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|{{#mob:´30250}}|| Dragon/Dark 2/Large || {{#item:1001082}}, <br> {{#item:22829}} || Hard Mode || ?
|{{#mob:´30250}}|| Dragon/Dark 2/Large || {{#item:1001082}}, <br> {{#item:22829}} || Hard Mode || ?
= Gear=
{{:Mad Bunny}}
{{:Gambler's Seal}}
{{:Cards in Mouth}}

Revision as of 09:26, 18 October 2023

Alice Twisted Madness

  • Level Required: 175
  • Party Count: 1+
  • Time Limit 20 min
  • Location: (dali 66, 98)
  • Cooldown: 1 Day


Help the confused Alice to regain her memories in a twisted labyrinth.

  • There are 2 modes normal/hard
  • your primary goal is to find your way through the maze and confront an evil villain.
  • Resistances are Limited to 50%

Hard Mode

Be wary this is not an instance that can be done solo! It is recommended to go with at least 4+ party members!

  • Upon talking with alice different monsters will spawn than in normal mode.
  • the purple worms are magical immune the green ones physical immune.
  • Make sure to listen to what Alice tells you it might give you important info.

Boss Fight

  • If someone dies the Boss will get completly immune to all attacks until everyone is alive again.
  • The Cheshire Cats spawn indefinetly make sure to not let them overwhelm you.
  • If you disconnect and the party started the fight you can still join up if the boss is alive.


Monster Race/Element/Size Drops Mode Immunity
[1] (´30245)
Fish/Water 2/Medium 1001076.png Small Sewing Kit (1001076) Normal Mode -
[2] (´30248)
Plant/Earth 3/Medium 1001083.png Maple Leaf (1001083) Normal Mode -
[3] (´30246)
Plant/Earth 3/Medium 1001079.png Monstrous Tentacles (1001079) Hard Mode Physical Immune
[4] (´30247)
Insect/Poison 1/Small 1001079.png Monstrous Tentacles (1001079) Hard Mode Magical Immune
[5] (´30249)
Brute/Wind 1/Small - Hard Mode -
[6] (´30239)
Demi-Human/Dark 2/Medium 1001074.png Heavy Chain (1001074) ,
22829.png Sealed Card Album (22829)
Normal/Hard Mode ?
[7] (´30250)
Dragon/Dark 2/Large 1001082.png Monster's Stone (1001082) ,
22829.png Sealed Card Album (22829)
Hard Mode ?


Mad Bunny

Mad Bunny

Mad Bunny Option Materials Refine Change Mad Bunny LT
+9-+20 28902.png Mad Bunny [1] (28902) 100x 1000434.png Armor Upgrade Stone (Low) (1000434)
10x 1001074.png Heavy Chain (1001074)
250x 1001076.png Small Sewing Kit (1001076)
250x 1001079.png Monstrous Tentacles (1001079)
3x 1001082.png Monster's Stone (1001082)
250x 1001083.png Maple Leaf (1001083)
-5 460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020)
100x 1000435.png Armor Upgrade Stone (Intermediate) (1000435)
20x 1001074.png Heavy Chain (1001074)
500x 1001076.png Small Sewing Kit (1001076)
500x 1001079.png Monstrous Tentacles (1001079)
6x 1001082.png Monster's Stone (1001082)
500x 1001083.png Maple Leaf (1001083)


Item 28902.png Mad Bunny [1] (28902) ItemID: 28902
A rag doll that Piamette uses for both attack and defense?
It looks so real and alive!
ATK +5%
MATK +5%
Reflects 10% of Melee Physical Damage.
When hit by a magic attack, there is a 10% chance for 2 seconds to reflect the magic attack with a 60% chance.
Refine Level +7:
ATK +5
Refine Level +9:
ATK +15
MATK +15
Refine Level +12:
CRI +10
Protects from skill cast interruption.
Type: Shield
Defense: 0
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
460020.png Mad Bunny-LT [1] (460020)
ItemID: 460020
A stuffed toy that Piamette conveniently uses for attack and defense?
Apparently it's moving...
ATK +5%, MATK +5%.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +2%, MATK +2%.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 7%.
Refine Level +12:
Skill casting cannot be interrupted.
CRI +15
[Bonus by Grade]
[Grade D]:
Decreases damage taken from enemies of every element by 10%.
[Grade C]:
POW +2
SPL +2.
[Grade B]:
P.ATK +2
[Grade A]:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
Type: Shield
Defense: 0
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 160
Enchant Items None 1000874.png Enchant Ticket (1000874)

