Fuka's Serious Guide for FS Cardinal

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THIS GUIDE HAS CHEAP BUILDS (will have some late game ones latter)


About the guide

I am making this because there is no other guides and people ask on Discord if there is a Full Support (FS) guide every now and then.

Here you will find builds on the cheaper side. Maybe I/someone else will bring a more end game build. (probably not me, as I haven't tested other stuff yet and most likely won't because the builds in this guide are sufficient for basically any map)

This is supposed to be more of a educational guide as you can mix and match different equipment according to your budget.

No, don't follow this guide if Cardinal is you first and only class. This build is supposed to play around other people so you won't be able to do stuff by yourself.

What is a FS Cardinal?

You basically buff everyone and don't die. You can tank most places as you have resistances, high HP and %MaxHP healing with 2050.png Renovatio / 5269.png Mediale Votum

How deep is it?


Because I am not that knowledgeable either.



- 23204.png Brilliant Protection Scroll (23204) for DEF/MDEF

- 23475.png Infinity Drink (23475) so your skills aren't interrupted

- 14534.png Small Life Potion (14534) HP Regeneration (probably not)

- 23203.png Small Mana Potion (23203) SP Regeneration (probably not)

- 14600.png Mental Potion (14600) SP and SP Consumption (probably not)

- 12883.png Almighty (12883) Some HP and ASPD (probably not)

- 14766.png Limited Power Booster (14766) for ASPD (probably not)

- 12796.png Red Booster (12796) for ASPD (probably not)

- 12684.png Enhanced ASPD Potion (12684) for ASPD (probably not)

- 12710.png Guyak Pudding (12710) for movement speed

- 6316.png [Bound] Token of Siegfried (6316) We take care of everyone, but who takes care of us?

- 717.png Blue Gemstone (717) people may get annoyed if you don't have these

- 607.png Yggdrasil Berry (607) for desperate times

- 523.png Holy Water (523) for 68.png Aspersio

If you are lazy like me:

- 50035.png The One Potion (50035)

Some Stats

Most of the stats from the next table are NOT REALLY necessary. You can have a little bit less and be fine. If you go to places with high damage and don't have instant cast, I recommend using 23475.png Infinity Drink (23475) or 50035.png The One Potion (50035) so your 5268.png Reparatio doesn't get interrupted.

Stat How much you need Explanation
Attack Speed (ASPD) 193 Reduces animation time to help with spamming skills and recovering AP

using 5280.png Dilectio Heal / 5282.png Benedictum / 5281.png Religio

Variable Cast Time (%VCT) 100% It will help you if you don't want to use 23475.png Infinity Drink (23475) or 50035.png The One Potion (50035) every time in dangerous places.
Variable Cast Time (Stat VCT) 530 points An alternative for %VCT. For that you should use the following equation: 530 = Dex*2 + Int. Like %VCT this is easily achievable, but the cost is higher as you will probably need 24340.png Almighty Shadow Pendant (24340) /24339.png Almighty Shadow Earring (24339) combo.
After Cast Delay (ACD) 94% Reduces time to cast another skill, so it helps with spamming.
Fixed Cast Time (FCT) 1.5s Most skills have 1.5s FCT, but you can have 2s that can help with 5073.png Convenio / 2050.png Renovatio / 5268.png Reparatio

It will help you if you don't want to use 23475.png Infinity Drink (23475) or 50035.png The One Potion (50035) every time in dangerous places.

More Stats

Stat Points Priority Note
STR 1-50 Somewhat Useless You can put more in here if you want to carry more stuff like a billion gems idk
AGI 90-130 Primary More ASPD
VIT 130 Primary 1M HP dream
INT 90 or 120 Primary For 19439.png Vicious Mind Aura (19439) %VCT reduction and some MDEF.
DEX 1 or 90-120 Useless or Primary If you go for %VCT ignore this stat. If you go for stat VCT put points here.
LUK 80-100 Secondary Helps with Curse status. You need to have at least 100 combined (base+extra) (need confirmation) or have 0 LUK (Some cards subtract LUK). If you have the patience to use 34.png Blessing every time, ignore this stat.


