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==Convenience Commands==
== Game Commands ==
This is a list of commands players can use in-game for their convenience.
Some commands can be enabled at NPCs Settings in our main office for automatic activation each time you log in. <br>

@battlestats: Gives detailed information about your current battle statistics including Cast Time Reductions, Damage Reductions, and ATK Bonuses.
===General Information===
@cooldown/@cd/@instance: Shows the status of your character's instance cooldowns.
@events: Shows the upcoming events such as the Mysterious Slot Machine, Happy Hours, etc.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;"
@changegm: Changes the leader of your current guild.
@leaveclan/@clanleave: Leaves your clan at any moment (useful if you have trouble being added to a guild).
! Command
@channel: Displays all channel commands.
! Description
@channel join <#channel name>: Joins the channel you specified.
@channel leave <#channel name>: Leaves the channel you specified.
@channeljoin: Toggles automatic joining of the default channels (#trade, #support, #lfp) on or off.
@countitem: Set item goals for collection with @countitem +6256 100 for example. 100 Being the goal and +6256 being Ice Pieces. You must use the ID#, and you can not set multiple count items in a single line as you would @autoloot. Each time the item lands in your inventory through any means a yellow text box appears similar to announcements on the server. Completing your @countitem will trigger the Homunculus level up animation over your character (/effect ON) and the level up horns will be heard with /sound ON.
|Displays all avaliable text commands.
@commands: Displays a list of available player commands.
@dailies: Displays the Daily Rewards calendar. The next reward you will claim has a blue highlight.
@edenquest: Shows the current status of your Eden Group Equipments Quest chain.
@go <town id or town name>: Lists the warp destinations. You can warp to one of the destination by typing the town name or town ID (e.g. @go 22 or @go hugel).
|Display the server's EXP/Job/Drop rates
@hominfo: Displays detailed information of your Homunculus, including stats and Intimacy points.
@homstats: Displays your current Homunculus stats as well as the possible values at max level.
@homtalk <text>: Freak out your friends by making your Homunculus talk.
@jailtime: Shows your remaining jail duration.
|Displays the user's Instance cooldown timers
@me <text>: Make your character speak without displaying the : between your character name and your text.
@missionreset: (For Taekwon Kid characters) Resets your Taekwon Mission so you can get a different mission.
@party <partyname>: Creates a party, similar to /organize.
@pettalk <text>: Freak out your friends by making your Pet talk.
|Displays the current server time
@petinfo: Check your pet hunger and intimacy.
@hidepet: Hide your pet from YOU. Other player will still see your pet.
@rates: Displays the current server EXP rates and item drop rates.
@return: Warps you back to your save point.
|Displays how long the server has been active for
@load: Warps you back to your save point.
@showdelay: Displays the Cast Delay or Cooldown of the skill you're trying to cast, if it is on Delay or Cooldown. Requires Skill Failure Display to be on.
@showvend: Displays cells where you can setup a selling or buying shop in town.
| @rates
@refresh: 'Refreshes' your display. It helps to correct position lag.
| Display the server's EXP/Job/Drop rates
@time: Displays the current server time.
| @showdelay
| Displays Cast Delay or Cooldown for skills, requires Skill Failure Display option to be on
| @ltp
| Marks your last point after porting on the mini-map.
|@utc to set your timezone (this will be displayed on MVP Tombs and @time command for now)
===Database Commands===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
|@iteminfo @ii
|@ii 573
|Displays information about an item (Name, ID and sell price)
|@whobuy @wb
|@wb 573
|Displays Buying Stores containing that item
|@whosell @ws
|@ws 573
|Displays Vending stores containing that item
|@whichnpcsell @wn
|@wn 573
|Displays NPC shop locations for an item
|@whodrops @wd
|@wd 573
|Displays which mobs drop an item at which rate
|@mobinfo @mi
|@mi 573
|Displays a mob's stats and item drop rates
|@whereis @wi
|@wi 573
|Displays where a mob spawns (regular spawn only)
===General Commands===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
|@go 0
|Teleports you to the specified town (Use alone for town list)
|@return @load
| -
|Teleports you back to your save location
| -
|You die
|@lastwarp @lw
| -
|Teleports you to the last location you visited via Warper NPC
| -
|Reloads displayed positions (Removes Position Lag errors)
| -
|Prevents players from damaging mobs who hit you or were hit by you
| -
|Prevents party invitations
|@battlestats @bs
| -
|Displays in-depth character stats
|@navi prontera 55 55
|Enables navigation to lead you to set coordinates on the set map
|@navi2 prontera 55 55
|Enables navigation to lead you to set coordinates on the set map and opens the navigation window.
|@shop ID/Type
|Opens a player shop directly. You will find this command on the homepage market pages.
| -
|Displays gained EXP per kill
|@sj 55 55
|Teleports you to the shop located in those coordinates
| -
|Displays gained zeny.
|@killcounter mobid killcounterlist
|@kc 1973 1
|You can count 5 different mobs at the same time. So you type @kc >mobid< >1 (first position of 5)<
|@killcounter reset
