hello this is me awesome guide, yo.
this is just a guide
if u want a more physical oriented build
or if you prefer a more generalized overview
General Overview
Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh Luigi?
Stats and Traits
Luigi, look! It's from Bowser!
Provides some extra carrying capacity if you so desire, but this can be mitigated with Gym Pass (6286) + Cart. | |||||
Usually not relevant early since you need those points elsewhere, but can be increased to 80~100+ later. | |||||
We are quite fragile :< So everything helps, especially in the early game. | |||||
yeag. | |||||
This is rather flexible due to the amount of Dex we get from Improve Concentration and Owl's Eye. | |||||
Provides a little bit of Status MATK. |
No. Pow does not contribute to our damage, so we don't put any points into it. | |||||
You are most likely to get hit by spells rather physical attacks. But you can put some points into it if you want. | |||||
See above. | |||||
yeag | |||||
yeag 2 | |||||
Ehhh, no. It does not increase our damage, therefore we don't put points into it! |
Status Overview
If you want a complete overview of Status and Trait Points, refer to this page: Stats.
But basically for Status Points:
- Str: Increases Melee (and marginally Ranged) Physical Damage. As a caster we don't need that. However, Str also has the benefit of increasing our weight capacity. This is usually not needed since we have access to Enlarge Weight Limit and Pushcart.
- Agi: Increases Aspd and provides us with some additional Flee and SoftDef. You'd think increasing our Attack Speed is useless, however having an increased Attack Speed let's us finish our casting animation faster (any animation your character does is tied to Aspd) and allows us to cast, well faster. However with most 4th Job Skills, we are also bound to ACD.
- Vit: Increases our MaxHP by +1% per point. It also increases our SoftDef. Oh, and also Healing Item effectiveness.
- Int: Our main Stat. It increases our SP, our SoftMDef and most importantly, our Matk. It also slightly decreases cast time.
- Dex: Very important Stat. It decreases our cast time by a lot and also provides us with a little bit of Matk and Aspd. It also slightly increases our SoftMdef.
- Luk: Increases Crit, Flee and Perfect Dodge and also, Matk. More than Dex in fact.
For Trait Points:
- Pow: Increases P.Atk, so it's useless.
- Sta: Provides a lot of Res, which reduces the amount of Physical Damage we take.
- Wis: Similar to Sta, except it reduces Magic Damage.
- Spl: Very important. It increases our S.Matk which is basically Matk but better.
- Con: Increases Hit, Flee and most importantly S.Matk. Oh, and P.Atk, But we mainly put points into it for more S.Matk.
- Crt: Increases Critical Damage and Healing. Neither increases our damage so we don't want it.