Trait Points Note
POW 0 No
STA 100 RES to tank more
WIS 100 MRES to tank more
SPL 0 No
CON 0 No
CRT Rest More Healing




For now I have 2 builds for you. First one is the main build which is more generic and second one is more specific for Constellation Tower, but can be used anywhere (you have to be more careful in end game places like Depth 1/2).

As you will see, some equipment/enchantment values will be a bit vague/loose. I wrote it that way, because you will have to balance, mainly, ASPD and %VCT. So if you get a good %VCT enchant in an equipment, you can get another ASPD equipment/enchantment/card.

Main Build

Slot Equipment Enchantment Note
Headgear (Top) +10 19480.png Temporal Circlet (Archbishop) [1] (19480) 29105.png Adamantine Lv5 (29105)

29680.png Temporal Jewel (VIT) Lv 3 (29680)

4743.png VIT+4 (4743)

Obtainable from Old Glast Heim Challenge Mode

Most important is 29105.png Adamantine Lv5 (29105) as it gives lots of HP and DEF/MDEF. I have 29679.png Temporal Jewel (VIT) Lv 2 (29679) and 4700.png STR+1 (4700) on mine lul.

Headgear (Middle) 400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002)
  • %ACD
  • %ACD
Obtainable from Amicitia

You can enchant it with 100009.png Joy of Victory (100009) , which can be bought at Muzaszir

You will probably get the rest of your %ACD here.

Headgear (Low) 19439.png Vicious Mind Aura (19439) Obtainable from Bioresearch Laboratory's MVP (Usually cheap)

Combos with 20749.png Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] (20749)

Gives lots of %VCT and %ACD

Armor +9 15399.png VIT Soutane [1] (15399) 310078.png VIT Blessing (310078)

4900.png MaxHP+5% (4900) or 4747.png VIT+8 (4747)

4900.png MaxHP+5% (4900) or 4747.png VIT+8 (4747)

Obtainable from Odin's Past

You can follow this page to enchant it.

IIRC %HP is better, but does it really matter?

Weapon +11 16099.png Rubber Hammer [2] (16099)
  • %VCT or
  • %Heal Effectiveness
Obtainable from (einbech 151, 251)

Gives 10% VCT and 20% ACD!

You can follow this page to enchant it.

Enchant can give up to 20% VCT! If you have enough %VCT, you can get %Heal Effectiveness or just skip enchanting.

Shield +11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)

29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)

Obtainable from Illusion of Twins

+11 is for the enchantment's requirements.

Garment +10 20749.png Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] (20749) Base version (20748.png Fallen Warrior Manteau (20748) ) obtainable from Bio 5: The Bed of Honor (Nightmare Biolab)'s MVPs.

You have to transform it into the slotted version. (transformation process in the same page)

Gives good ASPD, some neutral resist.

Shoes +11 [C] 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094) Don't even mind looking Base version 22171.png Ancient Hero Boots [1] (22171) from Doil or Bioresearch_Laboratory's MVP.

You have to transform 2 times. 22171.png Ancient Hero Boots [1] (22171) into 22238.png Great Hero Boots [1] (22238) into 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094) . You can see this process here.

This will give you good FCT, really good resistances and some %VCT/%ACD.

Accessory (Right) 32249.png Safety Pendant B [1] (32249) or 32248.png Safety Pendant R [1] (32248) There are 4 possible combinations. See what you need between %VCT and ASPD and choose.

All possible combos give %ACD and FCT.

Accessory (Left) 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1] (32251) or 32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1] (32250) There are 4 possible combinations. See what you need between %VCT and ASPD and choose.

All possible combos give %ACD and FCT.

Total stats for this build without enchants:

Equipment %VCT %ACD FCT

Alternative Build

Slot Equipment Enchantment Note
Headgear (Top) +10 19480.png Temporal Circlet (Archbishop) [1] (19480) 29105.png Adamantine Lv5 (29105)

29680.png Temporal Jewel (VIT) Lv 3 (29680)

4743.png VIT+4 (4743)

Obtainable from Old Glast Heim Challenge Mode

Most important is 29105.png Adamantine Lv5 (29105) as it gives lots of HP and DEF/MDEF. I have 29679.png Temporal Jewel (VIT) Lv 2 (29679) and 4700.png STR+1 (4700) in mine lul.

