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Socket Enchant or Slot Addition is a system which lets you add slots to mostly old existing gears.
There are two NPCs that will perform Socket Enchant. Depending on the item you wish to socket enchant, you will have to look for the locations of Seiyablem or Leablem.
To start any Socket Enchant (also referred as Slot Addition) process, you must bring the required items and zeny to the corresponding NPC that will do the job for you. Not all items are socket enchantable, only those listed by Seiyablem or Leablem are possible. Please refer to the weapon and armor lists below for the requirements and which NPC to go to.

Success Rates

There are four sets of armors and weapons that are socket enchantable. Each set is categorized into letter-classes C, B, A, and S. Items of different letter-classes will have different success rates in the socket enchanting process.
The general success % ranges for each C, B, A and S classes weapon/armor are listed below. Items in the same class can have different sucess rates. It is best to refer to the success rate for each item individually:

  • Class C: 25%
  • Class B: 20-25%
  • Class A: 10-25%
  • Class S: 5-10%
  • Special Service: 90% Chance (Offered by Leablem if you ask him about 'the thing he skipped'. Scroll down to the end of this page to find out!)

As noted above, as the value of the item increases the socket enchant chance decreases. The zeny required the slot addition also increases as the difficulty increases.

The chance is the same no matter which town's NPC you went to.


Just in case you didn't read the NPC's warning and dive right into the process. Here are some important notes when dealing with the NPC:

  • There is a chance that the process will fail. If the attempt fails, then the weapon and any cards compounded to it will be destroyed.
  • The material and zeny required is non-refundable even if the attempt fails.
  • Make sure that you don't have multiples of the "to be socket enchanted item" in your inventory. For example, if you have a +7 Manteau and a normal Manteau in your inventory, the NPC will randomly pick on of them for the Slot Addition attempt. So, just remember to only carry one of the equipment to which you want to add a Slot to.

NPC Locations

Seiyablem locations Leablem locations
(prt_in 33, 70) (prt_in 22, 60)
(morocc 51, 41) (morocc 270, 159)
(payon 140, 151) (payon 236, 199)
(lhz_in02 281, 35) (lighthalzen 96, 137)

Socket Enchantable Weapons

Original Item Enchanted Item Zeny Required Item Required Success NPC
Class C
1460.png Trident [2] (1460) 1461.png Trident [3] (1461) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Seiyablem
1950.png Rope [3] (1950) 1951.png Rope [4] (1951) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Seiyablem
1901.png Violin [3] (1901) 1902.png Violin [4] (1902) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Seiyablem
1554.png Book of Mother Earth (1554) 1569.png Book of Mother Earth [3] (1569) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Leablem
1553.png Book of Billows (1553) 1568.png Book of Billows [3] (1568) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Leablem
1556.png Book of Gust of Wind (1556) 1571.png Book of Gust of Wind [3] (1571) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Leablem
1555.png Book of Blazing Sun (1555) 1570.png Book of Blazing Sun [3] (1570) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 25% Leablem
Class B
1519.png Chain [2] (1519) 1520.png Chain [3] (1520) 300.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 20% Seiyablem
1219.png Gladius [2] (1219) 1220.png Gladius [3] (1220) 300.000 Zeny 1x 984.png Oridecon (984)

5x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1714.png Gakkung [1] (1714) 1716.png Gakkung [2] (1716) 300.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984)

5x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1407.png Pike [3] (1407) 1408.png Pike [4] (1408) 200.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 20% Seiyablem
1123.png Haedonggum [1] (1123) 1128.png Haedonggum [2] (1128) 300.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984)

5x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1905.png Lute [2] (1905) 1906.png Lute [3] (1906) 300.000 Zeny 10x 1011.png Emveretarcon (1011) 20% Seiyablem
1954.png Wire Whip [2] (1954) 1955.png Wire Whip [3] (1955) 300.000 Zeny 10x 1011.png Emveretarcon (1011) 20% Seiyablem
1801.png Waghnak [3] (1801) 1802.png Waghnak [4] (1802) 300.000 Zeny 10x 1010.png Phracon (1010) 20% Seiyablem
1713.png Arbalest [1] (1713) 1715.png Arbalest [2] (1715) 300.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984)

