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When do I change job?

Kagerou is part of the extended classes and don't have the rebirth-part.

  1. You start as Novice and change to Ninja with job level 10.
  2. As Ninja base level 99 and job level 70 you change to Kagerou if you are male, if you are female you change to Oboro.
  3. As Kagerou/Oboro with base level 200 and job level 70 you change to Shiranui (female) / Shinkiro (male).


522.png Throwing Mastery
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases Throw Shuriken
Mastery ATK.

[Lv 1]: Mastery ATK +3
[Lv 2]: Mastery ATK +6
[Lv 3]: Mastery ATK +9
[Lv 4]: Mastery ATK +12
[Lv 5]: Mastery ATK +15
[Lv 6]: Mastery ATK +18
[Lv 7]: Mastery ATK +21
[Lv 8]: Mastery ATK +24
[Lv 9]: Mastery ATK +27
[Lv 10]: Mastery ATK +30
523.png Throw Shuriken
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Shuriken at a
target from a distance of up to 9 cells
away from the caster.
Consumes 1
[Lv 1]: ATK 105%
[Lv 2]: ATK 110%
[Lv 3]: ATK 115%
[Lv 4]: ATK 120%
[Lv 5]: ATK 125%
[Lv 6]: ATK 130%
[Lv 7]: ATK 135%
[Lv 8]: ATK 140%
[Lv 9]: ATK 145%
[Lv 10]: ATK 150%
524.png Throw Kunai
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.20s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Kunai that will
strike it's target 3 times in one attack.
Each cast consumes 1
Kunai, and the
attack's element is affected by the type
Kunai thrown.
Consumes 1
[Lv 1]: ATK 100%
[Lv 2]: ATK 200%
[Lv 3]: ATK 300%
[Lv 4]: ATK 400%
[Lv 5]: ATK 500%
525.png Throw Huuma Shuriken
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 5,
Throw Kunai 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 1.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws Huuma Shuriken that
will damage it's target and any nearby
enemies. Raising this skill's level
increases it's number of strikes.

[Lv 1]: ATK 200%, Range: 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: ATK 450%, Range: 3x3 cells
[Lv 3]: ATK 700%, Range: 3x3 cells
[Lv 4]: ATK 950%, Range: 5x5 cells
[Lv 5]: ATK 1200%, Range: 5x5 cells
526.png Throw Zeny
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 10,
Throw Huuma Shuriken 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Special Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 5.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws coins at a target to
inflict an amount of
Defense piercing
damage equal to the amount of
spent in the attack. This skill has 5 sec
After Cast Delay, and it's damage is
reduced against
Boss monsters and in
PvP area.

[Lv 1]: 500~1,000 zeny
[Lv 2]: 1,000~2,000 zeny
[Lv 3]: 1,500~3,000 zeny
[Lv 4]: 2,000~4,000 zeny
[Lv 5]: 2,500~5,000 zeny
[Lv 6]: 3,000~6,000 zeny
[Lv 7]: 3,500~7,000 zeny
[Lv 8]: 4,000~8,000 zeny
[Lv 9]: 4,500~9,000 zeny
[Lv 10]: 5,000~10,000 zeny
527.png Flip Tatami
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 3.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Flips tatami to cause the
4x4 area around the caster to ignore
long range physical damage for 3 seconds.
Each cast is followed by 3 seconds
Cast Delay
and has the chance to damage
and push enemies 3 cells backward if they
are within the skill's attack range.

[Lv 1]: 1 Cell, ATK 110%
[Lv 2]: 2 Cells, ATK 120%
[Lv 3]: 2 Cells, ATK 130%
[Lv 4]: 3 Cells, ATK 140%
[Lv 5]: 3 Cells, ATK 150%
528.png Haze Slasher
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Leap 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.50s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Strikes an enemy and then
immediately enter the
Hiding status, can
be followed by the
Shadow Leap or
Shadow Slash skill.
[Lv 1]: ATK 120%
[Lv 2]: ATK 140%
[Lv 3]: ATK 160%
[Lv 4]: ATK 180%
[Lv 5]: ATK 200%
[Lv 6]: ATK 220%
[Lv 7]: ATK 240%
[Lv 8]: ATK 260%
[Lv 9]: ATK 280%
[Lv 10]: ATK 300%
529.png Shadow Leap
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Flip Tatami 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Shadow Leap can only be
performed when the caster is in
status, which can be enabled by the
Haze Slasher skill. This skill instantly
moves the caster to a targeted cell,
ignoring obstacles in the caster's way.

[Lv 1]: Leap 6 cells
[Lv 2]: Leap 7 cells
[Lv 3]: Leap 8 cells
[Lv 4]: Leap 9 cells
[Lv 5]: Leap 10 cells
530.png Shadow Slash
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Haze Slasher 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Shadow Slash can only be
performed during
Hiding status, which
can be enabled by the
Haze Slasher skill.
Strikes a target with an attack whose range
is equal to the caster's
Shadow Leap range.
Casting this skill will cancel
Hiding status.
[Lv 1]: ATK 200%, Critical +30%
[Lv 2]: ATK 350%, Critical +35%
[Lv 3]: ATK 500%, Critical +40%
[Lv 4]: ATK 650%, Critical +45%
[Lv 5]: ATK 800%, Critical +50%
531.png Cicada Skin Shed
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shadow Leap 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Enables Cicada Skin Shed
status, which enables the caster to automatically
dodge a set number of attacks. Each special
dodge is followed by a backward movement of
7 cells. When the number of attacks reaches
the skill's limit,
Cicada Skin Shed
status is canceled.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 20 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 2]: Lasts 30 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 3]: Lasts 40 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 4]: Lasts 50 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 5]: Lasts 60 seconds, 3 Dodges
532.png Mirror Image
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Slash 3,
Ninja Aura 1, Cicada Skid Shed 4