Headgear (Middle) 400002.png Victory Wing Ears [1] (400002)
  • %ACD
  • %ACD
Obtainable from Amicitia

You can enchant it with 100009.png Joy of Victory (100009) , which can be bought at Muzaszir

You will probably get the rest of your %ACD here.

Headgear (Low) 420017.png Young Leaf of World Tree (Strength) (420017) 4814.png Spell Lv2 (4814) Obtainable from Fall of Glastheim - Hard Mode

Enchant process in the same page.

Only get this if necessary for %VCT.

Armor +11 15393.png Gold Dragon Plate [1] (15393)
  • %HP
  • Doesn't matter
  • %Dragon Race Damage Reduction
Obtainable from Abyss Lake

Combos with 22208.png Dragon Scale Boots [1] (22208) and 20946.png Dragon Scale Hood [1] (20946) .

Gives lots of %ACD, ASPD, %VCT and some FCT.

Weapon +11 16099.png Rubber Hammer [2] (16099)
  • %VCT or
  • %Heal Effectiveness
Obtainable from (einbech 151, 251)

You can follow this page to enchant it.

Can give up to 20% VCT! If you have enough %VCT, you can get %Heal Effectiveness or just skip enchanting.

Shield +11 460018.png Illusion Silver Guard [1] (460018) 29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)

29010.png Rune of Vitality Lv2 (29010)

Obtainable from Illusion of Twins

+11 is for the enchantment's requirements.

Garment +11 20946.png Dragon Scale Hood [1] (20946)
  • %HP
  • Doesn't matter
  • %Dragon Race Damage Reduction
Obtainable from Abyss Lake
Shoes +11 22208.png Dragon Scale Boots [1] (22208)
  • %HP
  • Doesn't matter
  • %Dragon Race Damage Reduction
Obtainable from Abyss Lake
Accessory (Right) 32249.png Safety Pendant B [1] (32249) or 32248.png Safety Pendant R [1] (32248) There are 4 possible combinations. See what you need between %VCT and ASPD and choose.

All possible combos give %ACD and FCT.

Accessory (Left) 32251.png Safety Epaulet B [1] (32251) or 32250.png Safety Epaulet R [1] (32250) There are 4 possible combinations. See what you need between %VCT and ASPD and choose.

All possible combos give %ACD and FCT.

Total stats for this build without enchants:

Equipment %VCT %ACD FCT

Secret Build (WIP)

I hate when I say "I'll use 5278.png Competentia" and people just ignore, go away and then complain. That's why I started thinking about this build.

Slot Equipment Description Enchantment Note
Headgear (Top)
Headgear (Middle)
Headgear (Low)
Accessory (Right)
Accessory (Left)

Total stats for this build without enchants:

Equipment %VCT %ACD FCT

Not Even my Final Form Build (WIP)

I start to imagine what a real full FS build would be... then i remember there are another 6 builds from different classes that I already planned on building... all at the same time...

Slot Equipment Description Enchantment Note
Headgear (Top)
Headgear (Middle)
Headgear (Low)
Accessory (Right)
Accessory (Left)

Total stats for this build without enchants:

Equipment %VCT %ACD FCT

Costume Stones



Didn't give too much attention when i was making this build. If you have a recommendation you can DM me.

Equipment Card Description Note
Headgear (Top) 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) MaxHP +10%
Base VIT at least 100:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Poison elemental attacks by 1%.
Base VIT at least 130:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Poison elemental attacks by 3%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
MORE HP! Expensive because it is hard to farm.
4582.png Bungisngis Card (4582) For each 2 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +1%

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
MORE HP! Combos with 27351.png Rigid Sky Deleter Card (27351) . Loses to 2x 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) by 5% and some %Elemental Resist
27396.png Isaac Wigner Card (27396) Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
When equipped with Juergen Wagner Card and Agnes Lugenburg Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Small size and Brute race by 7%.
When equipped with Wolf Lugenburg Card and Poe Richard Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by 7%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 3%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
Some %ACD
Headgear (Middle) 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) MaxHP +10%
Base VIT at least 100:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Poison elemental attacks by 1%.
Base VIT at least 130:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Poison elemental attacks by 3%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
MORE HP! Expensive because it is hard to farm.
27351.png Rigid Sky Deleter Card (27351) MaxHP +5%
When equipped with Bungisngis Card:
MaxHP +5%