|@kc reset 1
|Reset of killcounterlist 1, if you type just "@kc reset" it will reset all 5 killcounterlists!
|@killcounter status
|@kc status
|Shows the currently kill status of your whole list.
| -
|Displays your ingame ping.
| -
|Shows your currently amount of Fashion Points.
|@help @h
|@h showdelay
|Shows information about any command, if it's avaliable.
| -
|Hides Login settings.
|@kickmyvendors @kmv
| -
|Kicks all active vendors of the corresponding master account.
|@autotrade @at
| -
|Using @autotrade allows a character that has an active vending stall to keep that stall active while logged off. Upon use, the client logs off and closes. Logging on again will deactivate the automatic vendor.
| -
|Takes off the gear you wearing.
| -
|Will toggle the Job Changer to not offer Job Changes for your character
| -
|Disables resized NPC chat windows, saving it's position
| -
|Summons the Settings NPC next to you
| -
|Summons the EXP-Settings NPC next to you
| -
|Summons banker Bowsette next to you and opens the bank window
| -
|Shows Reading Spell Book info (Warlock only)
|@me sits down
|Lets you talk directly in third person
|@pettalk sniffs on the ground
|Lets your pet talk
|@homtalk sniffs on the ground
|Lets your homunculus talk
=== Commands to Hide/Show Class Specific Features (Visual only) ===
{| class="wikitable"
|@hidepet @hidepets
| -
|Pets will no longer be shown.
|@silentpet @silentpets
| -
|Pets will no longer talk or have emotions.
| -
|Hides Windhawk warg.
| -
|Swordsman Classes only. Hides your mount. Known issue: Take off mount button goes away (use @unmount)
| -
|Swordsman Classes only. Helps you dismount if your mount is hidden with @hidemount
| -
|Hides Meister's ABR machine summons.
|@madomode 3
|Changes the default appearance of Mado Gear on your character for you and others (does not work in PvP maps)
Options: 0: Default Mado Gear  |  2: Modern Mado Gear  |  3: Invisible Mado Gear (Default in PvP)  |  4: Invisible Mado Gear (Modern in PvP)
| -
|Hides Biolo's Bionic summons.
| -
|Hides Alchemist's Homunculus.
| -
|Hides Elemental Master's elemental summons.
|@hideoutfit @hideoutfits
| -
|Turns off all headgear/garment sprites on Player Characters
|@hidehateffect @hidehateffects
| -
|Turns off all headgear/garment effects on Player Characters
| -
|Turns off only the Flame Giant Costume sprite
===Loot-related Commands===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
|@autoloot @al
|@al 5
|Automatically loots drop rate below the rate selected
| -
|Ignore floor item
| @aloottype +4
|  + Specifies an item type to always autoloot. - Blacklists an item type from autolooting
Types: 0 = Healing, 2 = Usable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Eggs, 8 = Pet Accessories, 10 = Ammo
| rowspan="2" |@alootid
|@alootid +573
|<nowiki>Adds item to your autolootid list. You can chain multiple commands at once with pipe symbol "|". E.g.: @alootid reset|+573|+574</nowiki>
|@alootid -573
|Removes item from your alootid list.
|@alootid reset
| -
|Will clear your autolootitem list.
|@nolootid +573
|<nowiki> Removes an item from your autoloot. You can chain multiple commands at once E.g.: @nolootid +573|+574</nowiki>
|@nolootid reset
| -
|Will clear your nolootitem list.
@Restock +/-<ItemID> <Ammount> <Type>: Adds or Removes the item from your Restock list
@Restock List: Lists the items currently registered
@Restock Reset: Erases your current restock list
|Restock allows you to automatically draw a set of registered items from the current opened Storage.  
|@restock bg
| -
|Restocks bg-items
|@restock woe
| -
|Restocks woe-items
| -
|Stores all Items into an opened storage.
| -
|Moves all Items from an opened storage into inventory
|@stockall 4
|Moves all items from cart to inventory
Types: -1 = All (default), 0 = Healing, 2 = Useable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Egg, 8 = Pet Armor, 10 = Ammunition
|@dropall 4
|Drops all items from inventory except equipped or favourited items
Types: -1 = All (default), 0 = Healing, 2 = Useable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Egg, 8 = Pet Armor, 10 = Ammunition
|@alootconfig @alc
| -
|Calls the dialog to save current loot settings (@autoloot, @alootid and @nolootid) into a game account wide autoloot set
|@alootset @als
|@als 1
|Loads the saved autoloot set
===Party Commands===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
| -
|Creates a party
|@invite Icecold
|Invites a character to your party (Party Leader Only)
===Guild Commands===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
|@guild MuhRO
|Creates a guild (Requires 1 Emperium)
|@guildinvite Icecold
|Invites a character to a guild
|@changegm Icecold
|Transfers guild ownership
| -
|Disbands a guild (Guild leader only, all members must be expelled beforehand)
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
|@duel Icecold
|Invites a character to a duel
| -
|Accepts a duel invitation
| -
|Rejects a duel invitation
| -
|Leaves duel status
| -
|Joins the Battlegrounds queue
=== Client featuring commands ===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 60%;""
! style="width: 10%" |Command
! style="width: 10%" |Example
! style="width: 40%" |Description
|Shows latency
| -
|unlocks fps if playing with directx7
| -
|Enables/Disables LGP
|@square <on/off/1-14>
| -
|Display square around the character. It is possible to change the size.
| -
|Displays circle around the character.
| -
|Displays colored areas of skills: Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Meteor Storm.