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Mirror Image can only be
cast during
Ninja Aura status and
consumes 1
Shadow Orb. Creates a mirror
image that will enable the caster to dodge a set
number of long and short range physical attacks.
This skill cannot be used to block or evade
magic based attacks.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 60 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 2]: Lasts 80 seconds, 1 Dodge
[Lv 3]: Lasts 100 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 4]: Lasts 120 seconds, 2 Dodges
[Lv 5]: Lasts 140 seconds, 3 Dodges
[Lv 6]: Lasts 160 seconds, 3 Dodges
[Lv 7]: Lasts 180 seconds, 4 Dodges
[Lv 8]: Lasts 200 seconds, 4 Dodges
[Lv 9]: Lasts 220 seconds, 5 Dodges
[Lv 10]: Lasts 240 seconds, 5 Dodges
533.png Ninja Mastery
Max Level: 10
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Increases SP regen by
training in the
Ninja Arts. The amount
SP restored by this skill is affected
by the character's
[Lv 1]: (3+0.2% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 2]: (6+0.4% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 3]: (9+0.6% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 4]: (12+0.8% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 5]: (15+1.0% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 6]: (18+1.2% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 7]: (21+1.4% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 8]: (24+1.6% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 9]: (27+1.8% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
[Lv 10]: (30+2.0% of MaxSP) SP per 10 seconds
534.png Flaming Petals
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Inflicts 90% MATK Fire elemental
magic damage per Hit at a target by shooting
flaming petals. This skill's level affects the
number of hits.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits
[Lv 3]: 3 Hits
[Lv 4]: 4 Hits
[Lv 5]: 5 Hits
[Lv 6]: 6 Hits
[Lv 7]: 7 Hits
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits
[Lv 10]: 10 Hits
535.png Blaze Shield
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Flaming Petals 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a blazing storm in
a 5x5 cell area around the caster that
will inflict multiple hits of
Fire elemental
magic damage to enemies within it's range.
Blaze Shield lasts for 20 seconds,
but is automatically canceled after inflicting
it's maximum number of hits.
Consumes 1
Flame Stone.
[Lv 1]: 5 Hits
[Lv 2]: 5 Hits
[Lv 3]: 6 Hits
[Lv 4]: 6 Hits
[Lv 5]: 7 Hits
[Lv 6]: 7 Hits
[Lv 7]: 8 Hits
[Lv 8]: 8 Hits
[Lv 9]: 9 Hits
[Lv 10]: 9 Hits
536.png Exploding Dragon
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10,
Blaze Shield 7

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.80s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 0.30s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a flaming dragon
that will inflict 3 hits of
Fire elemental
damage on all enemies in a 5x5 cell area around
the targeted enemy by this skill.
Consumes 1
Flame Stone.
[Lv 1]: 300% Matk
[Lv 2]: 450% Matk
[Lv 3]: 600% Matk
[Lv 4]: 750% Matk
[Lv 5]: 900% Matk
537.png Freezing Spear
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons spears of ice that
will hit a targeted enemy with 70%
MATK Water
elemental magical damage per Hit.

[Lv 1]: 3 Hits
[Lv 2]: 4 Hits
[Lv 3]: 5 Hits
[Lv 4]: 6 Hits
[Lv 5]: 7 Hits
[Lv 6]: 8 Hits
[Lv 7]: 9 Hits
[Lv 8]: 10 Hits
[Lv 9]: 11 Hits
[Lv 10]: 12 Hits
538.png Watery Evasion
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Freezing Spear 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Around the caster
Cast Time: 0.60s Fixed / 2.40s Variable
After Cast Delay: 2.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Creates a water pool that
will affect enemies within range by
decreasing their
AGI and reducing
Movement Speed by half. All Ninja's,
including the caster, are immune to these
penalties. The area targeted by
Watery Evasion
will increase the damage of the
Freezing Spear
skill and enables the use of
Water Ball and
Aqua Benedicta for other players.
Consumes 1
Ice Stone.
[Lv 1]: 3x3 cells, lasts 15 seconds
[Lv 2]: 3x3 cells, lasts 20 sec., AGI -3
[Lv 3]: 3x3 cells, lasts 25 sec., AGI -3
[Lv 4]: 5x5 cells, lasts 30 sec., AGI -3
[Lv 5]: 5x5 cells, lasts 35 sec., AGI -5
[Lv 6]: 5x5 cells, lasts 40 sec., AGI -5
[Lv 7]: 7x7 cells, lasts 45 sec., AGI -5
[Lv 8]: 7x7 cells, lasts 50 sec., AGI -8
[Lv 9]: 7x7 cells, lasts 55 sec., AGI -8
[Lv 10]: 9x9 cells, lasts 60 sec., AGI -8
539.png Snow Flake Draft
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10,
Watery Evasion 7

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.80s Fixed
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 0.30s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a meteor of ice
that will damage enemies with
Water elemental
magic damage in a 7x7 cell area around the
caster and can inflict
Freezing status.
Consumes 1
Ice Stone.
[Lv 1]: 300% MATK, 20% Freezing Chance
[Lv 2]: 450% MATK, 30% Freezing Chance
[Lv 3]: 600% MATK, 40% Freezing Chance
[Lv 4]: 750% MATK, 50% Freezing Chance
[Lv 5]: 900% MATK, 60% Freezing Chance
540.png Wind Blade
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Shoots a shearing blade of
air that will inflict 150%
MATK Wind elemental
magic damage per Hit to a targeted enemy.

