each 20 base AGI:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 3%.
For each 20 base VIT:
Increases Neutral elemental resistance by 1%.
For each 20 base INT:
Decreased Variable Casting Time by 4%.
For each 20 base DEX:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
For each 20 base LUK:
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trapped Demoness<INFO>m_crafting,99,134,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19817.png C. Ifrit's Breath (19817) A fire-breathing machine, Its blazing forever
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5671.png Drooping Incarnation of Morocc [1] (5671) An unusually cute doll of the usually hideous Incarnation of Morocc monster.
When killing enemy with Physical or Magical Damages, restores SP by 2.
Random chance to inflict Level 2 Critical Wound on attacker when receiving physical damage.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Prity<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 70
19818.png C. Drooping Morocc Minion (19818) A scary bloody rag doll.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5367.png Yao Jun Hat [1] (5367) A monster Hyegun's hat. It looks nasty and tattered but it has better defense than what you thought.
Decreases damage taken from Demon race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 10
19821.png C. Hyegun Hat (19821) A monster Hyegun's hat. It looks nasty and tattered but it has better defense than what you thought.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5766.png Amistr Cap [1] (5766) Smooth fluffy cap inspired by Homunculus Amistr.
VIT +1
Random chance to auto-cast Level 5 Pierce when dealing physical damage.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
VIT +1
When equipped with Romantic Leaf:
Reflects physical damage by 1%.
For each 2 Refine Levels of Amistr Cap:
Reflects physical damage by 1%.
When equipped with Romantic Flower:
MaxSP +20
For each 2 Refine Levels of Amistr Cap:
MaxSP +10
When equipped with Scarlet Rose:
For each Refine Level of Amistr Cap:
MATK +1%
ATK +1%.
(Limited to +10 Refine Level)
When equipped with Crunch Toast:
MaxHP +100
Refine Level of Amistr Cap is +7 or higher:
MaxHP +100
Refine Level of Amistr Cap is +9 or higher:
MaxHP +200
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Newoz<INFO>m_crafting,77,87,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19827.png C. Amistr Cap (19827) A hat shaped like Homunculus Amistr.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5114.png Bucket Hat (5114) A trendy hat whose design is based on the old style hats that used to be worn by men enlisted in the military.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19828.png C. Fedora (19828) A hat worn by old soldiers.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5120.png Bucket Hat [1] (5120) A trendy hat whose design is based on the old style hats that used to be worn by men enlisted in the military.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19828.png C. Fedora (19828) A hat worn by old soldiers.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5062.png Straw Hat (5062) A hat knitted together with straw.
AGI +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 50
19829.png C. Straw Hat (19829) A straw hat for the hot summer. You might want to cut the grass and celebrate the harvest with wearing this.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5035.png Poring Hat (5035) A hat created in the form of the Poring monster.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 70
Required Level: 38
19832.png C. Poring Hat (19832) A hat shaped like the popular monster poring! It is not made by rubber.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2250.png Cute Ribbon (2250) A small, decorative ribbon for the head.
MaxSP +20
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19833.png C. Cute Ribbon (19833) A small, decorative ribbon for the head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5374.png Gigantic Majestic Goat (5374) A headgear forged from the horns of the Unsealed Baphomet.
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 12%.
Increases ATK depending on the wearer's job Level.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
19836.png C. Large Majestic Horns (19836) A headgear made from the huge horns.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18724.png Gigantic Majestic Goat [1] (18724) A headgear forged from the horns of the Unsealed Baphomet.
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 12%.
Increases ATK depending on the wearer's job Level.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
19836.png C. Large Majestic Horns (19836) A headgear made from the huge horns.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2213.png Kitty Band (2213) A hairband that gives one the appearance of having ears like a cat.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19843.png C. Kitty Band (19843) A hair band that gives one the appearance of having ears like a cat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2222.png Turban (2222) A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19844.png C. Turban (19844) A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2223.png Turban [1] (2223) A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19844.png C. Turban (19844) A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5042.png Bao Bao (5042) Well-known item which has been rumored to have been worn by a great woman warrior in ancient times.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 15
Required Level: 14
19845.png C. Bao Bao (19845) Well-known item which has been rumored to have been worn by a great woman warrior in ancient times.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5043.png Opera Phantom Mask (5043) A mask rumored to have been worn by a romantic hero with an unknown fate.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 20
19846.png C. Opera Phantom Mask (19846) A mask rumored to have been worn by a romantic hero with an unknown fate.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19091.png Opera Phantom Mask [1] (19091) A mask rumored to have been worn by a romantic hero with an unknown fate.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 20
19846.png C. Opera Phantom Mask (19846) A mask rumored to have been worn by a romantic hero with an unknown fate.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2244.png Big Ribbon (2244) An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19847.png C. Big Ribbon (19847) An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5348.png Big Ribbon [1] (5348) An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19847.png C. Big Ribbon (19847) An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5046.png Bongun Hat (5046) A hat worn by Bongun the monster. For some reason, there's an amulet which has been torn in half.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19850.png C. Bongun Hat (19850) A hat worn by the Bongun monster. For some reason, there's an amulet which has been torn in half.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5168.png Bongun Hat [1] (5168) A hat worn by Bongun the monster, but for some reason, its amulet has been torn in half.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
19850.png C. Bongun Hat (19850) A hat worn by the Bongun monster. For some reason, there's an amulet which has been torn in half.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5059.png Teddybear Hat (5059) A hat made to look like a teddy bear's face. It makes a nice present.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 50
19851.png C. Teddybear Hat (19851) A hat made to look like a teddy bear's face. It makes a nice present.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5111.png Galapago Cap (5111) A cute looking cap that makes its wearer look just like Galapago the penguin and the rim, which looks like a beak, actually blocks UV rays.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Anodyne.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 55
19852.png C. Galapago Cap (19852) A cute looking cap that makes its wearer look just like Galapago the penguin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5664.png Filir's Pinions (5664) A cute headgear made in the form of Filir's wings, the most popular bird-like homunclus.
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 70
19853.png C. Filir Wings (19853) With the most popular new Filir homunculus, has created a beautiful headgear shaped wings.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5057.png Black Cat Ears (5057) A hairband with tiny little black ears attached. It's a copy of the hairband of Wickebine in Morocc.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 45
19854.png C. Ears of Black Cat (19854) Black and small cat shaped hardband. It looks like Wickebine from Moroc, but is would not move at all.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5064.png Smokie Leaf (5064) A leaf which rumored to be worn by the Smokie monster for transformations.
Available at: Crafting NPC <NAVI>Educated Traveler<INFO>morocc,273,79,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19858.png C. Smokie Leaf (19858) A leaf which rumored to be worn by the Smokie monster for transformations.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5041.png Heart Hairpin (5041) A cute hairpin with a heart attached to it. Makes its wearer look adorable and charming.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19861.png C. Heart Hairpin (19861) A cute hairpin with a heart attached to it. Makes its wearer look adorable and charming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5066.png Succubus Horn (5066) A headgear which resembles the horns of Succubus.
INT +1
MDEF +10
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 70
19862.png C. Succubus Horn (19862) A headgear which resembles the horns of Succubus.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5072.png Incubus Horn (5072) A headgear which resembles the horns of Incubus.
AGI +1
MDEF +10
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 70
19863.png C. Incubus Horn (19863) A headgear which resembles the horns of Incubus.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5003.png Joker Jester (5003) A comical hat worn by clowns and jesters that is rumored to protect its wearer from magic.
LUK +2
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19865.png C. Joker Jester (19865) A comical hat worn by clowns and jesters that is rumored to protect its wearer from magic.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2295.png Blinkers (2295) A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping.
Prevents Blind status.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19885.png C. Blinkers (19885) A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19089.png Blinkers [1] (19089) A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping.
Increases resistance against Blind status by 50%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19885.png C. Blinkers (19885) A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2242.png Purple Glasses (2242) High quality sunglasses that effectively block glare from the sun.
Increases resistance against Blind status by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19886.png C. Glasses (purple) (19886) High quality sunglasses that effectively block glare from the sun. A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2239.png Monocle (2239) An aristrocratically stylish lense that is worn for only one eye.
When equipped with Pocket Watch and Memory Book:
MATK +7%
Increases HP and SP Recovery Rate by 15%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19887.png C. Monocle (19887) An aristocratically stylish lens that is worn for only one eye.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18874.png Monocle [1] (18874) An aristrocratically stylish lense that is worn for only one eye.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19887.png C. Monocle (19887) An aristocratically stylish lens that is worn for only one eye.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2203.png Glasses (2203) Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19888.png C. Glasses (19888) Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2204.png Glasses [1] (2204) Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19888.png C. Glasses (19888) Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5085.png Pair of Small Ribbons (5085) A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little girls.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 45
19889.png C. Small Ribbon (19889) A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little girls.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18608.png Small Ribbons [1] (18608) A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little girls.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 45
19889.png C. Small Ribbon (19889) A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little girls.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18791.png Shrine Maiden Hat [1] (18791) A ribbon once worn by a shrine maiden as she fought off hordes of demons and youkai.
Wearing it demonstrates - and rewards - your resolve to follow the same path.
Increases damage of Magnus Exorcismus by 30%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Magnus Exorcismus by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Random chance to auto-cast learned Level of Heal on wearer when receive physical or magical attack.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 1%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Alice Ishar<INFO>m_crafting,81,171,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 30
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19894.png C. Shrine Maiden Hat (19894) A ribbon once worn by a shrine maiden as she fought off hordes of demons and youkai.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18795.png Pale Moon Hat [1] (18795) A hat named after the mysterious bird that sings at night. It's song is used to cause night blindness to mask its true form in order to eat humans that stray too deep into the forest.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 5% For each Level of Lesson learned.
Refine Level +7:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 25%.
Refine Level +9:
MaxSP +200
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Karian<INFO>m_crafting,41,846,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
19892.png C. Night Sparrow Hat (19892) A hat named after the mysterious bird that sings at night.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18793.png Sorc Night Cap [1] (18793) A hat that promotes a sophisticated yet sleepy look. It once belonged to an ancient magician who was well known for her vast knowledge and lazy behaviour, to the point she was nicknamed The Great Unmoving Library.
MDEF +10
Increases damage of Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt and Lightning Bolt by 50%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases damage of Spell Fist by 25%.
Refine Level +9:
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Maheo<INFO>m_crafting,99,117,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 25
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
19895.png C. Magician's Night Cap (19895) A hat that promotes a sophisticated yet sleepy look.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2267.png Cigarette (2267) A narrow, short roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in thin paper.
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19902.png C. Cigarette (19902) A narrow, short roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in thin paper.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2289.png Poo Poo Hat (2289) A hat which looks just like fecal matter that is guaranteed to end a date on a tragic note.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 70
19913.png C. Poo Poo Hat (19913) A hat which looks just like fecal matter that is guaranteed to end a date on a tragic note.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5084.png Lazy Smokie (5084) A headgear made to look like an annoyed Smokie exhausted by the summer heat.
Increases resistance against Sleep status by 20%.
Available at: Crafting NPC <NAVI>Educated Traveler<INFO>morocc,273,79,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19931.png C. Lazy Smokie (19931) A headgear made to look like an annoyed Smokie exhausted by the summer heat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5073.png Model Training Hat (5073) A headgear made of a book topped with an apple. Wear it to learn glamourous posture.
DEX +2
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 70
19932.png C. Model Training Hat (19932) A headgear made of a book topped with an apple. Wear it to learn glamourous posture.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2284.png Antlers (2284) A set of deer antlers that humans, finally, can proudly wear.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19939.png C. Antlers (19939) A set of deer antlers that humans, finally, can proudly wear.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2283.png Ear Muffs (2283) Ear coverings, linked by a headband, that protect the wearer's ears from the cold.
Decreases damage taken from Curse status by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
19941.png C. Ear Muffs (19941) Costume hat to protect your ears from noise or cold.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19033.png Ancient Decoration of Rift [1] (19033) A hairband obtained from infinite space that emanating strange aura.
MaxHP +1000
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP +400
Refine Level +9:
MaxHP +600

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
19942.png C. Orchid Hairband (19942) A hair band made by orchid and it smells like a scent of a flower.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400137.png Paradise Cap (400137) A cap given to members of the Paradise Group.
ATK +5
For each 5 Base Level:
ATK +2 (Up to Base Level 100)
Base Level at least 30:
ATK +5
Base Level at least 45:
ATK +10
Base Level at least 85:
ATK +15

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 10
19953.png C. Parade Cap (19953) A hat brings happy feeling as much to hold a parade unconsciously.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400138.png Paradise Hat (400138) A hat given to members of the Paradise Group.
For each 5 Base Level:
MATK +2 (Up to Base Level 100)
Base Level at least 30:
Base Level at least 45:
MATK +10
Base Level at least 85:
MATK +15

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 10
19953.png C. Parade Cap (19953) A hat brings happy feeling as much to hold a parade unconsciously.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400139.png Advanced Paradise Luxury Cap (400139) A high-quality cap given to members of the Paradise Group.
ATK +60
Physical attacks have a certain chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as HP.
Physical attacks have a certain chance to absorb 2% of the inflicted damage as SP.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 100
19953.png C. Parade Cap (19953) A hat brings happy feeling as much to hold a parade unconsciously.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400140.png Advanced Paradise Hat (400140) A high-quality cap given to members of the Paradise Group.
MATK +60
Magical attacks have a certain chance to recover 350 HP every second for 4 seconds.
Magical attacks have a certain chance to recover 80 SP every second for 4 seconds.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 100
19953.png C. Parade Cap (19953) A hat brings happy feeling as much to hold a parade unconsciously.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5788.png 3D Glasses (5788) A mysterious pair of glasses that can help you see in 3D. Wearer's job affects the bonus given.
When equipped by Swordman, Merchant, Archer, Gunslinger classes:
Increases ATK.
When equipped by Mage, Acolyte, Ninja, Soul Linker classes:
Increases MATK.
When equipped by Thief classes:
Increases FLEE.
When equipped by Novice, Super Novice Taekwondo, Star Gladiator classes:
Increases MaxHP and MaxSP.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19954.png C. 3D Glasses (19954) A mysterious glasses which shows objects in 3-dimentional.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18553.png Christmas Tree Hat (18553) A 'fashionable' Christmas Tree hat designed by Louise Carol.
Increases resistance against Blind, Stun, Curse and Confuse by 20%.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Cookie Bag.
Refine Level +7:
Cookie Bag drop rate increases by 2%.
Refine Level +9:
Cookie Bag drop rate increases by 4%.
Available at: Christmas Event

