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Message definition (18 Direction of Prayer)
=Main Story Quest=
==Part 1==
# {{#navi:ba_in01|26|266}} - Talk to Elly (Note: you might need to talk to Elly twice) in Varmundt's Mansion and receive a {{#item:400127}} and equip it for the whole quest. With this headgear, you can communicate with Elly during your investigation in Rachel for Illusion power presence. <br>
#; [[File:Elly18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|182|176}} - Talk to the Masked Girl in Rachel. You and Elly will uncover an argument among its citizens. More people start to show up and protest for Arunafeltz to be united including with the natives. <br>
#; [[File:Masked18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|183|170}} - Talk to the Female Priest who shows up to calm the people. Talk to her again who asks you to find the origin of this conflict. Rewarded with 20x {{#item:1000405}}.
#; [[File:Female18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temp|72|54}} - Talk to the Male Priest Junok outside Rachel's Temple to ask about the arguments you witnessed in the city. He explains that there is an on-going conflict between the natives and migrants. Guard Gala explains the situation that several attempts has been made to break into Rachel's Temple. Another Guard appears to inform Junok that more intruders were just spotted from the west. <br>
#; [[File:Junok18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temp|30|142}} - Follow Junok and the Guards who captured the intruders and you noticed that they were Heart Hunters. Gala takes them away into custody and asks you to meet in Rachel's Temple for a reporting. Rewarded with 30x {{#item:1000405}}.
#; [[File:Junok218.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temin|173|40}} - Talk to Guard Dent who explains that these intrusions are getting worse.
#; [[File:Dent18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temin|174|38}} - Talk to Marshall Neil for his stance on the situation.
#; [[File:Neil18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temin|172|36}} - Talk to Freya Priest who says that lately the people who come inside the temple are causing fights rather than praying. High Priestess Niren shows up to share her concerns about fighting in the Divine Temple. She asks to talk to you in private.
#; [[File:Freya18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temin|213|87}} - Talk to High Priestess Niren in secret near the staircase. She explains she knows the Heart Hunters are after Ymir's Heart piece, but security is spread too thin with the recent uproar between the migrants and natives.
#; [[File:Niren.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_temin|174|38}} - Return to Marshall Neil who says his son Maram can help.
#; [[File:Neil18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|137|135}} - Go ask a Villager in Rachel to see if he has seen Maram but he is no help.
#; [[File:Villager18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|105|134}} - Talk to another Villager but he is also no help.
#; [[File:2ndVillager18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|69|117}} - Talk to another Villager who says he saw Maram go to a meeting just north of here.
#; [[File:3rdVillager18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|70|147}} - Talk to Maram. He explains the situation of Rachel's past where believers of Freya migrated here and pushed the natives away. The natives tried to stay with the Temple, but ultimate hated it and left. He also let you know that he is adopted by Niren. When his mother became a High Priest, she lead a program to encourage the wealthy immigrants of Rachel to adopt just as she did. Niren had the idea where adopting children of the natives could help bridge the gap between the two groups. Instead, the native children were outcast into discrimination known as "Gray Children". Maram asks you to wait with him so you can speak with other natives to learn the circumstance better.
#; [[File:Maram18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|62|144}} - Talk to Miriam. Miriam and Maram gives you a list of items to buy from traders in Rachel.
#; [[File:Miriam18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|87|122}} - Ask the trader if he has anything to sell, but he is too nervous to sell to you.
#; [[File:trader183.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|107|102}} - Talk with Trader Sannat. You show him the list but he doesn't have any of those items in stock.
#; [[File:Sannat18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|117|104}} - Talk to Miriam who gets frustrated on how the merchants avoids "Gray Children" and suddenly cannot provide products.
#; [[File:Miriam118.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|119|103}} - Talk to Maram. He has an idea where you and him will lie about your background. That way the vendors will not get suspicious.
#; [[File:Maram118.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|137|85}} - Talk to the Merchant Rencia. Maram introduces you as another Merchant in an adjacent village who needs to restock. Choose: "He is in the bar." Rencia sees your list and says he can provide the items requested. However, he notices you didn't bring a cart and offers a delivery service.
#; [[File:Rencia18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|120|79}} - Talk to Miriam. She is worried that this lie will unfold when Rencia makes the delivery. Maram suggests disguises from a guy he knows. He will order food at a bar and his friend will contact you there.
#; [[File:Miriam218.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|108|73}} - Sit at the barstool and eat the dumplings that Maram ordered for you. Tamarin appears and introduces himself. You aqcuire disguises from him. Then he asks you to meet with him at Rachel's Square to recruit Mark and Maggi on the journey.
#; [[File:Tamarin18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|122|120}} - Talk to Mark at the Square. Tamarin says go to the meeting spot.