[Lv 1]: 1 Hit
[Lv 2]: 2 Hits
[Lv 3]: 2 Hits
[Lv 4]: 3 Hits
[Lv 5]: 3 Hits
[Lv 6]: 4 Hits
[Lv 7]: 4 Hits
[Lv 8]: 5 Hits
[Lv 9]: 5 Hits
[Lv 10]: 6 Hits
541.png Lightning Jolt
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Wind Blade 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Enemies around the caster
Cast Time: 0.30s Fixed / 1.70s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons lightning bolts
around the caster inflicting
elemental magic damage to enemies within
the skill's range.
Consumes 1
Wind Stone.
[Lv 1]: 200% MATK, 3x3 cells
[Lv 2]: 300% MATK, 3x3 cells
[Lv 3]: 400% MATK, 5x5 cells
[Lv 4]: 500% MATK, 5x5 cells
[Lv 5]: 600% MATK, 7x7 cells
542.png First Wind
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10,
Lightning Jolt 5

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 0.30s Fixed / 1.20s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Shoots a blade of sharp
wind that will slash all enemies between
the caster and the skill's target with
elemental magic damage.
Consumes 1
Wind Stone.
[Lv 1]: 200% MATK, 5 cells
[Lv 2]: 300% MATK, 6 cells
[Lv 3]: 400% MATK, 7 cells
[Lv 4]: 500% MATK, 8 cells
[Lv 5]: 600% MATK, 9 cells
543.png Ninja Aura
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Focuses spritual energy to
Ninja Aura status, which endows
the caster with
INT and STR bonuses.
Ninja Aura status enables the use of the
Mirror Image and Killing Strike skills,
although using those skills will cancel the
Ninja Aura status.
[Lv 1]: STR and INT +1, lasts 30 seconds
[Lv 2]: STR and INT +2, lasts 45 seconds
[Lv 3]: STR and INT +3, lasts 60 seconds
[Lv 4]: STR and INT +4, lasts 75 seconds
[Lv 5]: STR and INT +5, lasts 90 seconds
544.png Killing Strike
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throwing Mastery 7,
Shadow Slash 5, Ninja Aura 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Special Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Sacrifices the caster's
HP to inflict devastating
damage to the targeted enemy. The
amount of remaining
HP affects the
damage inflicted and each cast of this
skill will always reduce the caster's
HP to 1.


3023.png Shadow Trampling
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Illusion - Afterimage 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Stops targets from using
specific hiding skills temporarily and
forcibly cancel the skill. Can only be
used in PVP and WoE.

[Lv 1]: AoE 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: AoE 7x7 cells
[Lv 3]: AoE 9x9 cells
[Lv 4]: AoE 11x11 cells
[Lv 5]: AoE 13x13 cells
3024.png Empty Shadow
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Shadow Trampling 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 20.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Dispels the reflection
effect from a target for a period of
time. Skill attempts may fail while
under the
Empty Shadow effect.
Consume 1
Shadow Orb.
[Lv 1]: Duration 10 seconds
[Lv 2]: Duration 15 seconds
[Lv 3]: Duration 20 seconds
[Lv 4]: Duration 25 seconds
[Lv 5]: Duration 30 seconds
3025.png Shadow Warrior
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Empty Shadow 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 20.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Imbues Double Attack skill
to a target for a period of time and increases
the damage of
Kunai Explosion, Kunai
Splash, Cross Slash
and Swirling Petal.
Consumes 1
SP per second while active.
Consumes 1
Shadow Orb.
[Lv 1]: Duration 60 seconds
[Lv 2]: Duration 90 seconds
[Lv 3]: Duration 120 seconds
[Lv 4]: Duration 150 seconds
[Lv 5]: Duration 180 seconds
Shared Skills Kagerou / Oboro
3001.png Shadow Hiding
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Requirement: Shadow Slash 5
Description: Hide yourself with this
skill. This is the same as the
Hide. Skill disables if SP is fully
consumed or if skill is used again.
Continuously consumes
SP while active.
3002.png Right Hand Mastery
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Recovers the fading right
hand attack when both hands are
equipped with a weapon.
Attack increases more than at level
4 and 5 compared to when using a
weapon with one hand.

[Lv 1]: 80% Damage
[Lv 2]: 90% Damage
[Lv 3]: 100% Damage
[Lv 4]: 110% Damage
[Lv 5]: 120% Damage
3003.png Left Hand Mastery
Max Level: 5
Skill Form: Passive
Description: Recovers the fading left
hand attack when both hands are
equipped with a weapon.

[Lv 1]: 60% Damage
[Lv 2]: 70% Damage
[Lv 3]: 80% Damage
[Lv 4]: 90% Damage
[Lv 5]: 100% Damage
3004.png Cross Slash
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Hiding 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Combination skill of
Kagerou and Oboro. Enemy with cross
impact damage will fall into a
state for about 3 seconds.
Attacking an enemy with a
Cross Wound
again with a
Cross Slash will inflict
more damage. The higher the
Base Level
of the caster, the more damage will
be inflicted.