5x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1304.png Orcish Axe (1304) 1309.png Orcish Axe [4] (1309) 200.000 Zeny 1x 984.png Oridecon (984) 25% Leablem
1113.png Scimitar [2] (1113) 1114.png Scimitar [3] (1114) 200.000 Zeny 1x 984.png Oridecon (984) 25% Leablem
1523.png Spike (1523) 1538.png Spike [2] (1538) 300.000 Zeny 1x 984.png Oridecon (984) 20% Leablem
Class A
1718.png Hunter Bow (1718) 1726.png Hunter Bow [1] (1726) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1619.png Staff of Survival (1619) 1620.png Staff of Survival [1] (1620) 500.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1168.png Zweihander (1168) 1171.png Zweihander [2] (1171) 800.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1129.png Flamberge (1129) 1149.png Flamberge [2] (1149) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1261.png Infiltrator (1261) 1266.png Infiltrator [1] (1266) 700.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1722.png Ballista (1722) 1727.png Ballista [1] (1727) 500.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1522.png Stunner (1522) 1532.png Stunner [2] (1532) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1814.png Berserk (1814) 1816.png Berserk [1] (1816) 500.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
1163.png Claymore (1163) 1172.png Claymore [2] (1172) 500.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

20% Seiyablem
13001.png Dragon Killer (13001) 13030.png Dragon Killer [2] (13030) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 20% Leablem
1257.png Katar of Quaking (1257) 1276.png Katar of Quaking [3] (1276) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 25% Leablem
1258.png Katar of Raging Blaze (1258) 1277.png Katar of Raging Blaze [3] (1277) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 25% Leablem
1256.png Katar of Frozen Icicle (1256) 1275.png Katar of Frozen Icicle [3] (1275) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 25% Leablem
1259.png Katar of Piercing Wind (1259) 1278.png Katar of Piercing Wind [3] (1278) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 25% Leablem
1524.png Golden Mace [1] (1524) 1539.png Golden Mace [2] (1539) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 20% Leablem
1918.png Oriental Lute (1918) 1922.png Oriental Lute [2] (1922) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 20% Leablem
1970.png Queen's Whip (1970) 1976.png Queen's Whip [2] (1976) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 20% Leablem
1477.png Spectral Spear (1477) 1479.png Spectral Spear [1] (1479) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 15% Leablem
1474.png Gae Bolg (1474) 1480.png Gae Bolg [2] (1480) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 15% Leablem
1167.png Schweizersabel (1167) 1178.png Schweizersabel [2] (1178) 500.000 Zeny 2x 984.png Oridecon (984) 20% Leablem
Class S
1413.png Gungnir (1413) 1418.png Gungnir [2] (1418) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1239.png Poison Knife (1239) 13016.png Poison Knife [2] (13016) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1230.png Ice Pick (1230) 13017.png Ice Pick [1] (13017) 2.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1236.png Sucsamad (1236) 13018.png Sucsamad [1] (13018) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
13002.png Ginnungagap (13002) 13019.png Ginnungagap [1] (13019) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1135.png Cutlass (1135) 13400.png Cutlass [1] (13400) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1466.png Crescent Scythe (1466) 1476.png Crescent Scythe [1] (1476) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1617.png Staff of Survival (1617) 1618.png Staff of Survival [1] (1618) 2.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Seiyablem
1468.png Zephyrus (1468) 1481.png Zephyrus [3] (1481) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem
1225.png Mailbreaker (1225) 13032.png Mailbreaker [3] (13032) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem
1166.png Dragon Slayer (1166) 1180.png Dragon Slayer [2] (1180) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem
1224.png Swordbreaker (1224) 13031.png Swordbreaker [3] (13031) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem
1232.png Assassin Dagger (1232) 13033.png Assassin Dagger [1] (13033) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem
1528.png Grand Cross (1528) 1540.png Grand Cross [1] (1540) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem
1169.png Executioner (1169) 1179.png Executioner [1] (1179) 1.000.000 Zeny 5x 984.png Oridecon (984)

10x 999.png Steel (999)