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
19955.png C. Mini Tree (19955) Direct your view up to see a small shiny christmas tree.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2236.png Santa Hat (2236) A red, pompom topped cap that is associated with Santa Claus's legend.
It brings luck and magic protection to whoever wears it.
LUK +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19982.png C. Santa Hat (19982) A red, pompom topped cap that is associated with Santa Claus's legend.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5061.png Flower Hairpin (5061) A hairpin with a red flower attached. It helps hold hair in place.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
19983.png C. Flower Hairpin (19983) A hairpin with a red flower attached. It helps hold hair in place.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5115.png Winter Hat (5115) A furry hat that is an all time favorite during the winter season.
Increases resistance against Frozen status by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19984.png C. Winter Hat (19984) A furry hat that is an all time favorite during the winter season.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5091.png Decorative Golden Bell (5091) A hair accessory which is made after Sohee's golden bell.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 35
20004.png C. Big Golden Bell (20004) It is modeled after the popular Monster Sohee's accessories, and the large drops emphasize the cuteness.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5592.png Sigrun's Wings (5592) Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
When equipped by Swordman, Merchant, Thief or Taekwon:
When equipped by Mage, Acolyte, Ninja or Soul Linker:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
When equipped by Archer or Gunslinger:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
When equipped by Novice:
MaxHP +120
MaxSP +60
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kim<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20005.png C. Sigrun's Wings (20005) The ears for costumes made from the wings of Tenma on which Valkyrie rides. If you equip it, you will feel like you have become lighter.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19085.png Sigrun's Wings [1] (19085) Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effects depending on the job of the wearer.
When equipped by Swordman, Merchant, Thief or Taekwon:
AGI -2
When equipped by Mage, Acolyte, Ninja or Soul Linker:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 1%.
When equipped by Archer or Gunslinger:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
When equipped by Novice:
MaxHP +60
MaxSP +30

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20005.png C. Sigrun's Wings (20005) The ears for costumes made from the wings of Tenma on which Valkyrie rides. If you equip it, you will feel like you have become lighter.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19263.png General's Helm [1] (19263) A helmet said to be used by a brave general.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
Refine Level +7:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
ATK +5%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Critical Damage by 15%.
For each Refine Level above +10:
Decreases fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to +15).
When equipped with Gungnir or Gungnir[2]:
For each 2 Refine Level of Gungnir:
Increases damage of Banishing Point by 7%.
When equipped with Zweihander or Zweihander[2]
For each 2 Refine Level of Zweihander:
ATK + 20
When equipped with Quadrille or Quadrille[2]:
For each 2 Refine Level of Quadrille:
Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 7%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Newoz<INFO>m_crafting,77,87,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 12
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
20008.png C. Dragon General Helm (20008) A helmet that is said to have been used by a valiant general.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5026.png Chef Hat (5026) A hat designed to cool a chef's head in a hot kitchen.
DEX +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 50
20013.png C. Chef Hat (20013) A hat for clothes made to imitate the hat worn by a great cook found in high-end restaurants.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5141.png Marionette Doll [1] (5141) A Marionette doll that gives you strange chills when you wear it on your head.
STR +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 30
20017.png C. Marionette Doll (20017) A Marionette doll that gives you strange chills when you wear it on your head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5464.png Bacsojin Doll Hat [1] (5464) A doll resembles the fairy “Baek-so-jin“.
INT +3
Increases Magical Damage against Undead race by 10%.
Random chance to transform wearer into Bacsojin when dealing or receiving magical attack.
While in transform, you will lose 10 SP per sec but you will gain more magical power.
Higher Refine Level will increase the transform duration and magical power.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Prity<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
20020.png C. Zaha Doll Hat (20020) A doll hat for costumes made in a cute way, imitating the beautiful celestial maiden, Bacsojin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5307.png Tropical Fruit Hat [1] (5307) A hat made with tropical fruits. It looks delicious.
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
ATK +15
MATK +15
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 5%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
20044.png C. Tropical Fruit Hat (20044) Costume hat made with refreshing tropical fruits. It's a decoration, so you can't eat even if you're hungry.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5511.png Samambaia [1] (5511) A circlet made of samambaia leaf.
MATK +2%
ATK +2%
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 10%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kaa<INFO>m_crafting,100,153,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20045.png C. Samambaia (20045) A circlet for costume made from leaves of Samambaia that grows in the rainforest.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5063.png Bandage (5063) A hair accessory which looks just like two bandages.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20049.png C. Giant Aid Band (20049) A hair accessory which looks just like two crossed band aids.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5012.png Ph.D Hat (5012) A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20050.png C. Ph.D Hat (20050) A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5347.png Ph.D Hat [1] (5347) A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20050.png C. Ph.D Hat (20050) A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2272.png Stop Post (2272) A signpost that declares its wearer's desire that people should stop whatever they are doing.
Causes catastrophes during wedding ceremonies.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
20051.png C. Stop Post (20051) A signpost that declares its wearer's desire that people should stop whatever they are doing. Causes catastrophes during wedding ceremonies.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18856.png W King Tiger Doll Hat (18856) A smoking tiger-shaped hat with wearing a bamboo hat.
It is originated by an old expression.
Once upon a time there lived a tiger who is smoking.
STR +2
DEX +2
Increases Physical Damage against Brute race by 10%.
Random chance to transform wearer into Eddga when dealing or receiving physical attack .
During transformation:
Drains 5 SP per sec but gains a brutal power for a while.
Both transformation rate and power are increased per each Refine Level.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
20053.png C. White Tiger King Doll Hat (20053) Hat full of the most intelligent spirit of the white tiger. Okay, but is comfortable this stuffed tiger.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5110.png Baby Pacifier (5110) A hat that looks just like a pacifier.
Wearing it really brings you back to the good old days of hanging in the crib.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
20054.png C. Pacifier (20054) An item used to shut babies up when they're crying.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2274.png Ghost Bandana (2274) A traditional Japanese headpiece associated with the afterlife.
AGI +2
Decreases damage taken from Ghost elemental attacks by 15%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20055.png C. Ghost Bandana (20055) A traditional Japanese headpiece associated with the afterlife.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5018.png Feather Bonnet (5018) A fabulous, feathered hat that turns men into womanizers and women into manizers.
AGI +1
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20057.png C. Feather Bonnet (20057) A fabulous, feathered hat that turns men into womanizers and women into manizers.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5070.png Hot-blooded Headband (5070) A headgear which symbolizes hot-blooded challenge and battle vigor.
STR +2
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20058.png C. Hot Blood Headband (20058) A headgear which symbolizes hot-blooded challenge and battle vigor.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19344.png Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1] (19344) The preparedness and will of the burning
heart were captured in one headband.
Using this makes me want to clench my fist.
STR +2
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral elemental enemies by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Physical Damage against Small and Large size by 15%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 120
20058.png C. Hot Blood Headband (20058) A headgear which symbolizes hot-blooded challenge and battle vigor.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2292.png Welding Mask (2292) A durable mask made from a fat metal plate that is usually worn by welders and Blacksmiths.
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 50
20059.png C. Welding Mask (20059) A durable mask made from a fat metal plate that is usually worn by welders and Blacksmiths.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5009.png Safety Helmet (5009) A durable safety helmet created to offer some protection from accidents.
Indestructible in battle
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
20060.png C. Construction Helmet (20060) A durable safety helmet created to offer some protection from accidents.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2265.png Gangster Mask (2265) This mask marked with an “X“ is a popular fashion item for bonafide street toughs.
Increases resistance against Silence status by 15%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20061.png C. Demo Mask (20061) This mask marked with an “X“ is a popular fashion item for bonafide street toughs.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2210.png Hairband (2210) A simple hairband that holds hair in place quite neatly.
It's a very cute look for girls, but dudes, on the other hand...

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20073.png C. Hair Band (20073) A simple hair band that holds hair in place quite neatly. It's a very cute look for girls, but dudes, on the other hand.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2216.png Biretta (2216) A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20074.png C. Biretta (20074) A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2217.png Biretta [1] (2217) A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20074.png C. Biretta (20074) A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18541.png Little Feather Hat [1] (18541) A soft feathered archer's cap that gives you that dash of Errol Flynn flair.
DEX +2
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
When equipped with Sharp Arrow:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.

Refine Level of Little Feather Hat is +7 or higher:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
When equipped with +10 Falken Blitz[2]:
Decreases Variable Casting Time of Sharp Shooting by 50%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 30
20075.png C. Little Feather Hat (20075) A winged hat used for hunters and adventurers who wears small and light clothing.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5015.png Egg Shell (5015) A peculiar hat that makes it wearer look freshly hatched.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20090.png C. Egg Shell (20090) The decorative surface on the head is quite solid with a shiny surface. There are rumors that when worn, they may be mistaken for someone with certain physical conditions.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5055.png Novice False Eggshell (5055) An exclusive helmet for new adventurers.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 0.1
20090.png C. Egg Shell (20090) The decorative surface on the head is quite solid with a shiny surface. There are rumors that when worn, they may be mistaken for someone with certain physical conditions.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2268.png Pipe (2268) A Refined, wooden pipe used for smoking high quality tobacco.
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All classes except except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20091.png C. Smoking Pipe (20091) Smoke in moderation or not at all. No one's choice but yours.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2252.png Wizard Hat (2252) A mystic hat, made specifically for wizards, which amplifies pyschic power.
MaxSP +100
Class Restrictions:
Magician and Soul Linker classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20093.png C. Wizard Hat (20093) A mystic hat, made specifically for wizards, which amplifies pyschic power.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5380.png Fish Head Hat (5380) A gaping fish head fashioned into a hat.
A nasty stench is released whenever it opens its mouth.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Frost Weapon when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
20105.png C. Fish Head (20105) A fish hat with a mouth open. It looks fishy every time I open my mouth.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18664.png Stunner Shades (18664) Fashion item with strong identity. Be a fashionista and do not mind what others say.
Increases resistance against Stun and Frozen status by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 20
20108.png C. Blind Glasses (20108) Light-shielding glass for costumes used during hunting.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2290.png Funeral Hat (2290) Traditional Korean headdress worn during funeral ceremonies by the bereaved family and close friends.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20114.png C. Funeral Hat (20114) Traditional Korean headdress worn during funeral ceremonies by the bereaved family and close friends.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5024.png Cake Hat (5024) A birthday cake replica that won't fit a Dancer inside, but it's almost just as much fun to wear it on top of your head. Almost.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
20118.png C. Cake Hat (20118) A birthday cake replica that won't fit a Dancer inside, but it's almost just as much fun to wear it on top of your head. Almost.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5076.png Beanie (5076) A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and gives other wearers street cred.
LUK +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 35
20119.png C. Beanie (white) (20119) A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and gives other wearers street cred.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5011.png Antenna (5011) A mysterious object, possibly a device, that was discovered in the depths of the ocean.
Nobody knows what it is.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20120.png C. Antenna (20120) A mysterious object, possibly a device, that was discovered in the depths of the ocean. Nobody knows what it is.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2276.png Angled Glasses (2276) A pair of glasses with lenses that are angled up and outward.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20123.png C. Angled Glasses (20123) Eyeglasses for clothes made in the shape of an eye with greatly raised outer corners of the eyes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2291.png Butterfly Mask (2291) A black leather mask, shaped like butterfly wings.
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20124.png C. Butterfly Mask (20124) Butterfly-shaped glasses for costumes made of black leather.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19132.png Butterfly Mask [1] (19132) A black leather mask, shaped like butterfly wings.
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20124.png C. Butterfly Mask (20124) Butterfly-shaped glasses for costumes made of black leather.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2260.png Mini Glasses (2260) Glasses worn by true sophisticates.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20125.png C. Mini Glasses (20125) Small glasses on the nose strongly enhance the academic atmosphere, but some people make them look like dormitory teachers...
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
436002.png Thanatos's Odium Mask (436002) The mask used by Thanatos' hatred. He had a defense that did not go well with his charming appearance.
MaxHP +5%
Decreases Damage taken from Players by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
20126.png C. Odium Thanatos Mask (20126) Mask for the costume worn by the hatred of Tanatos. It has a charming design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
436003.png Thanatos's Odium Mask [1] (436003) The mask used by Thanatos' hatred. He had a defense that did not go well with his charming appearance.
MaxHP +5%
Decreases Damage taken from Players by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
20126.png C. Odium Thanatos Mask (20126) Mask for the costume worn by the hatred of Tanatos. It has a charming design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
410013.png EXP Advisor [1] (410013) It helps you to accumulate more experience points through advice.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%.
Activates additional effects by using the EXP Overclocker.
EXP Overclocker can be obtained from
by using Nyangvine Fruit or Zeny.
This item cannot receive additional enchantment from [Piercing Brosnan].
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Roby<INFO>m_crafting,44,121,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
20131.png C. Clock Tower Manager Incom (20131) Income for the costume that the head part of the clock tower administrator was fashionably designed.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19439.png Vicious Mind Aura (19439) Unknown energy surrounds the body.
When equipped with Fallen Warrior Manteau[1]:
For each 30 base STR:
ATK +5
For each 30 base AGI:
Increases Attack Speed by 3%.
For each 30 base VIT:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 4%.
For each 30 base INT:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 8%.
For each 30 base DEX:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
For each 30 base LUK:
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
20132.png C. Vicious Mind Aura (20132) Unknown aura that wrapped your body.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
2279.png Bomb Wick (2279) A wick-like ornament worn on top of the head for a dangerous look.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20137.png C. Bomb Wick (20137) A wick-like ornament worn on top of the head for a dangerous look.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5078.png Sea-Otter Hat (5078) A hat which looks like the face of a sea-otter.
VIT +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 50
20138.png C. Sea Otter Hat (20138) A hat which looks like the face of a sea-otter.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5006.png Machoman's Glasses (5006) 70's tough guy style sunglasses that give its wearer a manly swagger.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Argus<INFO>m_crafting,43,61,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20142.png C. Machoman Glasses (20142) 70's tough guy style sunglasses that give its wearer a manly swagger.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19092.png Machoman's Glasses [1] (19092) 70's tough guy style sunglasses that give its wearer a manly swagger.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 10
20142.png C. Machoman Glasses (20142) 70's tough guy style sunglasses that give its wearer a manly swagger.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19087.png Angel Spirit [1] (19087) A golden mask rumored to be worn by some ancient Goddess.
STR +1
HIT +8