[Lv 1]: 200% Damage, Range 4 cells
[Lv 2]: 400% Damage, Range 4 cells
[Lv 3]: 600% Damage, Range 4 cells
[Lv 4]: 800% Damage, Range 5 cells
[Lv 5]: 1000% Damage, Range 5 cells
[Lv 6]: 1200% Damage, Range 5 cells
[Lv 7]: 1400% Damage, Range 6 cells
[Lv 8]: 1600% Damage, Range 6 cells
[Lv 9]: 1800% Damage, Range 6 cells
[Lv 10]: 2000% Damage, Range 7 cells
3005.png Soul Cutter
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Cross Slash 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Special Physical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 3.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Additional damage is
inflicted if the target attacked has
Soul Linker Spirit status. Forcibly
cancels the
Spirit status. The higher
Spirit skill, the more damage is

[Lv 1]: 100% damage
[Lv 2]: 200% damage
[Lv 3]: 300% damage
[Lv 4]: 400% damage
[Lv 5]: 500% damage
3006.png Kunai Explosion
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Throw Kunai 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 3.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws an Explosive Kunai
that inflict damage to all enemies
within 3x3 cells.
Consumes 1
Explosive Kunai.
[Lv 1]: Range 7 cells
[Lv 2]: Range 8 cells
[Lv 3]: Range 9 cells
[Lv 4]: Range 10 cells
[Lv 5]: Range 11 cells
3007.png Kunai Splash
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Kunai Explosion 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws Kunais to all
enemies within a radius around you.
Consumes 2
[Lv 1]: ATK 50%, Range 9x9 cells
[Lv 2]: ATK 100%, Range 9x9 cells
[Lv 3]: ATK 150%, Range 9x9 cells
[Lv 4]: ATK 250%, Range 9x9 cells
[Lv 5]: ATK 300%, Range 11x11 cells
3008.png Rapid Throw
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Makibishi 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: A powerup version of the
Ninja skill, Throw Coins. Throws up to
100,000 Zeny that has a chance to
inflict random splash damage that
defense within a certain range.
Only half of the damage is inflicted to
Boss monsters.
[Lv 1]: 10,000 Zeny, 5,000~10,000 Damage
[Lv 2]: 20,000 Zeny, 10,000~20,000 Damage
[Lv 3]: 30,000 Zeny, 15,000~30,000 Damage
[Lv 4]: 40,000 Zeny, 20,000~40,000 Damage
[Lv 5]: 50,000 Zeny, 25,000~50,000 Damage
[Lv 6]: 60,000 Zeny, 30,000~60,000 Damage
[Lv 7]: 70,000 Zeny, 35,000~70,000 Damage
[Lv 8]: 80,000 Zeny, 40,000~80,000 Damage
[Lv 9]: 90,000 Zeny, 45,000~90,000 Damage
[Lv 10]: 100,000 Zeny, 50,000~100,000 Damage
3009.png Swirling Petal
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Throw Huuma Shuriken 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.50s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 3.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Huuma Shuriken
that inflicts damage to a target and
it's surroundings. The higher the
Throw Huuma Shuriken level, Base Level
STR of the caster, the
more damage will be dealt.
Requires a
Huuma Shuriken.
[Lv 1]: 150% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 2]: 300% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 3]: 450% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 4]: 600% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 5]: 750% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 6]: 900% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 7]: 1050% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 8]: 1200% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 9]: 1350% Damage, Range 11 cells
[Lv 10]: 1500% Damage, Range 11 cells
3010.png Makibishi
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Throw Coins 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Spreads out caltrops for
enemies to step on and become
immobilized or stunned. The higher the
skill level, the more you can spread
on the ground.

[Lv 1]: Consumes 3 Makibishi/Caltrop
[Lv 2]: Consumes 4 Makibishi/Caltrop
[Lv 3]: Consumes 5 Makibishi/Caltrop
[Lv 4]: Consumes 6 Makibishi/Caltrop
[Lv 5]: Consumes 7 Makibishi/Caltrop
3011.png Pure Soul
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 10
Skill Form: Active
Type: Recovery
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 3.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Focuses your mind for 10
seconds to recover
HP and SP quickly.
You are
immobilized while using this
skill. There is a chance that you won't receive
damage when being attacked in
Pure Soul state.
[Lv 1]: Recovers 2% HP/1% SP per sec
[Lv 2]: Recovers 4% HP/2% SP per sec
[Lv 3]: Recovers 6% HP/3% SP per sec
[Lv 4]: Recovers 8% HP/4% SP per sec
[Lv 5]: Recovers 10% HP/5% SP per sec
3012.png Illusion - Shadow
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Cicada Skin Shed 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Creates a Shinobi clone.
The clone has
HP and will disappear
HP is consumed or the time

[Lv 1]: Afterimage HP 6000
[Lv 2]: Afterimage HP 9000
[Lv 3]: Afterimage HP 12000
[Lv 4]: Afterimage HP 15000
[Lv 5]: Afterimage HP 18000
3013.png Illusion - Shock
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Illusion - Bewitch 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Casts an illusion to a
target to reduce all stats of the
target and transform the target into
a monster. Targets under this effect
cannot change or remove equipped
items. This effect does not apply to
allies and monsters. Can only be used
during WoE.