10% Leablem

Socket Enchantable Armors

Original Item Enchanted Item Zeny Required Item Required Success NPC
Class C
2307.png Mantle (2307) 2308.png Mantle [1] (2308) 200.000 Zeny 3x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Seiyablem
2309.png Coat (2309) 2310.png Coat [1] (2310) 200.000 Zeny 3x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Seiyablem
2232.png Circlet (2232) 2233.png Circlet [1] (2233) 200.000 Zeny 3x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Seiyablem
2216.png Biretta (2216) 2217.png Biretta [1] (2217) 200.000 Zeny 3x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Seiyablem
2253.png Sunflower (2253) 5351.png Sunflower [1] (5351) 100.000 Zeny 3x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Leablem
5012.png Ph.D Hat (5012) 5347.png Ph.D Hat [1] (5347) 200.000 Zeny 3x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Leablem
2244.png Big Ribbon (2244) 5348.png Big Ribbon [1] (5348) 200.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Leablem
5016.png Boy's Cap (5016) 5349.png Boy's Cap [1] (5349) 200.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 25% Leablem
Class B
2107.png Mirror Shield (2107) 2108.png Mirror Shield [1] (2108) 250.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2314.png Chain Mail (2314) 2315.png Chain Mail [1] (2315) 250.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2325.png Saint's Robe (2325) 2326.png Saint's Robe [1] (2326) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2321.png Silk Robe (2321) 2322.png Silk Robe [1] (2322) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2405.png Boots (2405) 2406.png Boots [1] (2406) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2403.png Shoes (2403) 2404.png Shoes [1] (2404) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2503.png Muffler (2503) 2504.png Muffler [1] (2504) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2101.png Guard (2101) 2102.png Guard [1] (2102) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2103.png Buckler (2103) 2104.png Buckler [1] (2104) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2105.png Shield (2105) 2106.png Shield [1] (2106) 250.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
5046.png Bongun Hat (5046) 5168.png Bongun Hat [1] (5168) 250.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Seiyablem
2609.png Skull Ring (2609) 2715.png Skull Ring [1] (2715) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Leablem
2409.png High Heels (2409) 2432.png High Heels [1] (2432) 300.000 Zeny 5x 999.png Steel (999) 20% Leablem
Class A
2230.png Gemmed Sallet (2230) 2231.png Gemmed Sallet [1] (2231) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
5114.png Bucket Hat (5114) 5120.png Bucket Hat [1] (5120) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2109.png Memory Book (2109) 2121.png Memory Book [1] (2121) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2330.png Tights (2330) 2331.png Tights [1] (2331) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2341.png Legion Plate Armor (2341) 2342.png Legion Plate Armor [1] (2342) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2316.png Full Plate (2316) 2317.png Full Plate [1] (2317) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2335.png Thief Clothes (2335) 2336.png Thief Clothes [1] (2336) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2411.png Greaves (2411) 2412.png Greaves [1] (2412) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
5092.png Coif (5092) 5093.png Coif [1] (5093) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2505.png Manteau (2505) 2506.png Manteau [1] (2506) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2228.png Helm (2228) 2229.png Helm [1] (2229) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2337.png Ninja Suit (2337) 2359.png Ninja Suit [1] (2359) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2299.png Orc Helm (2299) 5157.png Orc Helm [1] (5157) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2507.png Ancient Cape (2507) 2525.png Ancient Cape [1] (2525) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2251.png Monk Hat (2251) 5158.png Monk Hat [1] (5158) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2246.png Golden Gear (2246) 5159.png Golden Gear [1] (5159) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2605.png Brooch (2605) 2625.png Brooch [1] (2625) 400.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2264.png Munak Hat (2264) 5167.png Munak Hat [1] (5167) 300.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 20% Seiyablem
2287.png Pirate Bandana (2287) 5350.png Pirate Bandana [1] (5350) 500.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Leablem
2425.png Black Leather Boots (2425) 2434.png Black Leather Boots [1] (2434) 500.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Leablem
Class S
2256.png Majestic Goat (2256) 5160.png Majestic Goat [1] (5160) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2258.png Spiky Band (2258) 5161.png Spiky Band [1] (5161) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
5017.png Bone Helm (5017) 5162.png Bone Helm [1] (5162) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
5019.png Corsair (5019) 5163.png Corsair [1] (5163) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2235.png Crown (2235) 5165.png Crown [1] (5165) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2234.png Tiara (2234) 5164.png Tiara [1] (5164) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
5053.png Sphinx Hat (5053) 5166.png Sphinx Hat [1] (5166) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2343.png Robe of Casting (2343) 2360.png Robe of Casting [1] (2360) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2602.png Earring (2602) 2622.png Earring [1] (2622) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2601.png Ring (2601) 2621.png Ring [1] (2621) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2619.png Bow Thimble (2619) 2671.png Bow Thimble [1] (2671) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2619.png Bow Thimble (2619) 2671.png Bow Thimble [1] (2671) 2.000.000 Zeny 2x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Seiyablem
2334.png Magician Coat (2334) 2372.png Magician Coat [1] (2372) 1.000.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 10% Leablem
2327.png Holy Robe (2327) 2373.png Holy Robe [1] (2373) 1.000.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 5% Leablem
2111.png Herald of God (2111) 2128.png Herald of God [1] (2128) 1.000.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 5% Leablem
2522.png Undershirt (2522) 2523.png Undershirt [1] (2523) 1.000.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 5% Leablem
2339.png Pantie (2339) 2371.png Pantie [1] (2371) 1.000.000 Zeny 1x 985.png Elunium (985) 5% Leablem

Special Service

Original Item Enchanted Item Zeny Required Item Required Success NPC
5022.png Hat of the Sun God (5022) 5353.png Hat of the Sun God [1] (5353) 200.000.000 Zeny 2x 969.png Gold (969) 90% Leablem