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20146.png C. Angel Spirit (20146) A golden mask rumored to be worn by some ancient Goddess.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5469.png Musketeer Hat [1] (5469) “One for all and all for one“ is inscribed on the inside of this extravagant hat.
DEX +3
Refine Level +7:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 60
20148.png C. Musketeer Hat (red) (20148) “One for all and all for one“ is inscribed on the inside of this extravagant hat.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
18676.png Hexagon Spectacles (18676) A pair of glasses that was worn by a famous entomologist.
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 5%.
Decreases magical damage taken from Insect race by 4%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
20149.png C. Hexagon Glasses (20149) Glasses for costumes that are said to have been used by a famous insect researcher.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5065.png Blue Fish (5065) A headgear which looks just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the same smell!
Increases Physical Damage against Fish race by 10%.
Available at: Crafting NPC <NAVI>Educated Traveler<INFO>morocc,273,79,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 50
20157.png C. Blue Fish (20157) A headgear that looks just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the same smell!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2232.png Circlet (2232) A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful magic.
Class Restrictions:
Magician, Acolyte and Soul Linker
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20158.png C. Circlet (20158) A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful magic.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2233.png Circlet [1] (2233) A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful magic.
Class Restrictions:
Magician, Acolyte and Soul Linker
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20158.png C. Circlet (20158) A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful magic.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5052.png Blue Hairband (5052) A blue colored hair band worn with a rakish slant.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 15
20159.png C. Blue Hairband (20159) A blue colored hair band worn with a rakish slant.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2261.png Army Cap (2261) A squad cap issued by the Prontera Military.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Merchant and Thief classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
20161.png C. Army Cap (20161) A squad cap issued by the Prontera Military.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18616.png Long Tongue (18616) Your parents forgot to tell you that sticking your tongue out at people was rude and this is the result. Sometimes you just gotta be you!
Available at: Source
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 20
20169.png C. Long Tongue (20169) A long tongue for costumes that makes you feel like you can talk at a great speed.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5008.png Puppy Love (5008) A wreath of wildflowers made by a woman in love.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20178.png C. Puppy Love (20178) A wreath of wildflowers made by a woman in love.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5117.png Mystic Rose (5117) A hat that looks just like a white rose which enhances the beauty of its wearer.
Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 2%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20181.png C. Mystic Rose (20181) A hat that looks just like a white rose which enhances the beauty of its wearer.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5039.png Rainbow Eggshell (5039) A mysteriously colorful egg shell.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 19
20182.png C. Rainbow Eggshell (20182) A mysteriously colorful egg shell.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5060.png Party Hat (5060) A festive hat for celebrations and any kind of party.
LUK +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20184.png C. Party Hat (20184) A festive hat for celebrations and any kind of party.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5047.png Fashionable Glasses (5047) A pair of fashionable sunglasses.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20185.png C. Fashionable Glasses (20185) Sunglasses for costumes that are more powerful than you can imagine in terms of a refreshing feeling of wear and the effect of focusing your eyes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5122.png Magni's Cap (5122) Once owned by Magni, son of Thor, the wearer of this cap is supposedly granted a measure of Magni's awesome might.
STR +2
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 65
20186.png C. Magni's Cap (20186) Once owned by Magni, son of Thor, the wearer of this cap is supposedly granted a measure of Magni's awesome might.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5124.png Fricca's Circlet (5124) A circlet blessed by Freya, mother of Baldur.
INT +2
MDEF +10
MaxSP +50
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 65
20187.png C. Fricca's Circlet (20187) A circlet blessed by Freya, mother of Baldur.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5126.png Morpheus's Bandana (5126) A bandana that is one of the three keys to the seal which binds Morpheus.
INT +2
When equipped with Morpheus's Shawl, Morpheus's Ring and Morpheus's Bracelet:
INT +5
MDEF +11
MaxSP +20%
Protects from skill cast interruption.
Increases Variable Casting Time by 25%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 33
20188.png C. Morpheus's Bandana (20188) A hood that is one of the three keys to the seal which binds Morpheus.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19428.png Illusion Morpheus's Hood [1] (19428) Hood that says that the true power of
Morphys is sealed in. Some items are
needed to unlock the seal.
INT +10,
MDEF +15,
MaxSP +20%
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
Refine Level +7:
MATK +30
Refine Level +9:
Protects from skill cast interruption.
When equipped with Illusion Morpheus's Shawl
Illusion Morpheus's Bracelet and
Illusion Morpheus's Ring:
INT +5, MaxSP +10%,
DEF +100
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Earth and Neutral element by 10%.
Refine Level of Illusion Morpheus's Hood and Illusion Morpheus's Shawl each is +7 or higher:
MATK +40
Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
MATK +40
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost, Wind and Holy element by 15%.
Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
MATK +10%
Ignores magic defense of Formless, Brute and Demon race by 50%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 130
20188.png C. Morpheus's Bandana (20188) A hood that is one of the three keys to the seal which binds Morpheus.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5128.png Goibne's Helm (5128) One of the few armors that was forged by Goibne the blacksmith.
It is said that the gods valued his armors more than the weapons he had forged.
VIT +3
When equipped with Goibne's Spaulders, Goibne's Greaves and Goibne's Armor:
VIT +5
MaxHP +15%
MaxSP +5%
DEF +5
MDEF +15
Decreases damage taken from Water, Wind, Earth and Fire elemental attacks by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 54
20189.png C. Goibne's Helm (20189) One of the few armors that was forged by Goibne the blacksmith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19366.png Illusion Goibne's Helm [1] (19366) One of Goibne's few armors which made
weapons the most. The gods rated Gebne's armor better than weapons.
VIT +3,
Refine Level +7:
VIT +5
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 12%.
When equipped with Illusion Goibne's Armor,
Illusion Goibne's Spaulder and Illusion Goibne's Greaves:
VIT +5, MaxHP +15%,
MaxSP +5% DEF +5,
MDEF +15,
Decreases damage taken from Water, Wind,
Earth and Fire elemental attacks by 10%.
Refine Level of Illusion Goibne's Armor,
Illusion Goibne's Spaulder and Illusion Goibne's Greaves each is +7 or higher:
MaxHP +10%
Total Refine Level of entire set at least +36:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.7 seconds.
Total Refine Level of entire set at least +40:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 20%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 25
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 130
20189.png C. Goibne's Helm (20189) One of the few armors that was forged by Goibne the blacksmith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19308.png Amistr Beret [1] (19308) A beret made from the ear of Amistr.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
MATK +10
Refine Level +7:
Decreases variable casting time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +3%
ATK +5%
For each Refine Level above +10:
Decreases fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to +15).
When equipped with Holy Stick:
MATK +10
For each 2 Refine Level of Holy Stick:
Increases damage of Adoramus by 30%.
When equipped with Wondrous Foxtail Staff:
For each 2 Refine Level of Wondrous Foxtail Staff:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 5%.
When equipped with Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [Blue]:
For each 2 Refine Level of Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [Blue]:
Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 10%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Tomas<INFO>m_crafting,61,78,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20197.png C. Amistr Beret (20197) A beret modeled after the ear of Amistr.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18522.png Evil Marching Hat [1] (18522) A dark marching hat worn by members of an undead band from Niffleheim.
STR +2
Increases physical damage against all classes by 2%
Refine Level +7:
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases physical damage against all classes by 5%
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Scammy<INFO>m_crafting,62,150,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
20199.png C. Evil Marching Hat (20199) A dark marching hat worn by members of an undead band from Niffleheim.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2211.png Bandana (2211) A common, ivory colored bandana.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20203.png C. Bandana (20203) A common, ivory colored bandana.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2207.png Fancy Flower (2207) A floral decoration used to adorn the head.
Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20205.png C. Fancy Flower (20205) A floral decoration used to adorn the head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19247.png Illusion Fancy Flower [1] (19247) It is a flower that is inserted in the head.
Beautiful mid-range flowers give viewers pleasure,
but they do not see themselves.
MATK +1%
For each Refine Level:

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 120
20205.png C. Fancy Flower (20205) A floral decoration used to adorn the head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5049.png Striped Hairband (5049) A striped hair band which is good for preventing hair from covering the eyes.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 15
20207.png C. Striped Hairband (20207) A striped hair band which is good for preventing hair from covering the eyes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19086.png Robo Eyes [1] (19086) A weird item that spreads a strange-shaped beam around the eyes. It seems to have been made in outer space.
DEX +1
MATK +1%
Increases physical damage against all classes by 1%

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
20213.png C. Robo Eyes (20213) Costume equipment that imitates the evil eye of Giant Frungnir who fought with Thor, the thunder god.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18599.png Black Devil's Mask (18599) A grotesque headgear which covers a half of a person's face. But don't you worry. The part of eyes are open so you can see well.
All Basic Stats +2
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20215.png C. Black Devil Mask (20215) A mask with a strange shape that covers half of the face. It seems that the field of view is somehow secured.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18603.png Black Devil's Mask [1] (18603) A grotesque headgear which covers a half of a person's face. But don't you worry. The part of eyes are open so you can see well.
All Basic Stats +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20215.png C. Black Devil Mask (20215) A mask with a strange shape that covers half of the face. It seems that the field of view is somehow secured.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5208.png Rideword Hat [1] (5208) A hat designed to mimic the look of a terrible magic book which attacks people.
Random chance to absorb 8% physical damage inflicted into HP.
Random chance to absorb 4% physical damage inflicted into SP.
Drains 10 HP every 5 seconds while equipped.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Floating Book<INFO>m_crafting,70,165,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 40
20216.png C. Rideword Hat (20216) A hat for a costume made with reference to the shape of a terrifying book that attacks people.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19249.png Spell Circuit [1] (19249) The magic circle that imaged the property.
It feels like you can use a powerful magic just to wear it.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK + 20
Refine Level +7:
Decreases variable casting time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Wind, Earth and Fire element by 10%.
For each Refine Level above +10:
Decreases fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to +15).
When equipped with Mental Stick:
Every 2 Refine Level of Mental Stick:
Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 5%.
When equipped with Kronos:
Every 2 Refine Level of Kronos
Increases damage of Hell Inferno by 10%.
When equipped with Mikatsuki or Raksasa Dagger:
Decreases variable casting time as percent equal to Refine Level of Mikatsuki or Raksasa Dagger.
Every 2 Refine Level of Mikatsuki or Raksasa Dagger:
Increases damage of Flaming Petals, Freezing Spear and Wind Blade by 5%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Maheo<INFO>m_crafting,99,117,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20218.png C. Spell Circuit (20218) A magic circle that images attributes. I feel like I can use powerful magic just by wearing it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2270.png Romantic Leaf (2270) A slender leaf that is placed in the mouth for a seductive look.
Decreases damage taken from Plant race by 3%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20223.png C. Romantic Leaf (20223) A slender leaf that is placed in the mouth for a seductive look.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5083.png Red Ribbon (5083) A big red ribbon made in the style of the one worn by a legendary female shaman who loved nature.
MDEF +10

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 45
20224.png C. Red Tailed Ribbon (20224) Pretty red ribbon. You can feel the sweetness of love.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5134.png Pumpkin-Head (5134) Wearing this item gives you the urge to shameslessly bounce around and cackle like a Jakk.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20225.png C. Pumpkin Head (20225) A pumpkin hat for celebrating Halloween: wear it when you go trick-or-treating!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18849.png Celine's Ribbon [1] (18849) A luxurious ribbon with golden border, has been abandoned by Kimi for a long tme ago.
DEX +3
MATK +40
For each Refine Level:
Recover 200 HP when killing enemy with magical attack.
Drain 50 HP every 5 second when equipped.
Enchantable: Yes

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20232.png C. Celines Ribbon (20232) Had been abandoned by Kimi.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5121.png Zealotus Mask (5121) This mask, which is symbolic of Zealotus, mistress of the Glast Heim Underground Prison.
Makes its wearer feel like looking down on normal human peons.
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 5%.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 70
20244.png C. Zealotus Mask (red) (20244) This mask, which is symbolic of Zealotus, mistress of the Glast Heim Underground Prison.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
2294.png Stellar (2294) A small, star shaped hairclip that makes a great present for ladies.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20260.png C. Stardust (20260) A small, star shaped hairclip that makes a great present for ladies.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18754.png Blood Sucker (18754) Cursed mask inspired by creepy vampire fang. It can drains life.
Random chance to absorb 5% physical damage against target as HP.
Disables HP and SP Recovery Rate.
Available at: Source
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Floating Book<INFO>m_crafting,70,165,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 40
20264.png C. Blood Sucker (20264) A mask for a costume that imitates the vampire's fearless fangs. I feel that my fangs can absorb the vitality of the opponent.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2253.png Sunflower (2253) Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower.
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20271.png C. Sunflower (20271) Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5351.png Sunflower [1] (5351) Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower.
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20271.png C. Sunflower (20271) Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2257.png Unicorn Horn (2257) A pristinely white horn worn on the forehead that makes one look like a unicorn.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20272.png C. Unicorn Horn (20272) A pristinely white horn worn on the forehead that makes one look like a unicorn.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5574.png Well-Chewed Pencil (5574) A popular snack while taking tests. It makes one look more studious but, its days may be numbered if it stays in somebody's mouth any longer.
HIT +3
When equipped with Model Training Hat:
DEX +2
DEF +2
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 10
20280.png C. Well-Chewed Pencil (20280) A pencil for clothes that I've chewed when I was concentrated. Be careful of the sharp core!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5659.png Sleeper Hat (5659) A baby Sleeper monster from the Sograt desert.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Seismic Weapon when dealing physical damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
20293.png C. Sleeper Hat (20293) A costume hat that mimics the appearance of a monster sleeper, such as those found in Juno Field.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19117.png Poring Sunglasses (19117) Sunglasses shaped like Poring. This is the season item for your fashion.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases items drop rate by 5%.
When equipped with Angel Poring Boots:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases items drop rate by 5%.

Refine Level +12:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.4 seconds.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20295.png C. Poring Sunglasses (20295) Cute Poring-shaped pink sunglasses. It can protect your eyes from sunshines and even look cute.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19118.png Poring Sunglasses+ [1] (19118) Sunglasses shaped like Poring. This is the season item for your fashion.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 4%.
Increases items drop rate by 4%.
When equipped with Angel Poring Boots:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 4%.
Increases items drop rate by 4%.