[Lv 1]: All Stats 2 ~ 3 Reduction
[Lv 2]: All Stats 4 ~ 6 Reduction
[Lv 3]: All Stats 6 ~ 9 Reduction
[Lv 4]: All Stats 8 ~ 12 Reduction
[Lv 5]: All Stats 10 ~ 15 Reduction
3014.png Illusion - Death
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Illusion - Shock 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Casts an illusion to a
target to reduce
HP of the target and
put a
curse on it as well. Also puts
the target into a
Coma state with a
low probability. Only applies to
players with lower
Base Level and
does not apply to monsters.
3015.png Fire Charm
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a Fire Spirit using
Fire Charm to increase damage of Fire
elemental skills:
Flaming Petals: +20% per Fire Charm.
Blaze Shield: +20% per Fire Charm.
Exploding Dragon: +100% per Fire Charm.
Can summon up to 10
Spirits. Increases physical
damage against
Earth elemental
enemies by 30% once you have 10
Spirits summoned.
Consume 1
Fire Charm.
3016.png Ice Charm
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a Ice Spirit using
Ice Charm to increase damage of Water
elemental skills:
Freezing Spear: +20% per Ice Charm.
Snow Flake Draft: +100% per Ice Charm.
Can summon up to 10
Spirits. Increases physical
damage against
Fire elemental
enemies by 30% once you have 10
Spirits summoned.
Consume 1
Ice Charm.
3017.png Wind Charm
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a Wind Spirit using
Wind Charm to increase damage of Wind
elemental skills:
Wind Blade: +20% per Wind Charm.
Lightning Jolt: +20% per Wind Charm.
First Wind: +100% per Wind Charm.
Can summon up to 10
Spirits. Increases physical
damage against
Water elemental
enemies by 30% once you have 10
Spirits summoned.
Consume 1
Wind Charm.
3018.png Earth Charm
Max Level: 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a Earth Spirit using
Earth Charm to increase attack and defense
of the caster. Can summon up to 10
Spirits. Increases physical
damage against
Wind elemental
enemies by 30% once you have 10
Spirits summoned.
Consume 1
Earth Charm.
3019.png Release Ninja Spell
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Fire Charm 1, Ice Charm 1,
Wind Charm 1, Earth Charm 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Releases your spiritual
energy on the target to inflict damage.
Elemental damage depends on the element
of the summoned
3020.png Cast Ninja Spell
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Release Ninja Spell 1,
16th Night 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Transfers your spiritual
energy to the earth to create a portal
that generates various effects.
Fire Spirit:
Burning state to all enemies
within range. Increases attack if
equipped weapon is
Fire elemental.
Water Spirit:
Casts either
Freezing, Deep Freeze or
Frozen state to all enemies within
range. Increases attack if equipped
weapon is
Water elemental.
Wind Spirit:
Casts either
Silence, Sleep or Deep
state to all enemies within
range. Increases attack if equipped
weapon is
Wind elemental.
Earth Spirit:
Casts either
Stone Curse or Poison
state to all enemies within range.
Increases attack if equipped weapon
Earth elemental.
3021.png Illusion - Bewitch
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Cicada Skin Shed 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Debuff
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 1.00s
Cool Down: 10.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Has a chance to switch
locations between the target and
yourself. Has a chance to inflict both
the caster and target with the
state at a certain rate.
3022.png 16th Night
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Ninja Mastery 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 60.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: All Fixed Casting Times of
any ninja skills will disappear when this
skill is used.
Variable Casting Time
will be reduced to half, while
is increased by a certain amount.

Shinkiro and Shiranui

5476.png Melt Away
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Mirage 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Melts one's own shadow and
scatters it in front to inflict
Shadow elemental
magic damage to targets within range.
Additionally, the user moves backward for 3 cells
instantly and enters
Shadow Cloaking
state for 2 seconds.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the caster's
Base Level and CON.
[Lv 1]: MATK 700%
[Lv 2]: MATK 1400%
[Lv 3]: MATK 2100%
[Lv 4]: MATK 2800%
[Lv 5]: MATK 3500%
5477.png Infiltrate
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Mirage 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: None
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Instantly seeps into the target's
shadow, inflicting melee physical damage to it.
Additionally, the user moves to the
other side of the target and enters
Shadow Cloaking state for 2 seconds.
If an clone of
Mirage exists within a 31x31
cells around the target, the clone will
be moved to the caster's location.
The skill cannot be used, when the location
behind the target is not reachable.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the caster's
Base Level and CON.
[Lv 1]: ATK 700%
[Lv 2]: ATK 1400%
[Lv 3]: ATK 2100%
[Lv 4]: ATK 2800%
[Lv 5]: ATK 3500%
5478.png Nightmare Erasion
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 1.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.25s
Cool Down: 15.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Removes the Nightmare effect
applied to targets within a 15x15 range
around you.
5479.png Mirage
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 0.70s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 3.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Summons a mirage clone of the
caster's appearance at a designated location.
Mirage clones last for 20 seconds and
can be summoned up to 3 times.
The mirage clone uses skills in response to
the skills used by the caster, and it's
power is about 30% of the caster's.