You can obtain the Enchant Ticket here.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
310851.png After Cast Delay Lv.1 (310851)
ItemID: 310851
Decreases After Cast Delay by 1%.
310852.png After Cast Delay Lv.2 (310852)
ItemID: 310852
Decreases After Cast Delay by 3%.
310853.png After Cast Delay Lv.3 (310853)
ItemID: 310853
Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
310854.png Attack Speed Lv.1 (310854)
ItemID: 310854
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
310855.png Attack Speed Lv.2 (310855)
ItemID: 310855
Increases Attack Speed by 7%.
310856.png Attack Speed Lv.3 (310856)
ItemID: 310856
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
310857.png Variable Casting (Physical) Lv.1 (310857)
ItemID: 310857
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
ATK +3
310858.png Variable Casting (Physical) Lv.2 (310858)
ItemID: 310858
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%.
ATK +5
310859.png Variable Casting (Physical) Lv.3 (310859)
ItemID: 310859
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
P.ATK +1
310880.png Variable Casting (Magical) Lv.1 (310880)
ItemID: 310880
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%.
310879.png Variable Casting (Magical) Lv.2 (310879)
ItemID: 310879
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 7%.
310860.png Variable Casting (Magical) Lv.3 (310860)
ItemID: 310860
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
310861.png Defense Lv.1 (310861)
ItemID: 310861
DEF +100
310862.png Defense Lv.2 (310862)
ItemID: 310862
DEF +150
310863.png Defense Lv.3 (310863)
ItemID: 310863
DEF +200
Decreases damage taken from all elemental attacks by 5%.
310864.png Physical Lv.1 (310864)
ItemID: 310864
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 1% .
310865.png Physical Lv.2 (310865)
ItemID: 310865
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 3%.
310866.png Physical Lv.3 (310866)
ItemID: 310866
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 5%.
310867.png Ranged Lv.1 (310867)
ItemID: 310867
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%.
310868.png Ranged Lv.2 (310868)
ItemID: 310868
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%.
310869.png Ranged Lv.3 (310869)
ItemID: 310869
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%.
310870.png Magical Lv.1 (310870)
ItemID: 310870
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 1%.
310871.png Magical Lv.2 (310871)
ItemID: 310871
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 3%.
310872.png Magical Lv.3 (310872)
ItemID: 310872
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 5%.
310873.png HP Lv.1 (310873)
ItemID: 310873
MaxHP +3%
310874.png HP Lv.2 (310874)
ItemID: 310874
MaxHP +5%.
310875.png HP Lv.3 (310875)
ItemID: 310875
MaxHP +7%
310876.png Spirit Lv.1 (310876)
ItemID: 310876
MaxSP +3%
310877.png Spirit Lv.2 (310877)
ItemID: 310877
MaxSP +5%
310878.png Spirit Lv.3 (310878)
ItemID: 310878
MaxSP +7%


Each enchant can be upgraded into better version, or resetted with 100% success rate.

Enchant Enchantment Process
From To Materials Zeny
any Lv.1 enchant same enchant but Lv.2 3 1000874.png Enchant Ticket (1000874)

50 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 50 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)

any Lv.2 enchant same enchant but Lv.3 5 1000874.png Enchant Ticket (1000874)

150 25731.png Zelunium (25731) 150 25729.png Shadowdecon (25729)

any enchant of any Lv. empty enchant socket - 500,000

Gambler's Seal


Item 410233.png Gambler's Seal [1] (410233)
ItemID: 410233
A sticker that gamblers put on their balls.
It can be attached and detached.
Additional abilities can be activated by using the Loki's Coin.
Loki's Coin can be obtained from
by using Nyangvine Cat Fruit or Zeny.
This item can't receive additional enchantment from Piercing Brosnan.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Mid
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 150
Enchant Items 102278.png Loki's Coin (102278)
100487.png Loki's White Coin (100487)
102343.png Loki's Black Coin (102343)
102676.png Loki's Golden Coin (102676)

Enchant-Coins are available at NPC Muzaszir for 1m zeny or 2 Nyangvine Fruits.