When Refine Level of Angel Poring Boots is +12 or higher:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.4 seconds.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20295.png C. Poring Sunglasses (20295) Cute Poring-shaped pink sunglasses. It can protect your eyes from sunshines and even look cute.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5399.png Mandragora Cap [1] (5399) A Mandragora has bloomed on this hat. Don't even think about plucking the flower!
VIT +3
Random chance to auto-cast Level 5 Scream when receiving physical damage.
Class Restrictions:
Transcendent 2nd classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 85
20303.png C. Mandragora Cap (20303) A Mandragora has bloomed on this hat. Don't even think about plucking the flower!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5033.png Raccoon Hat (5033) A hat created in the form of Smokie the Raccoon Monster.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 90
Required Level: 50
20304.png C. Raccoon Hat (20304) A hat created in the form of Smokie the Raccoon Monster.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19126.png Shadow Booster [1] (19126) A tool that can control the brain wave to amplify their skills.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20311.png C. Magical Booster (20311) A booster developed and discovered in Juperos ruins that raise magical power. Its made from unknown material.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19241.png Magical Booster [1] (19241) A tool that amplifies your ability to control your brain waves.
It is possible to attach the amplification chip to give the ability.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20311.png C. Magical Booster (20311) A booster developed and discovered in Juperos ruins that raise magical power. Its made from unknown material.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
18666.png Foreign CD In Mouth (18666) It feels as if massive data stored in compact disc is absorbed into the brain through the mouth.
Random chance to auto-cast various Level 3 Magician skills on the target when dealing physical damage.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Aster John<INFO>m_crafting,80,164,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
20313.png C. CD in Mouth (20313) Costume equipment that imitates a disc that can record various electronic data.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420003.png CD in Mouth (420003) It feels like a lot of data in the compact disc is passing through my mouth and into my brain.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 10 Soul Strike when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
When equipped with Old Parasol:
MATK +50
Random chance to auto-cast Level 3 Gravitation Field when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
20313.png C. CD in Mouth (20313) Costume equipment that imitates a disc that can record various electronic data.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
18711.png Electric Sunglass (18711) A sunglasses that give futuristic feeling.
Available at: Source
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 20
20314.png C. New Wave Sunglasses (20314) A sunglasses that give futuristic feeling.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18813.png New Wave Sunglasses (18813) A sunglasses that give futuristic feeling.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Vincent<INFO>main_office,38,279,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 30
20314.png C. New Wave Sunglasses (20314) A sunglasses that give futuristic feeling.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19181.png New Wave Sunglasses [1] (19181) A sunglasses that gives futuristic feel.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 30
20314.png C. New Wave Sunglasses (20314) A sunglasses that give futuristic feeling.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19245.png Crimson Booster [1] (19245) A tool that amplifies your ability to control your brain waves.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
20319.png C. Crimson Booster (20319) A costume booster with an impressive red coloring. It's a design that looks a lot like a magical booster, but it's unclear what it was designed for.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2275.png Red Bandana (2275) A boldly red bandana that was possibly left over from the 80's.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20320.png C. Red Bandana (20320) A boldly red bandana that was possibly left over from the 80's.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5067.png Sombrero (5067) A traditional Mexican hat with a wide, round brim.
AGI +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 35
20330.png C. Sombrero (20330) A traditional Mexican hat with a wide, round brim.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18682.png Teardrop (18682) An accessory attached below eye.
Available at: Source

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20335.png C. Teardrops (20335) Tears for clothes that can be used in a variety of situations, when you are sad, when you are happy, when you get dust in your eyes.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19095.png Happy Balloon (19095) Colorful balloons with poring image on it's surface. Kids love to hold these when on festival?
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20344.png Costume Happy Balloon (20344) Colorful balloons with poring image on its surface. Kids love to hold these when on festival.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5032.png Sunday Hat (5032) Fashionable hat with a wide brim,which is very efficient to block strong sunrays.
You might get in trouble with this hat during the rainy days.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
20348.png C. Sunday Hat (20348) Fashionable hat with a wide brim,which is very efficient to block strong sunrays.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400022.png Ignis Cap [1] (400022) A mysterious hat from Captain Ignis.
It has been modified to suit the OS weapons.
For each 2 Refine Levels
ATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increase long range physical damage by 15%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical Damage against Small and Medium size by 15%.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
When equipped with Sapphire Mace-OS,
ATK +30
For each 2 Refine Levels of Sapphire Mace-OS:
Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 4%.
When equipped with Virtual Bow-OS,
Decreases Arrow Storm skill cooldown by 2.5 seconds.

For each 2 Refine Levels of Virtual Bow-OS:
Increase long range physical damage by 7%.
When equipped with Blasti-OS,
MaxHP +5%

For each 2 Refine Levels of Blasti-OS:
Decreases Damage taken from Small size by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 130
20375.png C. Ignis Cap (20375) Desc
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18508.png Garuda Hat [1] (18508) A hat which is very unique and rare, made from the feathers of a legendary bird Garuda.
LUK +5
HIT +10
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Decreases damage taken from all elemental attacks by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Mastela Fruit.
Drop chance increases by 1% For each Refine Level over +7.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Miguel<INFO>m_crafting,99,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 30
20386.png C. Victory Wing Helm (20386) A helm made for honoring war veteran.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5174.png Ayam [1] (5174) A red, silken hat that is supposed to be worn by women, but men can wear it too.
When equipped by Taekwon:
INT +1
Increases SP Recovery Rate by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 60
20388.png C. Ayam (20388) Description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2297.png Goblin Mask (2297) A mask worn by Goblins to scare and intimidate unsuspecting enemies.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20390.png C. Goblin Mask (20390) Description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
400023.png Drooping Thanatos's Dolor [1] (400023) A doll hat that resembles Thanatos' agony. There are rumors that this doll is talking.
Increases Damage against Holy and Shadow elemental, Dragon and Angel race by 10%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Damage against Holy and Shadow elemental, Dragon and Angel race by additional 1%.
MaxHP +5%
MaxSP +5%
Refine Level +7:
ATK +5%
MATK +5%
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 15%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 30
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20403.png C. Dolor Thanatos (20403) A Dolor of Thanatos laying on your head. It's rumored that the doll is trying to speak with his owner.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
410093.png Sealed Chain (410093) A chain crafted to suppress evil energy.
CRI +8
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 8%.
When equipped with Bondage Necklace:
Increases Critical Damage by 7%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 150
20406.png C. Sealed Chain (20406) By wearing this I remember the biggest regret of my life.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
410094.png Sealed Chain [1] (410094) A chain crafted to suppress evil energy.
CRI +5
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
When equipped with Bondage Necklace:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 150
20406.png C. Sealed Chain (20406) By wearing this I remember the biggest regret of my life.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5398.png Bone Head [1] (5398) Headgear made of the skull of dregon. So hard that it does not easily break.
STR +2
Increases resistance against Stun and Bleeding status by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Transcendent Swordsman and Merchant
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 120
Required Level: 85
20410.png C. Bone Head (20410) Headgear made of the skull of dregon. So hard that it does not easily break.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19143.png Poring Balloon (19143) A Poring balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really luck just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Jellopy.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20416.png C. Grade 1 Balloon (20416) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19147.png Drops Balloon (19147) A Drops balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
DEX +2
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20417.png C. Grade 2 Balloon (20417) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19148.png Santa Poring Balloon (19148) A Santa Poring balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Increases recovery amount gained from Candy by 200%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20418.png C. Grade 3 Balloon (20418) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19149.png Poporing Balloon (19149) A Poporing balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Random chance to inflict Poison status on the target when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20419.png C. Grade 4 Balloon (20419) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19146.png Marin Balloon (19146) A Marin balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Quagmire when receiving physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20420.png C. Grade 5 Balloon (20420) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19150.png Metaling Balloon (19150) A Metaling balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Strip Weapon on the target when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20421.png C. Grade 6 Balloon (20421) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19151.png Deviling Balloon (19151) A Deviling balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Random chance to inflict Curse status on the target when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20424.png C. Grade 9 Balloon (20424) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19152.png Angeling Balloon (19152) An Angeling balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Increases recovery amount gained from White Potion by 100%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20425.png C. Grade 10 Balloon (20425) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19153.png Ghostring Balloon (19153) A Ghostring balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 5 Soul Strike when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20426.png C. Grade 11 Balloon (20426) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19154.png Arch Angeling Balloon (19154) An Arch Angeling balloon that floating over your head. Somehow you feel really lucky just by wearing this.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Enables the use of Level 1 Resurrection.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
20427.png C. Grade 12 Balloon (20427) A costume belong to Novice player.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19157.png Drooping Gunslinger [1] (19157) A doll that resemble the legendary mercenary. Don't be fooled by its cute appearance.
All Basic Stats +1
Decreases SP Consumption by 10%.
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 5%.
Increases item drop rate by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Refine Level +12:
Increases movement speed.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Jewy<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20434.png C. Drooping Gunslinger (20434) This gunslinger doll perches on your head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
18679.png Abacus In Mouth (18679) A marvelous abacus that can recognize worthy of things.
Enables the use of Level 1 Item Appraisal.
Available at: Source
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 20
20438.png C. Abacus In Mouth (20438) A marvelous abacus that can recognize worthy of things.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19177.png Elemental Crown (19177) A crown blessed by spirit. By wearing this, wearer will able to perceive the flow of nature.
DEX +3
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 4%.
Every 2 Refine Level Increases DEX by 1.
When equipped with either Burning Bow::, Frozen Bow, Earth Bow or Gust Bow: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 45%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Scammy<INFO>m_crafting,62,150,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 50
20467.png C. Elemental Crown (20467) A crown blessed by spirit, by wearing it you can feel the flow of nature.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19178.png Elemental Crown [1] (19178) A crown blessed by spirit. By wearing this, wearer will able to perceive the flow of nature.
DEX +3
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 4%.
Every 2 Refine Level Increases DEX by 1.
When equipped with either Burning Bow::, Frozen Bow, Earth Bow or Gust Bow: Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 45%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 50
20467.png C. Elemental Crown (20467) A crown blessed by spirit, by wearing it you can feel the flow of nature.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5025.png Helm of Angel (5025) Wondrous headgear of high defense made of feathers from the wings of angels and constructed by a unknown craftsman.
AGI +1
LUK +1
Class Restrictions:
2nd Classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 160
Required Level: 74
20472.png C. Helm of Angel (20472) Wondrous headgear of high defense made of feathers from the wings of angels and constructed by a unknown craftsman.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5116.png Banana Hat (5116) A hat made in the image of a banana peel, the key ingredient for the most basic practical joke since time immemorial.
Just looking at it causes a primal reaction of pure rage.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 3 Provoke on the target when dealing physical damage.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20474.png C. Banana Flavour (20474) A hat made in the image of a banana peel, the key ingredient for the most basic practical joke since time immemorial.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5420.png Mask Of Ifrit [1] (5420) A mask of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire.
STR +2
INT +2
Random chance to auto-cast Level 3 Meteor Storm when dealing physical damage.
Increases Magical Damage with Fire element by 10%.
Increases Physical Damage against Earth elemental enemies by 10%.
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 10%.
Increases damage taken from Water elemental attacks by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trapped Demoness<INFO>m_crafting,99,134,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 12
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 80
Required Level: 50
20481.png C. Mask of Ifrit (red) (20481) A mask of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
18892.png Ufo Poring Hat [1] (18892) I come in peace! Take me to your leader, Poring!!!
HIT +5
CRI +5
Perfect Dodge +5
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Available at: <NAVI>Argus<INFO>m_crafting,43,61,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 10
20494.png C. UFO Poring Hat (20494) Desc
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18505.png Umbala Spirit (18505) An accessory which is traditionally used in piercings by the Umbala tribespeople.
MaxHP +1%
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Meat.
Increases recovery amount gained from Meat by 25%.
Available at: Source

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
20497.png C. Umbala Spirit (20497) Description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
2573.png Archangel's Wings [1] (2573) White wings of a holy Archangel.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kim<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 18
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20500.png C. Archangel's Wings (20500) White wings of a holy Archangel.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2576.png Adventurer's Backpack [1] (2576) A small backpack with essential items for adventure.
Enables the use of Level 1 Greed.
Base STR at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
ATK +20
Refine Level +9:
ATK +10
Base INT at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
MATK +30
Refine Level +9:
MATK +20
Base VIT at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 5%.
Base AGI at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 8%.
Refine Level +9:
Base DEX at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Base LUK at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Lumin<INFO>m_crafting,70,57,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 20
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20512.png C. Adventurer's Backpack (20512) description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
20817.png [Kachua]Adventurer's Backpack [1] (20817) A new backpack that's released in the market, contains many necessary items for adventure.
Enables use of Level 1 Greed.
Base STR at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
ATK +20

Refine Level +9:
ATK +10
Base INT at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
MATK +30

Refine Level +9:
MATK +20
Base VIT at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Neutral resistance +10%.

Refine Level +9:
Neutral resistance +5%.
Base AGI at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 8%.

Refine Level +9:
Base DEX at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Ranged Physical Damages +5%.

Refine Level +9:
Ranged Physical Damages +5%.
Base LUK at least 90:
Refine Level +7:
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.

Refine Level +9:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 20
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 99
20512.png C. Adventurer's Backpack (20512) description
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
480136.png Magic Swordsman Thanatos's Sword [1] (480136) A magic sword said to have been used by a powerful magic swordsman in the past.
Part of that power still resides in it.
Base Level at least 210:
P.ATK +3, S.MATK +3.
Base Level at least 230:
P.ATK +2, S.MATK +2.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 2%.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 2%.
For each 5 Refine Levels:
Increases Damage against enemies of Medium and Large size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Ignores physical and magical defense of monsters of Dragon and Angel race by 20%.
Refine Level +11:
Ignores physical and magical defense of monsters of Dragon and Angel race by additional 10%.
When equipped with Drooping Thanatos's Dolor:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +7 or higher:
Increases Damage against enemies of Holy and Shadow element by 15%.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +9 or higher:
Increases Damage against enemies of Dragon and Angel race by 15%.

Refine Level of Drooping Thanatos's Dolor is +11 or higher:
Increases Damage against enemies of Medium and Large size by additional 15%.
When equipped with either :Red Force Pendant or Blue Mental Pendant:
ATK +50, MATK +50.
Increases Damage against enemies of Medium and Large size by additional 15%.

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 60
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 50
Required Level: 180
20514.png C. Thanatos Sword (20514) A sword that once used by a powerful knight. Some of his powers were sealed in it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
20955.png Christmas Guardian Tree [1] (20955) A christmas tree hanging on the back to save the Christmas atmosphere.
Since it has holy power, it resonates with various items to give special abilities to the wearer.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +1%
MATK +1%
Refine Level +9:
ATK +30
MATK +30
Refine Level +11:
Physical melee attacks have a chance to increase Magical Damage with Holy and Neutral element by 20% for 10 seconds.
When equipped with Noble Cross and Wounded Mind:
MATK +30
Increases damage of Double Light by 40%.

Refine Level of Noble Cross is +10 or higher:
Increases damage of Double Light by additional 20%.
When equipped with Noble Cross and Gentle Heart:
ATK +30
Increases damage of Knuckle Arrow by 40%.

Refine Level of Noble Cross is +10 or higher:
Increases damage of Knuckle Arrow by additional 20%.
When equipped with Old Parasol and Evil Thread Glove:
MATK +80
Physical melee attacks have a chance to auto-cast Level 10 Soul Strike.

Refine Level of Old Parasol is +10 or higher:
Physical melee attacks have a chance to auto-cast Level 5 Napalm Vulcan.
When equipped with Evil Thread Glove and Red Lantern:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
HIT +10, MATK +10%

Refine Level of Christmas Guardian Tree is +10 or higher:
Physical melee attacks have a chance to auto-cast Level 3 Psychic Wave.
When equipped with Wounded Mind and Gentle Heart:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
ATK +10%

Refine Level of Christmas Guardian Tree is +10 or higher:
HIT +15
Increases Critical Damage by 15%.