Shadow Dance = Shadow Dance
Kunai - Distortion = Kunai - Distortion
Red Flame Cannon = Darkening Cannon
Cold Blooded Cannon = Darkening Cannon
Thundering Cannon = Darkening Cannon
Golden Dragon Cannon = Darkening Cannon
Darkening Cannon = Darkening Cannon
5480.png Shadow Hunting
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Mirage 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Ground
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.15s
Cool Down: 0.30s
Recover: 2 AP
AP Cost:

Description: Swings a shadow sword at
the location to inflict melee physical damage
to the target within 5x5 cells and inflicts
Nightmare effect for 5 seconds.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Shadow Flash skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
[Lv 1]: ATK 1500+(Shadow Flash Lv x5)%
[Lv 2]: ATK 2400+(Shadow Flash Lv x10)%
[Lv 3]: ATK 3300+(Shadow Flash Lv x15)%
[Lv 4]: ATK 4200+(Shadow Flash Lv x20)%
[Lv 5]: ATK 5100+(Shadow Flash Lv x25)%
[Lv 6]: ATK 6000+(Shadow Flash Lv x30)%
[Lv 7]: ATK 6900+(Shadow Flash Lv x35)%
[Lv 8]: ATK 7800+(Shadow Flash Lv x40)%
[Lv 9]: ATK 8700+(Shadow Flash Lv x45)%
[Lv10]: ATK 9600+(Shadow Flash Lv x50)%
5481.png Shadow Dance
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Hunting 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.25s
Cool Down: 0.40s
Recover: 2 AP
AP Cost:

Description: Swipe a shadow to inflict
melee physical damage to enemies within
an area around you.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Shadow Hunting skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
depending on the skill level.

[Lv 1]: ATK 1650+(Shadow Hunting Lv x70)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 2]: ATK 2550+(Shadow Hunting Lv x140)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 3]: ATK 3450+(Shadow Hunting Lv x210)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 4]: ATK 4350+(Shadow Hunting Lv x280)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 5]: ATK 5250+(Shadow Hunting Lv x350)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 6]: ATK 6150+(Shadow Hunting Lv x420)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 7]: ATK 7050+(Shadow Hunting Lv x490)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 8]: ATK 7950+(Shadow Hunting Lv x560)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 9]: ATK 8850+(Shadow Hunting Lv x630)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 10]: ATK 9750+(Shadow Hunting Lv x700)%
AoE: 7x7
5482.png Shadow Flash
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Shadow Dance 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Melee
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.25s
Cool Down: 0.50s
Recover: 1 AP
AP Cost:

Description: Emits a powerful shadow sword inflicting
melee physical to target and its surroundings.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Shadow Dance skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
Has a chance to trigger critical hit,
critical chance is the caster's
The effectiveness of
Critical Damage is halfed.
[Lv 1]:
ATK 2450+(Shadow Dance Lv x150)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 2]: ATK 3400+(Shadow Dance Lv x300)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 3]: ATK 4350+(Shadow Dance Lv x450)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 4]: ATK 5300+(Shadow Dance Lv x600)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 5]: ATK 6250+(Shadow Dance Lv x750)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 6]: ATK 7200+(Shadow Dance Lv x900)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 7]: ATK 8150+(Shadow Dance Lv x1050)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 8]: ATK 9100+(Shadow Dance Lv x1200)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 9]: ATK 10050+(Shadow Dance Lv x1350)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 10]: ATK 11000+(Shadow Dance Lv x1500)%
AoE: 7x7
5483.png Huuma Shuriken - Grasp
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Kunai - Distortion 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 1.20s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 1.00s
Recover: 3 AP
AP Cost:

Description: After throwing a shuriken,
a powerful
Memorization Zone is
installed in 1 cell, inflicting ranged physical
damage every 0.25 seconds to enemies within
the surrounding area for 5 seconds,
as well a
Nightmare effect for 5 seconds.
Up to two
Memorization Zones can be installed.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Huuma Shuriken - Construct skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
The attack element depends on the
element of the equipped
depending on the skill level.

[Lv 1]: Per Hit: ATK 1200+(Construct Lv x5)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 2]: Per Hit: ATK 1550+(Construct Lv x10)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 3]: Per Hit: ATK 1900+(Construct Lv x15)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 4]: Per Hit: ATK 2250+(Construct Lv x20)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 5]: Per Hit: ATK 2600+(Construct Lv x25)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 6]: Per Hit: ATK 2950+(Construct Lv x30)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 7]: Per Hit: ATK 3300+(Construct Lv x35)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 8]: Per Hit: ATK 3650+(Construct Lv x40)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 9]: Per Hit: ATK 4000+(Construct Lv x45)%
AoE: 9x9

[Lv10]: Per Hit: ATK 4350+(Construct Lv x50)%
AoE: 9x9
5484.png Huuma Shuriken - Construct
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Huuma Shuriken - Grasp 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 1.20s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.70s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Huuma Shuriken filled
with powerful energy, inflicting ranged physical damage
to enemies within 9x9 cells around the target.
If there is a
Memorization Zone within the
effect range, the
Memorization Zone will explode
to inflict additional ranged physical damage to
all targets within 9x9 cells of the zone.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Huuma Shuriken - Grasp skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
The attack element depends on the
element of the equipped
[Lv 1]: ATK 2650+(Construct Lv x100)%
Explosion: 2650+(Construct Lv x100)%