102278.png Loki's Coin (102278)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
MaxHP 300~1000 MaxHP 300~1000
MaxSP 300~1000 MaxSP 300~1000
%MaxHP 1~5 %MaxHP 1~5
%MaxSP 1~5 %MaxSP 1~5
%Atk 1~5 %Atk 1~5
Atk 1~20 Atk 1~20
Def 10~30 Def 10~30
Mdef 5~10 Mdef 5~10
Crit 1~5 Crit 1~5
%increases melee physical damage 1~5 %increases melee physical damage 1~5
%increases critical damage 1~5 %increases critical damage 1~5
%reduces variable casting time 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
%reduces global cooldown 1~5 %reduces global cooldown 1~5
100487.png Loki's White Coin (100487)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
MaxHP 300~1000 MaxHP 300~1000
MaxSP 300~1000 MaxSP 300~1000
%MaxHP 1~5 %MaxHP 1~5
%MaxSP 1~5 %MaxSP 1~5
%Matk 1~5 %Matk 1~5
Matk 1~20 Matk 1~20
Def 10~30 Def 10~30
Mdef 5~10 Mdef 5~10
%increases heal effectiveness 1~5 %increases heal effectiveness 1~5
%increases all property magical damage 1~5 %increases all property magical damage 1~5
S.Matk 1~5 S.Matk 1~5
%reduces variable casting time 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
%reduces global cooldown 1~5 %reduces global cooldown 1~5
102343.png Loki's Black Coin (102343)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
MaxHP 300~1000 MaxHP 300~1000
MaxSP 300~1000 MaxSP 300~1000
%MaxHP 1~5 %MaxHP 1~5
%MaxSP 1~5 %MaxSP 1~5
%Atk 1~5 %Atk 1~5
Atk 1~20 Atk 1~20
Def 10~30 Def 10~30
Mdef 5~10 Mdef 5~10
Crit 1~5 Crit 1~5
%increases long ranged physical damage 1~5 %increases long ranged physical damage 1~5
%increases critical damage 1~5 %increases critical damage 1~5
%reduces variable casting time 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
%reduces global cooldown 1~5 %reduces global cooldown 1~5
102676.png Loki's Golden Coin (102676)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
MaxHP 300~1000 MaxHP 300~1000
MaxSP 300~1000 MaxSP 300~1000
%MaxHP 1~5 %MaxHP 1~5
%MaxSP 1~5 %MaxSP 1~5
Def 20~100 Def 20~100
Mdef 5~25 Mdef 5~25
Res 1~20 Res 1~20
Mres 1~10 Mres 1~10
STA 1~10 STA 1~10
%reduces variable casting time 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
%reduces global cooldown 1~5 %reduces global cooldown 1~5

Cards in Mouth


420210.png Ace of Hearts in Mouth (Melee Physical) (420210)
ItemID: 420210
Ace of Hearts in Mouth.
When equipped with Gambler's Seal [1]:
ATK +5%
Increases Melee Physical Damage by 10%.
Additional abilities can be activated by using the Loki's Advice.
Loki's Advice can be obtained from
by using Nyangvine Cat Fruit or Zeny.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Low
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 150
420213.png Ace of Spades in Mouth (Magical) (420213)
ItemID: 420213
Ace of Spades in Mouth.
When equipped with Gambler's Seal [1]:
MATK +5%
Increases Magical Damage with every element by 10%.
Additional abilities can be activated by using the Loki's Advice.
Loki's Advice can be obtained from
by using Nyangvine Cat Fruit or Zeny.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Low
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 150
420220.png Ace of Diamonds in Mouth (Ranged Physical) (420220)
ItemID: 420220
Ace of Diamonds in Mouth.
When equipped with Gambler's Seal [1]:
ATK +5%
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.
Additional abilities can be activated by using the Loki's Advice.
Loki's Advice can be obtained from
by using Nyangvine Cat Fruit or Zeny.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Low
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 150
420269.png Ace of Clovers in Mouth (Defense) (420269)
ItemID: 420269
Ace of Clovers in Mouth.
When equipped with Gambler's Seal [1]:
MaxHP +5%, DEF +200, MDEF +30.
Additional abilities can be activated by using the Loki's Advice (Defense).
Loki's Advice (Defense) can be obtained from
by using Nyangvine Cat Fruit or Zeny.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Lower
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 150


420210.png Ace of Hearts in Mouth (Melee Physical) (420210) 102277.png Loki's Advice(Melee Physical) (102277)
420213.png Ace of Spades in Mouth (Magical) (420213) 100488.png Loki's Advice(Magical) (100488)
420220.png Ace of Diamonds in Mouth (Ranged Physical) (420220) 102342.png Loki's Advice(Ranged Physical) (102342)
420269.png Ace of Clovers in Mouth (Defense) (420269) 102677.png Loki's Advice(Defense) (102677)

102277.png Loki's Advice(Melee Physical) (102277)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
Str 1~5 Cri 1~5
Dex 1~5 %increases critical damage 1~7
Vit 1~5 %increases melee physical damage 1~7
Int 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
Luk 1~5 %increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack) 1~5
Agi 1~5
100488.png Loki's Advice(Magical) (100488)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
Str 1~5 %increases heal effectiveness 1~5
Dex 1~5 S.Matk 1~7
Vit 1~5 %increases all property magical damage 1~7
Int 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
Luk 1~5 %increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack) 1~5
Agi 1~5
102342.png Loki's Advice(Ranged Physical) (102342)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
Str 1~5 Cri 1~5
Dex 1~5 %increases critical damage 1~7
Vit 1~5 %increases long ranged physical damage 1~7
Int 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
Luk 1~5 %increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack) 1~5
Agi 1~5
102677.png Loki's Advice(Defense) (102677)
1st enchant list Min~Max 2nd enchant list Min~Max
Str 1~5 Def 50~100
Dex 1~5 Mdef 5~25
Vit 1~5 Res 1~20
Int 1~5 Mres 1~10
Luk 1~5 %reduces variable casting time 1~5
Agi 1~5 %increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack) 1~5