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 20
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
20545.png C. Christmas Guardian Wings (green) (20545) A christmas tree hanging on the back to save the Christmas atmosphere.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
2589.png Fallen Angel Wings [1] (2589) A large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Basic Stats +1
For each 20 base STR:
ATK +1
For each 20 base INT:
For each 20 base VIT:
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 1%.
For each 20 base AGI:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.
For each 20 base DEX:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
For each 20 base LUK:
Increases Critical Damage by 1%.
Enchantable: Yes
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Lumin<INFO>m_crafting,70,57,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 18
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
20764.png C. Archangel's Wings (gray) (20764) Large, gray wings of a fallen dark angel.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5177.png Mythical Lion Mask [1] (5177) An oriental lion mask with menacing, angry eyes.
When equipped by Taekwon:
DEX +2
Increases ATK by 2*Refine Level.
Random chance to inflict Stun status on the enemy with each Physical Melee Attack.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 40
21300.png C. Lion Mask (21300) A mask of the East, modeled after a lion. The lion's eyes wide open, as if to be scared, are scary.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5021.png Bankruptcy of Heart (5021) Head Gear telling the sad story of an unfortunate merchant who have lost everything.
It will make its wearer sad and in a down mood.
However, it will also increase the wearer urge to find more treasure.
INT +1
DEX +1
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 120
Required Level: 38
31035.png C. Bankruptcy of Heart (31035) A cursed outfit hair band that contains the grudges of a merchant who lost everything and went bankrupt.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5173.png Magistrate Hat [1] (5173) A hat that was once worn by Satto, an official from an ancient eastern land.
When equipped by Taekwon:
AGI +1
Increases HP Recovery Rate by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 60
31036.png C. Used Hat (31036) A hat worn by officials who were called 'Sato' in the ancient East.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5172.png Beret (5172) A bright green, flattened cap that represents bravery.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 70
31037.png C. Beret (31037) It's a pale green costume hat, and it's cool that it's a little slanted. It was a symbol of a famous unit.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
18667.png Cat Lace Hairband [1] (18667) Laced hairband decorated with two kitten figures.
DEX +3
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 60
31041.png C. Cat Lace Hairband (31041) A hairband decorated with a cute kitten doll. The lace makes it even cuter!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19242.png Kitten Headdress [1] (19242) Pretty baby in a head dress decorated with a cat doll.
It's even more cute with lace.
All Basic Stats +1
Increases Attack Delay by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +12:
Protects from skill cast interruption.
When equipped with Blush:
Increases Healing skills by 5%.
Base Level below 100:
Increases Experience gained from defeating monsters by 10%.
Base Level at least 100:
Increases Experience gained from defeating monsters by 4%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Mony<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 20
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31041.png C. Cat Lace Hairband (31041) A hairband decorated with a cute kitten doll. The lace makes it even cuter!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19266.png Survival Circlet [1] (19266) Headdress used by monks. The power to draw the wearer's magic is said to be hidden.
INT +3
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
Refine Level +10:
Matk +5%
Base Level at least 130:
Matk +50
When equipped with Survivor's Orb:
Decreases After Cast Delay by as percent equal to Refine rate of Survivor's Circlet.
When equipped with Survivor's Rod:
For each Refine Level of Survivor's Rod:
Matk +10.
When equipped with Survivor's Manteau:
For each 2 Refine Level of Survivor's Manteau:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Jewy<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
31042.png C. Circlet of Survival (31042) Equipment for headdress costumes used by practitioners. It seems that the power to draw out powerful magical power is hidden.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5497.png Tiger King Doll Hat [1] (5497) A hat that imitates the shape of King Tiger.
STR +2
DEX +2
Increases Physical Damage against Brute race by 10%.
Random chance to transform wearer into King Tiger when dealing or receiving physical attack.
While transforming, drains 5 SP every seconds but gain the power of King Tiger.
Increasing Refine Level will increase the chance to transform and the power of King Tiger.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Miguel<INFO>m_crafting,99,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31053.png C. Drooping Eddga (31053) A hat for clothes with the motif of Edga, the King of Beasts, who wears a hat and smokes a smoke pipe.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18645.png Sailor Hat [1] (18645) A hat for a real sailor who is not afraid of the water.
INT +1
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human race by 5%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
31059.png C. Sailor Hat (31059) A hat that is popular with people who work in the harbor.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2273.png Doctor Band (2273) A headband worn by doctors in the past during medical examinations.
INT +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31113.png C. Doctor headband (31113) A headband worn by doctor to examine his patient.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2293.png Pretend Murdered (2293) A stage prop that creates the illusion that the wearer has a knife sticking out of his head.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31114.png C. Prop of Theater (31114) A property of theater. Used by putting this on top of dying actor's head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5169.png Bride Mask [1] (5169) A white mask with red blush that is worn by the actor playing the bride in a Korean play.
When equipped by Taekwon classes:
LUK +2
CRI +5

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
Required Level: 40
31128.png C. Bride Mask (31128) A mask of white face used by a person who plays the role of'Gaksi' in a play. The redness of the ball is cute.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2288.png Mr. Scream (2288) A mask that expresses anguish and despair borne of insanity.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31129.png C. Scratch Mask (31129) A strangely shaped costume mask. It looks like he is suffering. It seems to be used to surprise people with a bad taste.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5010.png Indian Fillet (5010) A traditional headdress worn by native peoples.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31130.png C. Indian Hairband (31130) A hat that usually worn by Indian people.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2251.png Monk Hat (2251) A ceremonial hat worn by monks that contains a sacred force which offers protection from evil.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31131.png C. Monk Hat (31131) A ceremonial hat worn by monks that contains a sacred force which offers protection from evil.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5158.png Monk Hat [1] (5158) A flat hat worn by priests and monks that is comfortable and protective.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31131.png C. Monk Hat (31131) A ceremonial hat worn by monks that contains a sacred force which offers protection from evil.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2226.png Cap (2226) A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide decent defense.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Archer, Merchant and Thief
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31154.png C. Cap (31154) A hat with ordinary design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2227.png Cap [1] (2227) A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide decent defense.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Archer, Merchant and Thief
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31154.png C. Cap (31154) A hat with ordinary design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18732.png TE Woe Cap (18732) Rental Item
*Effects in WoE TE area
ATK +5, MATK +5
Increases Damage against Players by 10%.
Increases Frozen resistance by 25%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 40
31154.png C. Cap (31154) A hat with ordinary design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19223.png Illusion Cap [1] (19223) A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide decent defense.
ATK +1%
For each Refine Level:
ATK +2
Class Restrictions:
Novice, Swordsman, Thief and Merchant
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 120
31154.png C. Cap (31154) A hat with ordinary design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2282.png Halo (2282) A spiritual symbol that typically appears over the heads of those who are holy.
Decreases damage taken from Holy elemental attacks by 15%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31157.png C. Soul Ring (31157) When the dead say that they are going to heaven, there is no ability to say that they are invisible to wear with a hat made after the ring that floats on their head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19244.png Rosary's Necklace (19244) The holy Rosario which God's apostles have given its power. Mysterious force seems to be flowing.
Healing +5%.
When equipped with Light of Recovery:
For each 2 Refine Level of Light of Recovery:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
Light of Recovery's SP penalty is removed.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Jewy<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 12
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
31181.png C. Royal Guard Necklace (golden) (31181) There is a story that the Guardian Knight always wore in his arms.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
19031.png Fallen Angel's Blessing (19031) Wings of Angel whose banished from heaven.
Increases Physical Damage against Angel race by 5%.
Decreases damage taken from Angel race by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kim<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
31183.png C. Blessing of Fallen Angel (black) (31183) Made for costumes by modeling the wings that were said to have fallen off when the angel who once ruled part of heaven was exiled to the demon world.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
19176.png Fallen Angel Blessing [1] (19176) A wings of banished angel. Brings a strong hatred from other angels when worn.
Increases Physical Damage against Angel race by 5%.
Decreases damage taken from Angel race by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
31183.png C. Blessing of Fallen Angel (black) (31183) Made for costumes by modeling the wings that were said to have fallen off when the angel who once ruled part of heaven was exiled to the demon world.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
Item Costume
19300.png Dog Officer [1] (19300) A cap with a cozy puppy ear in a stylish officer hat.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Atk +15
Refine Level +7:
ATK +30
Refine Level +9:
ATK +5%
Refine Level +11:
Increases long range physical damage by 3% and critical damage by 3%.
For each Refine Level above +10:
Decreases fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to +15).
When equipped with Thanatos Katar:
For each 2 Refine Level of Thanatos Katar:
ATK +20
When equipped with Dark Rose:
For each 2 Refine Level of Dark Rose:
Increases damage of Fire Dance by 6%.
When equipped with Tornado Axe:
For each 2 Refine Level of Tornado Axe:
Increases damage of Axe Tornado by 15%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Tomas<INFO>m_crafting,61,78,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 35
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31202.png C. Dog Officer (black) (31202) Life is ruff for a pawfficer of the law, but times never get bark for those with dogged determination.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5375.png Orc Hero Headdress [1] (5375) A true Orc Hero's headgear. It's so big and heavy that it might hurt your neck.
STR +2
Random chance to auto-cast Level 3 Weapon Perfection when dealing physical damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Weird Lady<INFO>m_crafting,19,116,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 90
31205.png C. Orc Hero Headdress (31205) True Orc Hero Helmet. But it's so big that I'm going to hurt my neck if I do it wrong.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19180.png Anubis Helm [1] (19180) A headdress that resemble the god of darkness, Anubis.
Decreases damage taken from Boss class by 10%.
Increases recovery amount gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Scammy<INFO>m_crafting,62,150,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 65
31242.png C. Anubis Hat (Top) (31242) A costume hat in the shape of the head of Anubis, the god of the dead.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18908.png Piamette's Red Ears [1] (18908) Piamette's red ears cap. It's a favorite among children.
STR +5
MaxHP +5%
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental enemies by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
For each 2 Refine Level above +9:
Available at: <NAVI>Argus<INFO>m_crafting,43,61,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 8
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
31248.png C. Isabella Red Ears (31248) The red hat of Isabella which is really popular among small children.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5539.png Jaguar Hat [1] (5539) A mask of the king of the Amazon the Jaguar. According to rumor, those who wear this get blessings from nature.
Enables the use of Level 1 Crazy Uproar.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Miguel<INFO>m_crafting,99,174,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 25
31256.png C. Jaguar Mask (31256) The mask of a jaguar. Some say you will be blessed by nature once you wear it.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5778.png Blue Arara Hat [1] (5778) Having saved her from the roasting pan, this Turkey now rests comfortably on your head. Random chance to Reduce After Attack Delay by 5% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
STR +2
Random chance to Reduces After Attack Delay by 5% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Donaco<INFO>m_crafting,44,38,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31307.png C. Violet Macaw (31307) It is said that the body of the bird, called the parakeet, is the largest.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
436000.png Thanatos's Maero Mask (436000) The mask used Thanatos' Sorrow.
It's abilities and memories seem to be handed down.
MATK +3%
Increases Magical Damage against Players by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
31311.png C. Dolor Thanatos Mask (31311) A mask for the costume worn by the sadness of Tanatos. A charming design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
436005.png Thanatos's Maero Mask [1] (436005) The mask worn by Thanatos' Sorrow. It's abilities and memories seem to be handed down.
MATK +3%
Increases Magical Damage against Players by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 99
31311.png C. Dolor Thanatos Mask (31311) A mask for the costume worn by the sadness of Tanatos. A charming design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
19267.png Orbs of Survival (19267) Orbs that automatically assists its owner.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Jewy<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
31386.png C. Orbs of Survival (31386) Orbs that automatically assist their master in battle.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420066.png Orbs of Survival-LT (420066) An improved version of the freestanding orb that automatically assists the owner.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 30
Required Level: 150
31386.png C. Orbs of Survival (31386) Orbs that automatically assist their master in battle.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
2208.png Ribbon (2208) A hairpin made from indigo blue satin that wards off harmful magic.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31400.png C. Ribbon (31400) Thin fabric for narrow outfits.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2209.png Ribbon [1] (2209) A hairpin made from indigo blue satin that wards off harmful magic.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31400.png C. Ribbon (31400) Thin fabric for narrow outfits.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5092.png Coif (5092) A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, usually worn by nuns.
Class Restrictions:
Priest and Assassin
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 65
31401.png C. Nun's Veil (31401) A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, usually worn by nuns.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400098.png Bull Crown [1] (400098) A crown designed for specific subjects.
Green gemstones and tough-looking horns add a sense of dignity to the wearer.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 10%.
When equipped with Golden Wrench:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Golden Wrench:
Increases damage of Power Swing by 10%.
When equipped with Engine Pilebunker:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.

For each Refine Level of Engine Pilebunker:
Increases damage of Arms Cannon by 10%.
When equipped with Maxi Spanner:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Maxi Spanner:
Increases damage of Axe Tornado by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
31413.png C. Taurus Crown (31413) A costume helmet that bears the name of Taurus as embodied in the constellation around the ecliptic.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400118.png Saint Crown [1] (400118) A crown designed for specific subjects.
A helmet designed to wrap around your head. It is said that a priest used it in the past.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +20
MATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
ATK +15%
MATK +15%
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 10%.
When equipped with Adorare Staff:
Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Adorare Staff:
Increases damage of Adoramus by 5%.
When equipped with Poenitentia:
Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Poenitentia:
Increases damage of Judex by 10%.
When equipped with Lucis Flail:
Increases Physical Damage against all sized enmies by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Lucis Flail:
Increases damage of Duple Light by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
31414.png C. Cancer Diadem (31414) A costume helmet that bears the name of a cancer like the constellation around the ecliptic.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400049.png Stripe Hat [1] (400049) A hat characterized by long stripes running from the brim of the hat to the back of the head.
It has been modified to suit the OS weapons.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical Damage against Small and Medium sized enemies by 15.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
When equipped with Boost Lance-OS:
ATK +30

For each 2 Refine Levels of Boost Lance-OS:
Increases damage of Cannon Spear by 4%.
When equipped with MH-P89-OS:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 10%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of MH-P89-OS:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
When equipped with AC-B44-OS:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of AC-B44-OS:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 130
31468.png C. Stripe Hat (31468) A fashionable outfit with a simple striped accent. If you get lost in coordination, this will decide!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2205.png Diver Goggles (2205) Sturdy goggles worn by ocean divers.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31486.png C. Diver's Goggles (31486) Sturdy goggles worn by ocean divers.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
2212.png Eye Patch (2212) A patch used to cover one eye.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
31487.png C. Eye Bandage (31487) Yar har fiddle dee dee. You are a pirate!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
400021.png Red Clark Casquette [1] (400021) A hat worn by the Aldebaran clock tower repairman. The clock model decoration is particularly attractive.
It has been modified to suit the OS weapons.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 15%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Physical Damage against Small and Medium sized enemies by 15%.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
When equipped with Meuchler-OS:
ATK +30

For each 2 Refine Levels of Meuchler-OS:
Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 4%.
When equipped with Circuit Board-OS:
ATK +30

For each 2 Refine Levels of Circuit Board-OS:
Increases damage of Solar Burst by 4%.
When equipped with Beam Claymore-OS:
CRI +10

For each 2 Refine Levels of Beam Claymore-OS:
Increases Damage against Large sized enemies by 4%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 130
31546.png C. Clock Casque (red) (31546) A wonderful red cap inspired by the design of the Aldebaran Clock Tower. It looks so fancy on you!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
5214.png Moonlight Flower Hat (5214) A hat inspired by the adorable Moonlight Flower. Be sure to hand-wash to prolong the soft Nine Tail Fur lining.
DEX +2
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Increase Agility when dealing physical damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Mony<INFO>m_crafting,51,107,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
31556.png C. Moonlight Flower Hat (Top) (31556) A costume hat made by imitating a monster moonlit flower. Wearing with a nine-tailed fox collar makes winter fashion perfect!?
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5936.png 8 Styles Purgatory Wings (5936) An Earrings that imbued with the power of dragon.
Increases Magical Damage against Dragon race by 4%.
Decreases damage taken from Dragon race by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kim<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 10
31561.png C. Eight Purgatory Wings (31561) Wings made of dark flame, its shape formless and twisting, intimidating all who pass by!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
18895.png Celestial Dark Flame (18895)Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon
the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame!
“ - William Butler Yeats
Decreases damage taken from Fire elemental attacks by 8%.
Class Restrictions:
Available at: <NAVI>Argus<INFO>m_crafting,43,61,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 50
31561.png C. Eight Purgatory Wings (31561) Wings made of dark flame, its shape formless and twisting, intimidating all who pass by!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5135.png Cyclop's Eye (5135) A unique eye protector that seems to increase the wearer's Spiritual energy.
MaxSP +50
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Roby<INFO>m_crafting,44,121,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 75
31570.png C. Cyclop's Eye (31570) Eye of the cyclops. Replicate eye protection. No change in vision.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
410016.png Battle Processor (410016) Specialized processor for improving combative functions.
ATK +20,
MATK +20