[Lv 2]: ATK 4400+(Construct Lv x200)%
Explosion: 4400+(Construct Lv x200)%

[Lv 3]: ATK 6150+(Construct Lv x300)%
Explosion: 6150+(Construct Lv x300)%

[Lv 4]: ATK 7900+(Construct Lv x400)%
Explosion: 7900+(Construct Lv x400)%

[Lv 5]: ATK 9650+(Construct Lv x500)%
Explosion: 9650+(Construct Lv x500)%

[Lv 6]: ATK 11400+(Construct Lv x600)%
Explosion: 11400+(Construct Lv x600)%

[Lv 7]: ATK 13150+(Construct Lv x700)%
Explosion: 13150+(Construct Lv x700)%

[Lv 8]: ATK 14900+(Construct Lv x800)%
Explosion: 14900+(Construct Lv x800)%

[Lv 9]: ATK 16650+(Construct Lv x900)%
Explosion: 16650+(Construct Lv x900)%

[Lv10]: ATK 18400+(Construct Lv x1000)%
Explosion: 18400+(Construct Lv x1000)%
5485.png Kunai - Distortion
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Mirage 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 0.20s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 0.30s
Recover: 2 AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Kunai at 1 cell on the
ground, inflicting ranged physical damage
to enemies within a 5x5 cell range, as well
Nightmare effect for 5 seconds.
In addition, installs a
Distortion Zone
on target cell for 5 seconds.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Huuma Shuriken - Grasp skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
The attack element depends on the
element of the equipped
Kunai and
consumes 2
[Lv 1]: ATK 900+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x10)%
[Lv 2]: ATK 1500+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x20)%
[Lv 3]: ATK 2100+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x30)%
[Lv 4]: ATK 2700+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x40)%
[Lv 5]: ATK 3300+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x50)%
[Lv 6]: ATK 3900+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x60)%
[Lv 7]: ATK 4500+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x70)%
[Lv 8]: ATK 5100+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x80)%
[Lv 9]: ATK 5700+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x90)%
[Lv 10]: ATK 6300+(Kunai - Refraction Lv x100)%
5486.png Kunai - Rotation
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Kunai - Distortion 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 2.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Dispellable: No
Description: Scatters Kunais around the user,
inflicting ranged physical damage to all
targets around the caster every 0.5 seconds
for 2 seconds and enter
Shadow Cloaking
state for 2 seconds.
In addition, installs a
Distortion Zone
on the targets cells for 5 seconds.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Kunai - Distortion skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
The attack element depends on the
element of the equipped
Kunai and
consumes 5
[Lv 1]:
ATK 2000+(Distortion Lv x100)% per Hit
AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: ATK 3050+(Distortion Lv x200)% per Hit
AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: ATK 4100+(Distortion Lv x300)% per Hit
AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 4]: ATK 5150+(Distortion Lv x400)% per Hit
AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 5]: ATK 6200+(Distortion Lv x500)% per Hit
AoE: 9x9 cells
5487.png Kunai - Refraction
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Kunai - Rotation 5
Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 1.50s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 2.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Explodes all Distortion Zones
installed within a 15x15 range around you
at once, inflicting ranged physical damage
to enemies within a 5x5 cell range every
0.25 seconds for 2 seconds.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Kunai - Rotation skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and POW.
The attack element depends on the
element of the equipped
Kunai and
consumes 5
[Lv 1]: ATK 670+(Rotation Lv x10)% per Hit
[Lv 2]: ATK 1090+(Rotation Lv x20)% per Hit
[Lv 3]: ATK 1510+(Rotation Lv x30)% per Hit
[Lv 4]: ATK 1930+(Rotation Lv x40)% per Hit
[Lv 5]: ATK 2350+(Rotation Lv x50)% per Hit
[Lv 6]: ATK 2770+(Rotation Lv x60)% per Hit
[Lv 7]: ATK 3190+(Rotation Lv x70)% per Hit
[Lv 8]: ATK 3610+(Rotation Lv x80)% per Hit
[Lv 9]: ATK 4030+(Rotation Lv x90)% per Hit
[Lv 10]: ATK 4450+(Rotation Lv x100)% per Hit
5488.png Red Flame Cannon
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.70s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Uses a Haze of Prominence
to emit powerful flames from the target
which inflicts
Fire elemental magical damage
to the target and its sourroundings.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Darkening Cannon skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
Consumes 1
Haze of Prominence.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1700+(Darkening C. Lv x70)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 2]: MATK 2800+(Darkening C. Lv x140)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 3]: MATK 3900+(Darkening C. Lv x210)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 4]: MATK 5000+(Darkening C. Lv x280)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 5]: MATK 6100+(Darkening C. Lv x350)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 6]: MATK 7200+(Darkening C. Lv x420)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 7]: MATK 8300+(Darkening C. Lv x490)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 8]: MATK 9400+(Darkening C. Lv x560)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 9]: MATK 10500+(Darkening C. Lv x630)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv10]: MATK 11600+(Darkening C. Lv x700)%
AoE: 7x7
5489.png Cold Blooded Cannon
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Ground
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 3.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.50s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Haze of Icy Snow
on the ground to summon a cold explosion,
which inflicts
Water elemental magical damage
to all targets within range.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Darkening Cannon skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
Consumes 1
Haze of Icy Snow.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1400+(Darkening C. Lv x40)%
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 2]: MATK 2350+(Darkening C. Lv x80)%
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 3]: MATK 3300+(Darkening C. Lv x120)%
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 4]: MATK 4250+(Darkening C. Lv x160)%
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 5]: MATK 5200+(Darkening C. Lv x200)%
AoE: 5x5 cells

[Lv 6]: MATK 6150+(Darkening C. Lv x240)%
AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 7]: MATK 7100+(Darkening C. Lv x280)%
AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 8]: MATK 8050+(Darkening C. Lv x320)%
AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv 9]: MATK 9000+(Darkening C. Lv x360)%
AoE: 7x7 cells