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
MORE HP! Combos with 4582.png Bungisngis Card (4582) . Loses to 2x 300174.png Melted Poring Card (300174) by 5% and some %Elemental Resist
27396.png Isaac Wigner Card (27396) Decreases After Cast Delay by 5%.
When equipped with Juergen Wagner Card and Agnes Lugenburg Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Small size and Brute race by 7%.
When equipped with Wolf Lugenburg Card and Poe Richard Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Medium size by 7%.
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 3%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Head Top
Weight: 1
Some %ACD
Armor 27114.png Ominous Solider Card (27114) MaxHP +10%
DEF +50
For each 3 Refine Levels:
MaxHP +1%
Base Level at least 160:
VIT +3
DEF +50

Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
MORE HP! and some DEF
300254.png Amitera Card (300254) MaxHP +10%
Base Level at least 200:
MaxHP +10%

Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
MORE HP! and some DEF
300376.png Two Eyes Dollocaris (300376) DEF +100, RES +50
Up to max +11 Refine Level:
MaxHP -30%, ATK -10%, MATK -10%
Refine Level +12:
MaxHP +30%, ATK +10%, MATK +10%
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
RES +50

Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
MORE HP! and some DEF and RES
Weapon 27308.png Heart Hunter Sanare Card (27308) Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%
Refine Level +9:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 3%.
Refine Level +11:
Increases Healing skills effectiveness by additional 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Right Hand
Weight: 1
%Heal Effectiveness
31021.png Dancing Marionette Card (31021) ATK -3%
Increases Attack Speed by 10%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Right Hand
Weight: 1
4608.png White Knight Card (4608) ATK +15
Increases Physical Damage against Medium and Large size by 20%.
When equipped with Khalitzburg Knight Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Medium and Large size by 15%.
Decreases damage taken from Medium and Large size by 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Right Hand
Weight: 1
%Size Damage Reduction combo with 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) . Choose between this and 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) combo. Whatever is cheaper.
27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384) MATK +15
Increases Magical Damage against Medium and Large size by 20%.
When equipped with Mutating Khalitzburg Card:
Decreases Physical and Magical Damage from Medium and Large size by additional 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Right Hand
Weight: 1
%Size Damage Reduction combo with 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) . Choose between this and 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) combo. Whatever is cheaper.
Shield 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) DEF +20
Decreases Damage taken from Medium and Large size by 25%.
When equipped with White Knight Card:
Decreases Damage taken from Medium and Large size by 5%.
Increases Physical Damage against Medium and Large size by 15%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
%Size Damage Reduction combo with 4608.png White Knight Card (4608) . Choose between this and 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) combo. Whatever is cheaper.
27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) MDEF +10
Decreases Physical and Magical Damage from Medium and Large size by 25%.
When equipped with Mutating White Knight Card:
Decreases Physical and Magical Damage from Large size by 5%.
Increases Magical Damage against Medium and Large size by additional 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
%Size Damage Reduction combo with 27384.png Mutating White Knight Card (27384) . Choose between this and 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) combo. Whatever is cheaper.
4253.png Alice Card (4253) Decreases damage taken from Boss class by 40%.
Increases damage taken from Normal class by 40%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
%Boss Damage Reduction
300230.png Diligent Andre Card (300230) For each Refine Level:
MaxHP +1%
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 20%.
When equipped with Diligent Andre Larva Card:
Increases Physical Damage against Insect race by 20%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
300233.png Diligent Deniro Card (300233) For each Refine Level:
MaxHP +1%
Decreases damage taken from Insect race by 20%.
When equipped with Diligent Andre Larva Card:
Increases Magical Damage against Insect race by 20%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
300465.png Elite Rgan Guardian Card (300465) STR +10, VIT +15, LUK -25
Decreases damage taken from monsters of every size by 20%.
Decreases Magical Damage against monsters of Holy, Shadow, Ghost and Poison element by 25%.
For each Refine Level:
DEF +20, RES +5
Refine Level +7:
Increases Physical Damage against monsters of Water, Wind, Earth and Fire element by 25%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Melee and Ranged Physical Damage by 10%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
Some HP, %Size Damage Reduction and some DEF/RES. It frees up 1 weapon card slot. Watch out for LUK values (Curse resistance)
300379.png Renovated Upper Rgan (300379) Decreases damage taken from enemies of every race, except Players, by 15%.
Up to max +11 Refine Level:
Increases damage taken from enemies of every size by 25%.
Refine Level +12:
Decreases damage taken from enemies of every size by 25%.
When Armor Level of compounded equipment is 2:
RES +50, MRES +50