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
31571.png C. Guardian Processor (31571) A replica of a processing chip made to control the guardian unit.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
410017.png Battle Processor [1] (410017) Specialized processor for improving combative functions.
ATK +10,
MATK +10

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
31571.png C. Guardian Processor (31571) A replica of a processing chip made to control the guardian unit.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5422.png Linguistic Book Hat (5422) A stylish stack of geology text books.
INT +1
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 7
31595.png C. Book of Soyga (31595) Absorb the wisdom of the ages through osmosis by wearing the books on your head.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19264.png Gold Fish Head Hat [1] (19264) A smirk golden fish hat. Every time I open my mouth, it seems fishy.
Has a chance to endow weapon with Holy element for 60 seconds when dealing physical damage.
Has a chance to increase Holy element magic by 10% for 60 seconds when dealing magical damage.
Refine Level +7:
Increased the chance to activate Magical Damage with Holy element increase.
Refine Level +9:
When hit by a physical attack, has a low chance to auto-cast Quagmire lv.1 when receiving physical damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Prity<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31597.png C. Golden Fish Hat (31597) A smirk golden fish hat. Every time I open my mouth, it seems fishy.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5898.png Autumn Headband [1] (5898) A hairband with an array of autumn leaves attached to it. It displays the beauty of an autumn forest for all to see.
Decreases SP Consumption of Wind Walk by 20.
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases ATK by 2 for every 5 base INT.
Refine Level +9:
Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 2% for every 10 Base Level.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Karian<INFO>m_crafting,41,846,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
31606.png C. Autumn Headband (31606) A costume made based on falling leaves of autumn.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5985.png Noble Mask (5985) A silver mask worn by nobles.
MaxHP +1%
Increases Attack Speed by 1%.
Increases damage of Sacrifice by (Base Level*2)%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of Devotion and Pressure by 2 seconds.
Base Level at least 100:
MaxHP +1%
Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%.
Base Level at least 150:
MaxHP +1%
Increases Attack Speed by 1%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Resting Evil<INFO>m_crafting,65,128,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 30
31609.png C. Noble Mask (silver) (31609) A renaissance-style mask. Great for partying or concealing your identity.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
400054.png Archmage's Courtesy [1] (400054) It is said that a certain great mage prepared it in a robe and used it.
It has been modified to suit the OS weapons.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 15%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage against Small and Medium sized enemies by 15%.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
When equipped with Cannon Rapier-OS:
MATK +30

For each 2 Refine Levels of Cannon Rapier-OS:
Increases damage of Hell Inferno by 4%.
When equipped with Rutilus Stick-OS:
MATK +30

For each 2 Refine Levels of Rutilus Stick-OS:
Increases damage of Comet by 4%.
When equipped with Kuroiro-OS:
Increases Magical Damage with Water, Wind and Fire element by 5%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of Kuroiro-OS:
Increases damage of Flaming Petals, Freezing Spear and Wind Blade by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 130
31612.png C. Great Magician's Ceremonial Crown (red) (31612) An elegant sorcerer crown adorned with golden tassels. Now you too can be a fire lord.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
Item Costume
18671.png Rudolf Hairband (18671) A Christmas hairband. Sporting the face Christmas' most famous reindeer Rudolf.
Class Restrictions:
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 30
31634.png C. Rudolph Hairband (31634) Cute rudolph hairband. Sometime you will hear jingle bell song.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18665.png Orange In Mouth (18665) According to custom of a certain tribe, holding an orange in one's mouth brings a good luck.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 20
31676.png C. Orange in Mouth (31676) Put my orange on top, put my orange on top!!!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
18703.png Stem In Mouth (18703) Stem of plant that has efficacy of neutralization.
Increases resistance against Poison status by 20%.
Available at: Source

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420017.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Strength) (420017) The leaves of Yggdrasil, the source of this world. Resonates with the equipment of time to elicit hidden power.
When equipped with Temporal STR Manteau and Soaring Physical Armor:
ATK +5%

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +14:
ATK +80

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
ATK +30
Decreases After Cast Delay by 7%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420018.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Dexteriy) (420018) The leaves of Yggdrasil, the source of this world. Resonates with the equipment of time to elicit hidden power.
When equipped with Temporal DEX Manteau and Excellent Dexterous Armor:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 7%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +14:
ATK +80

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
ATK +5%
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 7%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420019.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Agility) (420019) The leaves of Yggdrasil, the source of this world. Resonates with the equipment of time to elicit hidden power.
When equipped with Temporal AGI Manteau and Splendid Swift Armor:
Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by 7%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +14:
ATK +80

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by additional 7%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420020.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Luck) (420020) The leaves of Yggdrasil, the source of this world. Resonates with the equipment of time to elicit hidden power.
When equipped with Temporal LUK Manteau and Unexpected Fortune Armor:
Increases Physical Damage against all races, except Players, by 10%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +14:
ATK +80

If total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 10%.
Increases Critical Damage by 12%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Increases melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420021.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Vitality) (420021) The leaves of Yggdrasil, the source of this world. Resonates with the equipment of time to elicit hidden power.
When equipped with Temporal VIT Manteau and Strong Healthy Armor:
MaxHP +10%

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +14:
ATK +80

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
ATK +10%
MaxSP +7%

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
420022.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Intelligence) (420022) The leaves of Yggdrasil, the source of this world. Resonates with the equipment of time to elicit hidden power.
When equipped with Temporal INT Manteau and Robust Magical Armor:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.

Total Refine Level of entire set at least +14:
MATK +80

If total Refine Level of entire set at least +18:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 7%.

If total Refine Level of entire set at least +22:
Increases Magical Damage against all sizes by 10%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
31695.png C. Tree Sprout (31695) The magical power from this Eclage tree sprout is overwhelming.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
18661.png Trident Helmet [1] (18661) Marvellous looking hat that was used by a general of an eastern kingdom. It resembles a trident.
STR +2
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 20
31706.png C. Protective Helmet (31706) Due to its robustness, it does not require a shield, and it is a durable helmet that is said to have been named “Tenashi“.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5002.png Luxurious Crown (5002) This crown, adorned with precious gems, is generally worn by monarchs as a symbol of their rule.
INT +2
LUK +1
Class Restrictions:
Swordsman, Merchant and Thief Classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 60
Required Level: 60
31711.png C. Luxurious Crown (31711) A classy crown with a jewel on it. Wearing it will make you feel like royalty.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5004.png Oxygen Mask (5004) Ideal for situations is poisonous or polluted, this mask supplies pure oxygen to its wearer.
Increases resistance against Poison status by 20%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
31712.png C. Oxygen Mask (31712) If it smells outside, put on this handy Costume Oxygen Mask to filter everything out! May or may not work on farts.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
5050.png Mysterious Fruit Peel (5050) A hat made of mysterious fruit. Quite tough for a fruit.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 30
31713.png C. Mystical Fruit Hat (31713) Oh great mystical fruit! Place this on your head and feel the magic of fruit on your noggin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5071.png Indian Headband (5071) A tribal headgear adorned with a long, white feather.
DEX +1
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
31714.png C. Indian Headband (31714) A decorative band with a wave pattern and feather.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400044.png Phantom of Masquerade [1] (400044) A stylishly crafted hat found somewhere.
It has been modified to suit the OS weapons.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
Increase Magical Damage with every element by 15%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage against Small and Medium size by 15%.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
When equipped with Electric Fox-OS:
Decreases Catnip Meteor skill cooldown by 1 second.
For each 2 Refine Levels of Electric Fox-OS:
Increases damage of Catnip Meteor by 4%.
When equipped with Rutilus Stick-OS:
MATK +30
For each 2 Refine Levels of Rutilus Stick-OS:
Increases damage of Espa and Eswhoo by 4%.
When equipped with Ultio-OS:
Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 5%.
For each 2 Refine Levels of Ultio-OS:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 130
31733.png C. Phantom of Masquerade (31733) A black hat for costumes with a black rose. Those who see this say they cannot control the drive of death.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18663.png Sunglasses Baseball Hat [1] (18663) Casual fashion item that has sunglasses on a baseball cap.
INT +3
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Available at: <NAVI>Duncan<INFO>m_crafting,44,73,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 20
31805.png C. Sun Baseball Cap (orange) (31805) A stylish outfit that combines a baseball cap with sunglasses.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
400011.png Officer's Hat [1] (400011) A high-ranking officer's hat.
Gold ornaments are the highlight of the understated color tone.
When equipped, consumes 10 HP every 5 seconds.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +5
Refine Level +7:
ATK +5%
MATK +5%
Refine Level +9:
Physical attacks have a 5% chance of absorbing 5% of the damage dealt as HP.
Physical attacks have a 1% chance of absorbing 3% of the damage dealt as SP.

Magical attacks have a 4% chance to recover 300 HP every second for 4 seconds.
Magical attacks have a 4% chance to recover 70 SP every second for 4 seconds.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Floating Book<INFO>m_crafting,70,165,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 35
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31842.png C. Striking Hat (black) (31842) A hat that proudly displays the family crest of the Tsuyoshi Warriors.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
18878.png Palace Guard Cap [1] (18878) A hat worn by an elite group of guards who will fight fearlessly even in a hail of bullets.
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 5%.
Decreases damage taken from Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
For each Refine Level equal or above +6:
Decreases damage taken from Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 1%.
Indestructible in battle
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trainer Adric<INFO>m_crafting,27,167,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 50
31845.png C. Guard's Hat (31845) A hat given only to selected guards. It contains a strong spirit that does not yield to enemy bullets.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5570.png Gemini Crown [1] (5570) A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 3rd sign of the zodiac, Gemini the Twins. Attached to the crown is an Alexandrite gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign.
AGI +2
FLEE +10
Decreases damage taken from Wind elemental attacks by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
HIT +5
ATK +30
Available at: <NAVI>Lili<INFO>m_crafting,24,91,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
31889.png C. Gemini Crown (31889) A costume helmet that bears the name of Gemini as if the constellation around the zodiac embodied. It is said that it exerts its true power when it shines in the shine of a star.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400117.png Libra Crown [1] (400117) A crown designed for specific subjects.
A golden crown that makes the wearer stand out. It is decorated with blue jewels resembling Venus.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +20
MATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 15%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by additional 10%.
When equipped with Black Circle or Heart Whip:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Black Circle or Heart Whip:
Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 5%.
When equipped with Antique Cello or Scarlet Ribbon:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Antique Cello or Scarlet Ribbon:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 10%.
When equipped with Wind Gale:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Wind Gale:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Minstrel, Wanderer
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
31893.png C. Libra Crown (31893) A golden crown that makes the wearer stand out. It is decorated with blue jewels resembling Venus.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5515.png Pisces Crown (5515) This crown honors Pisces, the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar. Its power increases defense from Water attacks.
INT +2
Decreases damage taken from Water elemental attacks by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
DEF +1
MATK +2%
Available at: <NAVI>Lili<INFO>m_crafting,24,91,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 70
31897.png C. Pisces Crown (31897) This crown honors Pisces, the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5411.png White Snake Hat (5411) A white snake that balances naturally on your head. It's beady eyes stare into your soul.
DEX +2
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kaa<INFO>m_crafting,100,153,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 4
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
31903.png C. White Snake Hat (31903) A costume hat made to imitate a rare white snake. It is said to be a white snake, which is highly toxic in spite of its obscure design.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2248.png Western Grace (2248) A broad brimmed casual hat, usually worn by cowboys and ranchers, that is rustically stylish.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
31920.png C. Western Crace (31920) A cowboy-style costume hat that takes advantage of the western atmosphere.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
410091.png Cor Core Booster (410091) Booster headphones made of Cor-Core.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 8%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 8%.
When equipped with CD in Mouth:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 150
31953.png C. Cor Core Booster (31953) Booster headphones made of Cor-Core.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
410092.png Cor Core Booster [1] (410092) Booster headphones made of Cor-Core.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
When equipped with CD in Mouth:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 150
31953.png C. Cor Core Booster (31953) Booster headphones made of Cor-Core.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
420076.png Bondage Necklace (420076) A necklace created by a being with strong magical powers to bind minions.
CRI +3
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 1
Required Level: 150
31954.png C. Bondage Necklace (brown) (31954) A fashionable, spiked necklace.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: <NAVI>Nefeeru</NAVI>
20940.png Violet Halo [1] (20940) The blinking violet wings are floating behind the back.
The reality seems to be a small size hologram projector.
Indestructible in battle
MATK +20
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MATK +20
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
Increases Critical Damage by 3%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 4%.
When equipped with Magical Booster[1]:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 30%.
When equipped with Crimson Booster[1]:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 14%.
When equipped with Sigrun's Wings/Sigrun's Wings[1]:
Increases Critical Damage by 14%.
When equipped with Dark Blinkers/Dark Blinkers [1]:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 6%.