#; [[File:Mark18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|70|147}} - Talk to Maram. He says everything is now prepared to travel. He won't disclose where you will be heading, but to just follow his lead. He asks you to go back to Rencia to arrange the delivery time and location.
#; [[File:Maram18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|137|85}} - Talk to Merchant Rencia. You tell him to drop off the goods at the west side of Rachel.
#; [[File:MerRencia18.png]]
# {{#navi:rachel|41|132}} - Go to the wooden boxes to collect the goods.
#; [[File:woodenbox18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_fild11|354|235}} - Talked to Maram disguised as a Merchant. He tells you cannot join you without others getting suspicious or being followed to the destination. Maram will meet up with you and the group later to lead you the way through Oz Gorge.
#; [[File:Maramdis18.png]]
# {{#navi:ra_fild10|179|176}} - Meet Maram at the entrance to Oz Labyrinth to being an instance to cross the gorge. This instance is solo only and you cannot bring any party members.
#; [[File:MaramEntr18.png]]
# Follow the shortest path to the exit marked in yellow on the mini map of Oz Labyrinth Floor 1 instance. You have to clear monsters on the way for the Tamarin and the others to travel safely.
# {{#navi:gw_fild01|273|339}} - Talk to Maram who is glad that we all made it through. He says the village is nearby and for you to go west.
#; [[File:Maram318.png]]
# {{#navi:gw_fild01|35|102}} - Talk to Maram who says this is the entrance of the village. Imril appears.
#; [[File:MaramImril.png]]
# {{#navi:gw_fild01|37|105}} - Talk to Imril. He is extremely angry at Maram for breaking the rule of no outsiders allowed (you). Maram pleads with Imril stating that you assisted the entire process of obtaining stock and crossing the Oz Gorge. Imril says Suad will have the final ruling and asks us to wait until he gets him.
#; [[File:Imril18.png]]
# {{#navi:gw_fild01|35|102}} - Talk to Maram. Suad appears and Maram explains the whole situation. Fewer traders in Rachel are selling to natives. Oz Labyrinth will soon be impassable due to overflowing lava. Maram says they should considered themselves lucky to have an adventurer help. He asks Suad to give you a chance like how Niren gave him a chance. Suad finally allows you to enter the village.
# {{#navi:wolfvill|143|113}} - Talk to Imril and Maram. They are glad that Suad allowed you to enter Gray Wolf Village. They show you how the current situation is distressing with the lack of food and harsh environment. Maram mentions that you may not be so easily allowed in Gray Wolf Village next time suggests talking to the other villagers to become more trustworthy. Rewarded with 50x {{#item:1000405}} and side quests unlocked.
#; [[File:Imril218.png]]

Main Story Quest

Part 1

  1. (ba_in01 26, 266) - Talk to Elly in Varmundt's Mansion and receive a 400127.png Mini Elly (400127) and equip it for the whole quest. With this headgear, you can communicate with Elly during your investigation in Rachel for Illusion power presence.
  2. (rachel 182, 176) - Talk to the Masked Girl in Rachel. You and Elly will uncover an argument among its citizens. More people start to show up and protest for Arunafeltz to be united including with the natives.
  3. (rachel 183, 170) - Talk to the Female Priest who shows up to calm the people. Talk to her again who asks you to find the origin of this conflict. Rewarded with 20x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
  4. (ra_temp 72, 54) - Talk to the Male Priest Junok outside Rachel's Temple to ask about the arguments you witnessed in the city. He explains that there is an on-going conflict between the natives and migrants. Guard Gala explains the situation that several attempts has been made to break into Rachel's Temple. Another Guard appears to inform Junok that more intruders were just spotted from the west.
  5. (ra_temp 30, 142) - Follow Junok and the Guards who captured the intruders and you noticed that they were Heart Hunters. Gala takes them away into custody and asks you to meet in Rachel's Temple for a reporting. Rewarded with 30x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) .
  6. (ra_temin 173, 40) - Talk to Guard Dent who explains that these intrusions are getting worse.
  7. (ra_temin 174, 38) - Talk to Marshall Neil for his stance on the situation.
  8. (ra_temin 172, 36) - Talk to Freya Priest who says that lately the people who come inside the temple are causing fights rather than praying. High Priestess Niren shows up to share her concerns about fighting in the Divine Temple. She asks to talk to you in private.
  9. (ra_temin 213, 87) - Talk to High Priestess Niren in secret near the staircase. She explains she knows the Heart Hunters are after Ymir's Heart piece, but security is spread too thin with the recent uproar between the migrants and natives.
  10. (ra_temin 174, 38) - Return to Marshall Neil who says his son Maram can help.