[Lv10]: MATK 9950+(Darkening C. Lv x400)%
AoE: 9x9 cells
5490.png Thundering Cannon
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.70s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Uses a Haze of North Wind
to inflict
Wind elemental magical damage
to the target and its surroundings.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Darkening Cannon skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
Consumes 1
Haze of North Wind.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1700+(Darkening C. Lv x70)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 2]: MATK 2800+(Darkening C. Lv x140)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 3]: MATK 3900+(Darkening C. Lv x210)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 4]: MATK 5000+(Darkening C. Lv x280)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 5]: MATK 6100+(Darkening C. Lv x350)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 6]: MATK 7200+(Darkening C. Lv x420)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 7]: MATK 8300+(Darkening C. Lv x490)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 8]: MATK 9400+(Darkening C. Lv x560)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv 9]: MATK 10500+(Darkening C. Lv x630)%
AoE: 7x7

[Lv10]: MATK 11600](Darkening C. Lv x700)%
AoE: 7x7
5491.png Golden Dragon Cannon
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 3.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.30s
Recover: AP
AP Cost:

Description: Throws a Haze of Mother Earth
to the target, which inflicts
elemental magical damage to the target
and surrounding enemies.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the
Darkening Cannon skill level,
the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
Consumes 1
Haze of Mother Earth.
[Lv 1]: MATK 2300+(Darkening C. Lv x15)%
AoE: 3x3

[Lv 2]: MATK 3800+(Darkening C. Lv x30)%
AoE: 3x3

[Lv 3]: MATK 5300+(Darkening C. Lv x45)%
AoE: 3x3

[Lv 4]: MATK 6800+(Darkening C. Lv x60)%
AoE: 3x3

[Lv 5]: MATK 8300+(Darkening C. Lv x75)%
AoE: 3x3

[Lv 6]: MATK 9800+(Darkening C. Lv x90)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 7]: MATK 11300+(Darkening C. Lv x105)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 8]: MATK 12800+(Darkening C. Lv x120)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv 9]: MATK 14300+(Darkening C. Lv x135)%
AoE: 5x5

[Lv10]: MATK 15800+(Darkening C. Lv x150)%
AoE: 5x5
5492.png Darkening Cannon
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Basic Skill
Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 3.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 0.50s
Recover: 2 AP
AP Cost:

Description: Swings a Haze of Pitch Darkness
around the user, which inflicts
elemental magical damage to all targets in
range and inflicts
effect on them for 5 seconds.
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
Consumes 1
Haze of Pitch Darkness.
[Lv 1]: MATK 1400%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 2]: MATK 2350%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 3]: MATK 3300%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 4]: MATK 4250%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 5]: MATK 5200%, AoE: 5x5 cells
[Lv 6]: MATK 6150%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 7]: MATK 7100%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 8]: MATK 8050%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 9]: MATK 9000%, AoE: 7x7 cells
[Lv 10]: MATK 9950%, AoE: 7x7 cells
5493.png Shadow - Nightmare
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Shadow Flash 7
Skill Form: Active(AP)
Type: Physical Melee
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 1.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost: 20

Description: Inflicts a strong melee
physical damage by absorbing the shadows
of all enemies within a 13x13 cell range.
Inflicts 1.5x damage to targets affected
by the
Nightmare effect
Nightmare effect is canceled).
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the caster's
Base Level and POW.
[Lv 1]: ATK 18000%
5494.png Kunai - Nightmare
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Kunai - Distortion 5,\n Kunai - Rotation 5, Kunai - Refraction 5
Skill Form: Active(AP)
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 0.50s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 1.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost: 20

Description: Inflicts a powerful ranged physical
damage by scattering numerous memorization
on all enemies within a 13x13 cell range.
Inflicts 1.5x damage to targets affected
by the
Nightmare effect
Nightmare effect is then canceled).
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the caster's
Base Level and POW.
[Lv 1]: ATK 18000%
5495.png Dark Dragon - Nightmare
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Mirage 1, Red Flame Cannon 5,\n Cold Blooded Cannon 5, Thundering Cannon 5, Golden Dragon Cannon 5, Darkening Cannon 5
Skill Form: Active(AP)
Type: Magical
Target: Caster
Cast Time: 1.00s Fixed / 2.00s Variable
After Cast Delay: 0.50s
Cool Down: 1.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost: 20

Description: Summons the shadow dragon
in 11x11 cells around you, to inflict a
Shadow elemental magic damage.
Inflicts additional
Fire elemental magic
damage of the same power to the targets
affected by the
Nightmare effect
Nightmare effect is then canceled).
Damage is additionaly increased according
to the caster's
Base Level and SPL.
[Lv 1]: MATK 15500%
5499.png Four Charms
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Technique Release 1, Mirage 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Buff
Target: Caster
Cast Time: None
After Cast Delay: None
Cool Down: 3.00s
Recover: AP
AP Cost: 20

Description: Usable only when 10 of the same
elemental spirit have been summoned.
Enhances ninja techniques linked to the
summoned spirit's element. Strengthens
Red Flame Cannon, Thunder Cannon,
Cold Blood Cannon, Golden Dragon Cannon.
Different elemental Four Charms effects
can be stacked.

[Lv 1] : Duration: 300 seconds
[Fire Charm: Flame Sky (Fire Spirit)]
: [Four Charms: Fire]
- Red Flame Cannon damage +8500%
[Water Charm: Drifting Snow (Water Spirit)]
: [Four Charms: Water]
- Cold Blood Cannon damage +7000%
[Wind Charm: Blue Mist (Wind Spirit)]
: [Four Charms: Wind]
- Thunder Cannon damage +8500%
[Earth Charm: Steel Boulder (Earth Spirit)]
: [Four Charms: Earth]
- Golden Dragon Cannon damage +5500%