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
40006.png C. Violet Halo (40006) The blinking violet wings are floating behind the back. The reality seems to be a small size hologram projector.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
5906.png Oni Horns [1] (5906) Twisted horns that were supposedly crafted to look like those of a race of demons that died out long ago.
Apparently placing them on your head can grant you a small amount of their power.
Increases damage of Counter Slash by 10% For each Level of Weapon Blocking learned.
Refine Level +7:
ATK +20
HIT +5
Refine Level +9:
Random chance to auto-cast Level 1 Cross Impact when dealing physical damage.
Class Restrictions:
Guillotine Cross
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Resting Evil<INFO>m_crafting,65,128,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 2
Required Level: 100
40039.png C. Oni Horns (40039) Twisted horns that were supposedly crafted to look like those of a race of demons that died out long ago.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19474.png Temporal Circlet (Rune Knight) [1] (19474) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +250
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxSP +2%
Increases damage of Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Rune Knight
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19475.png Temporal Circlet (Royal Guard) [1] (19475) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Royal Guard
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19476.png Temporal Circlet (Mechanic) [1] (19476) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Arms Cannon and Knuckle Boost by 10%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19477.png Temporal Circlet (Genetic) [1] (19477) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Spore Explosion and Cart Tornado by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 2%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19478.png Temporal Circlet (Guillotine Cross) [1] (19478) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Rolling Cutter and Counter Slash by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
ATK +2%
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Guillotine Cross
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19479.png Temporal Circlet (Shadow Chaser) [1] (19479) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Fatal Menace and Feint Bomb by 30%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
ATK +2%
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Shadow Chaser
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19480.png Temporal Circlet (Archbishop) [1] (19480) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
Increases damage of Adoramus by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Holy element by 7%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19481.png Temporal Circlet (Sura) [1] (19481) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +2%
Increases damage of Knuckle Arrow by 20%.
Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 10%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19482.png Temporal Circlet (Warlock) [1] (19482) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
Increases damage of Chain Lightning and Jack Frost by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Wind and Water element by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19483.png Temporal Circlet (Sorcerer) [1] (19483) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%.
Increases damage of Psychic Wave and Diamond Dust by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Water element by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19484.png Temporal Circlet (Ranger) [1] (19484) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
Increases damage of Arrow Storm and Aimed Bolt by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases Arrow Storm skill cooldown by 1 second.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19485.png Temporal Circlet (Wanderer / Minstrel) [1] (19485) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases damage of Reverberation and Metallic Sound by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 7%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Wanderer and Minstrel
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19486.png Temporal Circlet (Star Emperor) [1] (19486) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Falling Star by 30%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 2%.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Star Emperor
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19487.png Temporal Circlet (Soul Reaper) [1] (19487) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Increases damage of Curse Explosion and Eswhoo by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Shadow element by 7%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Soul Reaper
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19488.png Temporal Circlet (Rebellion) [1] (19488) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Round Trip and Banishing Buster by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19489.png Temporal Circlet (Oboro) [1] (19489) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Wind Blade and Freezing Spear by 30%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Wind and Water element by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Kagerou and Oboro
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19490.png Temporal Circlet (Kagerou) [1] (19490) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Cross Slash and Kunai Explosion by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Physical Damage against all sizes by 2%.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Kagerou and Oboro
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19491.png Temporal Circlet (Super Novice) [1] (19491) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 4%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Critical Damage by 5%.
Increases all elemental magical damage by 5%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Super Novice
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19492.png Temporal Circlet (Summoner) [1] (19492) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was
made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +15
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Increases damage of Catnip Meteor and Picky Peck by 20%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases long range physical damage by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 7%.
Refine Level +11:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Class Restrictions:
Summoner (Doram)
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Required Level: 170
40084.png C. Temporal Circlet (40084) A special energy was given to the circlet, which was made of ores and gemstones from the gaps of time by Hugin.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18639.png Naval Officer Hat [1] (18639) A hat only for officers who passed hard training from the NAVY. White, Blue and Yellow color is the symbol of a sailor's providence.
LUK +3
Increases Physical Damage against Water elemental enemies by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
All Jobs except Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
40099.png C. Naval Officer Hat (40099) A hat only for officers who passed hard training from the NAVY. White, Blue and Yellow color is the symbol of a sailor's providence.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400241.png Helm of Faith (Star Emperor) [1] (400241) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of New Moon Kick and Full Moon Kick by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Moon Book:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of New Moon Kick and Full Moon Kick by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Moon Book:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of New Moon Kick and Full Moon Kick by 5%.
Increases damage of Midnight Kick by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Midnight Kick by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Star Emperor
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40101.png C. Helm of Faith (SE) (40101) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400242.png Helm of Faith II (Star Emperor) [1] (400242) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Falling Star by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Stardust Book:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Falling Star by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Stardust Book:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Falling Star by 5%.
Increases damage of Star Cannon by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Star Cannon by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Star Emperor
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40101.png C. Helm of Faith (SE) (40101) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
5907.png Sea Captain Hat [1] (5907) A crisp white hat most often used by the captains of large naval craft.
It came to be seen as a sign of unwavering strength in the eyes of naval crews everywhere.
Increases damage of Axe Tornado and Axe Boomerang by 20%.
Refine Level +7:
each learned Level of Weaponry Research increases damage of Axe Tornado by an additional 1%
Refine Level +9:
each learned Level of Axe Training increases damage of Axe Tornado by an additional 1%
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Tomas<INFO>m_crafting,61,78,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 20
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
40102.png C. Sea Captain Hat (40102) A crisp white hat most often used by the captains of large naval craft. It came to be seen as a sign of unwavering strength in the eyes of naval crews everywhere.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400233.png Helm of Faith (Genetic) [1] (400233) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Rapier:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Rapier:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 5%.
Increases damage of Acidified Zone (Water/Wind/Ground/Fire) by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Acidified Zone Water, Acidified Zone Wind, Acidified Zone Ground and Acidified Zone Fire by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40131.png C. Helm of Faith (Genetic) (40131) A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5808.png Dark Bacilium [1] (5808) A strong diadem which has been covered the face of Satan Morocc. It can be possessed only by the ones who have overcome the fear of Satan Morocc.
Increases resistance against Stone Curse, Frozen and Stun by 20%.
For each Refine Level:
Increases resistances by 2% (up to +10).
Class Restrictions:
Transcendent classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 5
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 25
40133.png C. Dark Bacilium (40133) A strong diadem which has been covered the face of Satan Morocc. It can be possessed only by the ones who have overcome the fear of Satan Morocc.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
18570.png Ancient Gold Ornament [1] (18570) A beautiful golden ornament created with ancient magic. It changes its power depending on the owner's class.
Base Level at least 150:
All Basic Stats +2
When equipped by Swordman, Merchant or Thief classes:
Increases physical damage against all classes by 8%
When equipped by Mage or Acolyte classes:
MATK +8%.
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 7%.
When equipped by Archer classes:
DEX +3
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
Enchantable: Yes
Class Restrictions:
3rd classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 40
Required Level: 100
40134.png C. Ancient Gold Ornament (40134) An ancestral ornament belonging to the ancient Valkyries of Valhalla. It is known to bestow worthy users with mysterious powers and unrivaled beauty.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400178.png Helm of Faith (Warlock) [1] (400178) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Soul Expansion by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Rod:
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Soul Expansion by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Rod:
Increases Magical Damage with Ghost element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Soul Expansion by 5%.
Increases damage of Soul Vulcan Strike by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Soul Vulcan Strike by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40137.png C. Helm of Faith (Warlock) (40137) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400180.png Helm of Faith (Sura) [1] (400180) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP +5%
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Knuckle:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Knuckle:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Tiger Cannon by 5%.
Increases damage of Third Flame Bomb by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Third Flame Bomb by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40138.png C. Helm of Faith (Sura) (40138) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400189.png Helm of Faith (Archbishop) [1] (400189) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Adoramus by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Wand:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Adoramus by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Wand:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Adoramus by 5%.
Increases damage of Arbitrium by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Arbitrium by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40139.png C. Helm of Faith (AB) (40139) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400191.png Helm of Faith (Shadow Chaser) [1] (400191) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Dagger:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Dagger:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 5%.
Increases damage of Abyss Dagger by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Abyss Dagger by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Shadow Chaser
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40140.png C. Helm of Faith (SC) (40140) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400198.png Helm of Faith (Ranger) [1] (400198) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Ballista:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Ballista:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Arrow Storm by 5%.
Increases damage of Gale Storm by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Gale Storm by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40141.png C. Helm of Faith (Ranger) (40141) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
400200.png Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) [1] (400200) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Guardian Sword:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Guardian Sword:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Holy element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 5%.
Increases damage of Cross Rain by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Cross Rain by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Royal Guard
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40142.png C. Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) (40142) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400216.png Helm of Faith (Guillotine Cross) [1] (400216) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Counter Slash by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Katar:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Counter Slash by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Katar:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Counter Slash by 5%.
Increases damage of Eternal Slash by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Eternal Slash by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Guillotine Cross
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40143.png C. Helm of Faith (GC) (40143) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400218.png Helm of Faith (Sorcerer) [1] (400218) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Poison Buster by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire and Poison element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Poison Book:
Increases Magical Damage with Poison element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Poison Buster by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Poison Book:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire and Poison element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Poison Buster by 5%.
Increases damage of Conflagration and Venom Swamp by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Conflagration and Venom Swamp by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40144.png C. Helm of Faith (Sorc) (40144) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400226.png Helm of Faith (Rune Knight) [1] (400226) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Ignition Break by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Two-Handed Sword:
Decreases Ignition Break skill cooldown by 0.5 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Ignition Break by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Two-Handed Sword:
Decreases Ignition Break skill cooldown by 1 second.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Wind Cutter and Ignition Break by 5%.
Increases damage of Storm Slash by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Storm Slash by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Rune Knight
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40145.png C. Helm of Faith (RK) (40145) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19144.png Felock's Hat [1] (19144) A hat of airship captain, Felock. He wears different hat coloreach day.
When equipped with Airship Suit, Airship's Boots and Airship Manteau:
Random chance to absorb 3% damage inflicted as HP and 2% damage as SP when dealing physical attacks.
When equipped with Felock's Suit, Felock's Boots and Felock's Manteau:
Random chance to absorb 3% damage inflicted as HP and 2% damage as SP when dealing physical attacks.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 1
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 100
Required Level: 50
400277.png C. Felrock's Hat (400277) A hat of airship captain, Felock. He wears different hat coloreach day.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400228.png Helm of Faith (Minstrel & Wanderer) [1] (400228) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Harp or Adulter Fides Ribbon:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Harp or Vivatus Fides Ribbon:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Metallic Sound by 5%.
Increases damage of Metallic Fury by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Metallic Fury by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Minstrel, Wanderer
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40146.png C. Helm of Faith (M&W) (40146) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400230.png Helm of Faith (Mechanic) [1] (400230) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Axe Boomerang and Axe Tornado by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Axe:
Increases Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Axe Boomerang and Axe Tornado by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Axe:
Increases Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Axe Boomerang and Axe Tornado by 5%.
Increases damage of Axe Stomp by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Axe Stomp by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40147.png C. Helm of Faith (Mech) (40147) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400235.png Helm of Faith (Kagerou & Oboro) [1] (400235) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Huuma Shuriken:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Huuma Shuriken:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Swirling Petal by 5%.
Increases damage of Huuma Shuriken - Grasp by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Huuma Shuriken - Grasp by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Kagerou / Oboro
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40148.png C. Helm of Faith (K&O) (40148) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400237.png Helm of Faith (Rebellion) [1] (400237) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hammer of God, Fire Dance and Dragon Tail by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Rifle:
Decreases Hammer of God skill cooldown by 10 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hammer of God by 5%.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Revolver:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Fire Dance by 5%.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Launcher:
Decreases Dragon Tail skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Dragon Tail by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Rifle:
Decreases Hammer of God skill cooldown by 10 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hammer of God by 5%.
Increases damage of Only One Bullet by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Only One Bullet by additional 15%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Revolver:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Fire Dance by 5%.
Increases damage of Magazine for One by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Magazine for One by additional 15%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Launcher:
Decreases Dragon Tail skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Dragon Tail by 5%.
Increases damage of Spiral Shooting by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Spiral Shooting by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40149.png C. Helm of Faith (Rebellion) (40149) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400239.png Helm of Faith (Soul Reaper) [1] (400239) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Eswhoo and Espa by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Soul Stick:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Eswhoo and Espa by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Soul Stick:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Eswhoo and Espa by 5%.
Increases damage of Talisman of Red Phoenix and Talisman of Black Tortoise by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Talisman of Red Phoenix and Talisman of Black Tortoise by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Soul Reaper
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40150.png C. Helm of Faith (SR) (40150) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
400243.png Helm of Faith (Summoner) [1] (400243) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Picky Peck and Lunatic Carrot Beat by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Foxtail Model:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Picky Peck and Lunatic Carrot Beat by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Foxtail Model:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Picky Peck and Lunatic Carrot Beat by 5%.
Increases damage of Chulho Sonic Claw by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Chulho Sonic Claw by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40151.png C. Helm of Faith (Summoner) (40151) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5897.png Ascendant Crown [1] (5897) A replica of the legendary artifact left behind by the greatest Super Novice to ever walk the earth.
The real one has been lost for ages, but this replica can imitate some of its awesome power.
ATK +30, MATK +30
Perfect Dodge +5.
ASPD +2.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 20%.
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP +1000
MaxSP +100
Refine Level +9:
All Basic Stats +5
Class Restrictions:
Super Novice
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Lumin<INFO>m_crafting,70,57,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 20
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
Required Level: 100
40401.png C. Ascendant Crown (40401) A replica of the legendary artifact left behind by the greatest Super Novice to ever walk the earth. The real one has been lost for ages, but this replica can imitate some of its awesome power.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5899.png Black Ribbon [1] (5899) A simple black ribbon that promotes focus no matter how intense the battle is.
Increases damage of Sonic Wave and Wind Cutter by 50%.
Refine Level +7:
ATK +2 for every 5 base AGI.
Refine Level +9:
Increases damage of Ignition Break by 30%.
Class Restrictions:
Rune Knight
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trainer Adric<INFO>m_crafting,27,167,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
40402.png C. Black Ribbon (40402) A simple black ribbon that promotes focus no matter how intense the battle is.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5900.png Divine Guard Hat [1] (5900) A majestic hat that displays the divine authority that has been invested in the wearer.
Decreases damage taken from Small, Medium and Large size monsters by 5%.
Refine Level +7:
Random chance to auto-cast Level 5 Heal on yourself when wearer receive physical attack. (Or activate based on learned skill Level)
Refine Level +9:
Increases damage of Genesis Ray by 20%.
Class Restrictions:
Royal Guard
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Trainer Adric<INFO>m_crafting,27,167,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
40403.png C. Divine Guard Hat (40403) A majestic hat that displays the divine authority that has been invested in the wearer.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5902.png Harvester Hat [1] (5902) A good-luck hat worn by farmers to make sure they collect an exceptionally good harvest. Some say it was blessed by the Harvest Goddess herself.
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Blood Sucker Plant Seed or Bomb Mushroom Spore.
Refine Level +7:
Random chance a defeated monster will drop Thorn Seed.
Refine Level +9:
Increases damage of Cart Cannon by 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Tomas<INFO>m_crafting,61,78,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
40404.png C. Harvester Hat (40404) A good-luck hat worn by farmers to make sure they collect an exceptionally good harvest. Some say it was blessed by the Harvest Goddess herself.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5903.png Deadman Bandana [1] (5903) A normal ghost bandana with a red spiral insignia on the front.
It demonstrates a strong connection between the wearer and the afterlife.
Random chance to auto-cast highest Level learned Eswoo on wearer when receiving physical damage.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 2%.
For each Refine Level:
CRI +2
Refine Level +7:
MATK +20
Increases Variable Casting Time of Eswoo by 3%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 20%.
Decreases SP Consumption of Estun and Esma by 5.
Class Restrictions:
Magician and Soul Linker classes
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Maheo<INFO>m_crafting,99,117,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 15
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 99
40405.png C. Deadman Bandana (40405) A normal ghost bandana with a red spiral insignia on the front. It demonstrates a strong connection between the wearer and the afterlife.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5904.png Inconspicuous Hat [1] (5904) A simple hat that would look inconspicuous in any crowd. Its very helpful to anyone who is trying to blend in.
MATK +7%
Refine Level +7:
For each 5 base INT:
Refine Level +9:
MATK +5%
Class Restrictions:
Shadow Chaser
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Resting Evil<INFO>m_crafting,65,128,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
40406.png C. Inconspicuous Hat (40406) A simple hat that would look inconspicuous in any crowd. Its very helpful to anyone who is trying to blend in.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5905.png Lyrica Hat [1] (5905) A finely crafted hat designed just for minstrel.
You can't see from the outside, but on the inside is written every song a Maestro needs to make it big!
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 15%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 4% For each Level of Lesson learned.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases SP Consumption of Severe Rainstorm by 10.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Karian<INFO>m_crafting,41,846,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
40407.png C. Lyrica Hat (40407) A finely crafted hat designed just for minstrel. You can't see from the outside, but on the inside is written every song a Maestro needs to make it big!
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5573.png Dokebi Horn [1] (5573) Baby Dokebi's strong firm horn. Some say this brings you wealth.
Add a chance of dropping Jewelry when defeating a monster.
When dealing Physical Damages, Random chance to auto-cast Level 5 Mammonite. (Consume zeny, but will not triggered when not enough zeny.)
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Resting Evil<INFO>m_crafting,65,128,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
40410.png C. Dokebi Horn (40410) Baby Dokebi's strong firm horn. Some say this brings you wealth.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
19238.png Poring Village Leek (19238) Fresh leek, which is native to Poring Village.
Physical attacks have a chance to transform you into a Smokey for 5 seconds.
During transformation:
Increases Movement Speed.
(Does not overlap with Increase Agility.)