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Hand
Weight: 1
Objectively better than 27385.png Mutating Khalitzburg Card (27385) / 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card (4609) combo, but needs shield refinement to be +12.

%Size Damage Reduction and %Race Damage Reduction and frees up 1 weapon card slot.

Garment 4646.png Infinite Chimera Card (4646) MaxHP +8%
MaxSP +4%
When equipped with Shoes compounded with one of the following cards:
Infinite Toad Card, Infinite Vagabond Wolf Card, Infinite Eclipse Card or Infinite Vocal Card:
ATK +10%
MATK +10%

Type: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
27292.png Ancient Stalactic Golem Card (27292) For each 10 base VIT:
MaxHP +150
Increases Attack Speed by 1%.
Base VIT at least 120:
Decreases After Cast Delay by additional 3%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Garment
Weight: 1
Mostly used for %ACD
Shoes 4381.png Green Ferus Card (4381) VIT +1
MaxHP +10%
When equipped with Cruiser Card, Anolian Card, Alligator Card and Dragon Tail Card:
DEX +5
Increases damage of Arrow Vulcan by 5%.
Increases damage of Musical Strike by 10%.
Increases damage of Throw Arrow by 10%.

When equipped by Bard or Dancer classes:
Random chance to auto-cast Level 2 Tarot Card of Fate when dealing melee physical attack.

Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
any 17.2 10% HP card

like 300081.png Assistant Bot Card (300081)

INT +2
MaxHP +10%
MaxSP +10%
Increases damage of Fire Ball by 25%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
Accessory (Right) 300076.png Broken Beta Guards Card (300076)

or any 17.2 10% HP card

VIT +3
MaxHP +10%
Increases damage of Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by 10%.
When equipped with Verporta Card and Senior Assistant Bot Card:
Increases damage of Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by 20%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of equipped Shoes:
Increases damage of Banishing Point by additional 5%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of equipped Weapon:
Increases damage of Cannon Spear by additional 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Accessory (Left) 27343.png Acolyte of Chaos Card (27343) Decreases After Cast Delay by 4%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Left Accessory
Weight: 1
Some %ACD
300076.png Broken Beta Guards Card (300076)

or any 17.2 10% HP card

VIT +3
MaxHP +10%
Increases damage of Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by 10%.
When equipped with Verporta Card and Senior Assistant Bot Card:
Increases damage of Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by 20%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of equipped Shoes:
Increases damage of Banishing Point by additional 5%.

For each 2 Refine Levels of equipped Weapon:
Increases damage of Cannon Spear by additional 5%.

Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1

Shadow Gear

You will use Eden's Advanced Paradise. It cost 230 Eden Coins to buy all pieces.

It gives 15% ACD and 10% VCT and 7% ASPD. REALLY cheap when compared to the Shadow Gears you would have to make.


Wouldn't bother getting one

What everyone should know, but sometimes go unnoticed

Shout out to Madame Celery for the good general tips guide for the MuhRO server (Madame Celery's Guide to MuhRO)

There you can find general equipment progression, level up spots suggestions, what to farm and where, what is a Refinement Ticket and how to get it, some notable cards that I definitely didn't look to make the card section of this guide.

You can use the refinement tickets in the 470094.png Hero Boots-LT [1] (470094) transformation and refinement of basically all equipment from the builds in this guide.