Latest revision as of 18:43, 14 September 2024

Game Commands

This is a list of commands players can use in-game for their convenience. Some commands can be enabled at NPCs Settings in our main office for automatic activation each time you log in.

General Information

Command Description
@commands Displays all avaliable text commands.
@rates Display the server's EXP/Job/Drop rates
@cooldown Displays the user's Instance cooldown timers
@time Displays the current server time
@uptime Displays how long the server has been active for
@rates Display the server's EXP/Job/Drop rates
@showdelay Displays Cast Delay or Cooldown for skills, requires Skill Failure Display option to be on
@ltp Marks your last point after porting on the mini-map.
@utc @utc to set your timezone (this will be displayed on MVP Tombs and @time command for now)

Database Commands

Command Example Description
@iteminfo @ii @ii 573 Displays information about an item (Name, ID and sell price)
@whobuy @wb @wb 573 Displays Buying Stores containing that item
@whosell @ws @ws 573 Displays Vending stores containing that item
@whichnpcsell @wn @wn 573 Displays NPC shop locations for an item
@whodrops @wd @wd 573 Displays which mobs drop an item at which rate
@mobinfo @mi @mi 573 Displays a mob's stats and item drop rates
@whereis @wi @wi 573 Displays where a mob spawns (regular spawn only)

General Commands

Command Example Description
@go @go 0 Teleports you to the specified town (Use alone for town list)
@return @load - Teleports you back to your save location
@die - You die
@lastwarp @lw - Teleports you to the last location you visited via Warper NPC
@refresh - Reloads displayed positions (Removes Position Lag errors)
@noks - Prevents players from damaging mobs who hit you or were hit by you
@noask - Prevents party invitations
@battlestats @bs - Displays in-depth character stats
@navi @navi prontera 55 55 Enables navigation to lead you to set coordinates on the set map
@navi2 @navi2 prontera 55 55 Enables navigation to lead you to set coordinates on the set map and opens the navigation window.
@shop @shop ID/Type Opens a player shop directly. You will find this command on the homepage market pages.
@showexp - Displays gained EXP per kill
@shopjump @sj 55 55 Teleports you to the shop located in those coordinates
@showzeny - Displays gained zeny.
@killcounter mobid killcounterlist @kc 1973 1 You can count 5 different mobs at the same time. So you type @kc >mobid< >1 (first position of 5)<
@killcounter reset @kc reset 1 Reset of killcounterlist 1, if you type just "@kc reset" it will reset all 5 killcounterlists!
@killcounter status @kc status Shows the currently kill status of your whole list.
@ping - Displays your ingame ping.
@activity - Shows your currently amount of Fashion Points.
@help @h @h showdelay Shows information about any command, if it's avaliable.
@hideconfig - Hides Login settings.
@kickmyvendors @kmv - Kicks all active vendors of the corresponding master account.
@autotrade @at - Using @autotrade allows a character that has an active vending stall to keep that stall active while logged off. Upon use, the client logs off and closes. Logging on again will deactivate the automatic vendor.
@unequipall - Takes off the gear you wearing.
@lockjob - Will toggle the Job Changer to not offer Job Changes for your character
@noresize - Disables resized NPC chat windows, saving it's position
@settings - Summons the Settings NPC next to you
@setrates - Summons the EXP-Settings NPC next to you
@bank - Summons banker Bowsette next to you and opens the bank window
@spellbook - Shows Reading Spell Book info (Warlock only)
@me @me sits down Lets you talk directly in third person
@pettalk @pettalk sniffs on the ground Lets your pet talk
@homtalk @homtalk sniffs on the ground Lets your homunculus talk