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 30
40411.png C. Poring Village Leek (40411) Fresh leek, which is native to Poring Village.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
19239.png Poring Village Carrot (19239) Fresh carrot, which is native to Poring Village.
Physical attacks have a chance to transform you into a Lunatic for 5 seconds.
During transformation:
Increases Movement Speed.
(Does not overlap with Increase Agility.)

Type: Armor
Position: Head Low
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 30
40412.png C. Poring Village Carrot (40412) Fresh carrot, which is native to Poring Village.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
20842.png Candy Pouch Bag (Physical) [1] (20842) A bag full of candies.
You can get various effects if this bag enchanted.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +1%
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%.
Refine Level +12:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%.
Base Level is below 100:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 10%.
Base Level at least 100:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 4%.

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 30
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
40881.png C. Candy Backpack (40881) A bag full of candies.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
20843.png Candy Pouch Bag (Ranged) [1] (20843) A bag full of candies.
You can get various effects if this bag enchanted.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%.
Refine Level +12:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 7%.
Base Level is below 100:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 10%.
Base Level at least 100:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 4%.

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 30
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
40881.png C. Candy Backpack (40881) A bag full of candies.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
20844.png Candy Pouch Bag (Magical) [1] (20844) A bag full of candies.
You can get various effects if this bag enchanted.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MATK +2%
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +12:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%.
Base Level below 100:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 10%.
Base Level at least 100:
Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 4%.

Type: Armor
Position: Garment
Defense: 30
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
40881.png C. Candy Backpack (40881) A bag full of candies.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Garment
Recolor: Not available
5040.png Blush (5040) Two red dots that can be worn on the face to give a blushing impression.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
40882.png C. Blush (40882) Wear this when you want to look cute for your beloved.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5800.png Blush of Groom (5800) A blushing impression of a bridegroom.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 3%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 5
40882.png C. Blush (40882) Wear this when you want to look cute for your beloved.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
18607.png Blush [1] (18607) Two red dots that can be worn on the face to give a blushing impression.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Charlotte<INFO>m_crafting,43,51,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
40882.png C. Blush (40882) Wear this when you want to look cute for your beloved.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Low
Recolor: Not available
5074.png Angel Wing Ears (5074) An ear accessory that looks just like white, beautiful angel wings.
STR +1

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Defense: 3
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 70
19781.png C. Angel Wing Ears (19781) An ear accessory that looks just like white, beautiful angel wings.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
400001.png Victory Wing Ears (400001) Ears ornament known only given to a winner.
Wear it to show off your splendor.
ATK +10
MATK +10
Decreases After Cast Delay by 8%.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Mid
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
40885.png C. Victory Wing Ears (40885) Wear it to show off your splendor.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Mid
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
400120.png Goat Crown [1] (400120) A crown designed for specific subjects.
A crown hanging over the ears in the shape of a goat's horn. It has a stubborn personality and persistence that survives even in a barren environment.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +20
MATK +20
Refine Level +7:
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
ATK +15%
MATK +15%
Refine Level +11:
Increases damage against all sizes by 10%.
When equipped with Jack The Knife:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Jack The Knife:
Increases damage of Fatal Menace by 10%.
When equipped with Platinum Dagger:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Platinum Dagger:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by additional 5%.
When equipped with Rapid Fire:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each Refine Level of Rapid Fire:
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 10%.
Class Restrictions:
Shadow Chaser
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 170
40886.png C. Cancer Crown (40886) Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5388.png Snake Head [1] (5388) This cute animated Boa will keep you company as you meander around on your adventures.
Enables Level 5 Double Attack.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Kaa<INFO>m_crafting,100,153,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 2
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 20
Required Level: 30
400186.png C. Snake Hat (400186) This cute animated Boa will keep you company as you meander around on your adventures.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5396.png Jasper Crest [1] (5396) A beautiful headgear with a crested gold ornament and a cursed gemstone in the middle.
DEX +1
Refine Level +9:
DEX +2
Increases Physical Damage against Undead race by 5%.
Refine Level below +6:
Random chance to inflict Blind status on wearer dealing physical attack.
Available at: <NAVI>Argus<INFO>m_crafting,43,61,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 70
400221.png C. Jasper Crest (400221) A beautiful headgear with a crested gold ornament and a cursed gemstone in the middle.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400152.png Smokie Transformation Leaf-LT [1] (400152) An improved version of the transformation leave used by Smokey.
Base Level at least 120:
P.ATK +2
For each Refine Level:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%.
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MATK +2%
For each 5 Refine Levels:
Has a chance to transform into Smokie for 10 seconds when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Grants following effects while in Smokie form:
MATK +100, HIT +50
Physical melee attacks have 5% chance to auto-cast Level 3 Cloud Kill.
(If you learned a higher Level, it will auto cast that Level instead.)

Refine Level +7:
MATK +50, HIT +25

Refine Level +9:
Physical melee attacks have 5% chance to auto-cast Level 5 Hell Inferno additionally.

Refine Level +10:
Physical melee attacks have 2% chance to auto-cast Level 3 Chain Lightning additionally.
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
Refine Level +11: Magical attacks have 3% chance to auto-cast Level 9 Fire Ball additionally.
[Grade C]:
P.ATK +2.
[Grade B]:
Refine Level +12:
Fixed Casting Time -0.5 seconds.

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 2
Refinable / Gradable
Weight: 60
Required Level: 150
400426.png C. Smoky Transform Hat (400426) An improved version of the transformation leave used by Smokey.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
19265.png Smokie Transformation Leaf [1] (19265) Smokey uses the leaves of transformation.
I feel the energy of Smokey.
For each Refine Level:
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%.
Has a chance to transform into Smokie for 5 seconds when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Grants following effects while in Smokie form:
Has 5% chance to auto-cast bolt spells lv.2 when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Refine Level +7:
4% chance to auto-cast Frost Nova lv.5 when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Refine Level +8:
3% chance to auto-cast Thunderstorm lv.5 when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Refine Level +9 and Base Level 100:
2% chance to auto-cast Hell Inferno lv.5 when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Refine Level +10 and Base Level 100:
1% chance to auto-cast Chain Lightning lv.3 when dealing Melee Physical Damage.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Prity<INFO>m_crafting,67,112,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 7
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 60
400426.png C. Smoky Transform Hat (400426) An improved version of the transformation leave used by Smokey.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5611.png Turtle Hat (5611) A disgruntled snapping turtle sits above your head. Count your fingers after putting this on.
AGI +1
Random chance to auto-cast Level 3 Decrease Agility on attacker when receiving physical damage.
Class Restrictions:
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Captain<INFO>m_crafting,55,32,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 30
Required Level: 10
40888.png C. Turtle Hat (40888) A disgruntled snapping turtle sits above your head. Count your fingers after putting this on.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
2299.png Orc Helm (2299) A hardy helmet that was crafted by the most expert of Orcish smiths.
Class Restrictions:
Swordman, Merchant and Thief classes
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 9
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19901.png C. Orc Helm (19901) A surprisingly durable helmet that was crafted by expert Orcish smiths.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
5502.png Necromancer's Hood (5502) The Deadly Necromancer's Essence is embodied in this Hood.
INT +3
Decreases damage taken from Undead elemental enemies and Demon race by 15%.
Increases damage taken from Holy elemental enemies by 20%.
Can be crafted at: <NAVI>Mercer<INFO>m_crafting,27,167,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 6
Armor Level: 1
Weight: 50
19819.png C. Necromancer's Hood (19819) A hood for Necromencers wearing at their evil worships.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
Item Costume
400179.png Helm of Faith II (Warlock) [1] (400179) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Comet by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Two-Handed Staff:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Comet by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Two-Handed Staff:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral and Shadow element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Comet by 5%.
Increases damage of Mystery Illusion by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Mystery Illusion by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40137.png C. Helm of Faith (Warlock) (40137) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400181.png Helm of Faith II (Sura) [1] (400181) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
MaxSP +5%
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Claw:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Claw:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Rampage Blaster by 5%.
Increases damage of Explosion Blaster by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Explosion Blaster by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40138.png C. Helm of Faith (Sura) (40138) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400190.png Helm of Faith II (Archbishop) [1] (400190) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Duple Light by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
CRI +15
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Bible:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Duple Light by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Bible:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Duple Light by 5%.
Increases damage of Petitio by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Petitio by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40139.png C. Helm of Faith (AB) (40139) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400192.png Helm of Faith II (Shadow Chaser) [1] (400192) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
CRI +15
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Crossbow:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Cross Bow:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Triangle Shot by 5%.
Increases damage of Frenzy Shot by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Frenzy Shot by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Shadow Chaser
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40140.png C. Helm of Faith (SC) (40140) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400199.png Helm of Faith II (Ranger) [1] (400199) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
CRI +15
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Aiming Bow:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Aiming Bow:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Aimed Bolt by 5%.
Increases damage of Crescive Bolt by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Crescive Bolt by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40141.png C. Helm of Faith (Ranger) (40141) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400201.png Helm of Faith II (Royal Guard) [1] (400201) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Overbrand by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Guardian Spear:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Overbrand by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Guardian Spear:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Overbrand by 5%.
Increases damage of Overslash by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Overslash by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Royal Guard
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40142.png C. Helm of Faith (Royal Guard) (40142) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400217.png Helm of Faith II (Guillotine Cross) [1] (400217) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
CRI +15
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Chakram:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Chakram:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Rolling Cutter by 5%.
Increases damage of Impact Crater by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Impact Crater by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Guillotine Cross
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40143.png C. Helm of Faith (GC) (40143) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400219.png Helm of Faith II (Sorcerer) [1] (400219) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Wind and Earth element by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Magic Book:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Magic Book:
Increases Magical Damage with Neutral, Wind and Earth element by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Psychic Wave by 5%.
Increases damage of Lightning Land and Terra Drive by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Lightning Land and Terra Drive by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40144.png C. Helm of Faith (Sorc) (40144) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400227.png Helm of Faith II (Rune Knight) [1] (400227) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hundred Spear by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Lance:
Decreases Hundred Spear skill cooldown by 0.2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hundred Spear by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Lance:
Decreases Hundred Spear skill cooldown by 0.5 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hundred Spear by 5%.
Increases damage of Madness Crusher by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Madness Crusher by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Rune Knight
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40145.png C. Helm of Faith (RK) (40145) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400229.png Helm of Faith II (Minstrel & Wanderer) [1] (400229) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
CRI +15
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Violin or Adulter Fides Chain Rope:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Violin or Vivatus Fides Chain Rope:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 5%.
Increases damage of Rythm Shooting by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Rythm Shooting by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Minstrel, Wanderer
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40146.png C. Helm of Faith (M&W) (40146) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400231.png Helm of Faith II (Mechanic) [1] (400231) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Mace:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Mace:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Vulcan Arm by 5%.
Increases damage of Activation Attack Machine by 7% (only applies to yourself).

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Activation Attack Machine by additional 15% (only applies to yourself).
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40147.png C. Helm of Faith (Mech) (40147) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400234.png Helm of Faith II (Genetic) [1] (400234) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Scepter:
Decreases Cart Tornado skill cooldown by 0.15 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Scepter:
Decreases Cart Tornado skill cooldown by 0.3 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cart Tornado by 5%.
Increases damage of Hell's Plant by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Hell's Plant by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40131.png C. Helm of Faith (Genetic) (40131) A helm with the power of faith. It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400236.png Helm of Faith II (Kagerou & Oboro) [1] (400236) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cross Slash by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Cross Huuma Shuriken:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cross Slash by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Cross Huuma Shuriken:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Cross Slash by 5%.
Increases damage of Kunai - Distortion by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Kunai - Distortion by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Kagerou / Oboro
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40148.png C. Helm of Faith (K&O) (40148) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400238.png Helm of Faith II (Rebellion) [1] (400238) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Hammer of God, Fire Dance and Dragon Tail by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Shotgun:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Shatter Storm by 5%.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Gatling Gun:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Round Trip by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Shotgun:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Shatter Storm by 5%.
Increases damage of Wildfire by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Wildfire by additional 15%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Gatling Gun:
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Round Trip by 5%.
Increases damage of The Vigilante at Night by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of The Vigilante at Night by additional 15%.
Weight: 10
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40149.png C. Helm of Faith (Rebellion) (40149) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400240.png Helm of Faith II (Soul Reaper) [1] (400240) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Dark Wand:
Decreases Evil Spirit's Curse skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Dark Wand:
Decreases Evil Spirit's Curse skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 5%.
Increases damage of Exorcism of Malicious Soul by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Exorcism of Malicious Soul by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Soul Reaper
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40150.png C. Helm of Faith (SR) (40150) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400242.png Helm of Faith II (Star Emperor) [1] (400242) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
POW +2, P.ATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
POW +3, P.ATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Falling Star by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of every size by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
ATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Stardust Book:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Falling Star by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Stardust Book:
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Falling Star by 5%.
Increases damage of Star Cannon by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Star Cannon by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Star Emperor
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40101.png C. Helm of Faith (SE) (40101) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available
400244.png Helm of Faith II (Summoner) [1] (400244) A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear and Catnip Meteor by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Foxtail Wand:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear and Catnip Meteor by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Foxtail Wand:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 10%.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Silvervine Stem Spear and Catnip Meteor by 5%.
Increases damage of Hyunrok Breeze by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Hyunrok Breeze by additional 15%.
Class Restrictions:
Type: Armor
Position: Head Top
Defense: 10
Armor Level: 2
Weight: 10
Required Level: 180
40151.png C. Helm of Faith (Summoner) (40151) A helm with the power of faith.
Available at: <NAVI>Sandra<INFO>main_office,77,271,0,100,0,0</INFO></NAVI>

Type: Costume
Position: Head Top
Recolor: Not available