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Battlestats Message in Chat Log
Battlestats Message in Chat Log
The @battlestats / @bs command is a MuhRO exclusive Player Command. You can use this command while in-game to get a summary of your character's substats, including Offensive and Defensive capability; ASPD calculation; Accuracy and Flee; Crit chance and Crit Damage; Cast Time and Cast Delay; as well as bonuses and penalties related to each of the aforementioned substats.
The @battlestats / @bs command is a MuhRO exclusive Player Command. You can use this command while in-game to get a summary of your character's substats, including Offensive and Defensive capability; ASPD calculation; Accuracy and Flee; Crit chance and Crit Damage; Cast Time and Cast Delay; as well as bonuses and penalties related to each of the aforementioned substats.
==Game Playing==
When you begin playing, you create your Novice character. You are no longer required to put initial stats, nor are you spawned in the Training Grounds map anymore. Instead, you spawn in a ship, heading towards Izlude, with 1 in each stat. You will then be able to follow a series of tutorial quests at the Criatura Academy, located in Izlude.
When you have finished the training and reached Job level 10, you may change into your first job. Changing into first job classes, except Taekwon Kid, Ninja, Gunslinger, and Super Novice, do not require quests anymore. In NovaRO, job changing may be done with the Job Master NPC located in the Main Office Building in Prontera (/navi prontera 135/185).
After you've become a first job, you may begin your journey towards level 99.
'''Leveling up to 99'''
The Renewal update implemented an organisation called the Eden Group. They offer quests which rewards players with equipment and experience for leveling during the early levels. In NovaRO, the Eden Group Headquarters can be accessed using the command @go eden. You may only access the Eden Group Quests after registering with the NPC named Secretary Lime Evenor.
'''Equipments Quests'''
The NPCs Instructor Boya and Instructor Ur in Eden Group HQ offers special equipment quests for new players. Instructor Boya gives them for levels 11-59, while Instructor Ur gives them for levels 60-100. The equipment set includes an armor, garment, shoes, hat and a selection of weapons which vary by job classes.
'''Board Quests'''
There are several boards located in Eden Group HQ, each labeled by a level range (e.g. "Level 11-26"). They give simple quests, such as killing 30 ea of monsters or collecting 30 ea of monster drops, and reward with hefty amounts of EXP. In NovaRO, there are board quests available for players up to level 175.
'''Gramps' Hunting'''
The Gramps NPC in Eden Group HQ offers a special set of hunting quests. Each of them requires a 400 kill-count, and are grouped to levels 85-114, 115-144, and 145-175. Additionally, the NPC grants access to a special map which is crowded with the monsters to-be-hunted. These quests are best done with a party, and rewards with a huge amount of EXP when turned in.
The rebirth system is exactly he same as it was in Pre-Renewal. Characters who have reached the level cap of 99/50 may be reborn into a level 1/1 High Novice. The reborn character can then be leveled up again, with bonuses in MaxHP, MaxSP, and Stat points, to reach Transcendent 2nd Classes. In NovaRO, rebirth may be done with the Job Master NPC in Main Office. After you Rebirth, you may start leveling again up to 99/70 and gain access to Transcendent skills.
'''Third Job'''
When you reach the level cap of your character at 99/50 or 99/70, you can change into the Third job class. Changing into the Third job will reset your Job level back to 1 and allow you to gain more levels, up to 200/70. The cap of your stats will also be raised to 130. Additionally, you will gain access to the third job skill tree with many new skills to use.
Leveling past 99 can be done through several means:
'''New World'''
The New World maps offers new challenges for characters beyond level 99. Gaining access to the New World opens ways to new quests, many of which are required to unlock new areas, dungeons, quests, as well as give access to new equipment choices. For example, the Two Tribes quest gives access to the Yggdrasil Dungeon, where you can fight the Nidhoggur's Shadow MVP; and the Lost Dragon Quest unlocks Mora Daily quests which allows you to get Mora Coins, exchangable for Class-specific Equipment.
'''Nightmare Dungeons'''
The Renewal update is also followed by the implementation of Nightmare Dungeons. These dungeons are special versions of existing dungeons, which has stronger mobs and new MVPs. Some examples of these are the Nightmare Pyramid Dungeon and Nightmare Clock Tower (also known as Twisted Time Tower).
'''Eden Group'''
The Eden Group is still a valuable ally for leveling past 99. The additional board quests for levels 100~175 can help guide you to places where you can grind for EXP, while rewarding you with bonus EXP after finishing the requirements. You can see a comprehensive guide for Eden Group here. Gramps' Weekly Hunting is also a viable choice for easy leveling with a party.