  11. (rachel 137, 135) - Go ask a Villager in Rachel to see if he has seen Maram but he is no help.
  12. (rachel 105, 134) - Talk to another Villager but he is also no help.
  13. (rachel 69, 117) - Talk to another Villager who says he saw Maram go to a meeting just north of here.
  14. (rachel 70, 147) - Talk to Maram. He explains the situation of Rachel's past where believers of Freya migrated here and pushed the natives away. The natives tried to stay with the Temple, but ultimate hated it and left. He also let you know that he is adopted by Niren. When his mother became a High Priest, she lead a program to encourage the wealthy immigrants of Rachel to adopt just as she did. Niren had the idea where adopting children of the natives could help bridge the gap between the two groups. Instead, the native children were outcast into discrimination known as "Gray Children". Maram asks you to wait with him so you can speak with other natives to learn the circumstance better.
  15. (rachel 62, 144) - Talk to Miriam. Miriam and Maram gives you a list of items to buy from traders in Rachel.
  16. (rachel 87, 122) - Ask the trader if he has anything to sell, but he is too nervous to sell to you.
  17. (rachel 107, 102) - Talk with Trader Sannat. You show him the list but he doesn't have any of those items in stock.
  18. (rachel 117, 104) - Talk to Miriam who gets frustrated on how the merchants avoids "Gray Children" and suddenly cannot provide products.
  19. (rachel 119, 103) - Talk to Maram. He has an idea where you and him will lie about your background. That way the vendors will not get suspicious.
  20. (rachel 137, 85) - Talk to the Merchant Rencia. Maram introduces you as another Merchant in an adjacent village who needs to restock. Choose: "He is in the bar." Rencia sees your list and says he can provide the items requested. However, he notices you didn't bring a cart and offers a delivery service.
  21. (rachel 120, 79) - Talk to Miriam. She is worried that this lie will unfold when Rencia makes the delivery. Maram suggests disguises from a guy he knows. He will order food at a bar and his friend will contact you there.
  22. (rachel 108, 73) - Sit at the barstool and eat the dumplings that Maram ordered for you. Tamarin appears and introduces himself. You aqcuire disguises from him. Then he asks you to meet with him at Rachel's Square to recruit Mark and Maggi on the journey.
  23. (rachel 122, 120) - Talk to Mark at the Square. Tamarin says go to the meeting spot.
  24. (rachel 70, 147) - Talk to Maram. He says everything is now prepared to travel. He won't disclose where you will be heading, but to just follow his lead. He asks you to go back to Rencia to arrange the delivery time and location.
  25. (rachel 137, 85) - Talk to Merchant Rencia. You tell him to drop off the goods at the west side of Rachel.
  26. (rachel 41, 132) - Go to the wooden boxes to collect the goods.
  27. (ra_fild11 354, 235) - Talked to Maram disguised as a Merchant. He tells you cannot join you without others getting suspicious or being followed to the destination. Maram will meet up with you and the group later to lead you the way through Oz Gorge.
  28. (ra_fild10 179, 176) - Meet Maram at the entrance to Oz Labyrinth to being an instance to cross the gorge. This instance is solo only and you cannot bring any party members.
  29. Follow the shortest path to the exit marked in yellow on the mini map of Oz Labyrinth Floor 1 instance. You have to clear monsters on the way for the Tamarin and the others to travel safely.
  30. (gw_fild01 273, 339) - Talk to Maram who is glad that we all made it through. He says the village is nearby and for you to go west.
  31. (gw_fild01 35, 102) - Talk to Maram who says this is the entrance of the village. Imril appears.
  32. (gw_fild01 37, 105) - Talk to Imril. He is extremely angry at Maram for breaking the rule of no outsiders allowed (you). Maram pleads with Imril stating that you assisted the entire process of obtaining stock and crossing the Oz Gorge. Imril says Suad will have the final ruling and asks us to wait until he gets him.
  33. (gw_fild01 35, 102) - Talk to Maram. Suad appears and Maram explains the whole situation. Fewer traders in Rachel are selling to natives. Oz Labyrinth will soon be impassable due to overflowing lava. Maram says they should considered themselves lucky to have an adventurer help. He asks Suad to give you a chance like how Niren gave him a chance. Suad finally allows you to enter the village.
  34. (wolfvill 143, 113) - Talk to Imril and Maram. They are glad that Suad allowed you to enter Gray Wolf Village. They show you how the current situation is distressing with the lack of food and harsh environment. Maram mentions that you may not be so easily allowed in Gray Wolf Village next time suggests talking to the other villagers to become more trustworthy. Rewarded with 50x 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment (1000405) and side quests unlocked.