Autumn Event

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It's time for a cuddly blanket and tea!

... and meanwhile hit the monsters ;)

Leaf Collector

  • Your Goal is to solve the Riddle that is hinting at the Town that the Monsters are gooing to be summoned.
  • Once you figured it out head over to that Town (It can't be in a Town that requires questing such as Cor or Wolf Village)
  • After a minute the Monster will spawn and all you need to do is kill them ;)
  • The Amount of Monsters depend on how many Players are on that map.
  • However if People come in late the Monster will multiply and become tougher so be careful there can spawn hunderets of them and become extremly hard to kill if you do so.
  • After a set Amount of time or all Monsters are defeated the Event will end and depending on the Monsters killed the 2nd Event will Initiate.
  • (Note: Progress is saved so the 2nd Event will eventually trigger once enough Monsters have been killed)

Wrath of the Moon Goddess