Commands to Hide/Show Class Specific Features (Visual only)

Command Example Description
@hidepet @hidepets - Pets will no longer be shown.
@silentpet @silentpets - Pets will no longer talk or have emotions.
@hidewarg - Hides Windhawk warg.
@hidemount - Swordsman Classes only. Hides your mount. Known issue: Take off mount button goes away (use @unmount)
@unmount - Swordsman Classes only. Helps you dismount if your mount is hidden with @hidemount
@hideabr - Hides Meister's ABR machine summons.
@madomode @madomode 3 Changes the default appearance of Mado Gear on your character for you and others (does not work in PvP maps)

Options: 0: Default Mado Gear | 2: Modern Mado Gear | 3: Invisible Mado Gear (Default in PvP) | 4: Invisible Mado Gear (Modern in PvP)

@hidebionic - Hides Biolo's Bionic summons.
@hidehom - Hides Alchemist's Homunculus.
@hideelem - Hides Elemental Master's elemental summons.
@hideoutfit @hideoutfits - Turns off all headgear/garment sprites on Player Characters
@hidehateffect @hidehateffects - Turns off all headgear/garment effects on Player Characters
@hideflamegiant - Turns off only the Flame Giant Costume sprite

Loot-related Commands

Command Example Description
@autoloot @al @al 5 Automatically loots drop rate below the rate selected
@nodrop - Ignore floor item
@aloottype @aloottype +4 + Specifies an item type to always autoloot. - Blacklists an item type from autolooting

Types: 0 = Healing, 2 = Usable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Eggs, 8 = Pet Accessories, 10 = Ammo

@alootid @alootid +573 Adds item to your autolootid list. You can chain multiple commands at once with pipe symbol "|". E.g.: @alootid reset|+573|+574
@alootid -573 Removes item from your alootid list.
@alootid reset - Will clear your autolootitem list.
@nolootid @nolootid +573 Removes an item from your autoloot. You can chain multiple commands at once E.g.: @nolootid +573|+574
@nolootid reset - Will clear your nolootitem list.

@Restock +/-<ItemID> <Ammount> <Type>: Adds or Removes the item from your Restock list

@Restock List: Lists the items currently registered

@Restock Reset: Erases your current restock list

Restock allows you to automatically draw a set of registered items from the current opened Storage.
@restock bg - Restocks bg-items
@restock woe - Restocks woe-items
@storeall - Stores all Items into an opened storage.
@getall - Moves all Items from an opened storage into inventory
@stockall @stockall 4 Moves all items from cart to inventory

Types: -1 = All (default), 0 = Healing, 2 = Useable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Egg, 8 = Pet Armor, 10 = Ammunition

@dropall @dropall 4 Drops all items from inventory except equipped or favourited items

Types: -1 = All (default), 0 = Healing, 2 = Useable, 3 = Etc, 4 = Armor, 5 = Weapon, 6 = Card, 7 = Pet Egg, 8 = Pet Armor, 10 = Ammunition

@alootconfig @alc - Calls the dialog to save current loot settings (@autoloot, @alootid and @nolootid) into a game account wide autoloot set
@alootset @als @als 1 Loads the saved autoloot set

Party Commands

Command Example Description
@party - Creates a party
@invite @invite Icecold Invites a character to your party (Party Leader Only)

Guild Commands

Command Example Description
@guild @guild MuhRO Creates a guild (Requires 1 Emperium)
@guildinvite @guildinvite Icecold Invites a character to a guild
@changegm @changegm Icecold Transfers guild ownership
@breakguild - Disbands a guild (Guild leader only, all members must be expelled beforehand)


Command Example Description
@duel @duel Icecold Invites a character to a duel
@accept - Accepts a duel invitation
@reject - Rejects a duel invitation
@leave - Leaves duel status
@joinbg - Joins the Battlegrounds queue

Client featuring commands

Command Example Description
!ping Shows latency
!vsync - unlocks fps if playing with directx7
@lgp - Enables/Disables LGP
@square <on/off/1-14> - Display square around the character. It is possible to change the size.
@circle - Displays circle around the character.
@aoes - Displays colored areas of skills: Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Meteor Storm.